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1、Part I I S tructure(15 minutes)D i re ct ions:Th i s part i s to te s t your abi I i ty to construct grammat ica I I y correctsentences.I t consists of 2 sections.Sect i on ADi re c tio n s:In th is section,there are 10 incomplete sentences.You are requi redto comp Iete each one by dec i d i ng on t

2、he most appropr i ate word or words from the 4choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then you shou Id mark the correspond i ng I e tte r onthe Answer Sheet w ith a single I ine through the center.16.W e must fin d a way to cut pr i ces reduc i ng our p ro fits too much.A)w ithoutB)despiteC)w ithD)fo r17.She

3、d i dn t know to express her i deas i n Eng I i sh c I ear ly in pub I i c.A)whichB)whyC)whatD)how18.the weather improves,we w ill su ffe r a huge loss i n the tour i sti ndustry.A)AsB)SinceC)WhiIeD)Unless19.W e are happy at the good news Mr.BI ack has been awarded the BestManager.A)th a tB)whichC)w

4、hatD)whether20.I t is important th a t we the task ahead of time.A)w iI I fis hB)fin ish edC)fin is hD)shaI I fin is h21.WouId you pI ease pass m e the book cover i s bI ack?A)wh ichB)whoseC)th a tD)i ts22.i n the company fo r three years,Mark has become exper i enced i nbus i ness negot i at ions.A

5、)Having workedB)Have been work i ngC)Have workedD)Worked23.Not unt i I she arr i ved at the meet i ng room she had forgotten to br i ngthe document.A)she reaI i zedB)d i d she reaI i zeC)she d i d reaIi zeD)does she reaI i ze24.John had never been abroad before,he found the bus i ness tr i p veryexc

6、 i t i ng.A)becauseB)thoughC)soD)while25.some students are abIe to find empIoyment after graduation,otherswiI I have to return to schooI and earn an advanced degree.A)S i neeB)Whi IeC)BecauseD)IfSect i on BD i rect i ons:There are 10 i ncompIete statements here.You shouId fi I I i n eachbIank with t

7、he proper form of the word gi ven i n brackets.Wr i te the word or wordsin the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26.Emp I oyees are not a I I owed(make)persona I phone calls i n the off i ce.27.The shop ass i stant pr i ced the goods before(put)them on the she I f.28.The purpose of new techno

8、I ogy i s to make I i fe(easy),not to makeit more difficult.29.The proposaI about the annua I saIes(d i scuss)at the next boardmeet i ng.30.Since we work i n d i fferent sect i ons of the company,we see each other on I y(occas i onaI).31.Some domestic manufacturers are busy increasing productionr lo

9、sing thechance to deveI op more(advance)techno Iogy.32.I shaI I appreciate your effort in(correct)this error in my bankaccount as soon as poss i bIe.33.If your neighbors are too noisy,then you have a good reason to make your(comp lain).34.30 percent of the students who(i nterv i ew)yesterday be I i

10、eve theyshouId cont inue with thei r educat ion unt iI they have a uni versity degree.35.Measures shou I d be taken to avo i d the negat i ve effect(br i ng)aboutby unfa i r competition.答 案:16-20:ADDAC 21-25:BABCB26.to make 27.putt i ng 28.eas i er29.wi I I be discussed/is to be discussed/shouId be

11、discussed30.occasionaI Iy 31.advanced p I a i nt 34.were i nterv i ewed 35.broughtPart I I I Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)Di rections:This part is to test your reading abi I ity.There are 5 tasks foryou to fuIf i I I.You should read the read i ng mater i a Is carefuI Iy and do the tasksas you ar

12、e i nstructed.Task 1D i rect i ons:After read i ng the fol lowing passage,you wi I I find 5 quest i ons orunf i n i shed statements,numbered 36 to 40.For each quest i on or statement there are4 choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should make the correct choice and mark thecorresponding Ietter on the A

13、nswer Sheet with a single Iine through the center.GoogIe,the Internet search-engine company,has announced it wi I I give more thantwenty-f i ve mi I I i on dolIars i n money and i nvestments to he Ip the poor.The companysays the effort i nvo I ves us i ng the power of i nformat i on and techno I ogy

