1、西 安 邮 电 大 学(计算机学院)课内实险报告实 验 生 称:实验2互 换 机 基 本 配 置专业名称三计算机科学与技术班学生姓名:高宏伟实验日期:20 2 3 年 0 5 月 1 2 日一.实验目的及实验内容(1)掌握网络仿真工具的使用;(2)掌握互换机MAC地址表管理;(3)掌握生成树分析;(4)掌握VLAN基本配置。二.实 验 环 境(1)Cisco P a c ket Trac e r 软件;(2)装有Win d ow s系记录算机一台。三.实验内容、方案、过程及结果实验6.2.7b2950-24SwitchlPC-PTPCIPC-PTPC2Switchshow mac-addres
2、s-tableMac Address TableVian Mac Address Type PortsPCipconfig/allFastEthernet。Connection:(default port)Connection-specific DNS Suffix.:Physical Address.:Link-local IPv6 Address.:IP Address.:Subnet Mask.:De faul Ga匕eway.:DNS Servers.:DHCP Servers.:DHCPv6 Client DUID.:0001.C7B8.8A84FE80:201:C7FF:FEB8:
3、8A8410.0.0.2255. t,h em et0 C onnection:(d e fa u lt p o rt)C o n n e c tio n-sp e c ific DNS S u f f ix.:P h y sic a l A d d ress.:L in k-lo c a l IPv6 A d d ress.:IP A d d ress.:Subnet-M ask.:De fau lt.Gat-eway.:DNS S e r
4、v e rs.:DHCP S e rv e rs.:DHCPv6 C lie n t DUID.:0002.4A74.3A13FE80:202:4A FF:FE74:3A 131 5 2-5A-90-00-02-4A-74-3A-13S uitch show m a c-a d d re s s-ta b leMac A ddress T ableV ianMac A ddressTypeP o rts10 0 0 1.c7 b 8.8 a8 4DYNAMICFaO/21Sw i
5、tch0 0 0 2.4 a 7 4.3 a l3DYNAMICFaO/1实验6.2 .8faO/2PC-PTPCI2950-24SwitchlfaO/8faO/82950-24Switch 2faO/1PC-PTPC2S uitch show s p a n n in g-tre eVLAN0001S panning tr e e e n a b le d p ro to c o l ie e eRoot IDP r i o r it y 32769A ddress 00E0.BOEE.1DZE|T h is b rid g e i s th e root.H e llo Time 2 se
6、c Max Age 20 se c Forw ard D elay 15 secB rid g e IDP r i o r it y 32769(p r io r i ty 32768 s y s-id-e x t 1)A ddress 00E0.BOEE.1D2EH e llo Time 2 sec Max Age 20 se c Forw ard D elay 15 secA ging Time 20I n te r faceR ole S ts C ost P r io.Nbr TypeFaO/2FaO/8D esg FTO 19 1 2 8.2 PZpD esg FWD 19 1 2
7、8.8 PZpS w itchS u it ch show sp aim ing-1 r e eVLAN0001Spanning tr e e enabled p ro to c o l ieeeRoot IDP rio rityA ddressCostP o rtH ello Time32769OOEO.BOEE.1D2E198(F a stE th e rn e t0/8)2 sec Max Age 20 secForward D elay15 secB ridge IDP rio rityA ddressH ello TimeAging Time32769(p r io rity 327
8、6800E0.F91C.D2752 sec Hax Age 20 sec20s y s-id-e x t 1)Forward D elay15 secIn te rfa c eRole S ts CostP rio.IJbrTypeF a0/lDesg FW D 19128.1PZpFaO/8Root FW D 191Z8.8P2pfaO/2PC-PTPCIfaO/72950-24SwitchlfaO/72950-24Switch 2faO/1faO/8faO/8PC-PTPC2Sw itchshow sp a n n in g-tre eVLAN0001Spanning tr e e en
9、ab le d p ro to c o l ie e eRoot IDP r io r ityA ddressT his b rid g eH ello Time32769OOEO.BOEE.1D2Ei s th e2 secro o tMax Age 20sec Forw ard D elay 15 secB rid g e IDP r io r ity32769(p r io r ity32768 s y s-id-e x t 1)A ddressOOEO.BOEE.1D2EH ello Time2 secMax Age 20sec Forw ard D elay 15 secA ging
