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1、中国高速铁路运作管理策略研究WG Wong1*, BM Han2, L. Ferreira3, XN Zhu4and QX Sun 5 1,2 Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 3 School of Civil Engineering, Queensland University of Technology, Australia; 4,5 School of Traffic and Transportation, Northern jiao

2、 tong University, Beijing 摘要:现在高速铁路客运火车(HST)业务最近已经推出全球市场。虽然这样的操作技术已在300公里每小时左右的速度,不同的国家将操作参数应用与每个程序,操作环境将成为在中国实施HST的业务的关键成功因素之一,这可能在中国被使用。本文比较了三种不同的管理/所有制模式,并对每个模型的特点进行了分析,提出了利用层次目标实现矩阵方法在中国发展HST操作系统的优化方案。关键词:高速铁路,铁路管理,多层次方法1 引言在中国,目前的经济环境有利于建设高速铁路。自1993年以来,中国政府采取了一系列有效的宏观调控措施,旨在降低通货膨胀率和平滑的步伐经济的发展,1





7、和条件,我们提出了三个替代方案BSHSR(两种主要铁路和传统的模式):(一)利用现有的三条铁路管理局(传统模式),(二)将业务从基础设施(分割模式);(三)结合铁路运营与基础设施的聚集模式,建立一个单一的公司。 应当指出的是,传统模式的建设和运营有许多缺点,在新的市场经济环境需求的情况下。这种模式下,这是基于计划经济体制下,铁路政策的地区是改革的主要原因,这一改革的重点是按照现在法规确定如何建立或重组被合并的企业。2 替代两个主要的所有权模在实践中正在兴起,即,垂直整合铁路有或没有单独的内部业务单位,和垂直分离铁路与轨道基础设施管理和拥有分别由多个运营商。在一些国家分离模型已经采用或提议,尤其

8、是在英国,德国,荷兰和瑞典(纳什和普雷斯顿1994;简颂&Cardebr1989)。欧盟有一个政策走向分离模型(纳什和普雷斯顿1994)。类似的方法已为国际米兰在澳大利亚州货物运输,随着竞争的相关建议由联邦和州政府采用(希尔默等人,1993)。2.1 传统模式下(铁路管理执行局三)根据中国现行铁路管理体制,北京上海经典铁路属于三个铁路管理局(RAB),分别为北京RAB,济南RAB和上海RAB(见图1)。北京上海高速铁路可以分为三个部分在三个管理局。 图1 北京上海之间的高速铁路的位置优点: 这将是行政决策局更好的选择,目前,主要的RAB的收入来自于客运,传统的铁路北京上海专线(每天运行超过20

9、0个旅客列车)在客运运输中起着重要的作用,如果实施BSHSR,客运和货运交通量会显著增加。 简单经典的铁路和高速铁路的易于协调,因为两个铁路将有相同的所有者,它会更容易协调的货运和客运列车的运营。北京上海高速铁路上将有两种类型的旅客列车,分别是:中速列车(MST)和高速列车(韩等人,1993年和胡1998年)。中速列车(最大速度160公里/小时)将在常规铁路和部分高速铁路中运行。 MST上BSHSR的必要性主要是由于:(一)货运北京上海沿线的运输量是相当高的,需求稳步增加。为了平衡BSHSR和并行常规铁路,大多数旅客列车应该对前者操作;(二)旅客列车的铁路网络结构的速度是160公里/小时;(三

10、)所有旅客列车高速列车组,将需要投入大量的资金。缺点: 由于RAB是不负责的新基础设施的资金,按照目前的政策,项目的资金将 来自其他来源。 这将不利于现代企业制度的建立和移动,将成为市场经济环境下的高速铁路。2.2 分割模式(从基础设施分离操作)在垂直整合模式下,运营商和跟踪业主之间往往有一个客户服务提供商的关系。基础设施提供商和服务商的存在是为了提供其客户需要的资料。后者可能包括数个业务单位,如乘客服务和各类货运服务,在某些情况下,各业务组“拥有”其自己的轨道段,被划分在主要用户的基础上,其中包括运营商可能征收使用费,非主要用户使用的是内部成本转移系统,旨在实现问责制和“物有所值”的结果。有



13、当可观的,政府通常会提供支持建设高铁。同时,客运公司(PTC)将管理操作HSR。这种方法的结构如图2所示。 图2 分离模式的替代结构优点:l 分割模式模型可以从拥有固定的基础设施的沉重负担,铁路运输企业的释放,并允许他们在市场上公平竞争;l 该模型将提供一个明确的公司和政府之间的关系;l 有利于成本控制和提高商业利润的潜力。缺点:l 政府需要投入足够的资金来承担项目的成本;l 需要协调PTC和IC的关系,以及PTC效应和相对史之间的关系;l 基础设施投资回报期延长。客运公司可以采取两种形式:(一) 直接合股公司,在这种模式下,相应的铁路管理局成为主要的合作伙伴参与日常业务,这将促进高铁与常规列

