1、Simile is likening (the act of comparing) of one thing to another, a statement of the resemblance (相似之处)of objects, acts, or relations.掌握明喻的用法,最需要的是锻炼自己的想象力,能够从两个事物、行为等中找 到相似之处。因此修辞篇的系列文章都会以举例为主,大家尽可能地去感受用法,然后去观察 生活。例 1. In his awful anger he was like the storm-driven waves dashing against the rock.
2、他生气时就像风暴卷起的巨浪拍打在礁石上。例2.下面做一个对比:His memory is like wax to receive impressions and like marble to retain them.他的记忆就像软化的蜡能包裹一切,也像坚硬的大理石历久弥新。同样的意思,不用比喻就变成了 His memory is good.很单调乏味。例 1. Ice cream sundaes are my favorite!例 2.What a cute puppy!例 3. How bright theyve grown in the sunlight!例 4. Im so mad ri
3、ght now!例 5. Youre such a liar!注意事项:感叹句通常在结尾加感叹号,以表达强烈情绪,以及紧急程度。但过度使用感叹 号,容易与其他情绪混淆,如愤怒与沮丧。例1:1 cant believe that!(这句话在不同语境下,可以被解读出惊叹、气愤等情绪.)例2: I need more coffee!(这句话在加感叹号后,带了命令的口吻)1 .比喻如果使用不当,就会降低文章档次,且让人不明所以。As: His face was like a danger signal in a fog storm.他的脸就像浓雾中的警 示灯。(也许写这个句子的人想表达他的脸看不清,但
4、是表达的很ambiguous (含 糊不清),不如不用). The objects compared must be of diffrent classes.比喻的原型和比作的内容应该是不同类型的事物。2 . Avoid old trite(boring) similes such as comparing a hero to a lion. 避免使用俗气的比喻,如把英雄比作狮子。3 .避免绕很大的弯来比喻说明一件事viz. Her head was glowing as the glorious god of day when he sets in a flambeau(烧火棍)of spl
5、endor behind the purple-tinted hills of the West.绕了一大圈说明头发的颜色,倒不如直接说:She had fiery red hair.简而言之,修辞的使用应当谨慎,免得闹出笑话。用的恰如其分就如锦上添花, 不恰当则是画蛇添足了。Personification is the treating of an inanimate object as if it were animate and is probably the most beautiful and effective of all figures.拟人就是将无生命的物体人格化,这可能是最
6、优美,效果最好的修辞手法。修辞篇的系列文章都会以举例为主,大家尽可能地去感受用法,然后去观察生活。例 1. The mountains sing together, the hills rejoice(to feel very happy) and clap their hands.群山在歌唱,而小山丘们也高兴的鼓起了掌。例 2. Earth felt the wound; and Nature from her seat, Signing, through all her works, gave sighs of woe.地球受到了创伤,大自然也也通过她的创造在叹息所收到的伤痛。同样的情境,
7、用了拟人的修辞手法,更加动人。1. When personality is ascribed to the inanimates as in the foregoing examples如前面的例子,拟人运用在无生命的物体身上。(The city never sleeps.不夜城)2. When some quality of life is attributed to the inanimate; asz a raging storm; an angry sea; a whistling wind, etc.拟人将物体人格化。如 狂怒的风暴,暴烈的海洋,和吹着口哨的风等。其实,用拟人造句再简
8、单不过。如:My eyes are complaining for staying up late.我的眼睛因为熬夜在抱怨。或 My alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed every morning.我的闹钟每天早上大喊着叫我起床。A metaphor is a word used to imply a resemblance but instead of likening one object to another as in the simile we directly substitute the action or operation of
9、 one for another.隐喻是用一个词来指出事物间的相似之处,但不同于比喻-A像B ,隐喻直接说A 是B。修辞篇的系列文章都会以举例为主,大家尽可能地去感受用法,然后去观察生活。对比明喻和隐喻 例 1. If a man is religious, we say, He is as a great pillar upholding the church.1如果一个人是教徒,我们说他就像支撑教堂的支柱。”这个表达是明喻,里面有好像这个词。But if we sayHe is a great pillar upholding the church.,但如果我们说,他是支撑教堂的支柱,这个
10、表达便是隐喻,因为句中用支柱直接替换了主语他.例2.隐喻在日常使用中很常见,如我们经常有这样的表达The bed of a river 河床The shoulder of a hill 山脊The hands of a clock 钟摆刺Allegory is a form of expression in which the words are symbolical of something. It is very closely allied to the metaphor, in fact is a continued metaphor.讽喻是一种利用意象来表明观点的修辞,不直接指出要说
11、明的对象,但通过象征性的意 象使要传达的内容变得明显。它与隐喻很像,事实上也就是就是一种延续性的隐喻。修辞篇的系列文章都会以举例为主,大家尽可能地去感受用法,然后去观察生活。对比讽喻,隐喻和比喻共同点:都是基于主题和意象间的相似性例 1. Ireland is like a thorn(荆棘)in the side of England.(句中出现了 like,所以是比喻。 本句使用thorn喻指爱尔兰与英格兰关系不和)例 2. Ireland is a thorn in the siede of England.(句中用了 is-就是,因而是隐喻)例 3. Once, a great gia
12、nt sprang up out the sea and lived on an island all by himself.(指英格 兰) On looking around he discovered a little girl on another small island near by.(指爱尔 兰)He thought the little girl could be useful to him in many ways so he determined to make her subservient to his will.(服从于他的意志)He commanded her, b
13、ut she refused to obey, then he resorted to (依靠,采用)very harsh measures with the little girl, but she still remained obstinate and obdurate.(顽固的, 执拗 的) He continued to opress her until finally she rebelled and became as a thorn in his side to prick him for his evil attitude toward her.自译:从前,有一个巨人慢慢崛起
