1、 全英文演讲稿8篇 全英文演讲稿篇1 i have had many difficulties since i started to learn english. since i come from the south of china, i can not distinguish nasal sounds from non-nasals: they sound exactly the same in my dialect. thus, i had a hard time telling “night” from “light” at the very beginning. my poor m
2、emory also added to the difficulties when i decided to enlarge my vocabulary. english words were so elusive that i could only remember them for a while. i have spared no efforts to overcome the difficulties and finally succeeded. in order to tell the slight difference between nasal sounds and non-na
3、sals, i forced myself to speak mandarin everyday. whenever i started to speak english, i reminded myself the difference between “night” and “light”. at first i felt it rather unnatural, but as i went on i was gradually accustomed to speaking in this way. as for my wretched memory, i gave up mechanic
4、al memorization and tried many other new ways. at last i found a most efficient way for me: memorizing english words by their stems and affixes. this is how i have overcome some difficulties in learning english. 全英文演讲稿篇2 i love traveling. traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eye
5、s to the world. whats more, it refreshes me. you can go to disneyland and e_perience what its like to be “a child again!” you can visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,” such as the grand canyon and feel the magnificence of nature! you can taste the “magicial” ice water on a glacier, which ca
6、n help you become more beautiful and make you live longer. just forget all trifles and burdens that you have in your mind. e_perience is a type of living knowledge. youll be sure to e_perience many new things when traveling. you dont even need a tour guide if you long for more freedom. just dont for
7、get to bring your backpack! 全英文演讲稿篇3 胜利是你梦寐以求的那朵红玫瑰,挫折正是那普及四周的针刺。欢乐是你辛勤耕耘获得的果实,哀痛正是那成熟前的秕粒。胜利是白天的太阳,那么失败就是黑夜中的星辰,没有星辰的降落也就不会有太阳的升起,刺眼的太阳也会有被乌云遮掉的时候;胜利是甜果,那么失败就是酸果,甜果在最初却是酸苦的,也有不少甜果会甜得发苦发烂。 胜利要用抱负去引路,要用制造力去开拓,要用汗水去浇灌。未经受坎坷泥泞的困难,哪能知道阳光大道的珍贵;未经受风雪交加的黑夜,哪能体会风和日丽的得意;未经受挫折和磨难的考验,怎能体会到成功和胜利的喜悦。挫折,想说恨你不简单 在
8、经受了失败和挫折后,我学会了坚韧;在患病到误会和委屈时,我学会了宽容;在经受了失落和离别后,我懂得了珍惜。假如说人生是一望无际的大海,那么挫折则是一个突然翻起的浪花。假如说人生是湛蓝的天空,那么失意则是一朵飘浮的淡淡的白云。 盼望大海风平浪静,却经常有狂风和恶浪。盼望江河一泻千里,却经常有旋涡和急流,盼望生活美满幸福,却经常有哀痛和忧愁。人生旅程并不是一帆风顺的,逆境、失意会常常伴随着我们,但人性的光芒往往在不如意中才显示出来,盼望是鼓励我们前进的巨大的无形的动力。 全英文演讲稿篇4 after reading ,i was moved by the true love and friends
9、hip. in that little world, everything is full of love and beauty.like the rose, she loved the little prince, she was beatific,because she could be cared. in the reality, we are the same. we love our parents,and they just like the little prince who take care of us.thank you,my dear parents,ill love y
10、ou forever. as for friends,i can never forget the fox.her sincere and help made the little prince hopeful and glad. facing all my friends,ill be the fox,ill bring hope and happy to all the people beside me.ill never let them disappointed. thank you,little prince. you have taught me a lot. ill learn
11、from you.maybe youre now in a pure and happy place,believe me, all the roses will bloom,only for you! 全英文演讲稿篇5 the chinese government will deal with any confirmed food safety cases in a responsible manner and in accordance with laws, a parliament spokesman said in beijing on tuesday。 “there are inde