14、车运行的协调轨道;(二) 最初,一个有限的高铁公司将形成,在稍后阶段这可以被转换为一个高铁合股公司。IC和RAB与PTC的经济关系: PTC将负责高铁的运作,包括市场营销,火车运营管理,票务等技术管理。 IC将采取负责基础设施,通信信号设备的维护,电源设备,以及物业发展。它会在PTC征收费用为高铁的职业工资的一部分。一定的费用也将被RAB征收,中速列车的RAB将使用高速铁路。他们的关系可以在图3中被描述。图3 IC,PTC和RAB的经济之间的关系2.3 综合模式(铁路运营与基础设施管理的结合) 这种模式在世界各地的铁路运输中仍然是非常普遍的,对基础设施和列车运营进行管理并拥作为一个单一的实体。

15、所有的功能,如高铁的建设、维护和运行,将会由一个高速铁路组(HSRG)承担。HSRG的结构如图4所示。 图4 综合模式的结构优点: 促进法人公司的建立和允许高速铁路集团(HSRG)成为一个自我经营、自我获利的实体; 促进高速铁路的所有功能的整合; 降低内部交易成本。缺点: 由于大量资本的投资,这不利于竞争机制的建立; 不允许对成本控制的分析和分割模式进行比较。高速铁路集团的形式: 有两种方法来建立一个HSRG,其中一个是直接创建合股公司,这将需要一段时间对相关合作伙伴进行资产评估;第二种方法是创建高铁有限公司,然后在高铁的稍后日期将其转换为合股公司。HSRG和RABS之间的经济关系: HSRG

16、是将有关的所有事项负责高速铁路。利用常规的铁路销售网络,HSRG,可以节省投资并且可能更有效,唯一的缺点是代理费支付给了RAB。 HSRG,将对传统的铁路设备使用支付费,如车站、汽车站等。另一方面,RAB的中速列车从高速铁路借款,因此他们会付钱给HSRG。 参考文献1 Cannon, M.E., Schwarz, K.P., Wei, M., A consistency test of airborne GPS using multiple monitor stations, Bulletin Godsique, 66(1): 2-11(1992). 2 Colombo, OL, Evans,

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22、d., 80: 171176,DOI 10.1007/ s00190-006-006 2-8(2006). 原文:Wong, W.G., Han, B.M., Ferreira. L., Zhu, X.N. and Sun, Q.X.(2002). Evaluation of management strategies for the operation of high-speed railways in China. Transportation Research, Part A (36), 277-289.Copyright 2002 ElsevierEvaluation of Manag

23、ement Strategies for the Operation ofHigh-Speed Railways in ChinaWG Wong1*, BM Han2, L. Ferreira3, XN Zhu4 and QX Sun 51,2 Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong3 School of Civil Engineering, Queensland University of Technology, Australia;4,5 Sc

24、hool of Traffic and Transportation, Northern Jiaotong University, BeijingAbstract High-Speed Train (HST) operations have recently been introduced in rail passengertransportation markets worldwide. Although the technologies for such operations havelevelled at speeds of around 300 km/h, the operating

25、parameters to be adopted in eachapplication will differ from country to country. The operating environment will be one of the crucial success factors for the implementation of HST operations in China. This paper compares three different management/ownership models which might be used in China.The pa

26、per analyzes the characteristics of each model and proposes an optimal plan of an operational system to develop HST operations in China by using a hierarchy goals achievement matrix approach.Keywords: High-Speed Railway, Railway Management, Hierarchy Method.1. Introduction The current economic envir

27、onment in China is conducive to the construction of high-speed railways. Since 1993, the Chinese government has adopted a series of effective macro-economic measures aimed at reducing the inflation rate and smoothening the pace of economic development. In 1997, the rate of increase of GDP remained a

28、t 8.8%, while the inflation rate was less than 3%. However, the increase in the GDP has slowed down since the beginning of 1998 due to the influence of the Asian economic crisis. The government expects to stimulate consumption by increasing investment especially in infrastructure. This macro-economi

29、c setting provides a very good opportunity for the development of high-speed railways. According to the central government, a total investment of nearly 30 billion USD will be spent on railway development from 1998 to 2002, an annual rate of 6 billion USD (Railway Ministry of China, 1998). The inves