14、,并独自生活在一个岛屿上,有一天,他环视周围, 发现了旁边岛屿上住了个小女孩,他想这个小女孩用处大啊,所以他决定征服她。他命令小女孩,但她拒绝服从,然后他就换了很恶劣的态度对待她,但小女孩非常倔强。 他不断压迫小女孩直到小女孩奋起反抗,最后,变成了他身边的一根刺,因他早时的恶 劣态度时不时地刺他。(上段落为讽喻。不同于比喻和隐喻明确指出爱尔兰和英格兰的名字,讽喻无需挑明 小女孩和巨人分别代表什么,但是当地人或通晓历史的人,读完自然会心一笑。) Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the wh
15、ole or vice versa.是用局部代表整体或用整体代表局部的修辞手段。Joseph Devlin 对提喻的解释:synecdoche is a figure of speech which expresses either more or less than it literally denotes.当我们运用提喻时,我们所要表达的意思有可能比借助的意象的内涵多或者少。修辞篇的系列文章都会以举例为主,大家尽可能地去感受用法,然后去观察生活。例1. The world treated him badly.(这个例子里所指的世界仅代表句子中 他 的经历,比 单词所代表的字面含义窄。)例2
16、. One of his hands was assassinated.(他的一大臂助被刺杀了。在这里hand用于指 一个人,其含义比单词字面含义要广。)例3.Outside,(there is) a sea of faces.(以人体的局部代全体,即以faces表示people)例4. Have you any coppers?(以材料代事物,即以copper铜板 喻指money)例5. They share the same roof.(以部分代全体,即用roof屋顶,表示house屋子、住宅) 你来识别一下下列句子是如何使用提喻的吧1. He is the Newton of this
17、century.2. It was reported that China won the volleyball match.3. Life was a wearing to him.Metonymy is the designation of an object by one of its accompaniments, in other words, it is a figure by which the name of one object is put for another when the two are so related that the mention of one rea
18、dily suggests the other.换喻着重的是事物本身的特点或它与其他事务之间的特殊关系,基本是利用A事 物的某一显著特征来指认该事物,基本不涉及事物特征的转移。如:花白胡子恍然大悟似的说。(鲁迅,药)其中,花白胡子”是个换喻, 替代有花白胡子的人,而花白胡子是本体的鲜明特征之一。修辞篇的系列文章都会以举例为主,大家尽可能地去感受用法,然后去观察生活。例 1. Gray hairs should be respected.(用白发代替老人。)例2. The Oval Office was busy in work.(此处椭圆办公室指其中的工作人员。)例3. The pen is
19、mightier than the sword.(以笔代替文字,剑代替武力。)例 4. England decides to keep check on immigration.(以英格兰替代政府)例 5. Let me give you a hand.(以手替代帮助)区分 Metonymy(换喻),Synecdoche(提喻),and Met叩hor(隐喻)Metonymy is often confused with another figure of speech called “synecodoche.” These devices resemble one another, but
20、are not the same. Synecdoche refers to a thing by the name of one of its parts. For example, calling a car ua wheel55 is a synecdoche, as a part of a car - the “wheel” -stands for the whole car.In a metonymy, on the other hand, the word we use to describe another thing is closely linked to that part
21、icular thing, but is not a part of it. For example, the word “crown“ is used to refer to power or authority is a metonymy. It is not a part of the thing it represents.Metonymy is also different from a metaphor, which draws resemblance between two different things. For instance, in the sentence, You
22、are sunlight and I moon,(Sue and Moon by Miss Saigon), sunlight and the moon, and humans are quite different things without any association. However, metaphor attempts to describe one thing in terms of another based on a supposed similarity.夸张:Hyperbole (from the Greek hyper, beyond, and ballein, to
23、 throw), is an exaggerated form of statement and simply consists in representing things to be either greater or less, better or worse than they really are. Its object is to make the thought more effective by overstating it.夸张是一种夸大形式的表述,表述中真实事物会变得更大或更小,更好或更坏。使用夸张的目的是通过程度的夸大让想法变得更加明了。 e.g. This must b
24、e the best burger in the world.这一定是世界上最好吃的汉 堡。(通过夸大的表达,让说者对食物的赞美变得清晰明了)修辞篇的系列文章都会以举例为主,大家尽可能地去感受用法,然后去观察生活。例 1. He was so tall that his head touched the clouds.例 2. He was as thin as a poker, (poker 烧火棍)例 3. He was so light that a breath might have blown him away.例 4. I am so hungry that I could eat
25、 a horse.例 5. I have told you to clean your room a million times!感叹An exclamatory sentence makes a statement that conveys strong emotionor excitement. Placing that tiny stripe above a period at the end of a sentence can really rock the boat!感叹多见于诗歌、演讲中,表达强烈的感情。Viz in describing a towering mountain, we can write Heaven, what a piece of natures handiwork! How majestic!如描述一座高耸的山峰,我们可以写,天啊,这真是大自然的鬼斧神工!多么雄 伟!修辞篇的系列文章都会以举例为主,大家尽可能地去感受用法,然后去观察生活。(以下例子包含了感叹句中常见的陈述句型、what/how句型、such等)