1、乐山市高中 2024 届教学质量检测 英语参考答案及 评分意见2023.7第 卷(共 100 分)第一部 分(共 20 小题;每小 题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)1-5 BCACC 6-10 BAABA 11-15 ACACC 16-20 BBCAB 第二部 分 第一节(共 15 小 题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)21-25 BDBAB 26-30 CABDC 31-35 ACABD第二节(共 5 小 题;每小题 2,满分 10)36-40 CFBEG 第三部 分 第 一 节(共 20 小题;每小 题 1.5 分,满 分 30 分)41-45 CBADC 46-50 CBDAB 51-
2、55 BACAD 56-60 ABCDD 第 卷(共 50 分)第二节(共 10 小 题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)61.markets 62.making 63.At 64.largest 65.generated66.gradually 67.operated 68.to rise 69.a 70.which第四 部分 第一节(共 10 小 题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)Dear friends,How time flies!It had been two weeks since you came to my school for the exchange program,
3、has launching to promote communication and cooperation between our two schools.launched During the past two weeks,we have studied and lived in a same place,which has enabled us the know each other better.Do sports together on the playground gives us an opportunity to promote to Doing our friendship.
4、That has impressed us most is your art show,in which you showed outstanding talent.What 带 格 式 的:下划线I believe the program is of greatly benefit to the students in my school.great At last,on behalf of all the students in your school,I wish you a safe journey at home.And I my also sincerely expect more
5、 program like this in the future.programs 第二节 书面 表达(满分25 分)(一)评分 原则1 本题 总分 为 25 分,按 5 个档次 给分。2 评分时,先根 据文章 所 表达的 要点和 语言质 量初 步确定 其所属 档次,然后 以该档 次的要求 来衡 量,确定 或调 整档次,最 后给 分。3 词数 少于 80 或多 于 120 的,从 总分 中减 去 2 分。4 评分时,应注 意的主 要 内容为:内容 要点、应用 词汇和 语法结 构的数 量和 准确性 以及上下 文的 连贯 性。5 拼 写与 标点 符号 是语 言准 确 性的 一个 方面,评分时,应
6、视其 对交 际的 影响程 度 予以 考虑。英、美 拼写 及词 汇用 法均可 接受。6 如书 写较 差以 致影 响交 际,可 将分 数,降低 一个 档次。(二)内容 要点 1.恰当的开头、结尾;2.活动目的;3.活动情况;4.对活动的看 法。三)各档次的给分范围和 要求第五档(2125 分):完 全 完成了 试题 规定 的任 务,完全达 到了 预期 的写 作目 的。一覆盖 所有 内容 要点。一应用 了较 多的 语法 结构 和词汇。一语法 结构 或词 汇方 面有 些许错 误,但为 尽力 使用 较复杂 结构 或较 高级 词汇 所致;具备较强的 语言 运用 能力。一有效 地使 用了 语句 间的 连接成
7、 分,使全 文结 构紧 凑。第四档(1620 分):完成 了试题 规定 的任 务,达到 了预期 的写 作目 的。虽漏掉 一两 个次 重 点,但 覆盖 所有 主要 内容。应用的 语法 结构 和 词汇能 满足 任务 的要 求。一语法结构 或词 汇方 面应用 基本 准确,些 许错 误主要 是因 尝试 较复 杂 语法结 构或 词汇 所致。应用简 单的 语句 间 的连接 成分,使 全文 结构 紧凑。第三档(1l15 分):基 本完成 了试 题规 定的 任务,基本 达到 了预 期的 写作 目的。一虽漏掉一 些内 容,但覆盖 所有 主要 内容。一应用的语 法结 构和 词汇能 满足 任务 的要 求。有一些 语
8、法 结构 或 词汇方 面的 错误,但 不影 响理解。应用简 单的 语句 间 的连接 成分,使 全文 内容 连贯。第二档(610 分):未 适 当完成 试题 规定 的任 务,信息未 能清 楚地 传达 给读 者。一漏掉或未 描述 清楚 一些主 要内 容,写了 一些 无关内 容。一语法结构 单调、词 汇项目 有限。有一些 语法 结构 或 词汇方 面的 错误,影 响了 对写作内 容的 理解。一较少使用 语句 间的 连接成 分,内容 缺少 连贯 性。第一档(15 分):未完 成试题 规定 的任 务,信息 未能传 达给 读者。明显遗 漏主 要内 容,写了 一些 无关 内容,原 因可能 是未 理解 试题 要
9、求。一语法结构 单调、词 汇项目 有限。一较多语法 结构 或词 汇方面 的错 误,影响 对写 作内容 的理 解。一缺乏 语句 间的 连接 成分,内容 不连 贯。不得分(0 分):未 能传 达 给读者 任何 信息:内容 太 少,无法 评判;写的 内容 均与所 要求内容无 关或 所写 内容 无法 看清。五One possible version:Dear James,Im glad to share with you a wonderful activity:we held a charity bazaar!Our school has set up a grant fund for studen
10、ts who study hard.Last week,all my classmates donated something to give a help for that fund,including books,sports equipment and even our DIY objects.Then,an auction fair was on stage,with students and teachers as“bidders”.At last,we raised over 3,000 yuan!I think this activity is quite meaningful.
