1、读后续写语料库:环境描写环境描写是指对人物所处的具体的社会环境和自然环境的描写。通过对环境的描写,能够交 代事情发生的地点或背景,渲染气氛,间接表达故事中主人公的内心情感变化,推动故事情 节的发展,因此环境描写是必不可少的。让我们一起来看看如何描写环境吧。写作语料I .用环境交代故事发生的地点或背景1. It was the day after Thanksgiving. Gray clouds covered the sky. The air was biting. The temperature was below freezing.乌云笼罩着天空,空气刺骨,气温在冰点以下。2. The
2、trees are all full of light green leaves. The sweet sound of bird songs mingles C昆合)with the laughter of children playing outside.悦耳的鸟鸣声与孩子们在外玩耍的笑声混合在一起。3. Fresh buds were showing up on the branches of my maple tree. A black cat was lying leisurely in the sunshine.枫树的枝头冒出了嫩芽,一只黑猫悠闲地躺在阳光下。4. The sun
3、rose thinly from the sea and the old man could see the other boats, low on the water and well in toward the shore, spread out across the current.太阳淡淡地从海上升起,老人看得见别的船只低低地浮在水面上,离海岸很近,散布在海流 四处。5. The gray, multi-story structure is located next to the train station. It receives a steady stream of visitor
4、s from the station or the nearby bus stop from dawn to dusk.这座灰色的多层建筑位于火车站旁边。从黎明到黄昏,它从车站或附近的公交车站接待源 源不断的游客。6. The uniformed students broke the morning silence with their footsteps and constant chatter. 这些身着校服的学生的脚步声和不断的聊天声打破了早晨的寂静。7. Rain fell in big drops and thunder and lightning flashed across th
5、e skies. I shivered with cold and fear as I walked through the streams of muddy water. Some people were rushing by, completely soaked in the heavy rain.大雨滂沱,闪电伴着雷声划过天空。我趟着泥水,又冷又怕,浑身发抖。有些人匆匆走过, 被大雨淋得透湿。II .用环境渲染氛围,表达情感1. The ground is kissed by the rain.雨水滋润着大地。2. The feathery snowflakes danced in th
6、e night air, making a beautiful picture.羽毛般的雪花在夜空中飞舞,构成了一幅美丽的图画。3. A clear little stream ran merrily along its narrow way.一条清澈的小溪沿着狭窄的河道欢快地流着。4. The stars that dotted the sky lit up the night like diamonds.点缀着天空的星星像钻石一样照亮了夜空。5. The icy wind started howling, cutting my face like a sharp knife.刺骨的寒风开始
7、咆哮,像一把锋利的刀割着我的脸。6. The dense fog blanketed the field.浓雾笼罩着田野。7. With a burst of thunder, rain poured down once again, beating heavily against the windows. 随着一阵雷声,雨水再次倾盆而下,重重地敲打着窗户。8. This time, however, it didnt seem so cold, gray, and gloomy.9. 然而,这一次,天气似乎不那么寒冷、灰暗和阴郁了。Even the snowflakes floating i
