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1、5 导 航(1)Assuring that appropriate aeronautical charts areaboard an aircraft is the responsibility of theaircraft dispatcherflight navigatorpilot-in-command正 确 答 案:C(2)Which aeronautical chart depicts Military TrainingRoutes(MTR)above 1,500 feet?IFR Low Altitude En Route ChartIFR High Altitude En Rou

2、te ChartIFR Planning Chart正 确 答 案:A(3)How does the SDF differ from an ILS LOC?SDF-6 or 12 wide,ILS-3 to 6.SDF-15 usable off course indications,ILS-35.SDF-offset from runway plus 3,ILS-alignedwith runway.正 确 答 案:A(4)How does the LDA differ from an ILS LOC?LDA-6 or 12 wide,ILS-3 to 6.LDA-15 usable off

3、 course indications,ILS-35.LDA-offset from runway plus 3,ILS-alignedwith runway.正 确 答 案:C(5)Which indication may be received when a VOR isundergoing maintenance and is considered unreliable?An automatic voice recording stating the VOR isout-of-service for maintenance.Identifier is preceded by M and

4、anintermittent OFF flag might appear.Coded identification T-E-S-T.正 确 答 案:C(6)What DME indications should a pilot observe whendirectly over a VORTAC site at 12,000 feet?0 DME mile2.3 DME miles2 DME miles正 确 答 案:C(7)Where does the DME indicator have the greatest errorbetween the ground distance and d

5、isplayed distance tothe VORTAC?High altitudes close to the VORTAC.Low altitudes far from the VORTAC.Low altitudes close to the VORTAC.正 确 答 案:A(8)What is the maximum permissible variation betweenthe two bearing indicators on a dual VOR system whenchecking one VOR against the other?6 in flight and 4

6、on the ground4 on the ground and in flight6 on the ground and in flight正 确 答 案:B(9)When is the course deviation indicator(GDI)considered to have a full-scale deflection?When the GDI deflects from the center of the scaleto full-scale left or right.When the GDI deflects from full-scale left tofull-sca

7、le right,or vice versa.When the GDI deflects from half-scale left tohalf-scale right,or vice versa.正 确 答 案:A(10)Which receiver is required to be equipped with whenoperating at the very busy airports under IFRconditions?NDBILSVOR正 确 答 案:C(11)An air carrier operates a flight in VFRover-the-top conditi

8、ons.What radio navigationequipment is required to be a dual installation?VORVOR and ILSVOR and DME正 确 答 案:A(12)Which ground components are required to beoperative for a Category II approach in addition to LOC,glide slope,marker beacons,and approach lights?Radar and RVRRCLS and REILHIRL,TDZL,RCLS,and

9、 RVR正 确 答 案:C(13)In addition to the localizer,glide slope,markerbeacons,approach lighting and HIRL,which groundcomponents are required to be operative for a categoryII instrument approach to a DH below 150 feet AGL?TDZL,RCLS and RVRRCLS and REILRader and RVR正 确 答 案:A(14)When holding at an NDB,at wha

10、t point should thetiming begin for the second leg outbound?Abeam the holding fix or when the wings are levelafter completing the turn to the outbound heading,whichever occurs first.At the end of a 1-minute standard rate turn afterstation passage.When abeam the holding fix.正 确 答 案:C(15)What is the ma

11、ximum number of degrees between thefinal approach course and the runway centerline for aLORAN RNAV approach to be considered a straight-inapproach?51030正 确 答 案:C(16)When entering a holding pattern above 14,000 feet,the initial outbound leg should not exceed1 minute1-1/2 minutes1-1/2 minutes or 10 NM

12、,whichever is less正 确 答 案:B100-ALT.J 5WALT.ISOCALT.(17)(Refer to figure ATP5-1 and 5-4)Which displacementfrom the localizer and glide slope at the 1.9 NM pointis indicated?710 feet to the right of the localizer centerlineand 140 feet above the glide slope430 feet to the right of the localizer center