10、 Time20I n te r faceR ole S tsC ostP rio.N b r TypeFaO/2D esg FliJD 19128.2PZpFaO/7Desg FW D 19128.7PZpFaO/8D esg FWD 19128.8PZpSw itchSw itch|Sw itchshow s p a n n in g-tre eVLAN0001S panning t r e e e n a b le d p ro to c o l ie e eR oot IDP r i o r i tyA d d ressC ostP o rtH e llo Time32769OOKO.B
11、OEE.1D2E197(F a st Et he m e t 0/7)2 se c Hax Age 20 se cForw ard D elay15 secB rid g e IDP r i o r i tyA d d ressH e llo TimeA ging Time32769(p r i o r it y 3276800E0.F91C.D 2752 se c Hax Age 20 sec20s y s-id-e x t 1)Forw ard D elay15 secI n te r f a c eR ole S tsC ostP rio.N b r TypeFaO/1D esgFWD
12、191 28.1PZpFaO/7RootFWD 191 28.7P2pFaO/8A ltnBLK 191 2 8.8PZp实验9.2.3Sw itch(vlan)#vlan 2VLAN 2 added:Name:VLAN0002S w itch(v lan)#v lan 3VLAN 3 added:Name:VLAN0003Sw itch(vlan)#exitAPPLY com pleted.E x itin g.Switch#show w lanA当 In v a lid in p u t d e te c te d a t.人 m arker.Switch#show v lanSw itc
13、h#VLAN NameS ta tu sP o rts1 de fa u lta c tiv eF a 0/lr F a0/2z F a0/3z FaO/4FaO/5,F a0/6z F a0/7r FaO/8FaO/9,F a0/10,F a 0/llz FaO/12Fa0/13z FaO/14,FaO/lSz FaO/16FaO/17 FaO/18,FaO/19,Fa0/20Fa0/21z FaO/22,FaO/23,FaO/242 VLAN0002a c tiv e3 VLAN0003a c tiv e1002 fd d i-d e fa u ltact-/unsup1003 t ok
14、en-r in g-de f ault act/u n su p1004 fdd in e-d e fauJxact/u n su p1005 trnet-defau lact/u n su pVLAN Type SAIDHTU P aren t RingNo BridgeNo Stp BrdgMode T ran sl T rans21 enet 1000011500-0 02 en et 1000021500-1 -0 03 en et 1000031S00-0 01002 fd d i 1010021500-0 01003 t r 1010031500-0 01004 fdnet 101
15、0041500-ie e e -0 01005 tr n e t 1010051500-ibm-0 0Remote SPAN VLANsPrim ary Secondary TypeP o rtsS w it.c h fin t f 0/3当 In v a lid in p u t d e te c te d a t 人 m a rk e r.S w itch#co n f tEnt.er c o n fig u ra t-io n commands,one p e r lin e.End w ith CNTL/Z.S w itc h(c o n fig)#in t f 0/3S w itch
16、 (co n f i g-i f)#sw itch p o rt-mode a c c e ssS w itc h(c o n fig-if)#sw itc h p o rt a c c e ss vlanZ专 In v a lid in p u t d e te c te d a t 八 m ark er.S w itc h(c o n f i g-if)#sw itc h p o rtS w itc h(c o n f i g-if)#e x itSwit-ch(co n f ig)#int f 0/SS w itc h(c o n fig-i f)#sw itc h p o rtS w
17、itc h(c o n fig-i f)#sw itc h p o rtS w itc h(c o n fig-i f)#ex iS w itc h(c o n fig)#in t f 0/13S w itc h(c o n fig-i f)#sw itc h p o rtS w itc h(c o n fig-i f)#sw itc h p o rtS w itc h(c o n f i g-if)#e x itS w itc h(c o n fig)#in t f 0/15S w itc h(c o n f i g-if)#sw itc h p o rtS w itc h(c o n f
18、i g-if)#sw itc h p o rtS w itch (c o n f ig-i f)fe x it-S w itc h(c o n fig)#e x i匕a c c e ss v la nmode a c c e ssa c c e ss v la nmode a c c e ssa c c e ss v la nmode a c c e ssa c c e ss v la n23S w itch#SYS-5-C0NFIG_I:C o n fig u red from c o n so leS w itch#ira n s a m g c ic .aom am s e rv e r