8、n the wind felt more like a gift from Heaven than a curse from nature. 即使是在风中飘飘的雪花,也更像是上天的恩赐,而不是大自然的诅咒。IIL用环境推动情节发展,为下文做铺垫1. But just as George was about to nod off, he heard a strange noise that seemed to come from the woods. .但就在乔治要打盹的时候,他听到了一种奇怪的声音,似乎是从树林里传来的。Looking at his two friends sleeping p
9、eacefully, he decided that it must have just been the wind and there was no need to worry.看着他的两个朋友安然入睡,他断定那一定只是风,没有必要担心。But just as he started to nod off, he heard the sound again. It was much louder this time.但就在他开始打盹的时候,他又听到了那个声音。这次声音大得多。2. The train disappeared over the horizon; all that was left
10、 was thick, dirty smoke. Behind me, someone said, sighing, What do you expect?”火车消失在地平线上,只剩下又浓又脏的烟。在我身后,有人叹息着说:你还指望什么?3. As the sun set in the evening sky, Mike slowly turned and walked toward his home. All was silent and still.当太阳在傍晚的天空中落下时,迈克慢慢地转身向他的家走去。一切都静悄悄的。5. The biting wind stung (刺痛)our fac
11、es like needles, and each step felt like a punch (拳)to my legs. After what seemed to be a century, the small building finally stood in front of us.刺骨的寒风像针一样刺痛着我们的脸,每走一步都像是对腿击了一拳。IV .用环境烘托人物形象1. When I arrived at my stop, I walked to the office. The building was so tall and standing in its shadow, I
12、felt small.当我到站时,我走到办公室。那座建筑那么高,站在它的阴影里,我觉得自己很渺小。(楼房与作者,一个高大,一个渺小,鲜明的对比体现了作者的不自信)2. The yard is dark and cold, the sea is storming, but it is warm and cozy in the fishing hut. 院子里又黑又冷,海面上刮着风暴,但渔棚里却温暖舒适。Earthen floor is swept cleanly; the fire is still on in the stove; clean dishes glitter on the she
13、lf.(渔 家的小屋温暖舒适,地扫得干干净净,食具闪闪发亮,从侧面体现出主人公的勤劳)3. It was terribly cold and nearly dark on the last evening of the old year, and the snow was falling fast. In the cold and darkness, a poor little girl with bare head and naked feet, roamed (漫无 目 的地 走)through the streets.(天气寒冷,可小女孩却赤着脚走在路上,对比鲜明,愈发凸显了小女 孩的可
14、怜)这是旧年的最后一个晚上,天气非常寒冷,天黑了,雪下得很大。在寒冷和黑暗中,一个可 怜的小女孩光着头,光着脚,在街上游荡V .用环境揭示、深化主题1.1 gazed up at the clouds and bright, beautiful sunshine. It had been a very long winter and I was looking forward to the coming spring.我凝视着云层和明亮美丽的阳光。这是一个漫长的冬天,我盼望着春天的到来。作者用明媚的阳光表达了自己对于春天的期待和生活的热爱。2.1 looked up at the pre-da
15、wn sky and saw it was full of twinkling (闪烁的)stars. It was so beautiful and so peaceful. Suddenly, I felt a warmth inside of me and stopped shivering (颤抖).While my dog sniffed (闻)the ground I opened my heart to the wonder of natures creation.我仰望黎明前的天空,看到满天闪烁的星星(闪烁的)。它是那么美丽,那么宁静。突然,我 感到了内心的温暖,停止了颤抖。当
