1、中国英语作文【优秀5篇】在现实生活或工作学习中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。写起作文来就毫无头绪?它山之石可以攻玉,下面虎知道为您精心整理了5篇中国英语作文,亲的肯定与分享是对我们最大的鼓励。中国英语作文 篇一 Ive heard a saying that went something like, if you stay in a country for three weeks you can write a book, three months a postcard, and three years nothing! I am no
2、w faced with this problem. Having lived in China for about five years, I am totally used to daily life here. That shouldnt be something to complain about, right? Adapting to a different society and culture is something to be satisfied with, is it not? Usually it would be. However, it makes writing a
3、 column about my impressions of China a lot more difficult. Luckily for me two friends from my country, Ireland, came to visit me during the summer. It was their first time in China and it was through their eyes that I rediscovered the pleasure of experiencing a foreign culture for the first time ag
4、ain. At first I found their remarks and reactions to the sights of daily Beijing life puzzling. They were fascinated by every little detail. Details that I barely noticed. Why did they want to take a photograph of a man selling you tiao? What was so interesting about a line of waiters standing outsi
5、de a restaurant? Why was a group of elderly people exercising in the evening so enthralling? I started to recall that scenes like these once fascinated me too. In Ireland you just dont see them. It was then that memories of my first month in China came flooding back to me. When I first came to this
6、country I worked as an English teacher in Wuhan. Thinking back it was the students I met in that first year and Chinese university life in general that gave me the deepest impression. In the west, student life is a combination of study and socializing with a heavy emphasis placed on the socializing
7、part! During my first week as an English teacher in China I was invited to a student party. Having only recently graduated from university myself I still very much enjoyed student parties and gladly accepted the invitation. On the evening of the party I was accompanied to a building on campus by two
8、 students. I was led to a room and entered expecting to see people dancing, drinking, eating and chatting. Instead, I found myself facing an auditorium of about two hundred students applauding me. I was handed a microphone and asked to speak. About what? I asked with a fright. Anything came the repl
9、y! After I got over my initial stage fright I found that it really didnt matter what I talked about. My audience were happy to have the opportunity to listen to a native English speaker. They simply wanted to practice their English. In the course of the following year I encountered many such situati
10、ons. I was genuinely impressed by the dedication and motivation of Chinese students. When I was a student I would rarely give up my spare time to any activity connected with study. Unless exams were approaching my weekends were devoted to having fun or perhaps a part-time job. My Chinese students, o
11、n the other hand, seemed to spend their entire waking hours studying. I understand that competition in Chinese universities is extremely intense. Nonetheless, their energy and drive put me to shame. As a foreign teacher I was mainly responsible for helping the students to improve their spoken Englis
12、h skills. To most people that sounds really easy. All you have to do is turn up for class and chat with your students. Thats all very well but wh at if your students are too shy to respond? Most of the students could read and write English very well but getting them to talk was like drawing blood fr
13、om a stone. They were experts at replying to questions with one-word answers. Alcohol is the cause of and solution to many of lifes problems! Bearing this in mind I organized several parties and plied my students with booze. Once tipsy, they lost their shyness and the English flowed like water. This
14、 slightly unorthodox method effectively broke the ice and our speaking classes became a lot noisier. In a classroom noise is good, as long as it is the noise of activity. It may be true that rote learning is over-emphasized in Chinese education. Nonetheless, I found that this does not reflect the na
15、tural character of Chinese students. Given the appropriate classroom atmosphere and a chance to warm up the students I met were naturally spontaneous and instinctively enjoyed drama. In some of the role-plays we acted out, certain students became so involved in their parts that they were bordering o
16、n an identity crisis! My first year in China was also my first year as a teacher. If I said that it was all easy I would be a liar. It was both challenging and rewarding. I hope that my students actually improved their English or at least felt more interested in it by the end of the year. One thing
17、I know for certain is that my year in Wuhan changed me for the better. Thanks to the politeness and warmth of Chinese students I conquered my fear of speaking in public and became more self-confident. Most importantly, I met dozens of fine decent people and made numerous excellent friends. 中国英语作文 篇五
18、 我们即将迎来新中国成立71周年。我们的祖国母亲历经坎坷,终于赢得了今天的幸福生活。敬爱的祖国母亲,我深深的祝福您。 We are approaching the 71st anniversary of the founding of new China. Our mother country has been through ups and downs, and finally won todays happy life. Dear motherland mother, I deeply wish you. 以往,我们的经济落后,文化教育落后,一穷二白。在旧中国,老百姓“衣不蔽体,食不果腹”
19、,被屈辱的扣上“东亚病夫”的帽子。中国人凭借着艰苦奋斗的信念,凭借着自己的劳动,改变了曾经一穷二白的落后面貌。有人说中国是一头沉睡的雄狮,但总有一天他会苏醒。哦,不,他已经苏醒,正如千金巨石般屹立在世界的东方。 In the past, our economy was backward, our culture and education were backward and poor. In old China, the common people were shamed to wear the hat of sick man of East Asia。 With the belief of
20、arduous struggle and with their own labor, the Chinese people have changed the backward face of the poor. Some people say that China is a sleeping lion, but one day he will wake up. Oh, no, he has come to life, standing like a stone in the east of the world. 71年,我们风雨兼程;71年,我们建设了一个生机勃勃的祖国;71年,祖国母亲发生了
21、翻天覆地的变化;71年,让祖国由“东亚病夫”迈进强国行列。 In the past 71 years, we have made great progress; in the past 71 years, we have built a vibrant motherland; in the past 71 years, our mother has undergone tremendous changes; and in the past 71 years, we have made our motherland become a powerful country from sick man
22、of East Asia。 如今的中国,繁荣富强;如今的中国,幸福美满;如今的中国,蒸蒸日上;如今的中国,国泰民安;如今的中国,国富民强这些都是中国儿女们用智慧与汗水创造出来的。 Todays China is prosperous; todays China is happy; todays China is thriving; todays China is peaceful; todays China is rich and strong These are all created by Chinese people with wisdom and sweat. 祖国母亲,饱经风霜,历经
23、沧桑,终于迎入了欣欣向荣的日子,终于旧貌换新颜,终于繁荣富强。这是那些逝去的英雄,是那些拥有次成的爱国之心,那些华夏子孙共同的心愿。今天,他们的愿望终于实现了。 Mother country, weather beaten, through the vicissitudes of life, finally ushered in a thriving day, finally the old look for a new face, finally prosperous and strong. These are the heroes who have passed away, the pat
24、riotism who have become the second best, and the common aspiration of the Chinese people. Today, their wishes have come true. 我们是祖国的未来,中华民族繁荣富强将在我们手上得以延续。祖国母亲,请相信我们,我们一定不辜负您的殷切希望,奋勇向前,努力创造更加美好更加辉煌未来。 We are the future of our motherland, and the prosperity of the Chinese nation will continue in our hands. Mother of the motherland, please believe us, we will live up to your ardent hope, forge ahead, and strive to create a better and more brilliant future. 读书破万卷下笔如有神,7