19、 c s.o t uane xooxup a co r e aSwit-ch#show v la nVLAN Name1231002100310041005VLANde f a u ltVLAN0002VLAN0003f d d i-d e f a u ltto k e n-r in g-d e f a u工 七fd d in e t-d e fa u lt,t r n e t-d e f a u lta c tiv ea c tiv ea c tiv ea c t/m su pa c t/u n su pact./u n su pact;/u n su pP a re n t RingNo
20、B ridgeF a 0/lzFaO/7,F a 0/l工,FaO/17,FaO/21FaO/3,FaO/5,;No S tpFaO/2 FaO/4,FaO/6FaO/8,FaO/9,Fa0/10FaO/12,F a 0/1 4r FaO/16FaO/18,FaO/19,Fa0/20FaO/2Zr F a 0/2 3z Fa0/Z4FaO/13FaO/15TypeSAIDMTUBrdgMode T ra n slTransZ1enet.1000011500-002enet.1000021500-003e n e t1000031500-001002fd d i1010021500 -00100
21、3 t r H ore10100311500-00&Lapt opl目回区IPhysical|Config|DesktopSoftware/ServicestYirensions河口链路Down1VLAN 工P她址MAC葩址F ast.Et-he rn e 0/10 0 4 0.0B 56.2701F a s tE th e rn e t0/ZDown1一 一0 0 4 0.0B 56.2702Fast.E th e rn e t 0/3Up20 0 4 0.0B S6.2703F a s tE th e rn e t0/4Down10 0 4 0.0B 56.2704F a s t E th
22、 ern et.0/5Up3一 一0 0 4 0.0B 56.2705F a stE th e rn e tO/6Down10 0 4 0.0B 56.2706F ast-Et-he m e t 0/7Down10 0 4 0.0B S6.2707F ast-E the m e t 0/8Down1一0 0 4 0.0B S6.2708F a s tE th e rn e t0/9Down1一 一0 0 4 0.0B 56.2709F a s t Eche m e t 0/1 0Down10040.0B S6.270AF a s t E th ern et.0/11Down10040.0B S
23、6.270BFast-Et-he m et.0/1 2Down10040.0B56.Z70CF a s t E the m e t 0/1 3Up20040.0B 56.270DF a s t Et-he m e t 0/14Down10040.0B 56.270EFast.E th e rn e t 0/1 5Up3一 一0040.0B 56.270FF ast.E the m e t 0/16Down10 0 4 0.0B S6.2710F ast.E the m e t 0/1 7Down10 0 4 0.0B 56.2711F a s t Et.he m e t 0/1 8Down10
24、 0 4 0.0B 56.2712F a s t E the m e t 0/1 9Down10 0 4 0.0B 56.2713F ast-E the m e t 0/2 0Down10 0 4 0.0B 56.2714F ast.E the m e t 0/21Down1一 一0 0 4 0.0B 56.2715F a stE th e rn e t0/Z 2Down10 0 4 0.0B 56.2716F a s tE th e rn e t0/2 3Down10 0 4 0.0B S6.2717F a s tE th e rn e t0/24Down10 0 4 0.0B 56.271
25、8V lan lDown10001.970B.C4B 8 根3点2950-24Switch A2950-24Switch A实验9.4.3S witch enS witch#erase startup-conS witL ch#erase start-up-configE rasing t-he nvram filesyst-em will remove all configuration files!C ontinue?confirmO K E rase of nvram:complete%S Y S-7-N V _B L 0 C K _I N I T:I nitialized the ge
26、ometry of nvramS witch#S uit ch#config tE nter configuration commandsz one per line.E nd with C N T L/Z.S witch(config)fhost-naiae S witchS erverS witchS erver(config),exitS wit.chS erver#%S Y S-S-C O N F I G_I:C onfigured from console by consoleS uitchS erver#vlan database与 Warning:I t is reconnuen
27、ded to configure V L A N from config mode,as V L A N database mode is being deprecated.P lease consult userdocvuaentation for configuring V T P/V L A N in config mode.S witchS erver(vlan)#vtp serverD evice mode already V T P S E R V E R.S witchS erver(vlan)#vt-p domain vtpserverC hanging V T P domai
