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1、 商务英语书信写作目 录第 二 章 商务业务信函范例.11第一节 资信调查函.111.咨询函.112响银行查询新客户资信情况.113.向客户查询信用及经营情况.114.带附表的资信调查函.125.资信调查有利回函,并 给 予 建 议.126.信用调查有利回函,告知敬请放心.127.资信调查不利回函,告知管理不善.138.信用调查不利回函,告 知 经 济 信 用 不 佳.139.表明无法提供确切意见而致歉.1310.请求老客户作为资信证人.13I I.要求对方提供资信资料.1412.同意试销前的资信要求.14第 二 节 促 销 函 .141.传感剃须刀广告海报.152.男 用 喔 宣 传 海 报

2、.153.香波的报纸广告.154.便携式小型冰箱宣传册.165.推荐地毯.176.推 荐 替 代 品.177.推荐新产品.178.一般性推销.189.描述产品.181().写给不经常联系的客户.1811.推销教育课程.1912.推销会议场所.1913.向老客户推销新产品.2014.为商贸指南征集广告.20第三节建立贸易关系.211.亲抵进行业务调查.212.咨询信.213.表达建立业务关系的意愿.214.参观展位后要求建立贸易关系.215.通过自荐信建立商务关系.226.要求推荐客户.227.由朋友介绍的公司.228.从广告中得知客户信息.239.索取资料.2310.寄送资料.2311.与过去

3、有贸易往来的公司恢复联系.2312.寻求电子制品合作伙伴.2413.寻求纺织品贸易伙伴.2414.进口商与出口商的联络信.2515.出口商与进口商的联络信.2516.接受建立业务关系函.2517.拒绝建立业务关系函.2618.回函拒绝申请交易.2619.要求对方刊登推销广告.2620.索取样品.2721.请求担任独家代理.2722.拒绝对方担任独家代理.2723.同意对方担任独家代理.2724.物色代理商.2825.欢迎新代理商.2826.要求试销.2827.同意试销.29第 四 节 价 格 谈 判.291.第一次询价.292.答复第一次询价.293.询问价格与优惠条款.304.答复价格,告知

4、优惠条款.305.问询到岸价格.306.答复价格并告知细节.317.中国进口商询盘.318.报同类产品虚盘.319.提供代用品报盘.3210.传 真 报 实 价.3211.最优惠报价.3212.中国出口商报盘.3313.国外出口商回复询盘.3314.答复网上询盘.3315.报虚盘.3416.报实盘.3417.折价优惠.3518.回复只能维持现价.3519.加价前优惠大客户.3620.还盘函.3621.返还盘函.3622.接受价格函.3723.涨价通知函.3724.说明涨价原因.3725.询价函.3826.对询价函的回函.3827.价目表范例.3828.回函拒绝还盘.39第 五 节 订 货.40

5、1.订 单 样 本.402.电子邮件订单.403.正式订购函.414.附寄订单的信函.415.通知接受订单.416.确认订单.417.试购函.428.确认收到订单.429.使用现金支票下订单.4210.使用交货付款方式下订单.431L使用信用卡订货.4312.通知有货,准备发运.4313.通知订货方暂无存货.4414.通知无法供货.4415.通知不能供全部货物.4416.建议同类型其他产品.4517.无法接受替代品.4518.拒绝接受订单.4519.对货物满意,再一次订货.4620.索取样品函.4621.同意送付样品函.4622.回函拒绝送付样品.4623.订货函.4724.回函接受订货.47

6、25.拒绝订单并推荐代替品.4726.催 促 下 订 单.48第 六 节 付 款.481.付款条款.482.开立汇票以支付装运费.483.要求变更汇票日期.484.要求对方开立包括各种费用的汇票.495.要求连同汇票寄来装船文件.496.同意变更汇票的付款条件.497.要求寄送装运的汇票及提单.498.通知对方愿意接受汇票.499.通知接受汇票,并要求迅速履行订货.4910.要求接受汇票并付款.501L提议变更付款条件.5012.建议使用见票后3 0天应付的信用证支付.5013.要求更易于接受的付款条款.5()14.答应改变付款方式.5115.要求银行开立信用证.5116.索取形式发票.511