13、lineand 28 feet above the glide slope710 feet to the left of the localizer centerlineand 140 feet below the glide slope正 确 答 案:AlOffALT,50。MT.11500AIT.(18)(Refer to figure ATP5-2 and 5-4)Which displacementfrom the localizer centerline and glide slope at the1,300-foot point from the runway is indicat

14、ed?21 feet above the glide slope and approximately 320feet to the left of the runway centerline.28 feet above the glide slope and approximately 250feet to the left of the runway centerline.21 feet below the glide slope and approximately 320feet to the right of the runway centerline.正 确 答 案:A100,ALT.

15、50(r ALT.15001 ALT.(19)(Refer to figure ATP5-3 and 5-4)Which displacementfrom the localizer and glide slope at the outer markeris indicated?1,550 feet to the right of the localizer centerlineand 210 feet above the glide slope.775 feet to the le ft of the localizer centerlineand 420 feet below the gl

16、ide slope.1,550 feet to the left of the localizer centerlineand 210 feet below the glide slope.正 确 答 案:C(20)A plane,MH 160,receive this ATC clearance:HOLD EAST OF THE ABC VORTAC ON THE ZERO NINER ZERORADIAL.”,what is the recommended procedure to enterthe holding pattern?Teardrop onlyDirect onlyParal

17、lel only正 确 答 案:C(21)A plane,MH 60,receive this ATC clearance:HOLD EAST OF THE ABC VORTAC ON THE ZERO NINER ZERORADIAL.”,what is the recommended procedure to enterthe holding pattern?Teardrop onlyDirect onlyParallel only正 确 答 案:A(22)A plane,MH 160,receive this ATC clearance:.CLEARED TO THE ABC VORTA

18、C HOLD SOUNTH ON THE ONEEIGHT ZERO RADIAL,LEFT TURNS.what is therecommended procedure to enter the holding pattern?Teardrop onlyDirect onlyParallel only正 确 答 案:C(23)A plane,MH 240,receive this ATC clearance:,z.HOLD WEST OF THE ABC VORTAC ON THE TWO SEVEN ZERORADIAL.”,what is the recommended procedur

19、e to enterthe holding pattern?Teardrop onlyDirect onlyParallel only正 确 答 案:A【解 析】默 认 等 待 是 右 航 线 等 待,则 用 右 手 法 则(如 果 是 左 航 线 等 待,则 用 左 手 法 则)进 行 判 断,食 指 所 指 飞 向 定 位 点 的 航 向,以 食 指 为 准,向 左 减 小 110度 的 方 向 为 拇 指 所 指 方 向,向 右 增 加 70度 的 方 向 为 中 指 所 指 方 向,连 接 中 指 拇 指,这 样 就 将 360度 分 成 了 三 个 扇 区。左 上 方 拇 指 与 食

20、 指 所 夹 的 110度 扇 区 为 第 一 扇 区,右 上 方 食 指 与 中 指 所 夹 的 70度 扇 区 为 第 二 扇 区,下 方 中 指 与 拇 指 所 夹 的 180度 扇 区 为 第 三 扇 区。第 一 扇 区 平 行 进 入,第 二 扇 区 偏 置 进 入,第 三 扇 区 为 直 接 进 入。由 此 可 知,食 指 指 向 240,则 270落 在 第 二 扇 区,所 以 为 偏 置 进 入。(24)A plane,MH 300,receive this ATC clearance:,z.HOLD WEST OF THE ABC VORTAC ON THE TWO SEVE

21、N ZERORADIAL.”,what is the recommended procedure to enterthe holding pattern?Teardrop onlyDirect onlyParallel only正 确 答 案:C(25)A plane,MH 300,receive this ATC clearance:.CLEARED TO THE ABC VORTAC HOLD SOUNTH ON THE ONEEIGHT ZERO RADIAL,LEFT TURNS.What is therecommended procedure to enter the holding