28、n name from N U L L to vt-pserverS witchS erver(vlan)gexitA P P L Y completed.E xiting.S wit-chS erver#vt.p statusz%I nvalid input detected at 八 marker.S uit chS e rve r#show vtp st-atsusV T P V ersion:2C onfiguration R evision:0M aximum V L A N s supported locally:2 5 5N uiaber of existing V L A N
29、sV T P O perating M odeV T P D omain N ameV T P P runing M odeV T P V 2 M odeV T P T raps GenerationM D S digest.:5:S erver:vtpserver:D isabled:D isabled:D isabled:0 x8 3 O xD B 0 x0 2 O xC O 0 x5 2 0 x0 3 0 x6 B 0 x4 5C onfiguration last modified by at 0-0-0 0 0 0:0 0:0 0L ocal updat-er I D
30、 is (no valid int-er face found)S witchS erver#config tE nt-er configuration commands,one per line.E nd with C N T L/Z.S w i t c h S e r v e r(c o n f i g)f O/2 3SwitchServer#config tEnter configuration coimandsz one per line.EndSwitchServer(config)#int f0/23|SwitchServer(config-if)#swiSwitc
31、hServer(config-if)#switchportSuitchServer(config-if)#switchportSwit chS e rve r(config-if)#switchportSwitchServer(config-if)#swSwitchServer(config-if)#swit-chport.SwitchServer(config-if)#switchportSwitchServer(config-if)#switchportSwitchServer(config-if)#switchportSwitchServer(config-if)#switchportS
32、witchServer(config-if)#exitSwitchServer(config)#exi七SwitchServer#momode t.rmode trunktrtrunktrunktrunktrunkallallowedallowedallowedwithvlvlanvlanCNTL/Z.allallSYS-5-C0NFIG_I:Configured from consoleSwitchServer#vlan database%Warning:It is recommended to configure VLAN from config mode,as VLAN dat-abas
33、e mode is being deprecated.Please consult userdocvuttentation for configuring VTP/VLAN in config mode.SwitchServer(vlan)#vlan ZVLAN 2 added:Name:VLAN0002SvitchServer(vlan)#vlan 3VLAN 3 added:Name:VLAN0003SwitchServer(vlan)#exit-APPLY completed.Exiting.SwitchServer#config tEnter configuration command
34、sz one per line.End with CNTL/Z.SwitchServer(config)#int f0/3SwitchServer(config-if)#swSwitchServer(config-if)#switchport mSwitchServer(config-if)#switchport mode acSwitchServer(config-if)#switchport mode accessSwitchServer(config-if)#swSwitchServer(config-if)#switch acSwitchServer(config-if)#swit-c
35、h access vlanSwitchServer(config-if)#switch access vlan ZSwitchServer(config-if)#exitSwitchServer(config)#int f0/5SwitchServer(config-if)#switchport mode accessSwitchServer(config-if)#switch access vlan 3SwitchServer(config-if)#exitSwit chS e rve r(config)#exiSwitchSe rver#S u it chS e rv e r(c o n
36、f i g-i f)#ex i匕S w itc h S e rv er(config)A exiXS u itc h S e rv e r#%SYS-5-C0NFIG_I:C o n fig u red from co n so le by co n so leSw it chS e rv e r#show v la nVLAN Name S ta tu s P o rts1d e fa u lta c tiv eF a 0/l,FaO/2,F a0/4z FaO/6FaO/7,FaO/8,FaO/9,Fa0/10F a 0/ll,F a0/1 2z FaO/13,FaO/14FaO/15,F
