1、黑龙江绥化市三年(2 0 2 0-2 0 2 2)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编0 3 阅读单选&阅读判断&阅读回答问题&多任务混合阅读&其他一、阅读单选(2 0 2 2 黑龙江绥化)根据短文内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案Welcome to Sunsh i ne FarmHello,every one!We are famous for our fresh anddeli ci ous tomatoes.Do y ou w ant to come h ere?We i nvi te y ou to vi si t th efarm and enj oy our pro
2、ducts.A l 1 th e customers w i ll h ave a safe open-ai renvi ronment.You can h ave a g ood ti me h ere.Th e follow i ng i nstructi ons mayh elp y ou.T o pi ck th e tomatoes,y ou need to make a reservati on(预约)from 8a.m.to 5 p.m.th e day before th e pi cki ng day on our w ebsi te.It i snecessary.N o
3、petsare allow ed on th e farm.Y o u canuse y our baskets or buy ours.A basket only costs tw o yuan.Th e tomatoes are 1 5 yuan for one ki lo.I f y ou bri ng y our ch i ldren h ere,th ey must stay close to y ou.Runni ngh ere and th ere i s not allow ed.We h ope th ey can follow th e farm rules.I n ord
4、er to stay safe and h ealth y,please don,t come to th e farm i fy ou are i ll.1.If y ou g o to th e farm on Feb.2 5 th,y ou can make a reservati on at.A.9 a.m.on Feb.2 3 rd B.2 p.m.on Feb.2 4 th C.7 a.m.on Feb.2 4 th2.A ccordi ng to th e passag e,w e can t take to th e farm.A.a ph one B.a basket C.a
5、 dog3.On th e farm,ch i ldren are allow ed to.A.stay close to th ei r parentsB.run every w h ereC.play w i th th ei r pets4.You sh ould pay for 2 ki los of tomatoes on Sunsh i ne Farm.A.1 5 yuan B.1 0 yuan C.3 0 yuan5.Th e i nstructi ons are most probably from _.A.a sh opper B.a farm ow ner C.a w ai
6、 ter第1页 共2 7页(2021 黑龙江绥化)根据短文内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案Have fun In Reborn Fitness Center!Reborn Fitness Center is offering a discount!Wehave excellent coaches,wonderful facilities and a swimming pool to help you keep fit.Call 337-433-9420 to book tickets.Business hours:M onday Friday 9:00 am 8:0
7、0 pmSaturday&Sunday 10:00 am 6:00 pmWe have two kinds of tickets to meet your needs:Ticket AYou can exercise threehours a day,seven days aweek.We provide:All the facilities.Shower.Cost:60 a monthY500 a yearFor summer vacation(July lst-August 31st):90(Student ID cardnecessary)Ticket BYou can exercise
8、 as long as you like a day,sevendays a week.We provide:All the facilities.Shower.Swimming.Dances with teachers.Professional coaches an hour a day to direct you.Cost:180 a month 1600 a yearFor summer vacation(July 1st-August 31st):260(Student ID card necessary)The discount lasts only two weeks.Please
9、 Book Early!Word bank:fitness 健身discount 打折facilities 设施6.The main purpose of the passage is to.A.introduce the cost of a fitness center第2页 共2 7页B.advi se y ou to book fi tness ti cketC.tel 1 y ou h ow to keep fi t7.How can y ou keep i n touch w i th th e fi tness center?8.If y ou are free on w eeke
10、nds,y ou d better g o to th e fi tness center at.A.9:0 0 am B.8:0 0 pm C.2:0 0 pm9.B oth Ti cket A and Ti cket B provi deA.sh ow er and sw i mmi ng B.faci li ti es and sw i mmi ng C.faci li ti es and sh ow er1 0.A s a student,y ou can save i f y ou w ant to book Ti cket A for th e summervacati on.A.