22、 pattern?Teardrop onlyDirect onlyParallel only正 确 答 案:B(26)(Refer to figure ATP5-5)You receive this ATCclearance:.CLEARED TO THE XYZ VORTAC.HOLD NORTHON THE THREE SIX ZERO RADIAL,LEFT TURNS.What is therecommended procedure to enter the holding pattern?Teardrop only.Direct only.Parallel only.正 确 答 案:

23、A(28)(Refer to figure ATP5-5)You receive this ATCclearance:CLEARED TO THE ABC VORTAC.HOLD WEST ONTHE TWO SEVEN ZERO RADIAL.What is the recommendedprocedure to enter the holding pattern?Direct only.Parallel only.Teardrop only.正 确 答 案:A(29)(Refer to figure ATP5-5)You receive this ATCc l e a r a n c e

24、C L E A R E D TO THE ABC VORTAC.HOLD SOUTHON THE ONE EIGHT ZERO RADIAL.What is the recommendedprocedure to enter the holding pattern?Direct only.Teardrop only.Parallel only.正 确 答 案:A(30)(Refer to figure ATP5-6)A pilot receives this ATCclearance:CLEARED TO THE ABC VORTAC.HOLD WEST ONTHE TWO SEVEN ZER

25、O RADIAL.What is the recommendedprocedure to enter the holding pattern?Parallel only.Direct only.Parallel or teardrop.正 确 答 案:B(31)(Refer to figure ATP5-6)A pilot receives this ATCclearance:.CLEARED TO THE XYZ VORTAC.HOLD NORTHON THE THREE SIX ZERO RADIAL,LEFT TURNS.What is therecommended procedure

26、to enter the holding pattern?Parallel only.Teardrop only.Direct.正 确 答 案:C(32)(Refer to figure ATP5-6)A pilot receives this ATCclearance:.CLEARED TO THE ABC VORTAC.HOLD SOUTHON THE ONE EIGHT ZERO RADIAL.What is the recommendedprocedure to enter the holding pattern?Teardrop only.Parallel only.Direct o

27、nly.正 确 答 案:AFREQ N.M.KNOTS MIN115.0 60.0 180 20.0(33)(Refer to figure ATP5-7)On which radial is theaircraft as indicated by the NO.1 NAV?R-175R-165R-345正 确 答 案:CFREQ N.M.KNOTS MIN115.0 60.0 180 20.0(34)(Refer to figure ATP5-7)What is the lateraldisplacement in degrees from the desired radial on the

28、NO.2 NAV?124正 确 答 案:CFREQ N.M.KNOTS MIN115.0 60.0 180 20.0(35)(Refer to figure ATP5-7)What is the lateraldisplacement of the aircraft in nautical miles from theradial selected on the NO.1 NAV?5.ONM7.5NM10.ONM正 确 答 案:AFREQ N.M.KNOTS MIN115.0 60.0 180 20.0(36)(Refer to figure ATP5-7)Which OBS selectio

29、n on theNO.2 NAV would center the CD I and change the ambiguityindication to a TO?166346354正 确 答 案:CFREQ N.M.KNOTS MIN115.0 60.0 180 20.0(37)(Refer to figure ATP5-7)Which OBS selection on theNo.1 NAV would center the GDI and change the ambiguityindication to a TO?175165345正 确 答 案:BFR E Q|N M K N O T

30、S|M IN115.0 160.0 1 180 国(38)(Refer to figure ATP5-7)Which OBS selection on theNo.2 NAY would center the GDI?335174166正 确 答 案:B1 2(39)(Refer to figure ATP5-8)Which RMI illustrationindicates the aircraft is located on the 055 radialof the station and heading away from the station?132正 确 答 案:C24(40)(R

31、efer to figure ATP5-8)What is the magneticbearing TO the station as indicate by illustration 4?285055235正 确 答 案:B1(41)(Refer to figure ATP5-8)Which RMI illustrationindicates the aircraft is southwest of the station andmoving closer TO the station?123正 确 答 案:A(42)(Refer to figure ATP5-8)Which RMI ill

