1、以下为设备验收流程,仅供参考:1.0 Machine qualification activities description 设备验收执行过程描述 After receiving machines,it will spend 1week to verify machine function and reliability before send it to user.Below describes in details how to verify machine step by step until machine delivery to site according to the flow
2、chart.收到设备后,需要 1 周时间验证设备的功能和可靠性。以下定义设备检验步骤。Qualification Flowchart 检查验收流程图:1.1 Verification Preparation 检验准备 It is required to prepare the following items before starting verifying machine:检验前需准备以下事项 1)Machine 设备 2)Machine drawings设备图纸 3)Machine verification specification&checklist设备检查规格和清单 4)Machin
3、e labeling and machine control number设备标识及客户资产编号 5)DUT样品 6)Test Station if required 测试站 7)Measurement if required检查工具或设备 1.2 General Information Completed设备信息的填写 At this beginning,Pls.fill in the general information of machine,such as machine number,description,revision,control number,serial number,
4、equipment ID number,verified by,verify date and so on.Below is for referenced:开始请填写设备信息如编号,描述,版本等等,以下可供参考 1.2 Documents Verifying 文件检查 This section is to check if the machine will be verified by using correct relative documents,software,test station,DUT etc;So it need to complete the following items
5、,see below for reference:这里主要检查和确认是否用最新且正确的图纸,规格,软件,测试位,样品等来检验设备,请参考如下:1.2 Mechanical/Pneumatic Verifying 机械和气动部分的检查 This section is mainly to verify mechanical and/or pneumatic portion of machines.If result for each item is accepted,concession or rejected,Pplete the comment/result column with“OK”,“
6、UAI”or“NG”and signed the name in checked by column.If it is UAI or NG,it is better to add some comments on the column and also annotate the comment on machine labeling for tracking.If it is good,just complete with“OK”and no need to annotate on machine labeling.Below items are step by step:这里主要是机械和气动
7、部分的检查.对每个检查项,结果主要有三种:接受,让步接受,拒绝.如果是让步接受或拒绝,请在结果栏里填上“UAI”或“NG”,也可加些备注,同时必须备注在设备标识上以便跟进.如果是接受,请在结果栏里填上“OK”即可.下面是检查的具体项目:1)Verify raw materials for manufacturing parts are correct at documented type,Common&ESD Material 检查机械加工件的原材料是否正确(非 ESD材料)检查要求防静电的零件材料是否正确 (ESD 材料)2)Verify surface treatment for manu
8、facturing part is correct at documented type and no any scratch/damage/broken on surface and no any sharp edge or burrs.检查机械加工件表面(颜色,处理工艺是否正确,外观有否擦伤痕迹/锐边/尖角等)3)Verify all parts are manufactured according to correct drawing,especially critical dimension must be verified in spec and enclosed when deli
9、very.编号样品测试站检查工具或设备设备信息的填写写设备信息如编号描述版本等等以下可供参考开始请填文件检查这里里主要是机械和气动部分的检查对每个检查项结果主要有三种接受让步接受拒绝如果是让步接受或拒绝请在结果栏里目检查机械加工件的原材料是否正确非材料检查要求防静电的零件材料是否正确材料检查机械加工件表面颜色处理工确保机械零件按图加工,要求提供符合要求的关键尺寸表 4)Verify manufacturing parts are assembled in proper fashion and no missing 检查机械加工部件的装配是否正确及完整,有没有装反,装错或遗漏 5)Verify
10、all fastening parts(screw,washer,nut,bolt,spacer,circlip)are assembled correctly and no missing and securely at documented torque 检查紧固件(螺丝螺母卡簧等)是否安装正确,完整及可靠 6)Verify critical components(cylinder,bearings,linear,etc)is assembled correctly&cant be alternative unless specified.检查关键标准件(气缸,轴承轴套,导轨等)是否安装正