16、我的狗嗅着地面时,我向大自然创造的奇迹敞开了心扉。通过对于漫天星光的描写,突出了作者对于大自然创造万物的赞美。3 . She could see the white house gleaming (隐约闪现)welcome to her through the reddening autumn leaves, feel the quiet hush (寂静)of the country twilight coming down over her like a blessing. She felt comforted, strengthened by the picture, and some
17、of her hurt and regret was pushed from the top of her mind.她可以透过变红的秋叶看到白色的房子闪闪发光欢迎她,感觉到乡村暮色的静谧像祝福一 样降临在她身上。这张照片使她感到安慰和坚强,她的一些伤害和遗憾从她的脑海中被抛到 脑后。眼前的美景,让主人公忘记悲伤,内心重新充满了力量。4 .微风轻柔地亲吻着我的脸庞。The breeze kissed my face softly5 .地面很快就被雪覆盖了。The ground was soon covered with snow.6 .夕阳倒映在窗户上,花园显得如此美丽。The garden
18、looked so beautiful as the sunset reflected in the window.7 .丽莎一觉醒来,闻到了煎饼和香肠的味道。厨房的桌子上摆满了新鲜的水果和果汁,她 的家人甚至买了一排鲜花放在桌子上。Lisa woke up to the smell of pancakes and sausage cooking. The kitchen table was full of fresh fruit and juice, and her family had even bought an array of fresh flowers to put on the
19、table.8 .天色渐渐暗下来,他加快了脚步。As the sky gradually darkened and the light dimmed, he quickened his pace.读后续写语料:环境描写检查默写写作语料I.用环境交代故事发生的地点或背景乌云笼罩着天空,空气刺骨,气温在冰点以下。悦耳的鸟鸣声与孩子们在外玩耍的笑声混合在一起。枫树的枝头冒出了嫩芽,一只黑猫悠闲地躺在阳光下。太阳淡淡地从海上升起,老人看得见别的船只低低地浮在水面上,离海岸很近,散布在海流 四处。这座灰色的多层建筑位于火车站旁边。从黎明到黄昏,它从车站或附近的公交车站接待源 源不断的游客。这些身着校服的
20、学生的脚步声和不断的聊天声打破了早晨的寂静。大雨滂沱,闪电伴着雷声划过天空。我趟着泥水,又冷又怕,浑身发抖。有些人匆匆走过, 被大雨淋得透湿。II.用环境渲染氛围,表达情感1. 雨 水滋润着大地。羽毛般的雪花在夜空中飞舞,构成了一幅美丽的图画。一条清澈的小溪沿着狭窄的河道欢快地流着。点缀着天空的星星像钻石一样照亮了夜空。刺骨的寒风开始咆哮,像一把锋利的刀割着我的脸。浓雾笼罩着田野。2. 随着一阵雷声,雨水再次倾盆而下,重重地敲打着窗户。然而,这一次,天气似乎不那么寒冷、灰暗和阴郁了。即使是在风中飘飘的雪花,也更像是上天的恩赐,而不是大自然的诅咒。III.用环境推动情节发展,为下文做铺垫但就在乔
21、治要打盹的时候,他听到了一种奇怪的声音,似乎是从树林里传来的。看着他的两个朋友安然入睡,他断定那一定只是风,没有必要担心。但就在他开始打盹的时候,他又听到了那个声音。这次声音大得多。火车消失在地平线上,只剩下又浓又脏的烟。在我身后,有人叹息着说:你还指望什么? 3.当太阳在傍晚的天空中落下时,迈克慢慢地转身向他的家走去。一切都静悄悄的。5.刺骨的寒风像针一样刺痛着我们的脸,每走一步都像是对腿击了一拳。IV .用环境烘托人物形象当我到站时,我走到办公室。那座建筑那么高,站在它的阴影里,我觉得自己很渺小。院子里又黑又冷,海面上刮着风暴,但渔棚里却温暖舒适。(渔家的小屋温暖舒适,地扫得干干净净,食具
22、闪闪发亮,这是旧年的最后一个晚上,天气非常寒冷,天黑了,雪下得很大。在寒冷和黑暗中,一个可 怜的小女孩光着头,光着脚,在街上游荡V .用环境揭示、深化主题1 .我凝视着云层和明亮美丽的阳光。这是一个漫长的冬天,我盼望着春天的到来。2 .我仰望黎明前的天空,看到满天闪烁的星星(闪烁的)。它是那么美丽,那么宁静。突然,我 感到了内心的温暖,停止了颤抖。当我的狗嗅着地面时,我向大自然创造的奇迹敞开了心扉。3 .她可以透过变红的秋叶看到白色的房子闪闪发光欢迎她,感觉到乡村暮色的静谧像祝福一 样降临在她身上。这张照片使她感到安慰和坚强,她的一些伤害和遗憾从她的脑海中被抛到 脑后。4 .微风轻柔地亲吻着我的脸庞。5 .地面很快就被雪覆盖了。6 .夕阳倒映在窗户上,花园显得如此美丽。7 .丽莎一觉醒来,闻到了煎饼和香肠的味道。厨房的桌子上摆满了新鲜的水果和果汁,她 的家人甚至买了一排鲜花放在桌子上。8 .天色渐渐暗下来,他加快了脚步。