32、ustrationindicates the aircraft to the flying outbound on themagnetic bearing of 235 FROM the station?(Wind 050at 20 knots)234正 确 答 案:BAApproximate Feet Remaining(43)(Refer to figures ATP5-9)What is the runwaydistance remaining at A for a daytime takeoff inrunway 09?1,000 feet1,500 feet2,000 feet正 确

33、 答 案:ANighttime-Approximate Feet RemainingCentertme andEdye LightingO W M e RX0 Y e tto wDaytime-Approximate Feet Remaining(44)(Refer to figure ATP5-10)What is the runwaydistance remaining at A for a nighttime takeoff inrunway 09?1,000 feet1,500 feet2,000 feet正 确 答 案:CNighttime-Approximate Feet Rema

34、iningDaytime-Approximate Feet Remaining(45)(Refer to figure ATP5-10)What is the runwaydistance remaining at B for a daytime takeoff inrunway 09?2,000 feet2,500 feet3,000 feet正 确 答 案:CNighttime-Approximate Feet RemainingDaytime-Approximate Feet Remaining(46)(Refer to figure ATP5-10)What is the runway

35、distance remaining at C for a daytime takeoff onrunway 09?2,500 feet.2,000 feet.1,500 feet.正 确 答 案:BNighttime-Approximate Feet RemainingDaytime-Approximate Feet Remaining(47)(Refer to figure ATP5-10)What is the runwaydistance remaining at D for a daytime takeoff onrunway 09?500 feet1,000 feet1,500 f

36、eet正 确 答 案:BOmiectneandLdgo UghtgO Wliflo RedO Ye*owNighttime-Approximate Feet RemainingDaytime-Approximate Feet Remaining(48)(Refer to figure ATP5-11)What is the runway-distance remaining at A for a nighttime takeoff onrunway 09?2,000 feet3,000 feet3,500 feet正 确 答 案:BOmiectneandLdgo UghtgO Wliflo R

37、edO Ye*owNighttime-Approximate Feet RemainingDaytime-Approximate Feet Remaining(49)(Refer to figure ATP5-11)What is the runway-distance remaining at B for a nighttime takeoff onrunway 09?1,000 feet2,000 feet2,500 feet正 确 答 案:BOmiectneandLdgo UghtgO Wliflo RedO Ye*owNighttime-Approximate Feet Remaini

38、ngDaytime-Approximate Feet Remaining(50)(Refer to figure ATP5-11)What is the runway-distance remaining at C for a nighttime takeoff onrunway 09?1,000 feet1,500 feet1,800 feet正 确 答 案:AOmiectneandLdgo UghtgO Wliflo RedO Ye*owNighttime-Approximate Feet RemainingDaytime-Approximate Feet Remaining(51)(Re

39、fer to figure ATP5-11)What is the runway-distance remaining at D for a daytime takeoff onrunway 09?2,500 feet.1,500 feet.3,000 feet.正 确 答 案:COmiectneandLdgo UghtgO Wliflo RedO Ye*owNighttime-Approximate Feet RemainingDaytime-Approximate Feet Remaining(52)(Refer to figure ATP5-11)What is the runway-d

40、istance remaining at E for a daytime takeoff onrunway 9?1,500 feet2,000 feet2,500 feet正 确 答 案:BOmiectneandLdgo UghtgO Wliflo RedO Ye*owNighttime-Approximate Feet RemainingDaytime-Approximate Feet Remaining(53)(Refer to figure ATP5-11)What is the runway-distance remaining at F for a daytime takeoff o

41、nrunway 9?1,000 feet2,000 feet1,500 feet正 确 答 案:AD 图 ATP5-13 EF(54)(Refer to figures ATP5-12 and 5-13)To whichaircraft position does HSI presentation Acorrespond?1811正 确 答 案:AD 图 ATP5-13 EF(55)(Refer to figure ATP5-12 and 5-13)To whichaircraft position does HSI presentation Bcorrespond?91319正 确 答 案:

42、CD 图 ATP5-13 EF(56)(Refer to figures ATP5-12 and 5-13)To whichaircraft position does HSI presentation Ccorrespond?6712正 确 答 案:CD 图 ATP5-13 EF(57)(Refer to figure ATP5-12 and 5-13)To whichaircraft position does HSI presentation Dcorrespond?41517正 确 答 案:CD 图 ATP5-13 EF(58)(Refer to figure ATP5-12 and

43、5-13)To whichaircraft position does HSI presentation Ecorrespond?3615正 确 答 案:BD 图 ATP5-13 EF(59)(Refer to figure ATP5-12 and 5-13)To whichaircraft position does HSI presentation F”correspond?161014正 确 答 案:AD E FH 图 ATP5T4 I(60)(Refer to figure ATP5-14 and 5-15)To whichaircraft position does HSI pres

44、entation Acorrespond?9 and 69 only6 only正 确 答 案:AD E FH 图 ATP5T4 I(61)(Refer to figure ATP5-14 and 5-15)To whichaircraft position does HSI presentation B”correspond?115 and 137 and 11正 确 答 案:BD E FH 图 ATP5T4 I(62)(Refer to figure ATP5-14 and 5-15)To whichaircraft position does HSI presentation C”cor

45、respond?9412正 确 答 案:CD E FH 图 ATP5T4 I(63)(Refer to figure ATP5-14 and 5-15)To whichaircraft position does HSI presentation Dcorrespond?1012正 确 答 案:CD E FH 图 ATP5T4 I(64)(Refer to figure ATP5-14 and 5-15)To whichaircraft position(s)does HSI presentation E”correspond?8 and 38 only3 only正 确 答 案:AD E F

46、H 图 ATP5T4 I(65)(Refer to figure ATP5-14 and 5-15)To whichaircraft position does HSI presentation F”correspond?1154正 确 答 案:CD E FH 图 ATP5T4 I(66)(Refer to figure ATP5-14 and 5-15)To whichaircraft position(s)does HSI presentation G”correspond?7 only5 and 137 and 11正 确 答 案:CD E FH 图 ATP5T4 I(67)(Refer

47、 to figure ATP5-14 and 5-15)To whichaircraft position does HSI presentation Hcorrespond?812正 确 答 案:BD E FH 图 ATP5T4 I(68)(Refer to figure ATP5-14 and 5-15)To whichaircraft position does HSI presentation Icorrespond?41211正 确 答 案:C(69)If the landing minimums for a NDB approach shownon the IAP chart ar

48、e visibility 2,000m and MDA 120m,which minimums apply when you actually divert to thisairport?visibility 2,800m and MDA 180mvisibility 3,600m and MDA 240mvisibility 2,000m and MDA 120m正 确 答 案:C(70)(1-1)At a waypoint,PTL 130 is notified that theChongqing Airport is closed.PTL 130 is told to proceedto

49、 Chengdu Int.Airport.PTL 130 is operating under CCARPart 121.The PIC on PTL 130 has less than 100 hoursas PIC in the B-727.What are PICs minimums for theVOR/DME RWY 02 approach?MDH 150m,VIS 2,400mMDH 120m,VIS 1,600mMDH 100m,VIS 1,600m正 确 答 案:Bi言 用 际 昂 因 3筝,Sys、*,LL$*:-LsRWVS6Rg 岫 必 Apr*。*二 9M:29O二 H

50、oVWRO-2*EEUleR、277S:265O-HO YWRO2:BS二 18U二 m.、10026MXHOyVWROU二 a。2=。6。一、助 恸 M O Or-M l iktfllG O 200执 烟 执 KR II:$I it I,M 6”$*45X”M)(5u I ri J i 4.4 51)s Si 7 s1A 3 I I.(71)(Refer to figure ATP5-16)When the aircraft isintercepting R-179 HUR with an intercept angle of 45during go-around,how much


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