14、 to he Ip peop I eimprove thei r I i ves.AI eem Wa I j i works for 一 一 the part of the company that g i ves money to good causes.He said the company,s f i rst project wiI I he Ip identify whereinfect ious(传 染 性 的)diseases are developing.In Southeast Asia and Afr ica,for examp I e,wi I I work with pa

15、rtners to strengthen ear I y-warn i ng systems and takeaction against growing health threats.s second project wi I I i nvest i n ways to he I p sma I I and med i um-s i zed bus i nessesgrow.Wa I j i says mi crof i nance(小 额 信 贷)i s genera I I y sma I I.short-term I oans thatcreate few jobs.Instead,h

16、e says wants to deveI op ways to br i ng i nvestors andbusiness owners together to create jobs and improve economic growth.wi I I a I so gi ve money to he Ip two c I imate-change programs announced ear I ier th i syear.One of these programs stud i es ways to make renewab I e(再 生 的)energy I esscost I

17、y than coal-based energy.The other i s exami n i ng the efforts be i ng made toi ncrease the use of eIectr i c cars.The creators of GoogIe have promised to give about one percent of companyprofits and one percent of its totaI stock vaIue every year.AIeem WaIj i says thi samount may i ncrease i n the

18、 future.36.The purpose of GoogleJ s i nvestments i s to.A)he Ip poor peopIeB)deveI op new technologyC)expand i ts own bus i nessD)i ncrease the power of i nformat i on37.Accord i ng to Aleem WaIj i,the company,s first project i s to.A)set up a new system to warn peopIe of i nfecti ous d i seasesB)fi

19、nd out where infectious diseases developC)i dent i fy the causes of i nfect i ous d i seasesD)cure pat i ents of i nfect i ous d i seases38.What kind of businesses wi I I benefit from s second project?A)Iarge enterpr i sesB)cross-nat i onaI compan i esC)fore i gn-funded corporat i onsD)smaI I and me

20、d i um-s i zed bus i nesses39.From the fourth paragraph,we I earn that Google,s money i s a I so i nvestedto help.A)start more research programsB)make more advanced electr ic carsC)deveI op renewabIe and coal-based energyD)conduct stud i es re Iated to cl imate changes40.From the I ast paragraph we

21、I earn that the i nvestments by come f r o m.A)Google s profits and stock vaIueB)some i nternat i onaI IT compan i esC)the company,s own i interestsD)I oca I commerc i a I banksTask 2Di rect ions:This task is the same as Task 1.The 5 quest ions or unfini shedstatements are numbered 41 to 45.Your bos

22、s ho I ds your future prospects in his hands.Some bosses are hard to geta I ong with.Some have exce I I ent qua I i f i cat i ons but no i dea when it comes to dea I i ngwith peopIe.Of course,not al I bosses are Iike that.The relationship you have with your boss can be a major factor in determiningy

23、our r i se up the career I adder.Your boss i s not on I y your I eader,he is also theperson best equ i pped to he I p you do the job you are pa i d to do.He can i nform youof company di rect ion that may affect your professionaI deveIopment.Your boss a I so needs you to perform at your best i n orde

24、r to accompIi sh h i sobject i ves.He needs your feedback i n order to prov i de rea I i st i c and usefu I reportsto upper management.But how does th i s he Ip you estab I i sh a mean i ngfuI work i ngre I at ionshi p with your boss?The key i s commun i cat i on.Learn and understand h i s goaIs and

25、 pr i or i t i es(优 先 的 事).Observe and understand your boss,s work sty I e.I f he has not been c I earwith his expectations,ask!Likewise,ask for feedback and accept criticismgraceful ly.And if he understands that you do not view your job as just somethingto fill the hours between 9 and 5,he may be m

26、ore I i ke I y to he I p you.I n short,gett i ng a I ong with your boss requ i res gett i ng to know h i s I i kes andd i sIi kes and learn i ng to work with h i s persona Ii ty and management sty Ie.41.The main idea of the first paragraph is that.A)bosses are hard to deaI withB)bosses have good cha

27、racterC)bosses determine your career futureD)bosses must have simi lar persona I i ty42.In the second paragraph,“rise up the career I adderM(Line 2)meansA)going to work abroadB)changing jobs frequent IyC)be i ng promoted i n pos i t i onD)pursu i ng an advanced degree43.In order to achieve hi s obje