7、7.寄送形式发票.5218.付款通知.5219.告知付款账户.5220.通知收到付款.5221.回函拒绝对方付款方式.5322.接受对方付款方式.53第 七 节 催 款.531.提醒欠款事宜.532.询问还款事宜.543.客气的催款函.544.询问未果,再次请求还款.545.用对方信用情况提醒对方.546.要 求 结清余额.547.要求付款,并付上新发票.558.三度索取欠款.559.再一次催款.5510.寄出欠款账单.5611.再度索取欠款.5612.告知账户资金不足.5613.答复客户延期付款要求.5614.正式电文催款.5715.已通知律师起诉.5716.最后通牒.5717.付款致谢函.

8、57第 八 节 包 装、装运和交货.57L说 明 发 货 流 程.572.关于包装要求.583.洽谈包装.584.告知已装运.585.要求装船时间.596.通知发运货物.597.通 知 货 物 抵 达.598.委托装船.599.指定木箱包装的材料及规格.6010.指定包装的材料、重 量 及 暖 头.601L对包装箱长度、唆头的指示.6012.对机器包装的详细指示.6013.海运包装的详细指示.6114.请注意包装,并减少费用.6115.免费再包装.6116.告知对方包装无误,要求以保费弥补损失.6117.告知对方已按照指示包装并交付船运.6118.通知对方转让装船文件的银行.6219.通知对方

9、已寄出装船文件.6220.运送数量不足,要 求 抓 紧 装 运.6221.因须取得特殊许可,故 延 迟 装 运.6222.要求更改目的港.6223.因生产设备的改进,提 前 交 货.6324.对延误装运而不满.6325.因延误装运而致歉.6326.收条.6327.告知对方货品抵达,随函附上支票.6428.装运申请书.6429.装货单.6430.装箱单样本.6531.托运人提供的情况.6532.询问装运.6633.催促装运.6634.告知已装运.66第九节索赔与理赔.67L投诉货物质量欠佳.672.投诉产品数量不足.673.投诉收到货物与订单不符.674.抱怨包装不良.685.对所称包装不良的答

10、复.686.首批到货不合格,保 留 索 赔 权.687.对商品质量不满,要 求 补 救.698.处理质量不满的投诉.699.为送错商品致歉.6910.为再次寄错商品规格致歉.7011.解释双方都有责任.7012.调解客户退货.7013.表示愿意调查事实 真 伪.7114.调查后做进一步 回 复.7115.破例进行理赔.7116.拒绝理赔.7217.说明包装无误,请对方向保险公司索赔.7218.因数量不一致,补运替代品.7219.通知对方运去替代品.7220.表明愿意为不良品质负责,并支付差额.7321.针对索赔,指责对方订货错误.7322.应付令人头痛的客户.7323.改善服务.73第 十 节

11、 商 标、说明书、合格 证 及 合 同 样 本.741.白鹤牌铅笔商标.742.长城牌地毯商标.743.凤凰牌双轮手扶拖拉机使用说明.744.叉车使用说明书.755.牡丹牌6 4 8型收音机说明书.766.微型电子计算器使用说明书.777.安替司丁药物使用说明书.788.太阳元气袋使用说明书.799.产品合格证.7910.装配合同.8()11.代理协议.8112.补偿贸易合同.83第 三 章 商务通用公文及社交公文.85第一节通告和启事.851.开业通告.852.扩张营业通告.853.设立分公司的通知.864.发布并购消息.865.迁址通告.866.公司重组启事.877.拆 伙 通 告.878

