1、金陵科技学院学士学位论文 外文参考资料及译文毕 业 设 计(论 文)外 文 参 考 资 料 及 译 文宋体1号字体加粗居中译文题目: 乡村旅游定义及影响因素小四号宋体 学生姓名: 马倩倩 学 号: 专 业: 旅游管理宋体小四号,准确的专业名称,民办不用加“M” 所在学院: 人文学院(民办为“龙蟠学院”) 指导教师: XXX 职 称三号宋体,加粗: XXX 201X年XX月XX日日期设定为该专业毕业设计(论文)工作计划中学生提交译文截止时间的前两天,黑体三号字体居中10原文:The definition and influence factors of rural tourism标题小二居中,T
2、imes New Roman,版面上空2.5cm,下空2cm,左空2.5cm,右空2cmThis article introduces the definition and connotation of rural tourism, the role that rural tourism played in the process of economic development and the factors which influence rural tourism.Generally, rural tourism is tourism that takes place in the cou
3、ntryside. It is defined as a demand for touristic use of a rural area (Gartner, 2004, p. 153). Oppermann (1996) defines rural tourism as tourism occurring in a non-urban territory where human activity is occurring, primarily agriculture; a permanent human presence seems a qualifying requirement (p.
4、88). For example, bed and breakfasts vacations, recreation trail networks, and harvest festivals, are all sources of rural tourism that can be found in s小四号Times New Roman字体,首行空两字符,采取两端对齐方式, 1.5倍行距,备注:如果有一级标题,三号左对齐,Times New Romanmall towns. Oppermann (1996) emphasizes that the type of accommodation
5、s used by rural tourists is one key aspect in differentiating rural tourism from other types of tourism.Lane (1994) suggests that rural tourism exists as a concept, and reflects the differing and complex pattern of rural environment, economy, history and location. Rural tourism is directly related t
6、o the particular characteristics of rural areas, and it is assumed that the principal motivation for visiting the countryside is to experience its rurality. This motivation justifies the definition of rural tourism as an identifiable type of tourism, with rural tourism being an end onto itself一to ex
7、perience the countryside.Considering the demand and supply of rural tourism, it can be defined more specifically. Demand-side rural tourism is based on the nature of the visitor and is defined as a visit by a person to any place other than his or her usual work or home environment and that is outsid
8、e a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (Greffe, 1994, p. 23). On the other hand, supply-side rural tourism is more focused on a visitors place of stay. Rural tourism is also associated with a particular form of accommodation that offers tourist opportunities to participate in farm-related activi
9、ties, such as vegetable gardening or caring for animals.Lobo (2001)defines rural tourism as recreational experience involving visits to rural settings or rural environments for the purpose of participating in or experiencing activities, events or attractions not readily available in urbanized areas.
10、 These may not necessarily be agricultural in nature. Rural tourist activities might include a country-side tour; purchasing honey from a local farm; or visits orchards, cheese factories greenhouses, pumpkin patches, road-side fruit and vegetable stands, nurseries, etc. Rural tourism can also includ
11、e activities such as: participating in fall color tours; fishing I local streams, rivers, or lakes; visiting a maple sugaring house in the spring; taking photographs of beautiful scenery; painting the landscape; hiking a trail; or visiting abandoned rail lines, conservation area, or local, state, or
12、 national park. Persons who participate in these and similar activities are participating in various forms of rural tourism (Buck, 2004).The concept of rural tourism has evolved substantially in recent years. One aspect of this change is reflected in the vocabulary used to describe various types of
13、rural tourism activities. For example, some studies refer to outdoor-based tourism as ecotourism, while other publications use the term nature-based tourism or green tourism (Stancliffe, 1992). Although these two terms are not technically synonymous; the term ecotourism suggests activities that prom
14、ote conservation of nature, while nature-based tourism is evocative of a broader spectrum of outdoor-based recreation including hunting, fishing, camping, and the use of recreational vehicles. These new terms reflect new perspectives in the tourism industry.The definition of rural tourism varies bet
15、ween countries reflecting the specific types and characteristics of rural tourism within each country. For example, in Israel country vacations center on bed and breakfasts, while tourists participate in agri- tourism in Italy, farm tourism in Korea, and green tourism in Japan (Fleischer& Pizam, 199
16、7; Park, Ryu,&Lee, 2001;Arahi, 1998). Rural tourism is a multi-faceted activity: it is not just farm-based tourism (Alexander, Kumar,&Day, 1998). It includes farm-based holidays but also comprises special interest nature holidays and eco-tourism walking, climbing and riding holidays, adventure, spor