28、ct i ves,your boss expects that you wi I I.A)do your best i n your workB)show your management skillsC)get a Iong with your col leaguesD)wr ite reports to upper management44.The most important factor for estab I i sh i ng a good work i ng re I at i onsh i p withthe boss i s.A)h i gh expectat i onsB)q

29、u i ck feedbackC)frequent criticismD)effect i ve commun i cat i on45.The best title for the passage might be.A)How to Take Care Of Your Boss.B)How to Get Along with Your BossC)How to Accept Your Boss s CriticismD)How to AccompIi sh Your Boss*s Object i ve答 案:36-40:ABDDA 41-45:CCADBTask 3Di rections:

30、The fol lowing is an announcement.After reading it,you are requi redto comp Iete the out I i ne below it to.You shouId write your answers briefly(i nno more than three words)on the Answer Sheet correspond i ngly.We we I come you aboard the Eastern FI i ght and wi I I do our best to make your tr i pc

31、omfortabIe and enjoyabIe.For your safety and conven i enceTo begin the tr i p,we would I i ke to draw your attent i on to some safety-re I ateddetai Is.These are a I so exp I a i ned on the i nstruct ion card i n the seat pocket i n frontof you.Seat belts must rema i n fastened while the“Fasten seat

32、be I tsn s i gn i s on.It i s adv i sab Ie to keep them fastened at a I I times while seated.Al I fl i ghts arenon-smok i ng.The use of mobi Ie teI ephones i s now a I I owed when the airplane i s onthe ground.Dur i ng the fIi ght the use of CD and DVD pIayers i s not a I I owed.For your enterta i n

33、mentTo he I p you enjoy your tr i p,we prov i de a range of newspapers.On our MD-11 andBoeing ai rcraft,we provide music and video programs.On Ai rbus A 321/320/319,shortvideos are shown.MeaIs and dr i nksDur ing most f I ights we serve you a tasty mea I and dr inks.Beer,wine and otherdr inks are se

34、rved free of charge.Coffee,tea and juice are served free of chargeon a I I domest i c(国 内 的)fl ights.On domest i c f I i ghts I eav i ng before n i ne and ona I I fIi ghts to Northern Ch i na,a snack i s served.Eastern FIi ght Serv i ceSafety and conven i ence1)Seat belts:remain-46-while the“Fasten

35、seatbelts“sign is on2)Smok i ng:not a I I owed on board3)MobiIe phones:used on Iy when the airplane i s-47-4)CD and DVD:not a I I owed to pI ay-48-Enterta i nment prov i ded1)newspapers2)mus i c and-49-on MD-11 and Boe i ng a i rcraftMeaIs and dr i nks on board1)meaIs served on most fl ights2)coffee

36、,tea and juice served free of charge3)a snack served on a I I fl ights to-50-答 案:46.fastened 47.on the ground 48.dur i ng the f I ight49.v i deo programs 50.Northern Ch i naTask 4D i rect i ons:The fol lowing i s a I i st of terms re I ated to Secur i ty.After read i ngi t,you are requ i red to f i

37、nd the i terns equ i va I ent to(与 等 同)those g i ven i n Ch i nesei n the tab I e be I ow.Then you shou I d put the correspond i ng I etters i n the bracketson the Answer Sheet,numbered 51 through 55.A-a i r traffic controI systemB-armed poIi ceC-cr ime prevent i onD-entry requ i rementE-internation

38、aI criminal police organizationF-I eve I of secur i tyG-p i cket I i neH-poI ice stationI-patrol I ing vehicIeJ-safety precaut i on measureK-safety controI dev i ceL-secur ity command centerM-secur ity serv i ceN-secur ity controI center0-secur i ty personnelP-valid documentsQ-secur ity monitor ing

39、and controIExamples:(M)保 安 服 务(G)警 戒 线 5 1.()空 中 交 通 管 制 系 统()安 全 预 防 措 施 5 2.()巡 逻 车()武 装 警 察 5 3.()国 际 刑 警 组 织()有 效 证 件 5 4.()入 境 要 求()安 保 人 员 5 5.()安 全 保 障 级 别()安 全 监 控 答 案:51.A,J 52.I,B 53.E,P 54.D,0 55.F,QTask 5Directions:The fol lowing is a business letter.After reading it,you shouIdgive brief