37、aO/16,FaO/17,FaO/18FaO/19,FaO/20 FaO/21,FaO/22FaO/23,FaO/242VLAN0002a c tiv eFaO/33VLAN0003a c tiv eFaO/S1002fd d i-d e fau lt.act/xm sup1003Z ok e n-r in g-d e f a u ltact/xm sup1004fd d in e t-d e fa u lta c t/u n sup1005t m e t-d e f a u lta ct/u n su pRemote SPAN VLANsVLAN TypeSAIDMTUParent.Ring
38、No BridgeN oStpBrdgModeT ran slTransZ1e n et1000011500-一002e n et1000021500-003e n et1000031500-001002fd d i1010021500-001003匕r1010031500-001004f dnet1010041500-ie e e-001005 trn e t.1010051500-ibm-00P rim ary Secondary Type P o rtsS u itch S erv er#Sw itchenS u it ch#c o n fig tE nter c o n fig u r
39、a tio n co m m an d son e p er lin e.End w ith CNTL/Z.Swit.ch(conf ig)#host-iiaines SwS w itch(co n fig)#h o stn am es S uitchC 1ie n t人%In v a lid in p u t d e te c te d 八 m arker.S w it-ch(config)#host-name SwitchC 1 ient.Sw it chC1i e n t(c o n fig)#e x iSw itchC1i e n t#SYS-S-CONFIG_I:C onfigure
40、d from co n so le by co n so leSwitchC 1 ie n t#v la n dat-abase%W arning:I t is recommended to co n fig u re VLAN from c o n fig mode,as VLAN dat-abase mode is b ein g d e p re c a te d.P lease consult,u se rdocum entation fo r c o n fig u rin g VTP/VLAN in c o n fig mode.SuitchC 1 ie n t(vlan)#vtp
41、 c lie n t.S e ttin g d ev ice t.o VTP CLIENT mode.SwitchC 1 ie n t(v la n)毋e x itAPPLY com pleted.E x itin g.S w itc h C lie n tfc o n fig tE nter c o n fig u ra tio n commands,one p er lin e.End w ith CNTL/Z.S w itc h C lie n t(c o n fig)#in t f0/23Suit-chC 1 ie n t(c o n f ig-if)S u itch C lien t
42、.(c o n fig-i f)#sw it-chport.SuitchC 1 ient-(c o n fig-i f)#sw itc h p o rtS u it chC1i e n t(c o n f ig-if)#sw itc h p o rtS wit.chC 1 i en t(c o n fig-if)#sw itSwit-chC 1 i en t(c o n fig-if)#sw it.chportS u it chC1i e n t(c o n f ig-if)#sw itc h p o rtS w itc h C lie n t(c o n fig-if)#sw itc h p
43、 o rtSw it chC1i e n t(c o n f ig-if)#sw itc h p o rtSuit-chC 1 i e n t(c o n fig-if)#exiS u itch C lien t.(co n fig)#in t f0/3Suit-chC 1 i e n t(c o n f ig-if)#sw itc h p o rtmodmode t rmode tru n kt rtru n k a l ltru n k allo w ed v la ntru n k allo w ed v la n a l lmode accessS u it.c h C lle n t
44、(c o n fig-if)#s w itc h ac c e ss v la n 2S u itc h C lie n t(c o n f ig-if)#e x itS w itc h C lie n t(c o n fig)#in t f0/5S w itc h C lie n t(c o n fig-if)fs w itc h p o rt mode accessS w itchC lient-(c o n fig-if)#sw itch access v la n 3S u it chC 1 i e n t(c o n fig-if)#exitS w itchC lient.(co n fig)#e x itSw itchC1ie n t#SYS-S-CONFIG_I:C onfigured from co n so le by co n so leSwit.chC 1 i ent.#四.总结通过这次试用掌握了网络仿真工具的使用;互换机M AC地址表管理;生成树分析以及VLAN基本配置。学会了 vlan的 戈1分,掌握了一些比较实用的技能。