17、t and health tourism, hunting and angling, educational travel, arts and heritage tourism, and in some areas ethnic tourism. Nature-based tourism/ecotourism (sometimes called recreation-based tourism) refers to the process of visiting natural (usually rural) areas for the purpose of enjoying the scen
18、ery, including plant and animal wildlife. Nature-based tourism may be either passive, in which observers tend to be strictly observers of nature, or active (increasingly popular in recent years), where participants take part in outdoor recreation or adventure travel activities (Stancliffe, 1992).Her
19、itage tourism is also often included within the scope of rural tourism, and refers to leisure travel that has as its primary purpose the experiencing of places and activities that represent the past. The principal concerns of heritage tourism are historical authenticity and the long-term sustainabil
20、ity of attractions (Gartner, 2004).The Foundation of Rural Tourism Development and Related StrategiesThen it comes into roots of rural tourism are very similar throughout the world, no matter when practice (Fleischer&Pizam, 1997). In the early days, rural tourism was developed and encouraged primari
21、ly for the purpose of revitalization and diversification of rural areas. A decline in the ability of farming and related agricultural support businesses limited the ability of farmers and rural residents to generate sufficient income causing many farmers to seek new sources of income and to diversif
22、y their farms. Also, a systematic and substantial decrease in the rural populations, the aging of these populations, now characterizes many rural areas (Fleischer&Pizam, 1997; Ribeiro&Marques, 2002).Tourism has long been suggested as a strategy of revitalizing rural economies.According to some autho
23、rs, rural tourism can add income to farms and other households, provides job alternatives, diversifies the rural economy, and makes the provision of certain infrastructure possible (Oppermann, 1996). Therefore, many rural communities turned to tourism to stimulate new economic development (Blame, Mo
24、hammad,&Var,1993).Governments have been primarily responsible and have taken an active role in the development of rural tourism in many countries. For example, government policy in the US has focused on rural tourism as an economic development tool in the overall strategic planning for rural revital
25、ization. As a result, numerous rural communities, agencies, and organizations throughout the United States have actively encouraged and promoted rural tourism (Blame et al., 1993). There are numerous success stories that appear to demonstrate positive results from tourism development efforts in rura
26、l communities in the United States (Kieselbach&Long, 1990; Borich&Fleming, 1993; Bowling, 1992; Edgell&Cartwright, 1990; Long&Nuckolls, 1992). Gunn (1988) identified three components needed for successful tourism development including a gateway where basic services are found, attractions that exert
27、the pull or reason for visitation, and transportation linkage that connects service centers to attractions and gateways to market. Many, but not all rural communities in the USA have all three of the components mentioned above (Gartner, 2004).Rural tourism has been used as a means of addressing rura
28、l problems in Japan. After World War II, Japanese rural communities experienced population loss, the aging of their populations, and stagnant income growth. Rural tourism was developed as a strategy for revitalization (Arahi, 1998). Similarly, rural tourism has become an essential part of agricultur
29、al development in Taiwan (Hong, 1998). Rural tourism has also been used as a rural revitalization strategy, as well as a major source of national income in Indonesia and Thailand, where resources are abundant (Iwantoro, 1998; Rattanasuwongchai,1998).Rural tourism is not new; however, interest in rur
30、al tourism has increased rapidly during the past several years. The recent surge in rural tourism has come from the demand-side, due in part to increased disposable incomes, improved lifestyles, increased health awareness, a mature travel market, changing tastes and preferences, and increases in aut
31、omobile and weekend travel (Hill, 1993; Alexander&McKenna, 1998).Urbanization and nostalgia for rural character has also played a role in the development of rural tourism (Collin&Baum, 1995). Some contents that the more entrenched urbanities become, the more likely they are to reach out and visit ru
32、ral settings (Hill, 1993). People living in urban areas have become more interested in experiencing rural amenities, such as high quality of life; tranquility; closeness to nature; natural features, such as mountains, rivers, and lakes; and man-made resources, such as parks, recreation facilities, a
33、nd historic and cultural sites (Kieselbach&Long, 1990; Fleischer&Pizam, 1997). In addition to economic benefits for rural communities, rural tourism also offers lots of benefits to urban people.Lane (1994) offers some tourism market trends that will accelerate the growth of rural tourism in the futu