12、.招标通告.879.租赁注意事项.8810.商品大拍卖海报.8911.消防演习通知.8912.董事会会议通知及会议议程.8913.开会通知.9014.开业通告.9015.增加新合伙人.9016.合伙人退休.9017.布告形式的通知.9118.通知参观取消.9119.商标所有权通知.9120.支票遗失.9121.给顾客的通知.92第 二 节 公 司 人 事.921.晋 升 公 告.922.调动通知.933.自 荐 求 职 信.934.应征求职信.935.求职者熟人推荐函.946.面试通知函.947.录用通知函.948.工作接受函.949.工作拒绝函.9510.辞职信.951L 接受辞职.9512

13、.辞退员工.9613.褒奖员工.96第三节报告及介绍信.96L公 司管理改革方案报告.962.员工福利报告.973.加强保安措施报告.974.日常工作报告.985.销售情况调查报告.986.要求写报告的信函.997.研究报告的序文.998.业务介绍信.1009.正 式 报 告.10010.公司简介.101第四节邀请与约见函.1011.邀请参加交易会.1012.邀请参加开业庆典.1023.邀请参加年度销售会议.1024.邀请客户参观公司.1025.邀请参观贸易展览会.1026.正式邀请参观特展.1037.晚宴请柬.1038.便宴邀请.1039.邀请参加晚宴(非正式函)10310.非正式拒绝晚宴函


15、5.拒绝约见回函.110第五节祝贺与慰问.11()1.祝贺总经理任职.1102.祝贺晋升.1113.对祝贺晋升的回函.1114.贺成为董事会成员.1115.贺同事荣退.1116.贺员工生日.1127.祝贺新公司营业.1128.生病慰问信.1129.慰问家属.11210.表示怀念.11311.吊唁函.113第六节感谢与道歉函.113L感 谢客户订单.1132.感谢热情款待第三人.1143.感谢惠赐资料.1144.回复客户的感谢信.1145.感谢工作推荐人.1146.感谢客户推荐人.1157.感谢客户的付款和订单.1158.感谢客户的长期支持.1159.为逾期付款致歉.11510.为发货单上的错误

16、致歉.11611.为给别人带来不便公开致歉.H612.感谢别人盛情款待.11613.致谢大宗订单.117第二章商务业务信函范例第一节资信调查函1.咨询函Credit InformationDear Sirs,The under-mentionedfirm has recently asked if they could represent us in themarketing of our products in the United States as our sole agent:Friendship International Trade Co.Ltd.250 Royal RoadNew

17、 York,NY.30786We would be very grateful if you could let us have some information about thefinancial and business standing of the above firm.Any information that you may give would be treated in strict confidence and weawait your early reply.Yours faithfullyLi GangGeneral Manager2.向银行查询新客户资信情况(CONFI

18、DENTIAL)Dear Sirs,We have received an order for US$56 500 worth of goods from AtlanticElectronic C o.,Ltd,U.S.A.They have given us your bank as a reference.W e w idi toknow if they are good fbr this amount and in every way trustworthy and reliable.We shallbe most grateful for any information you giv

19、e us.We should of course treat as strictly confidential any advice you tell us and be onlytoo pleased to perform a similar service for you should the opportunity ever arise.Weenclose a stamped and addressed envelope fbr your reply.Yours faithfully,3.向客户查询信用及经营情况Dear Sirs:We will be obliged if you wi

20、ll kindly give us the information about credit standingof the Watson&Jones Newcastly International Trade Co.,Ltd.in your city.We understandthat you have regular transactions with the firm.So we take the liberty to ask you to giveyour views concerning the actual position of the firm in order that we

21、may take steps toavoid getting into trouble.Any information you give will be highly appreciated and kept in strictconfidence.We shall be pleased to reciprocate if you should need our services at thisend.We are awaiting your early reply.Yours faithfully,4.带附表的资信调查函Credit InformationDear Sir,We have r

22、eceived a sudden bid from the American Trading Co.,Ltd,600 MissionStreet,San Francisco,with which you are now doing business and the firm gives us yourname as a reference.We shall appreciate it if you will inform us of your own experiences with the firm byfilling in the blanks of the attached sheet