11、确,不可替代除非特别指示 7)Verify all pneumatic parts are no pressure leak,adjusted in correct position,proper function and at documented pressure value,speed,and travel smoothly without sticking or binding 检查气动元件在指定气压下是否漏气,安装正确,工作正常,动作顺畅,速度异常等现象,并备注实际气压值.8)Use DUT to verify all guide parts are fit for alignmen
12、t 用样品检查定位件的对位是否准确 9)Verify all rubber parts hardness,colour and check if it fittings/align with DUT and mark hardness value.检查硅胶件的硬度,颜色及与样品的配合是否过紧过松或偏位.并备注硬度值 10)All moving parts are verified unobstructed throughout their entire course of travel 检查所有移动零部件是否移动顺畅 11)Verify fittingly/smoothly operation
13、 of loading and unloading of DUT 检查设备放置样品及取出样品是否顺畅,便利,无干涉无阻碍等 12)Verify machine will be secure and safety during operating 检查设备在使用过程中是否可靠,安全,不可有夹伤或损伤操作人员的危险和隐患 1.2 Electrical Verifying 电子部分的检查 编号样品测试站检查工具或设备设备信息的填写写设备信息如编号描述版本等等以下可供参考开始请填文件检查这里里主要是机械和气动部分的检查对每个检查项结果主要有三种接受让步接受拒绝如果是让步接受或拒绝请在结果栏里目检查机械
14、加工件的原材料是否正确非材料检查要求防静电的零件材料是否正确材料检查机械加工件表面颜色处理工This section is mainly to verify electrical portion of machines.The guideline is the same as above.Below items are step by step:这里主要是电子部分的检查.要求同上.下面是检查的具体项目:1)Verify WIRE is properly secured,layout is reasonable,strain relieved with correct length and me
15、asure connection by manual elect measuring 检查连线的长度,是否在设备使用中有干涉,布线是否合理,人工检测连线正确性 2)Verify PCBA is populated correctly and check I/O value manually according to schematic/diagram 检查电路板是否按图和 BOM 加工,电子零件是否贴装正确,人工检测输入输出电压电流是否正常 2)Verify NEEDLE and PCB beds against drawing and connection well in specified
16、 compression of needles 检查探针连线是否按图正确连接,和 PCB的针位是否通电 4)Verify CABLES are function by manual electrical measuring and/or when connected with testing equipment,and also verify length of cable,verify value&soldering of resistors,capacitors,diodes when they are solder with shrink tubes and with connector
17、s.人工检查或连接到设备上以确认电缆的连接是否连通,电缆的长度是否正确,电缆和零件焊接时是否有短接虚焊,是否有热塑管保护 5)Verify that ALL CONNECTION is proper contacted per schematic or wiring diagram before power on 最终通电前,检查所有连接是否按电路图正确连接 6)Verify Critical Component cant be alternated unless specify关键电子件不可替代除非特别指示 7)Verify function of LED 通电检查 LED指示灯的功能是否正
18、常 8)Verify function of SENSORS and if assembled correct 检查感应器功能及安装位置是否正确 9)Verify BATTERY CONNECTOR/CONTACT is assembled correctly and measure electrical battery pin by manual electrical measure 编号样品测试站检查工具或设备设备信息的填写写设备信息如编号描述版本等等以下可供参考开始请填文件检查这里里主要是机械和气动部分的检查对每个检查项结果主要有三种接受让步接受拒绝如果是让步接受或拒绝请在结果栏里目检查
19、机械加工件的原材料是否正确非材料检查要求防静电的零件材料是否正确材料检查机械加工件表面颜色处理工检查电源连接器/连接件是否安装正确,人工检查是否通电 10)Verify SYSTEM CONNECTOR is assembled correctly and function when connected with station 检查系统连接器是否安装正确,是否与测试位连接正常 11)Verify ANTENNA is assembled correctly and function 检查天线是否安装正确,功能是否正常 12)Verify MICROPHONE is assembled cor
