1、UnitlLead-in1 human beings 2 powered 3 greenhouse 4 far away5 make a difference 6 breathe in 7 decreasingperformance 8 four inches high 9 campaign 10encourageEx 31 B 2B 3C 4 A 5DEx 4issues,pollution,deforestation,related,consumption,resources,threat,responsibilityEx 51 addicted一 smoking 2 environmen
2、t-concern 3expert-wisdom4 possession-greed 5 resources-inexhaustibleEx.61 strategies 2 specific 3 consumers 4 released 5trapped 6 consequence 7 was isolated 8 priority 9convenience 10 elementsEx71 transform 2 all the way 3 sit back 4 resulting from5 share.withEx.81 How did the war,which brought terr
3、ible disasters to mankind,impact on such a poet?2 Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their belovedchildren,which will cause the children to make the samemistake again.3 As a new immigrant in this completely strange country,shealways felt isolated.4 Acting before thinking often results in f
4、ailure,so we shouldthink before we leap.5 The time for talking is past;we must take positive action toprotect our environment.Ex.91 Take two pills each time and three times a day and you will bewell in a few days.2 He is not impatient;he is just too tired.3 Once water shortage reaches the point of n
5、o return,there willbe nothing left to be done but abandon the city.4 W ed like to share our experience in city planning with everyrepresentative here and show them what is special of ourinnovations.5 We cant just sit back and do nothing about increasinglyserious traffic problems.Ex 121 D 2 A 3C 4 A
6、5BEx.131 subtle 2 were overtaken 3 species 4 decades5 boundaries 6 audio 7 directly 8 focus 9tone 10 cuppedEx.141 at that rate 2 For the sake of 3 come to 4 byhand 5 vice versaEx.151 Young people sometimes complain of not being able tocommunicate with their parents.2 Mary has been longing to take up
7、 residence in a Chinesevillage in Yunnan for a few years.Now her dream has cometrue.3 Domestic animals are used to depending on humans,so it isdifficult for them to survive in the wild.4 He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid offthe company because of depression.5 I figure hell be
8、 back soon since he promised to have dinnerwith me.Ex 161 go from bad to worse 2 loss of hope 3 fuels likepetroleum and coal4 very dry 5 a mass movement away from a placeEx 171 我 们 大 多 数 人 只 是 袖 手 旁 观,还 会 说:“让 专 家 去 处 理 吧。2 就 人 类 而 言,母 亲 生 病,孩 子 就 会 受 苦;既 然 我 们 造 成 了 地 球 上 的 生 态 失 衡,而 我 们 又 是 受 害 者。
9、3 机 器 的 发 明 使 世 界 进 入 了 一 个 新 纪 元 工 业 时 代,金 钱 主 宰 一 切。4 每 个 人 的 生 活 都 有 甜 有 苦。5 麦 肯 立 博 士 竭 尽 全 力 唤 起 公 众 对 严 峻 的 环 保 问 题 的 关 注。6 那 条 消 息 让 我 惊 出 了 毛 骨 悚 然。7 她 在 演 讲 中 用 了 许 多 术 语,使 听 众 听 得 莫 名 其 妙。8 这 些 问 题 盘 根 错 节,三 言 两 语 说 不 清 楚。Unit 2Lead-in1 invitations 2 around the world 3 reach 4 institution
10、5specially appointed experts 6 vote 7 diploma 8 medal 9is followed by 10 includingEx31 C 2D 3 A 4C 5 BEpass,inspiration,curious,persistent,stimulated,inspired,genius,complexEx51 condense-condensed 2 curiouscuriosity 3devise-device4 persistent-persistence 5 convinced convincingEx61 fundamental,2 ulti
11、mate,3 sparked,4 apparently,5patience,6 curiosity,7 convince,8 detail,9 responses,10(has)stirredEx71 fooled.into,2 came upon,3 join in,4 come up with,5up toEx81.Reporters pressed the spokesman for an explanation of themilitary attack.2.His election campaign failed to convince the voters that hewas t
12、he right person for the Senator.3.While I admit that there are problems,I dont agree that theycannot be solved.4.His first speech on TV made a deep impression on hisaudience.5.All things are interrelated and interact with each other.Ex91.She might have thought that history was just boringnames and d