11、4 0 B.3 0 C.4 8 0(2 0 2 0 ,黑龙江绥化)Wi th th e development of sci ence and tech nolog y,our dai ly li fe i sbecomi ng more colorful and more conveni ent.Th e B ook-less Li brary C an y ou i mag i new alki ng i nto a li brary and fi ndi ng allbooks h ave turned i nto computers?Th efi rst book-less publi
12、 c li brary i splanned to open i n San A ntoni o,Tex as.C omputers w i ll take th e place of bookssoon.Goog le C lassGoog le Glass i s a pai r of g lassesw i th a battery (电池)h i dden i nsi de th e frame(边框).It can carry out many of th e same tasks assmart ph ones.Th e g lass h as a h i dden camera
13、and ati ny screen.It i s desi g ned to take h ands-freeph otos or vi deos of any th i ng people are doi ng.A New Ki nd of Sh i rtHate w ash i ngcloth es?You,re g oi ng to love th i s ki nd ofsh i rt made by an A meri can cloth i ngcompany,Wool&Pri nce.Th i s sh i rt canbe w orn for 1 0 0 strai g h t
14、 day s w i th outw ash i ng!Th e Wool&Pri nce sh i rt neverneeds i roni ng (熨烫).A n Underw ater HotelIt looks li ke a spacesh i pbut i t i s actually a pi cture of an underw aterh otel.A company plans to bui ld i n th e sea w h i chi s about 1 8 meters below th e surface.Th e w h olebui ldi ng i s u
15、nderw ater and y ou can g et to i t bysw i mmi ng and di vi ng.根据短文内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案第3页 共2 7页1 1.Wh at can a Goog le Glass do?A.It can be used for dri nki ngB.It can read a book li ke a man.C.It can take ph otos and vi deos.1 2.If y ou don t w ant to w ash cloth es often,w h at w i ll y
16、 ou buy?A.Th e Wool&Pri nce sh i rt.B.Th e Ni ke C loth es.C.Th e tradi ti onal cloth es.1 3.Wh at does th e underli ned w ord h ands free mean i n th e passag e?A.You don,t h ave h ands at all.B.Your h ands don,t cost money.C.You don,t need to use y our h ands.1 4.How do people enter an underw ater
17、 h otel?A.B y taki ng a boat.B.B y sw i mmi ng or di vi ng.C.B y w alki ng i nto i t.1 5.Wh at may be th e best ti le for th e passag e?A.New Inventi ons B.New Problems C.New Di scoveri es二、阅读判断(2 0 2 2 黑龙江绥化)根据短文内容判断对错,对 的 选“T”,错的选“F”。Wh en w e feel h ung ry,w e can take out our ph ones and order s
18、ome food easi ly.Wh en w eneed to take a tax i,w e can also use our ph ones to book one.It,s so easy.B ut w h at w i llh appen to th e old w h o don,t know h ow to use a smartph one?Wi th th e development of tech nolog y,our li festy le h as been ch ang ed a lot.Lots ofth i ng s can be done th roug
19、h th e Internet,such as sh oppi ng,buy i ng ti ckets and so on.Newapps are easy for th e y oung,w h i le th ey are di ffi cult for th e old.Now C h i na h as come upw i th several w ay s to solve th i s problem.Every one sh ould take acti ons to overcome th i s di g i tal ga p(数字鸿沟).Someti mes w e o
20、nly need several mi nutes to learn someth i ng new,but may be i t costs oldpeople h ours or even a few day s.Nex t ti me w h en th e old need h elp,w e sh ould be pati entw i th th em and never forg et w h at th ey ve done for us.1 6.We can take out our ph ones and order some food easi ly w h en w e
21、 feel ang ry.1 7.We know w e can use th e Internet to sh op and buy ti ckets.1 8.To book a tax i by usi ng th e ph ones i s di ffi cult w h en th e y oung w ant to g o to someplaces.1 9.May be i t takes th e old much ti me to learn new th i ng s.2 0.A ll of us sh ould play a part i n overcomi ng h i
