1、释义:例句:例句:例句:释义:构词:例句:例句:例句:第u i组oaktsuk橡树the knotty roots of the old oak tree盘根错节的老橡树根a gnarled old oak tree多节瘤的老橡树The drawing room is particularly notable for its splendid oak panelling.客厅富丽堂皇的橡木镶板特别引人注目.您还可以临摹下单词:Ioffend9 fend冒犯of 一再+fend打击一再打击别人一 得罪Perhaps,unconsciously,Ive done something to offe
2、nd her.我也许无意中做了什么得罪她的事。He took care never to offend his visitors.他小心谨慎,绝不得罪他的访客.释义:例句:例句:例句:释义:例句:例句:I think I never offend you.我想我从没有触犯过你.您还可以临摹下单词:Ion timeon taim准时Barring accidents,we should arnve on time.除非有意外情况,我们应可按时到达。He made a concentrated effort to finish the work on time.他全力以赴以按时完成这项工作。Ple
3、ase make every endeavour to arrive on time.请尽全力按时到达。您还可以临摹下单词:Ionline联机的Online shopping is both cheap and convenient.网上购物既便宜又方便。An online tutorial is provided.在线辅导可供查阅。例句:Online security is being built in to the system,not tagged on.联机安全措施正被内置在系统中,不是外加的.您还可以临摹下单词:Iorder o:d9释义:命令例句:An ive two days e
4、arly in order to acclimatize.提前两天到达以便适应新环境。例句:The names on the list are in alphabetical order.名单上的名字是按字母顺序排列的。例句:Write clear definitions in order to avoid ambiguity.释义要写清楚以免产生歧义。您还可以临摹下单词:Iorganized oigsnaizd释义:有组织的例句:例句:例句:I have organized the cleaning on a day-to-day basis,until our usual cleaner returns.我已安排了在清洁工回来之前每天的清洁工作。an organized body of workers一个有组织的工人团体She objects to the ritual of organized religion.她反对有组织宗教的仪规。您还可以临摹下单词:I