13、ates,but Professor Yis lectures completelychanged her view.2.After the plane crash,all the survivors could do was waitfor rescue on this desert island.3.The little boy happened to read some stories aboutBermuda Triangle that did stir his curiosity in the mysteriesof nature.4.The DNA test result was
14、evidence to the police that themurderer was someone else.5.Darwin was convinced that the theory of evolution isbased on natural selection.Ex 121 A 2D 3 B 4B 5CEx 131 classical,2 breakthrough,3 elegance,4 faculty,5handful,6 probe,7 swift,8 transition,9 reactions,10 retirementE141 has brought in,2 und
15、er his belt,3 specializes in,4 a wealth of,5 be applied toExl51.The lecturer at the conference turned out to be thedaughter of an old friend of mine.2.It has been 5 years since his retirement,but he hasremained active in the academic circles.3.If you do have financial difficulties,you can apply for
16、astudent loan.4.This scientist had worked hard at this new material for aslong as ten years before he made his own way in the end.5.The chief airplane manufacturers in the world are pushingthe envelope to make faster and longer range airplanes tocompete for bigger share of the market.Exl71 他 有 耐 心 和
17、 毅 力,使 他 做 事 时 坚 持 的 时 间 比 其 他 大 多 数 孩 童 都 长。(根 据 上 下 文,增 加 原 文 中 省 略 的 词 语)2 就 其 基 本 内 容 而 言,这 一 学 说 提 出 的 论 点 包 括:光 速 是 宇 宙 中 最 快 的 速 度;(增,勿 修 物 语,以 示 强 调)3 扎 威 尔 将 收 到 世 界 各 地 的 来 信。短 短 几 天 时 间 里 2000封 电 子 邮 件 接 踵 而 至。(增 加 量 词 以 及 原 文 上 下 文 中 所 省 略 的 部 分)4 但 是,这 位 5 3岁 的 科 学 家 将 首 先 与 家 人 共 享 这 条
18、 喜 讯。(增 加 原 文 上 下 文 中 所 省 略 的 部 分)Unit3Lead-in4 3 6 2 1 5Ex31 A 2B 3C 4 A 5 BEx4advertising,brand,promoted,proved,popular,expression,global,immigrantsEx51法 国 已 经 保 证 明 年 提 供 数 十 亿 美 元 的 援 助。2 你 不 应 对 不 可 能 做 到 的 事 做 出 保 证。3 老 板 向 他 保 证 并 没 有 解 雇 他 的 打 算。4 检 查 一 下 他 的 眼 睛,以 保 证 没 有 问 题,是 明 智 之 举。5 已
19、经 采 取 了 措 施 来 保 证 学 生 不 会 因 经 济 原 因 而 辍 学。6 生 产 商 必 须 按 规 定 保 证 其 产 品 质 量。Ex61 attained 2 modest 3.attractive 4 precise 5 campaign6 market7 manufactures 8 sponsor 9 imported 10 brandsEx71 frown(very much)on 2 for instance 3 as a result 4when it comes to5 under.umbrellaEx81 Thoughts are expressed by
20、means of language.2 I have bought so many new books this year that its reallydifficult for me to keep count of them.3 The old lady feels assured that her son will come back hometoday to celebrate her birthday.4 His mother insisted that his pocket money should not exceed100 yuan per month.5 We bought
21、 a car last month,which was registered under myname.Ex91 For most American teenagers,when it comes to comfortableand fashionable clothing,nothing beats T-shirts and jeans.2 Starting in 2004,Adidas widely promoted that impossible isnothing,and the notion took hold.3 When the news was first released o
22、nline,the number of itsviewers beat the imagination.4 The girls big break came with her outstanding performance atthe singing contest.5 In many European countries people tend to frown on in publicplaces.Exl21 C 2D 3C 4 A 5BExl31 revenues 2 targeting 3 appliances 4 via 5 smashing 6loyal 7 comparable
23、8 alongside 9 claiming 10 filmedExl41 beat.expectation 2 so far 3 built up 4 at home 5on.basisExl51 A great man can dominate a difficult situation by force ofcharacter.2 According to the latest report,tourists do not have to apply foran entry visa to some Southeast Asian countries.3 The color of the
24、 envelope suggests that the letter might befrom a woman.4 Trains cant rival planes for speed,but many people prefer totravel by train.5 People are much more likely to accept this mode ofadministration once they see that it really works.Exl61 The prime minister of Japan2 Aides3 The pressExl71 天 未 下 雪
25、,但 叶 落 草 枯。2 那 时 打 我 并 且 使 我 挨 饿 的 不 只 是 一 个 老 太 婆,而 是 老 老 少 少 各 式 各 样 的 人。3 我 们 能 测 量 罐 内 的 水 量,但 不 能 测 量 水 的 热 度,我 们 还 没 有 这 种 仪 器。4 温 度 增 高,水 的 体 积 就 增 大。5 他 的 望 远 镜 和 实 验 总 是 给 他 带 来 惊 奇 的 新 发 现,他 每 天 都 把 工 作 情 况 记 录 下 来。Unit 4Lead-in1 got me wondering 2 it hit me 3 original me 4 bankstatement 5