23、and returning it to us in the enclosedenvelope.Any information you may give us will be treated as strictly confidential andexpenses concerned from this inquiry will be gladly paid by us upon receipt of yourbill.Very truly Yours,(Attached Sheet)(l)How long have you been in business relations with the

24、 firm?(2)What credit limit have you placed on their account?(3)How promptly are terms met?(4)What amount is currently outstanding?5.资信调查有利回函,并给予建议Private&ConfidentialDear Sirs,Subject:The London Trading Co.,Ltd.In reply to your letter of August 18,we want to inform that we have now receivedfrom Barc

25、lay Bank of London the information you require.The London Trading Co.,Ltd.was founded in 1940 with a capital of 1 000 000pounds.Their chief line is in the import and export of textiles.Their business5 suppliers aresatisfied with them.We consider them good fbr business engagement up to an amount of3(

26、X)()0()pounds.For larger transations we suggest payment by sight L/C.The above information is strictly confidential and is given without anyresponsibility on this bank.Truly,6.信用调查有利回函,告知敬请放心Gentlemen,The firm mentioned in your letter of September 20 is one of the most responsibledealers of textile

27、goods.The company was established in 1948,and has supplied our firm with qualifiedgoods for over 20 years.They have always provided complete satisfaction with in-time delivery,moderateprices and superior quality.We believe that they may be rated as an A-Level company with which you can dealfreely.Of

28、 course,this is our personal opinion and we assume no responsibility in yourproposed business negotiations.We hope the above is satisfactory and will help you in making a decision.Very truly yours,MikeBusiness Manager7.资信调查不利回函,告知管理不善Private&ConfidentialDear Sirs,We have completed our enquiries conc

29、erning the company mentioned in your letterof May 18 and have to inform you to consider carefully the business with them.In the past three years,the company has experienced a serious difficulty in financeand delayed in executing their normal payment.lt seems to us that the companysdifficulties were

30、due to bad management and in paricular to overtrading.We would advise you to pay most careful attention to any business relations withthem.However,this is our personal opinion and we wish you to make further enquiries onyour part.Yours sincerely,8.信用调查不利回函,告知经济信用不佳Dear Sir,We are sorry to say that o

31、ur experiences with the company which you inquiredabout in your letter of June 17 have been unsatisfactory.It is true we were in business relations with the firm of the last two years and onseveral occasions we have had lots of trouble in effecting settlements.The company still owes$1 400 for purcha

32、se made over seven months ago.Theaccount is now in the hand of our attorneys for collection.May we ask that you treat this information as strictly confidential withoutresponsibility on our partVery truly yours,9.表明无法提供确切意见而致歉Private&ConfidentialDear Sirs,We regret our inability to let you know any p

33、ositive information concerning the firmin question in your letter of June 6.It is true that we had business with them during the past few years,but the amount ofbusiness was not so large that we can not supply any responsible opinion on the businesscapability and credit standing.We suggest you make

34、further status enquiries from other enquiry agencies.Yours truly,10.请求老客户作为资信证人Dear Mr Green,Thank you for your letter of November 2.We are delighted to hear that you are sopleased with the refurbishment of your hotel.As you know,in our line of work,we depend on good reports about our projects towin

35、 further business.Our clients always shop around and look fbr references beforecommitting themselves.We would like to use your hotel as a reference when we discuss similarrefurbishm ents in the hotel industry.W ould you agree to our suggesting thatfuture clients should call you?It would also be most

36、 helpful if we could occasionally bring a client to look at yourhotel.We would,of course,stay overnight at least.1 will call you next week to hear your reaction.Thanks again fbr you kind words.Yours sincerely,RobertManager11.要求对方提供资信资料Dear Sirs,We are very glad to receive your fax inquiry.Since it i