30、tment in road projects is greater than 20 billion USD annually from 1998 to 2000, mainly due to differences in investment priorities at the different levels of government. Local governments have more enthusiasm for road development, whilst rail infrastructure projects are mainly supported by central

31、 government. Investment in air transport was 1.15 billion USD in 1998 (Wang, 1999). From the point view of environmental protection and improvement in the service level of passenger transport, HST operations are thought to be the most appropriate option (Han 1997, Qian 1995). Especially for middle d

32、istance journeys (200700 kilometers), HST operations compare well in terms of travel time savings. China is a vast country with a population of 1.2 billion and with limited cultivable land. Thus, it is an essential policy objective to develop public transportation, which occupies the least land, pos

33、sesses large capacity and consumes less energy, compared to private transportation. The high-speed railway has obvious advantages compared with highways and civil aviation. Railways, as an important national infrastructure, are not as advanced in China compared with the development of the national e

34、conomy. The GDP has increased by 4.45 times from 1978 to 1996, while the operating length of the railways has been extended by only 33% during the same period (national statistical yearbook, 1997). Chinese railways rank lower than 100 in the world, in terms of the density of the railway network (tra

35、ck kilometers per million square kilometers). The development of railways on a large scale has been included in the “9th Five - Year Plan (1996-2000)” by the Chinese government. The construction of a high-speed railway between Beijing and Shanghai (BSHSR) has priority. This project is aimed at promo

36、ting the economic development of a corridor along the BSHSR, the most developed belt in the Mainland, including the biggest cities such as Beijing, Tianjin, Jinan, Xuzhou, Nanjing, and Shanghai. High-speed railways is a high technology domain, which includes new materials, new techniques and informa

37、tion technology. The construction of high-speed railways will not only improve the technology of railway development, but will also stimulate the development of high technology industries. In addition, it can increase the demand for material production and provide additional employment opportunities

38、. The BSHSR will be the largest high-speed railway project in the world with a total length of more than 1300 km. Thus, choosing an optimal mode of construction andoperation has become a key factor for the success of this large infrastructure project. Since the 1970s, railways have entered a period

39、of decline in industrial countries caused mainly by the challenge of road and air. In order to remedy this situation, new technologies such as high-speed trains, heavy-haul transport and information techniques have been developed. Reforms of operational systems has been put forward and are beginning

40、 to play an important role in rail transportation (Ferreira, 1997a). In England, railway reform began in 1983. Japan, which privatised the state railway and established seven railway corporations, has achieved important growth both in passenger and freight flows. Although US railways are privately o

41、wned and operated by more than 500 railway companies, their growth was stimulated by the loosening of control of railway facilities, operation and finance policies in 1976 (Xiao, 1994). The focus of railway reform in different countries has been putting railways into transport market as independent

42、entities. The relationship between the government and the transport enterprises is clearly defined. There are two principal modes for these industrialised countries, the split mode and the aggregative mode. Based on the experience of industrialised countries and the conditions of Chinese railways, w

43、e proposed three alternatives for BSHSR (two principal modes for railway operations and the traditional mode): (a) using the existing three railway administrative bureaux (traditional mode); (b) Separating operations from infrastructure (split mode); (c) Combining rail operations with infrastructure

44、 (aggregative mode) and creating a single corporation. It should be noted that the traditional mode of construction and operation has many disadvantages in meeting the needs of a new market economy environment. This mode, which is based on the planned economy system, is the main reason for reforms i

45、n the railway policy area. The focus of this reform is to determine how to establish or reorganize the incorporated enterprises in accordance with modern economic regulations.2. Alternatives Two main ownership models are emerging in practice, namely, the vertically integrated railway with or without

46、 separate internal business units, and the vertically separated railway with track infrastructure managed and owned separately by multiple operators. The separation model has been adopted or proposed in some countries, notably in Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden (Nash & Preston 199

47、4; Jansson & Cardebring 1989). The European Union has a policy of moving towards the separation model (Nash & Preston 1994). A similar approach has been followed for inter-State freight transport in Australia, following the competition related proposals adopted by Federal and State governments (Hilm

48、er et al. 1993).2.1. Traditional mode (executed by three railway administrative bureaux) According to the present railway administrative system in China, the Beijing Shanghai classic railways belongs to three railway administrative bureaux, (RAB), RAB of Beijing, RAB of Jinan and RAB of Shanghai, respectively (see Figure 1). The Beijing Shanghai High-speed Railway could be divided into three sections with each being administered by one of the three bureaux.Figure 1 Position of High


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