26、 overdue books 6 unexplained chargesEx31 C 2B 3C 4DEx4famous,promoting,religious,desperate,shortage,inevitable,failureEx51 1)2 2)3 3)12 1)3 2)2 3)23 1)2 2)3 3)2Ex61 string 2 stir 3 controversy 4 combat 5 excessive 6regulations 7 instincts 8 reckless 9 prohibition 10irrationalEx71 to his name 2 keep
27、at bay 3 under the sun 4 jumped thegun 5 lined upEx81 The band shot to fame in the 1980s with that single album.2 Take a risk,and you may lose again,but you would haveimproved your chances to win.3 Scientists are pushing themselves to the limits in their researchfor finding a cure for AIDS.4 Now we
28、see the point of the Internet:we can get informationfrom all over the world just by clicking the mouse.5 Some people believe the government will regulate the researchof human cloning sooner or later.Ex91 He is a legend with the biggest gate website in China to hisname.2 At the beginning of the twent
29、ieth century,Einstein shot tofame after he published a series of articles on the Theory ofRelativity.3 The WTO is urging its member countries to adopt effectivemeasures to keep bird flu at bay.4 Like it or not,the traditional Chinese culture is invaded byforeign cultures.5 You should not jump the gu
30、n in drawing the conclusion beforeyour experiment is finished.Exl21 composer 2 beginning 3 secret 4 clone 5 adopted 6music 7 ordinary 8 prove 9 joke 10 geniusExl31 ban 2 practically 3 survive 4 adopt 5 decent 6 genius7 gene 8 anonymously 9 resemblance 10 immerseExl41 in the flesh 2 bring.to term 3 t
31、he roof fell in 4 put upfor 5 have dug upExl51 George is nuts about Chinese culture and has decided to learnChinese in an evening school.2 The reporters got wind of Dianas visit to the city and rushedto the airport for the news.3 After two months of restless effort,the police finally trackedthe crim
32、inal down in a southern city.4 The two companies have already agreed in principle to goahead with the project.5 If the quality of your products isnt improving for real,I dontthink they will be competitive in the market.Exl61 It is obvious that he is a public-attention-getting man,not anordinary scie
33、ntist;controversy and pushing reproductive biologyto its high-point make him popular and successful.2 The belief of the Radians,a religious group,is that cloning isa most important way to achieve immortality and it claims that ithas the necessary egg donors and volunteers who are willing tobe implan
34、ted with cloned embryos.Exl71 我 们 高 度 地 珍 视 同 发 展 中 国 家 的 友 好 关 系。2 他 不 仅 要 负 责 产 品 的 销 售,还 要 负 责 广 告 宣 传。3 我 去 看 他,可 他 已 经 出 去 了。4 他 倒 是 不 抽 烟,但 他 爸 爸 却 一 支 又 一 支 不 停 地 抽。5 我 们 讨 论 了 很 久 才 达 成 协 议。Unit 5Lead-in1 employment 2 handle the changes 3 concluded 4 verynature 5 builds on 6 involved in 7 at
35、 various stagesEx31 B 2D 3B 4 A 5CEx4Passenger,eager,explain,vocabulary,ignorant,dictionary,explanationsEx51 B 2B 3D 4B 5 CEx61 quality 2(had)committed 3 hint 4 assume 5 vague 6peculiar 7 retreat 8 puzzled 9 misleading 10 confusedEx71 resorted to 2 racking your/ones brains 3 hangs on 4jotted down 5
36、at a lossEx81 Its one thing to understand the principle,its another thing toput it into practice.2 It is reported that jogging makes you three times less likely tosuffer from a heart attack.3 Almost half of the British people have no idea what the euro isworth in relation to the pound,according to t
37、he latest survey.4 The area should have been made into a park for everyone toenjoy but now some apartment buildings stand there.5 Tm wondering whether all the related information could addup to a clear picture of him.Ex91 Its one thing to recognize the importance of saving energy,its another to put
