1、植树节演讲发言稿植树节,我们期待绿水青山尊敬的老师们、亲爱的同学们,大家早上好!我们是来自初二二班 的雷子恩和初二四班的张诗怡。我们今天在国旗下演讲的题目是:植树节,我们期待绿水青山。春天到了,带来了大自然的万物复苏和欣欣向荣。马上要到3月 12 BT,那是一个营造绿色环境,期待绿水青山,呼唤人类爱护环境 的特别日子-植树节。我要赞美绿色,从藻类到参天大树,绿色使荒芜的地球生机勃勃, 才有了动物,才有了人类。我要赞美绿色,绿色自然是人类财富的宝 藏,也是人类美感与艺术的源泉。我期待有一天,清澈的河流漫游着鱼群,在清澈的小河里欢快游 淌,鸟儿在枝头放声鸣唱,寂静的春天不再寂静。期待有一天,狂暴的
2、 洪水不再咆哮,灼人的热浪不再肆虐。期待有一天,每一个山谷都盛开 希望之花,每一条小溪都跳着欢乐之舞,所有的荒原都变成绿洲,所有 的生命都得到绿色的眷顾。同学们,我国的绿化面积人均占有量只占全球绿化面积人均占有 量的五分之一。但随着城市的扩张,“钢铁森林” 一步步吞噬着绿色家 园,所以我们更应该珍惜绿色生命。爱护绿化,从自己做起,从身边做 起,我们不仅要节约纸张,少用一次性筷子,更要多多植树,绿化祖 国。作为一名中学生我们还应该做些什么呢?我们能不能亲手栽上一 棵小树,给花圃增添一朵鲜花,为草皮浇上一盆清水呢?我们应该为 保护校园美丽的环境出一份力气,尽一点责任。在校园中,我们要保护花草,爱护
3、植被,不要踩踏绿植,我们要热爱周围的一切花草树木,让 他们像我们一样生机勃勃地成长!我们的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家!Good morning teachers and schoolmates! We are Lei Zien and Zhang Shiyi.Today we are going to give a lecture about the Tree-planting Day and the hope for beautiful nature.The spring is coming soon. The nature is re-greening. And a special day i
4、s coming, that is the Tree-planting Day.I want to say some good words about green. Because we people derive from the green, and nature is a part of the treasure. Moreover, the green is the source of the beauty and art.I hope that one day we can see a lot of fish in clean rivers and so many birds in
5、green trees. I also hope that green is everywhere around the world.Dear schoolmates,our environment is not as good as before. We should do something to improve it like saving papers, planting more trees and so on.What else can we teenagers do? Can we plant trees or water flowers? Anyway, I think we should protect the environment by ourselves! Thats all, thanks everyone!