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1、你好,中国有关中国传统文化汉语词汇翻译练习【翻译】你好,中国中国介绍Hello China (你好,中国)选取了 100个代表中国传统文化精髓的汉语 词汇,从不同侧面反映中国文化的博大精深,加深国外民众对中国和中华文 化的了解。1、一条古老的黄河贯穿东西,流淌千年。The ancient Yellow River flows uninterrupted from east to west for thousands of years.2、蚕丝制成服装,黏土烧成陶瓷。石头垒出万里长城。Silk was made into cloth, while clay was made into potte

2、ry and ceramics. Millions of stones were piled into the Great Wall.3、这个国度创造了很多奇迹:长城、敦煌莫高窟、兵马俑、中国功夫。The country created many wonders, such as the Great Wall, Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Terracotta Warriors and Chinese Kung Fu.4、北京是中国的首都,它开放国门走向世界。Beijing is the capital of Zhongguo, or China,which ope

3、ns to and embraces the world.5、2008年奥运会、2010年上海世博会在中国召开。The Beijing Olympic Games 2008,and the Shanghai World Expo 2010 were held here in Zhongguo.6、京剧和歌剧在这里同台,世界文化在这里同放异彩。Peking Opera and Western Opera are performed on the same stage.Cultures of the whole world show brilliant vitality in this ancie

4、nt country.A compass, zhi nan zhen, indicates north and south. It was invented byChinese 2,000 years ago.2、古代的指南针就像一把汤勺;把它放在平滑的盘子上,依靠磁铁的原理,当 它静止的时候,勺柄就会指向南方。The ancient zhi nan zhen looked like a spoon. When the spoon was put on the plate, its handle could point to the south using magnetic fields.3、

5、后来,中国人用小钢针代替了汤勺,指南针就更轻便了。Then Chinese used a little steel needle to replace the spoon. This made the zhi nan zhen easier to carry.4、600多年前,郑和先后七下西洋,最远到达红海沿岸与非洲东海岸,便是依 靠指南针的导航。Six hundred years ago, Zheng He, a famous eunuch of the Ming Dynasty, traveled to Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean seven t

6、imes. Zheng even reached the Red Sea with the help of the zhi nan zhen.5、指南针的出现促进了世界航海时代的发展。The invention boosted the development of navigation.7、这就是中国!希望你可以了解她,欣赏她,爱上她。所有黄皮肤、黑眼睛的 中国人都张开双臂热情的欢迎你。This is Zhongguo. Hope you can understand her appreciate her and love her. All the Chinese people, black-

7、eyed and yellow-skinned welcome you with open arms.你好1、你好,是一句最常用的问候语。Ni hao is the most commonly used greeting.2、2500年前,中国人的道德先驱孔子告诉他的人民要遵守礼仪之道。Kong Qiu, or Confucius, told people 2,500 years ago that everyone must follow etiquette.3、故而,中国被称作礼仪之邦。So, China is called the home of etiquette.4、你好,就是这个礼仪

8、之邦最具中国色彩的问候语,可以祝福一切美好的事物。Ni hao is the most typical greeting in China wishing you well.5、当中国人在跟你说“你好”的时候,已经包含了诸如:身体健康、工作顺利、阖 家欢乐的美好寓意。Ni hao is a greeting that wishes you good health, a good job and a happy family.6、让我们一起来说:你好!Lets say that together: Ni hao!.孔子1、孔子于公元前551年出生,是历史上对中华文化影响最大的人。Born in

9、551 BC, Confucius ( Kong zi) has made the greatest contribution to Chinese culture of anyone in history.2、虽然他家境贫寒,但他拜访了名家,学到了很多东西。Although he was raised in a poor family, he visited famous scholars and learned a lot.3、后来,他创立了儒家思想。He developed his thoughts into a system of philosophy known as Confuci

10、anism.4、儒家思想注重人的自我修养,强调与人建立和谐的关系,对待长辈要尊敬有 礼。Confucianism emphasizedself-cultivation, harmoniousrelationships with each other and respect for the elderly.5、与朋友交往要诚实守信。Friends should be honest to each other.6、统治者应该致力于让人民生活幸福。Rulers should make an effort to provide a happy life for people.7、孔子还是一位伟大的老师

11、,他倡导有教无类,每个人都有受教育的权利。He was a great teacher as well and promoted education for ordinarypeople.8、孔子周游列国推行他的政治思想,但未能成功,可是他从不放弃。He traveled around to promote his political thinking but failed. But he never gave up.9、孔子,是华夏民族精神上的引领者。Kong Zi is a great Chinese spiritual leader.10、2000多年来,孔子的思想影响着中国乃至世界。O

12、ver the last 2,000 years, his philosophy has continued to influence China and the rest of the world.11、他的思想也已成为东方文化的一种象征。It is also regarded as the symbol of oriental culture.孙子好!中国100集,经过先听后翻译的形式,激发学生的英语学习兴趣,提高英 语表达。1、孙子在中国的春秋时期被誉为兵圣。Sun Tzu, who lived in China during the Spring and Autumn Period,

13、is regarded as the ultimate master of war.2、他的军事著作一孙子兵法已经流传2000多年了。His great military work, The Art of War, has been read for more than 2,000 years.3、孙子主张战争制胜的本质是经济和后勤上的较量。Sun Tzu believed that competition between economies and logistics is the nature of war.4、(只有)国富民强才能赢得战争,不然会给国家和人民情来口大的伤占。Only if