20、rectly&function 检查麦克风是否安装正确,功能正常 13)Verify SPEAKER is assembled correctly and its function by using signal generator equipment 检查扬声器是否安装正确,用信号发生器检查其功能是否正常 14)Verify RF CONNECTOR is assembled correctly and its function when engage and compression 检查高频连接器是否安装正确,在接合及压缩时其功能是否正常 15)Verify RF INTERFACE BO
21、XES shielding function 检查屏蔽箱的功能 16)Verify EAR COUPLER is assembled correctly and in correct position at documented specified 检查耳机藕合器是否安装准确,位置是否正确,功能是否正常 7.2 Function and GR&R Verifying设备功能和可靠性检查 This section is mainly to verify function and GR&R of machines.The guideline is the same as above.Below i
22、tems are step by step:这里主要是设备功能和可靠性的检查.要求同上.下面是检查的具体项目:1)Verify base machine function with test software 用测试程序检查通用设备部分是否功能正常 2)Verify application machine function with DUT&test software 用样品和程序检查应用设备的功能 编号样品测试站检查工具或设备设备信息的填写写设备信息如编号描述版本等等以下可供参考开始请填文件检查这里里主要是机械和气动部分的检查对每个检查项结果主要有三种接受让步接受拒绝如果是让步接受或拒绝请在
23、结果栏里目检查机械加工件的原材料是否正确非材料检查要求防静电的零件材料是否正确材料检查机械加工件表面颜色处理工3)Verify final machine(including base machine,application machine,DUT,Test software)have been functionally tested and pass tests 用样品和程序检查整个设备的功能是否通过测试 4)Run GR&R test and verify all results are passed(Dev=0.2,3DUT,3Operators,10times/DUT,Total 90
24、times)检查设备的重复性和可靠性(3 个操作员分别用 3 个样品进行测试,每样测 10 次,共 90 次,偏离不可大于0.2)7.3 Buy Off and Signature设备最终验收和签名 This step describes buying off and sign of machine if it is verified.The qualification result should be:Pass,UAI,Rejected and Scrapped.The result will be identified on machine labeling for each machin
25、e.When a machines is verified pass,it is required to sign a finally and documented and delivery with machines.Below is reference:这里规定如何最终验收设备,每个设备检查的结果由设备检查规格书来判定。每个设备附带一份该设备检查规格书并备案。送交设备时,一份最终签署的设备检查规格书和设备一同送出。1.8 Delivery to Site设备验收后交送 Once machines are buy-off and documented,they will be deliver
26、ed with labeling&one specification to site dedicated by customer and/or requestor.当设备验收合格并备案后,设备随同标识和签署的规格书一起送往客户指定的地方。8.0 ECN and Upgrade工程变更和升级 If machine is required ECN or any upgrade,the labeling and specification will be updated accordingly after machine modified or upgrade based on ECN/Upgrad
27、e annotation on machine labeling.All labels still need enclosed for tracking or record.如果设备需要变更或升级,标识和签署的规格书应相应的升级。但所有的标识将保留以被追溯。9.0 Machine Scrapped 设备废弃处理 If machine is obsolete and/or scrapped before delivery to site,the machine with labeling&signed specification will be put away and scrapped tog
28、ether.如果设备需要报废,设备和相应的标识以及签署的规格书将一起废弃。编号样品测试站检查工具或设备设备信息的填写写设备信息如编号描述版本等等以下可供参考开始请填文件检查这里里主要是机械和气动部分的检查对每个检查项结果主要有三种接受让步接受拒绝如果是让步接受或拒绝请在结果栏里目检查机械加工件的原材料是否正确非材料检查要求防静电的零件材料是否正确材料检查机械加工件表面颜色处理工10.0 Record记录 All quality records mentioned in this work instruction will be reserved for three years.本指引所提及的质量记录保存三年。编号样品测试站检查工具或设备设备信息的填写写设备信息如编号描述版本等等以下可供参考开始请填文件检查这里里主要是机械和气动部分的检查对每个检查项结果主要有三种接受让步接受拒绝如果是让步接受或拒绝请在结果栏里目检查机械加工件的原材料是否正确非材料检查要求防静电的零件材料是否正确材料检查机械加工件表面颜色处理工