12、ed very few panies in china which neglect our countrys laws, regulations and standards, dodge quarantine and tests, and have their unqualified products smuggled into foreign markets via illegal channels,“ said jiang enzhu, spokesman for the first session of the 11th national peoples congress (npc),
13、at a press conference。 our government will intensify its efforts to crack down on such illegal activities and prevent any under-quality food from being exported 全英文演讲稿篇6 每年农历五月初五为端午节,是中国民间的传统节日,在我的家乡,人们叫它端午节。 我的家乡在绥江县会仪镇的一个遥远山区,家乡的端午节是与中秋节一样盛大的节日。只要达上五月初一,人们就忙于购置糯米,雄黄、白糖,找野生菖蒲、陈艾、粽叶等。有时镇文化站还要组织划龙舟的训
14、练和进行龙舟竟赛。 每年农历五月初四,各家各户首先把房子清扫得干洁净净,在厨房里洒上雄黄水,用来杀死毒虫或防止毒虫孳生,然后把粽叶洗洁净,把糯米用温水泡上两三个小时。下午,全家人围在一起包粽子。包粽子很有乐趣,大人小孩忙不停,大人包得美观,小孩也是跟着学,通常把四角粽子包成了三角形,包粽子时,双手把粽叶卷成锥形,再往锥形粽叶里塞满糯米,一只手将粽叶封好,用另一只手的食指和拇指一捏,用棕叶拦腰捆上,便做成美观的四角粽子了。最终把粽子放在锅里煮上一两个小时,煮好后捞出来泡在水里,其次天就可以吃了。 端午节一早,人们就在自家的大门左面挂上五束菖蒲,右面挂上五束陈艾,喻意:“兴盛富强,朴实持家,家庭和
15、谐长期恩爱”。吃早饭的时候,全家围在一桌吃粽子,喝雄黄酒。早餐后,年轻夫妇领着没上学的小孩到外婆家送节去了。老人就带着半大孩子去赶街,看划龙舟,还少不了给孩子们买点纪念品。 家乡真好!我爱家乡的端午节,更爱那芳香、美观、味纯的粽子。 全英文演讲稿篇7 my dearest family and friends, it is difficult to express my gratitude and love to you all. i want to say so much, but i can hardly find the words. so ill just say that you a
16、re the greatest blessing in my life. this evening is the expression of your love to me, i realize this, but also it is the event when i see all of you gathered in the same place. thank you! thank you for being with me all that difficult time. your support and understanding gave me the strength to co
17、ntinue fighting. without you i would give up. but then you would come or call and i would remember why i am so in love with this wonderful life-because of you. you are my world, and i am sincerely grateful to god for giving me such loving family and caring friends. your support was crucial for me th
18、is year, when i achieved much due to your help. love and gratitude-this is what i feel standing now in front of you. love and gratitude-these are the best emotions one can imagine. i am happy to love you and to be grateful to you. i know that you love me too. i would like to assure you that my goal
19、in life is to become as wonderful as you think i am. as far as this goal attainment requires much effort, skills and time, i hope that youll help me in it, as always, i deeply appreciate your support. thank you for being with me. thank you very much! 全英文演讲稿篇8 learn how to say no weve all been taught
20、 that we should help people. it is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others. it may even win us favors in return. however, we must be realistic. we cant say yes to every request. if we did, we would fail or go crazy for sure. sometimes we simply dont have the time to help. in this
21、case, we must know how to say no politely. when we need to say no, here is one method we can try. first, we should tell the truth. if we really cant do something, we should just say so. second, we should remember to refuse requests politely. we must communicate clearly, but must also be sincere and sympathetic. a true friend will understand. finally, we must not feel guilty about saying no. sometimes refusing others is the right thing to do. it can save ourselves, and them, a lot of trouble. in short, we cannot please everyone all the time. refusing favors is a part of life.