22、 s“di g i tal g ap”.(2 0 2 1 黑龙江绥化)根据短文内容判断对错,对的为,错的为“F”。Respect w h at y ou are eati ngWe all love food.B ut w h en y ou can t fi ni sh y our meal,h ow do y ou feel?You mi g h t第4页 共2 7页th i nk th at w asti ng a li ttle bi t of food i sn t a bi g deal.B ut w h en a w h ole sch ool started to save f
23、ood i n th ei r cafeteri a(食堂),th ere w as abi g ch ang e.A t Heng y ang No.1 Mi ddle Sch ool i n Hunan Provi nce,students are told to take nomore food th an th ey need.Th ere used to be 1 0 0 kg of food w aste every day.B ut now,th eamount(数量)of w aste i s dow n by 7 5 percent,“th e cafeteri a,s ma
24、nag er told HunanEveni ng Paper.In C h i na,people w aste 3 5 mi lli on tons of food each y ear.Th at i s enoug h to feed th ew h ole country of South Korea for a y ear.Food w aste i s a bi g problem around th e w orld.A ccordi ng to th e Uni ted Nati ons,th ereare 8 2 0 mi lli on people li vi ng i
25、n h ung er(饥饿)today.B ut every y ear,th e w orld w aste 1.3bi lli on tons of food.Th at s one-th i rd of all th e food w e h ave.2 1.Students i n Heng y ang No.1 Mi ddle Sch ool are not allow ed to w aste food.2 2.Th e food w aste h as dropped by th ree quarters i n th ei r sch ool now.2 3.Food w as
26、te i s a bi g problem only i n C h i na.2 4.People w aste so much food because th ere*s no h ung er now.2 5.Th e purpose of th e passag e i s to ask people to stop w asti ng food.(2 0 2 0 黑龙江绥化)Wh en y ou do y our h omew ork,y ou may often meet some problems.I low doy ou solve th em?Tom,a mi ddle sc
27、h ool student,w ould take out h i s smart ph one,open aspeci al app(应用)and search th e problem.A nsw ers soon appear on th e screen.Now aday s,many students do h omew ork w i th th e h elp of th e speci al apps li ke Tom.It sconveni ent.You don,t h ave to g o out or w ai t for a tutor(家庭教师)at h ome,
28、“Tom sai d.“You also learn by seei ng h ow oth ers w ork th em out.It s very h elpful and i mprovesstudents*abi li ti es.sai d Joh n,anoth er student.He sai d i t w as especi ally true for newty pes of h omew ork.Joh n,s C h i nese teach er often asks students to g i ve speech es on g reat w ri ters
29、.Wh en i tcomes to Joh n s turn,h e usually search es onli ne,pi cks out certai n stori es and makes PPTS(演示文稿).I ve become ski lled at fi ndi ng i nformati on onli ne and usi ng Mi crosoftOffi ce.Joh n sai d.How ever,many people th i nk th i s trend(趋势)also bri ng s up problems.Some studentsj ust c
30、opy th e answ ers onli ne w i th out th i nki ng.Th ey become laz y.Head teach er Mr.Wang i n Tom and Joh n,s sch ool th i nks th at know i ng h ow to use th eInternet i s i mportant.Th e key i s to h ave g ood self-control.No matter h ow di ffi cult th eproblem i s,th i nk about i t by y ourself fi
31、 rst.Remember not to depend on th e Internet toomuch.th e teach er sai d.B e sure to understand th e reasons beh i nd th e answ ers,or y ouw on t make prog ress.If y ou don,t h ave confi dence i n y our self-control,ask y our parents第 5 页 共 2 7 页for h elp.根据短文内容判断对错,对的为“T”,错的为“F”。2 6.Tom and Joh n a
32、re i n di fferent sch ools.2 7.Doi ng h omew ork w i th th e h elp of th e speci al apps i s conveni ent.2 8.Mr.Wang th i nks th e key to use th e apps w ell i s to h ave g ood self-control.2 9.A ll th e students become laz y by doi ng h omew ork w i th th e h elp of th e apps.3 0.Mr.Wang advi sed s
33、tudents not to depend on th e apps too much w h en doi ng h omew ork.三、阅读回答问题(2 0 2 2 黑龙江绥化)A s w e all know,envi ronmental polluti on i s seri ous now.Our g roupw anted to know h ow much our y oung people knew about th i s problem and w h eth er th ey reali z edth e si tuati on of our envi ronment.