14、 the nation is prosperous and its people are strong enough will they win the war, otherwise the war will bring huge damages to the nation and people.5、搜集敌军信息是战争制胜的关键。Gathering information on your enemies is the key to winning wars.6、常胜将军必须要像熟悉自己一样熟悉敌人,随时根据敌人的最新情况指导军 队。The victorious general must be

15、familiar with his enemies just as with himself and direct troops according to the newest situation.7、战争制胜的最高境界是不战而屈人之兵。The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without force.8、现在,孙子的思想依然提醒着我们,和平才是人类的共同II标。His spirit reminds us that peace is the common objective we should pursue.老子1、东方圣人孔子,被中国人称

16、为最伟大的老师。Kong Qiu (Confucius), the historical Chinese saint, is considered to be the greatest teacher of China.2、他的老师就是老子。His teacher was Lao Tzu (Laozi).3、孔子称颂老子像一条神龙,隐藏在云雾之中。Kong Qiu said that Lao Tzu was a dragon who hid in the clouds.4、孔子用一辈子的时间跟他学习,也不能完全领悟他伟大的智慧。He learned from Lao Tzu all his l

17、ife but could not understand all his great wisdom.5、2500年后,老子的著作成为被翻译成最多语言的中国读物。2,500 years later his work has been translated into many foreign languages.6、老子认为人类要向自然学习,注意保持天地万物的和谐发展.Lao Tzu believed that people should learn from nature and keep a harmonious relationship with nature.7、在黄河边,老子告诉孔子,圣

18、人应当像眼前的流水。Beside a river, Lao Tzu told Kong Qiu that a saint should act like flowing water.8、水善于滋养万物,而不与万物争夺利益。Water gives life to others but does not fight with others.9、所以,圣人没有过失,也没有人来怨恨他,他才能成就大业。A saint makes no error and no one hates him.Therefore, he can make great achievements.10、在中国,老子被认为是师祖。

19、In China, Lao Tzu is considered the elite of teachers.太阳1、太阳为人类世界带来了光明和生机。Sun, tai ydng, brings light and vitality to the world.2、传说在中国的远古时代,天上曾经有十个太阳。人们难以忍受这样的高温,英雄后裔挺身而出,用弓箭射抻了九个太阳。Legends say that there were ten tdi ydng in the sky in ancient times.People couldn11 put up with the hot weather brou

20、ght by ten tdi ydng. A hero named Houyi shot down nine tdi ydng with his bow.3、根据对太阳光影的测量,中国人创立了自己的历法。The Chinese created a calendar according to shadows produced by the last tai yang.4、中国人还根据太阳的运行规律,制定了 :卜四节气;依靠它来指导农田耕作。The Chinese have created 24 solar terms according to the circulation laws of ta

21、i yang. They arc used to guide farming activities.5、日升日落,太阳代表着中国人心中的希望。The rise and set of tdi ydng represents hope in the hearts of Chinese people.月亮1、月亮这个形象意味着月圆月缺。This character means moon with wax and wane.2、在中国,月亮被赋予了许多神话色彩。Mythical meanings are attributed to yue 1iang in Chinese legends.3、传说后裔

22、的妻子嫦娥偷吃了丈夫的仙丹,独自飞上天成仙了。她孤独地生活在月亮上,只有一只兔子陪伴。Legend has it that Chang* e, the wife of Ancient Chinese hero Hou Yi, stole her husband* s elixir and ate it. Then she became a fairy and flew to the yue liang. She lived alone on the yue liang with only the company of a rabbit.4、在中国,有祭拜月亮的习俗。Worshipping yu

23、e liang is an ancient custom in China.5、圆圆的月亮乂象征着团圆。人们看到月亮就会思念家人。A round yue liang represents family reunion and often reminds people of their family.6、正如中国有首古诗所说,“举头望明月,低头思故乡。”An acient Chinese poem says, “Raise my eyes to the yue liang, lower my head and think of home.”农历1、农历是中国的传统历法,农业上使用的历书。The

24、lunar calendar(nong li) is the traditional Chinese calendar and is often used in agriculture.2、新月是农历一个月的第一天,满月到了,就是农历的月中。这样循环一个月, 大概要30天。According to nong li, the crescent appears on the first day of each month and full moon comes out in the middle of the month. The cycle lasts for about 30 days.3、农

25、历,乂根据太阳的位置,设立了二十四节气。24 days mark 24 divisions of the solar year in nong li, according to the different positions of the Sun.4、立春,提醒人们开始进入了春天。For example, the division Lichun or the beginning of Spring, reminds people that Spring is coming.5、惊蛰时,天气渐渐暖和,小虫子都出来活动。Jingzhe or the waking of insects means

26、that the weather is getting warmer.6、立夏,农作物开始旺盛地生长。Lixia or the beginning of Summer is the point that crops are blooming.7、大寒以后,天气逐渐暖和了。Dahanorthe great coldis the end ofsevere Winter.8、至此,地球绕太阳公转了一周,完成了一个循环。All these create a circle.9、一年乂一年,人们根据农历观察自然,体会大自然的神秘。Year after year people experience the mysteries of nature with nong li.指南针1、指南针可以指示南北。2000多年前,中国人发明了它。


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