11、It helps the poor students to relieve their financial burden.Besides,it shows that every can give a hand to create a better world together.How do you think about it?Yours,Li Hua 附:听力原文(Text 1)W:Why are you so depressed,Tommy?M:The boss gave me so much work to do!I was working until 10 oclock yesterd
12、ay.And it has not been finished!W:Why dont you talk to your boss?M:I did.But he just said he couldnt find another person to help me.Im really feeling down especially on such a rainy day.(Text 2)W:Hey,Mike,how much is the bill?M:The two chicken sandwiches cost 30 dollars.And the two Cokes cost 10 dol
13、lars.W:Thats great.Lets divide the bill in half.(Text 3)M:When did you decide to be a school teacher,Kate?W:When I was in middle school,I had a history teacher whom I liked very much.I wanted to be like her.M:What made her so special?To tell you the truth,my teacher just taught names and dates.(Text
14、 4)M:Did you see what that guy did?A U-turn right in the middle of the block and almost hit a kid on a bicycle!W:Oh,I cant believe drivers behave like that!We are seeing more and more crazy people not obeying traffic rules.(Text 5)M:Good morning!Whats the emergency?W:I fell off my bike while riding.
15、My leg is painful.Ouch!lt hurts.M:Dont worry.Lie down,please.I will check it.(Text6)W:Did you go to the basketball game on Friday?M:No I couldnt make it.I was busy doing my paper.W:You missed a really good game.M:Oh,really?Which school won?W:Of course our school did.They played really well.M:Too bad
16、 I was busy.The next game,I will definitely be there.(Text7)M:Good morning.We are doing a survey on shopping choices.Would you mind answering a few quick questions?W:No,go ahead.M:Can you tell me whether you wash your hair six times a week,five times a week or less?W:Usually,every day.M:Do you alway
17、s buy the same brand of shampoo?W:Um,I tend to buy a different one each time.M:So are you influenced by the shape of the bottle or the publicity?W:I think I usually focus on value for money.I dont take much notice of the advertising or what the bottle looks like.M:Thank you for your answer.(Text8)W:
18、We need to start saving money for a rainy day.M:Yeah,I know,but we still need to live too.I dont want to work just to save and entertainment matters,you know.W:Honey,I understand your point.But isnt it true that you will be a father soon?You must agree that we have to knit a safe net for our kids as
19、 well as for ourselves.How about saving 20%of all our earnings and putting it in the bank?M:Um Yes,honey.Um But 20%sounds too high.How about 10%?W:Oh,dear.I had meant the number to be 40%.Actually 20%is nothing if we cut down on takeaway food and start cooking at home.Imagine if we start saving and
20、keeping at least 20%in the bank now,we will have enough money to retire comfortably.Oh,what a nice picture that would be!M:Yes,honey,you are right.I just dont think about retirement too often.W:And if we dont put money in the bank now,we will have to work right up until the day we die.Surely you don
21、t want to be working in your 70s,right?M:Oh,I am so lucky to have you,honey.Lets write down a saving plan together.(Text9)W:Sorry,I am late,Tom.M:Its all right Rita.Where have you been?W:At the police station.I have lost my handbag.Or perhaps someones taken it.I dont know.M:Oh no!What happened?Sit d
22、own.Was there anything important in it?W:Important!My checkbook,all the papers I need for work.M:Oh,thats terrible!But how did you lose it?W:Well,as you know,I was with a friend all morning and we had lunch together.After I had lunch,I went shopping.And when I wanted to buy something,I couldnt find
23、my checkbook.Then I remembered that it was in my handbag.And my handbag was in my car.M:So you went back to your car.W:But I didnt find it there.M:And you went to the police station?W:Not immediately.Before I went to the police station,I called my friends office.No luck.M:You should go to the restau
24、rant where you had lunch and look for it.W:Oh,I should have done that.M:Now youd better telephone the manager right away.(Text10)As you can see from the signs,this was Medburys old cheese market.People used to bring cheese and butter and things here to sell.But since 1982,this has been a craft marke
25、t.If you want to take presents home,there are plenty of things to choose from,like these hand-painted T-shirts or those traditional baskets.This town was well-known for its leather goods,especially shoes.That long building over there was the factory where they were made.Its become a museum because m
26、ost of their shoes we buy now are made abroad.If you need to change some money before you go shopping,you will find a bank over there beside the cinema.If that one is busy,theres another one,but its a few minutes walk-its opposite the park.We will meet at 4:30.We are taking the coach back to London today as we want to visit somewhere else on the way back.But if you come here again from London,the quickest way is by train.The station is just down the road.You can just see the taxi outside.