37、s the first time we contact,wewould be highly appreciated if you could provide us your bank name and address.We realize the types of IC you need,but we do not know the specification yourequire for that IC such as the voltage,current.Could you please tell us the purpose of thisIC?The fax you send us

38、is not very clear for the wording part.Therefore,please fax itagain(no need for graph).We wish we could provide the best services to you.Sincerely yours,12.同意试销前的资信要求Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of 10th March.We are gratified to receive your request formen and womens raincoats on approval.As

39、we have not previously done business together,perhaps you will kindly agree tosupply either the usual trade references,or the name of a bank to which we may refer.Assoon as these enquiries are satisfactorily settled,we shall be happy to send you the itemsyou mention in your letter.We sincerely hope

40、this will be the beginning of a long and pleasant businessassociation.We shall do our best to make it so.Yours,第 二 节 促 销 函1.传感剃须刀广告海报GILIETTE SENSORThe only razor that senses and adjusts to the individual needs of your face.Gillette Sensor:the shave personalized to every man.It starts with twin blad

41、es,individually and independently mounted on highlyresponsive springs.So they continuously sense and automatically adjust to theinciiv idual curves and unique needs of your fece.Innovation is everywhere.You can feel it in the textured ridges and the balance of theSensor razor.You appreciate it in th

42、e easy loading system and the convenient shavingorganizer.Even rinsing is innovative,the new blades are 50%narrower than anyothersallowing water flow freely around and through them,for effortless cleaning andrinsing.All these Sensor technologies combine to give your individual face apersonalized sha

43、ve-the closest,smoothest,safest,most comfortable.The best shave a man can get.Gillette2,男用者理宣传海报YOU MANAGE A BUSINESS,STOCKS,BONDS,PEOPLEAND NOW YOU CAN MANAGE YOUR HAIRFor the first time theres a remarkable gel that can give your hair any look youwant-sieeker,fu 1 ler,straighter,curlier,more natura

44、l,even wet-without a drop of alcoholor oil.lt gets your hair into shape in the morning and kdfipdetr,control allday.Whatever your management style,Maltplexx is for you.Get the full facts at theAramis counter.AramisMaltplexx natural hair gel for men3,香波的报纸广告WHY YOUR FAVORITE SHAMPOO WILL WORKBETTER I

45、F YOU STOP USING IT FOR 14 DAYSIfs so frustrating!The very shampoo that has always left your hair so silky andclean,the shampoo you depend on gradually,then noticeably,stop working.That fresh-airsoftness you prize so much in clean hair is gone.Your hair feels limp and looks dull.Whatis happening?Why

46、 the change?6tShampoo build-upis the reason.Each washing,even with fine expensive shampoos of conditioners,leavesa4residue,a tell-tale problem that has now been measured precisely in laboratorystudies.Recent tests on 1()quality shampoos show that residue accumulates each time youshampoo.Its a fact o

47、f hair life.To rid your hair of this unwelcome build-up you must switch to a shampoo withsuperior rinsabilityeven if it9s just a temporary change,move to shampoo that have theability to revitalize your hair and leave it thoroughly clean.Choose one that will do thejob greatly.And dont put it off.Sham

48、poo build-up is more than unattractive.lt can destroythe soft feel of your hair.its manageability.and it can eventually damage the hairitself.Which shampoo rinses the best?In laboratory tests of 1()qualityshampoos,Neutrogena shampoo was rated No.1,and demonstrated consistently superiorrinsability wi

49、th almost no built-up itself.So Neutrogena removes the most build-up in a single washing and,equallyimportant,leaves a negligible trace of residue compared to all the other shampoostested.If you feel you need to revitalize your hair,try Neutrogena shampoo for just14 days.Think of it as a refreshing6

50、4vacation,.and afterwards your hair wiHgainrespond happily to your favorite shampoo.Use Neutrogena whenever you need to get your hair really clean.Then yourfavourite shampoo will continue to be your favourite.lt is suitable for all hair types andmay be used on permed,dyed hair.Neutrogena shampoo is


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