34、re. He points to a growing interest in rural life, including heritage and tradition, an increasing health consciousness giving a positive appeal to rural lifestyles and values, market interest in high performance outdoor equipment, search for solitude and relaxation in a quiet natural place, and an
35、aging but active population retiring earlier but living and traveling far into old age. As increasing attention has been paid to rural tourism as a specific form of tourism development, so too has the scope of research into tourism in rural areas become more diverse.Tourism as a Strategy for Rural D
36、evelopmentChina, as well as the china government, have recognized the need to revitalize rural areas, including energizing the rural economy and upgrading the living conditions and quality of life in rural communities. Tourism development has been suggested as the best strategy for rural revitalizat
37、ion; this has apparently worked successfully in many countries (Ribeiro&Marques, 2002; Wilkerson, 1996), and tourism has many potential benefits for rural areas, including different elements of economic development (Frederick, 1992; Lewis, 1998). Some contend that rural tourism is less costly and ea
38、sier to establish than otherrural economic development strategies, such as manufacturing (Wilson et al., 2001). Others believe that it can be developed with relatively little investment credit, training,and capital (Shaw&Williams, 2002). Because jobs in the tourism industry often do not require adva
39、nced training, local residents with few skills can readily work as food server retail clerks, and hospitality workers. Rural tourism also works well with existing rural enterprises, such as farms, and can be developed locally with participation from local governments and small businesses. Its develo
40、pment is not necessarily dependent upon outside firms or companies. Rural tourism adds income to farms and other households, provides job alternatives, diversifies the rural economy, and makes possible the provision of certain infrastructure. Rural tourism not only offers business opportunities to l
41、ocal residents, but can also serve as a vehicle for marketing a locale to potential residents and firms. Tourists may return later to retire or start a business in rural areas.In addition to economic benefits, rural tourism can enhance the quality of life in rural communities and can support local c
42、ulture in rural areas by encouraging restoration of local and regional historic and cultural sites. Additionally, rural tourism can bring a transfer of ideas from urban to rural areas, provides urban people with rural living experiences, and fosters conservation efforts.Rural tourism and recreation
43、are among the fastest growing sectors within the tourism industry. Besides the obvious need for revitalization of rural communities, many external factors have induced the recent surge in rural tourism and recreation, including the increasing rates of automobile and weekend travel, larger disposable
44、 incomes, a mature travel market, changing tastes and preferences, and increased leisure time resulting from the introduction of a five-day work week system (Alexander&McKenna,1998),In many developing countries, rural tourism has become an important element of agricultural diversification. In Taiwan
45、, rural tourism has a positive impact on farmers incomes and the standard of living in rural areas (Hong, 1998). Thailand has also promoted tourism as a major source of national income. Under the Seventh (1992-1996) and Eighth (1997-2001) Development Plans of Thailand, tourism is seen as an essentia
46、l component to reach an important objective; that is, to develop the free, stable and balanced growth of the national economy, to promote opportunities, to develop human potential in the development process, and to reap fair returns from such development (Rattanasuwongchai, 1998). In Indonesia, rura
47、l tourism plays an important role in the growth of both agriculture and tourism simultaneously. This involves a valuable synergy for both sectors, which emphasize a goal of value-added improvement (Iwantoro, 1998).中文译文:乡村旅游定义及影响因素标题小二号黑体居中,版面上空2.5cm,下空2cm,左空2.5cm,右空2cm本文重点介绍了乡村旅游的定义及内涵,乡村旅游在经济发展过程中所
48、起到的作用以及能够影响乡村旅游的因素。大体说来,“乡村旅游”就是在农村发展的旅游业。它被定义为“乡村地区的旅游开发需求”。 (Gartner, 2004, p. 153) Oppermann (1996)将“乡村旅游”定义为发生在以农业生产为主的非城镇地区的旅游活动。有人类的长期居住成为“乡村旅游”的判定条件。(p. 88)例如,提供住宿和早餐的度假,越野康乐游和采摘节都是小镇中常见的“乡村旅游”元素。Oppermann (1996)强调,乡村旅游重点住宿形式是乡村旅游区别于其他旅游形式的关键因素。Lane (1994)指出“乡村旅游”这个概念反映出不同地区的环境,经济,历史和地理的复杂形态。“乡村旅游”与乡村地区的特色息息相关,而且可以认定“乡村旅游”的最大动因就是要去体验乡村。这个动因使“乡村旅游”的定义得以合理化,乡村旅游的目标就是乡村本身即体验乡村。中文小四宋体,1.5倍行距,备注:一级标题三号黑体居中(可有可无)从乡村旅游的供求关系可以更加具体的对其定义。从需求一方看,基于游客的性质,乡村旅游被定义为人们参观远离其平常工作和居住的环境的大都会以外的地区。(Greffe, 1994, p. 23)从供给一方来看乡村旅游则更加关注于游客停留的地方。乡村旅游和具有特色