34、So w e made a survey of th em.Th i s survey w as mai nly about many di fferent envi ronmental problems i n C h i na and th esi tuati on of th e polluted envi ronment.Wh at s more,w e also pai d attenti on to th eenvi ronmental aw areness(环保意识)of our y oung people.In th e proj ect,w e also desi g ned
35、 aquesti onnai re(问卷调查)to survey th e y oung people i n C h i na.Th e questi ons i n th e questi onnai re could be di vi ded i nto tw o parts.One w as mai nlyabout some know ledg e of th e envi ronmental problems i n C h i na,th e oth er w as aboutenvi ronmental aw areness.Th e results of our questi
36、 onnai reDo y ou know about th ese problems?Use th e plasti c bag s第 6 页 共 2 7 页100%From the results of the questionnaire,we can see our young peopleJ s environmentalawareness needs to be raised and they are short of the knowledge of the environment.It sreally worrying.31.Why did the group do the su
37、rvey?32.How many parts are there in the questionnaire?33.Which is known by the most people among the problems?34.According to the chart,what do 15%of the people sometimes do?35.What does the data(数据)of the two survey charts show?(2021 黑龙江绥化)根据短文内容回答下列各题,请在答题卡上把你的答案写在相对应的题号后的指定区域内。At an early time,a
38、paper ticket was necessary even for passengers who bought ticketsonline.But now people are saying goodbye to paper tickets.Passengers can swipe(刷)an ID card to pass through a gate before taking a high-speedtrain.It s very convenient and fast,w said Wu Yuanzhen,a passenger from Guangxi.Iam a business
39、 man and travel a lot by train.For us,time is money.E-tickets save time andimprove travel efficiency(效率).”For passengers who need to change or return their tickets,they can change the ticketsor get their fund(退款)through or the ticket office at the station.Since 2011,passengers have been able to swip
40、e their ID cards at self-service machinesto take the Beijing-Tianjin high-speed railway and Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway.And第 7 页 共 2 7 页now ch ecki ng-i n by sw i pi ng an ID card i s avai lable at h i g h-speed rai lw ay stati ons i n mostci ti es across C h i na.A t stati ons i n some remo
41、te(偏远)areas,passeng ers sti ll need a paperti cket to g et on a trai n.3 6.Were paper ti ckets necessary w h en people travelled by trai n 1 5 y ears ag o?3 7.Wh at i s th e advantag e of e-ti ckets?3 8.How can y ou ch ang e or return y our e-ti ckets?3 9.Is ch ecki ng-i n by sw i pi ng an ID card a
42、vai lable i n y our h ometow n?4 0.A ccordi ng to th e passag e,w h ere do people sti ll h ave to use a paper trai n ti cket i nC h i na?(2 0 2 0 黑龙江绥化)Once a traveler w anted to g o across desert.He h ad w alked i n th edesert for th ree day s w i th out any w ater.He w as ex h austed(筋疲力尽的)from w
43、alki ng.Wh enh e felt h opeless,h e suddenly found a small h ouse.He pulled h i s ti red body i nsi de.Th i sw as a small ai rless h ouse and i n th e corner h e di scovered a w ater pump(抽水机)He w as so ex ci ted and w ent forw ard to draw (抽取)w ater,but no w ater came out nomatter h ow h ard h e tr
44、i ed.Too ti red to do any th i ng more,h e fell to th e g round.Th en h e sawa small bottle.On th e bottle w as a note,w h i ch read.You must pour th e w ater from th ebottle i nto th e pump before y ou draw w ater!Don t forg et,before y ou leave,refi ll th ebottle w i th w ater!,z He opened th e bo
45、ttle and found i t w as fi lled w i th w ater!He w as soh appy.A t th at moment h e th oug h t,It mi g h t be a li ttle selfi sh (自私的),but as long as Idri nk th e w ater i n th e bottle,I can be sure to leave th i s room ali ve!How ever,i f I do asth e note say s and pour th e only w ater i nto th e
46、 pump and no w ater coni es out,1 w i 1 1 di e ofth i rst.Sh ould I take th e ri sk or not?”It w as fi ve mi nutes later th at h e ch ose to pour th eonly w ater i nto th e pump and beg an to draw w ater.A fter a mi nute,w ater started to comeout!He made th e ri g h t ch oi ce.A fter h e h ad drunk
47、enoug h w ater,h e refi lled th e bottle.He added th e follow i ng w ordsafter th e note:B efore y ou g et someth i ng,y ou sh ould fi rst learn to pay.根据短文内容回答下列各题4 1.Wh at di d th e traveler di scover i n th e corner of a small ai rless h ouse?4 2.Wh at di d h e h ave to do before h e drew w ater?
48、4 3.How long di d i t take h i m to make a ch oi ce?4 4.Is th e traveler selfi sh accordi ng to th e passag e?4 5.Wh at lesson does th e story tell us?四、多任务混合阅读(2 0 2 2 黑龙江绥化)根据短文内容,完成下列各题第8页 共2 7页In 1 9 9 2,Zh i qi ang w as 1.b w i th no arms i n a small vi llag e i n Sh andong Provi nce.Wi th h ar
49、d 2./prffi ktB/,h e could do many th i ng s w i th h i s feet w h en h e g rew up.Helearned to w ash cloth es,cook meals and do farm w ork.He sai d,“If I w ant to li ve li keoth ers,I h ave to try my best.3.(A)每个人都有学习的能力.No matter h ow many di ffi culti esI h ave,I w i ll g o out of my w ay to face
50、th em.”4 .(B)smartph one,h i m,a,broth er,h i s,boug h t.He th oug h t i t w as so useful anddeci ded to learn i t.He manag ed to press i ts button w i th h i s toe ti ps(脚尖).Th e Internetconnected h i m w i th th e w orld.He h ad an i dea w h en h e knew th e local farm products couldn,tbe sold out