1、中国科学院大学国际学生新生保留/恢复入学资格申请表APPLICATION FORM FOR PRESERVING/REGAINING ADMISSION QUALIFICATION请认真阅读本表注意事项,准确无误填写下列各项。/Please carefully read the instructions given at the end and fill in the form without any mistakes学生信息/Students Information学生姓名/Name国籍/Nationality护照号码/Passport No.录取号/Admission No.联系电话/Te
2、l邮箱/Email经费来源/Source of funding (请选择/ Please tick J) CAS-TWAS CSC UCAS Full Self-support Other:.奖学金编号/Scholarship No.申请类别/Application Type申请保留入学资格/Apply for Preserving Admission Qualification本人因故不能按时报到入学,特此申请延期报到入学。入学资格保留期限/I failed to register on time due to some reasons, and apply for preserving a
3、dmission qualification. The expected date of admission:年/Yr月/Mon日/Day.申请恢复入学资格/Apply for Regaining Admission Qualification本人申请了保留入学资格并获得批准,现申请重新入学。重新入学时间/I had叩plied for preserving admission qualification and got approval. Now I apply for admission. The expected date of registration:年/Yr月 /Mon日/Day.
4、申请理由(请附相关证明材料)/Personal Statement (Please attach supporting materials)申请人签字/Applicant Signature:年/Yr月/Mon日/Day导师意见/Supervisors Comment1 .对该生保留入学资格申请:口同意口不同意2 .对该生恢复入学资格申请:口同意口不同意导师签字:年 月 日研究所/学院意见/Institute/College Comment1 .对该生保留入学资格申请:口同意口不同意2 .对该生恢复入学资格申请:口同意 口不同意3 .若该生失去奖学金资格,我单位将参照中国科学院大学国际学生奖学
5、金资助标准提供资助:口同意口不同意审批人(签字)年 月日(单位公章)国科大意见/UCAS Comment1 .对该生保留入学资格申请:口同意口不同意2 .对该生恢复入学资格申请:口同意口不同意审批人(签字)年 月日(学籍管理专用章)注/Note: 1.本表由学生本人填写,经导师和研究所/学院签署意见,报国科大批准(将扫描件发送至电子邮箱邮件命名为“保留/恢复入学资格-*研窕 所/学院 ”)。/This form should be filled by the student, reviewed by host supervisor and institute/college, and sent
6、 to UCAS for final review (Scanned copy sent to . Email named as RETAINING/R日NSTATING STUDENT STATUS -xxx institute/college).2 .因病或因其他合理事由,超过学校规定的请假期限不能报到入学的,或在新生复查期内发现患病不能坚持学习或不宜在华学习的,可以申 请保留入学资格。入学资格保留期限最长不超过 1 年。/Student who fails to enroll in UCAS on time due to health or other issue can apply f
7、or retaining enrolling qualification. Enrollment extension should be no more than 1 year.3 .保留入学资格者应在保留期内最后一个学期末提出入学申请。逾期未按规定申请入学,或者虽申请但经复查不符合入学要求的,由研究所/ 学院提出,报国科大批准,取消入学资格。/Student who has been approved for retaining enrolling qualification should apply for re-enrollment at the end of the last seme
8、ster during the retention period. Otherwise, his or her enrolling qualification will be cancelled.4 .中国科学院一发展中国家科学院院长奖学金、中国科学院大学国际学生奖学金的资格保留期限自录取通知书规定的报到截止日期算起,最 长不超过2个月。中国政府奖学金的资格保留期限最长不超过当年10月15 口。超过奖学金资格保留期限未入学的,将自动失去奖学金资格。/The awardees of CAS-TWAS President Fellowship and UCAS Full Scholarship f
9、or International Students only have an enrollment extension period of no more than 2 months, while the awardees of Chinese Government Scholarship have to register before October 15,h of the awarded year. Awardees who fail to register within the time limits will lose their Fellowship/Scholarship.中国科学院大学留学生办公室制表International Students Office of UCAS