38、it into practice in every aspect of life.2 The sales manager believes that clever is not clever if the newproduct doesnt sell well.3 He kept on making up excuses for his failure to finish the taskas if a thousand lies would add up to the truth.4 It is found from the investigation that the longer peo
39、ple stay ins store,the less likely they are to control their desire forpurchases.5 I believe that someone as diligent as she is will soon overcomedifficulties in the study of English.Exl21 D 2C 3C 4D 5BExl31 features 2 denied 3 appeal 4 usage 5 bet 6independent 7 associate 8 was stumpedExl41 for the
40、 sake of 2 pick up 3 break your back 4 get atExl51 He drinks more wine than is good for health.2 He knew that at this moment his parents were eagerly waitingfor him to return home for the New Year.3 What appeals to us is not only his intelligence but also hissense of humor.4 The latest movie made by
41、 that internationally famous directorturned out to be a total failure.5 It seems that some youngsters dont have patience withanything.Exl61 A assumption.It serves as an assumptive condition on whichthe writer would go back to college next fall.2 B Reasoning.It gives the reason why the writer is read
42、 tospend some time learning.3 D Justification.It justifies the writer5 s claim that education isnot only reason that he would go back to college.4 C Explanation.It offers an explanation with examples,showing that college life is one of the best parts of ones life.Exl71 走 出 机 场 大 楼 我 就 看 到 外 面 好 多 出
43、租 汽 车 司 机 在 穿 梭 走 动,这(一 现 象)在 世 界 各 地 的 机 场 都 是 一 样 的。2 迈 尔 斯 先 生 仍 然 面 带 微 笑,可 是 他 的 口 气 却 有 点 不 耐 烦 了。罗 布 很 少 见 到 这 种 情 况。3 难 怪,一 看 见 沿 河 而 立 的 精 美 建 筑 时,我 就 想 起 了 巴 黎、阿 姆 斯 特 丹 和 威 尼 斯。4 现 在 我 意 识 到 知 识 给 人 的 巨 大 乐 趣,这 与 如 何 使 用 知 识 无 关。5 她 本 想 告 诉 约 翰,没 有 料 到 他 的 知 识 竟 有 如 此 渊 博,但 又 觉 得 有 些 不 好
44、不 好 意 思,没 有 说 出 口。Unit 6Lead-in1 holds for 2 uncomfortable 3 observation of life 4 on theroad ahead 5 more rewarding 6 an additional fascination 7their full attention 8 moving aboutEx31 C 2D 3B 4 A 5CEx4experience,culture,women,stay,impressive,pyramids,impressed,independenceEx51 underdeveloped,2 ove
45、rpopulated,3 outgrow,4interrelated,5 counterpartEx61 counterpart,2 efficient,3 relief,4 vague,5 core,6 punctually,7 approach,8 economy,9 exception,10invite,Ex71 pull.through,2 belongs to,3 ever since,4 in turn,5milled aboutEx81 He breathed/heaved a sigh of sorrow and told us that he hadseen a better
46、 day when he was young.2 He has a strong sense of responsibility,and thats why he ischosen to take control of the project.3 Wherever you go,be it for business or pleasure,it is always agood idea to find out as much as you can about the place.4 Lets be careful.The situation may be about to repeat its
47、elf.5 In,fact,the air quality of a house has a great deal to do withchildrens health,and adults5 health for that matter.Ex91 Do you know what it is like to stand on a stage with all eyeson you?2 We all breathed a sigh of relief when news came that thehostage was rescued unharmed.2 With his professio
48、nal knowledge in finance and skills inmanagement,he quickly took control of the situation.4 What became clear to me finally was this:they were notactually interested in the solution of the problem.5 Wherever he travels,be it a business trip or a sightseeing tour,he would always take a laptop with hi
49、m.Exl21 B 2B 3 A 4D 5CExl31 stretches 2 intense 3 beloved 4 ability 5 positive 6converting 7 manner 8 toast 9 absorbed 10 be shelteredExl41 in fine form 2 thanks to 3 give way to 4 is made up of5 what makes.ticksExl51 Why is it that people spend so much time and money ontraveling?2 Traveling by air
50、is quick and safe.No wonder it is a popularchoice for travelers.3 Most of the students in my college have enrolled in the courseof web page design and the computer center is always filledwith people day and night.4 It has always been my dream to have friends all over the world.Thanks to the Internet