40、 answers to the 5 questions to that fol low.The answers(in no more than3 words)shouId be wr itten after the correspond i ng numbers on the Answer Sheet.Dear Mr.Smith,I am pI eased to offer you the position of after-saIes manager at our companystarting on 16 June,2009.I propose that the terms of empI

41、oyment wi I I be those inthe attached draft i nd i v i duaI empIoyment agreement.PI ease note that you are ent it Ied to d i scuss th i s offer and to seek adv i ce onthe attached proposed agreement with your fami ly,a union,a Iawyer,or someone eIseyou trust.If you want some i nformat i on on your e

42、mpIoyment r i ghts,you can a I socontact the EmpIoyment Service Office or visit our website.Also,if you di sagree with,or do not understand or wish to clarify anythingi n th i s offer,pI ease r i ng me to d i scuss any i ssue you wish to raise.If you are happy with the proposed terms and wi sh to ac

43、cept thi s offer ofempIoyment,pI ease s i gn the dupI icate copy of th i s Ietter and return it to me by1 June,2009.In the event I have not heard from you by that date,th i s offer wi I Ibe automaticaI Iy withdrawn on that date.I Iook forward to working with you.Yours s i ncereIy,John Brown56.What j

44、ob position is offered to Mr.Smith in the Ietter?57.From whom may Mr.Smith seek advice about the proposed agreement?His family,a union,or someone eIse he trusts.58.How can Mr.Smith get informat ion about empIoyment r ights?By contacting the or visiting its website.59.When should Mr.Smith return the

45、signed dupIicate copy of this Ietter?By60.What wi I I happen if the dupI icate copy of the Ietter is not returned by thedead Ii ne?This offer wi I I be on that date.答 案:56.(The)after-saIes manager 57.a Iawyer 58.EmpIoyment Service Office59.1 June,2009 60.(automaticaI Iy)withdrawnPart IV Trans I at i

46、on-Engli sh i nto Ch i nese(25 minutes)Di rections:This part,numbered 61 through 65,is to test your ability totranslate English into Chinese.After each of the sentences numbered 61 to 64,youwi I I read four choices of suggested trans I at i on.You should choose the besttrans I at i on and mark the c

47、orrespond i ng Ietter on your Answer Sheet.And for theparagraph numbered 65,wr ite your trans I at i on i n the correspond i ng space on theTranslation/Composition Sheet.61.I f e i ther party wants to renew the contract,i t shou I d submi t a wr i tten not i ceto the other party three months pr i or

48、 to the exp i rat i on of the contract.A)如 果 任 何 一 方 希 望 撤 销 合 约,B)如 果 合 同 一 方 希 望 重 签 合 同,C)如 果 任 何 一 方 希 望 更 改 合 同,D)如 果 合 同 一 方 希 望 续 签 合 同,必 须 将 撤 销 的 理 由 在 三 个 月 内 通 知 对 方。必 须 在 合 同 到 期 三 个 月 内 写 信 通 知 对 方。必 须 提 前 三 个 月 向 对 方 书 面 提 交 其 理 由。必 须 在 合 同 期 满 前 三 个 月 书 面 通 知 对 方。62.There is no sign t

49、hat the wor Id economic crisis wi I I Iessen in the next fewmonths,although a certain degree of recovery is in sight.A)尽 管 没 有 人 认 为 未 来 几 个 月 内 世 界 经 济 危 机 会 消 失,但 是 在 一 定 程 度 上 的 复 苏 是 肯 定 的。B)尽 管 世 界 经 济 复 苏 的 迹 象 是 肯 定 的,但 是 未 来 几 个 月 内 经 济 危 机 缓 和 的 现 象 还 不 很 明 显。C)尽 管 已 经 显 现 出 一 定 程 度 的 经 济 复

50、 苏,但 没 有 迹 象 表 明 世 界 经 济 危 机 在 未 来 几 个 月 会 减 缓。D)尽 管 没 有 人 承 认 未 来 几 个 月 内 世 界 经 济 危 机 会 触 底,但 我 们 肯 定 会 看 到 世 界 经 济 的 复 苏。63.Most of the i ssues concern i ng personneI managementhave been so Ivedsat i sfactor iIy;on Iy a few of secondary importance remain to be d i scussed.A)多 数 有 关 人 员 管 理 的 问 题 顺


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