1、mg originchildadvance.Clothing originadditionThe originpumpkinaid to come down. Then JACK and the dlightedpersonside of thehave a holiday advance. If volchild saidevil circulated three chapters, letting.the demon promise to cast a spellso that JACK would never sin and let him down. After JACKSgivesu
2、gar, trick or treat. The adults ask the childrento go to the door to have a holidayouttogether (usually adults drivemust a I wavs waitHalloweencostumesoriginate from mischief, adults take theirchildren outtogether (usuallyLegend has it that a man named JACK is a drunk.Han loves mischief. One day JAC
3、K swindled the devil on the tree, and * immediately engraved a cross on the stump. The intimidatingdemon made him afryou willnot bedisturbed.have a lighted personHalloween costumes originate from mischief, adults take their childrengivesugar, trick or treat. The adults ask the childrento go to the door tooriginated in ancient Ireland