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1、Bridges in China 1古今中外 经 典 桥 梁 赏 析B.国外 桥 梁建筑12Bridges in the WorldAncient bridges(Cantilever)Steel truss bridgesSteel Box and plate girder bridgesSteel and concrete arch bridgesPrestressed concrete girder(rigidframe)bridgesCable-stayed bridgesSuspension bridgesBridges in the WorldKintai Bridge in Ja

2、panBridges in the World 3五跨木拱 桥,跨度35m,始建于1673 年,日本三大名 桥 之一1950 年 毁 于台 风,1953 年重建据 传 中国和尚帮助了 该桥 的 设计 与施工Bridges in the WorldChapel Bridge in SwitzerlandBridges in the World 4始建于 1333 年1993 遭受火灾后重建Bridges in the World 5Covered timber bridges in USAThousands of covered timberbridges built in USA from t

3、he end of18 century to the early days of 19centuryCovered bridges are roofed toprotect the structure from rotThe longest one:Michael Bridge in1851 with span of 110mThomas Mill Bridge廊 桥遗 梦 THE BRIDGESOF MADISON COUNTYMycenaean Bridge in Greece,BC1300Bridges in the World 6Bridges in China 2Pons Mulvi

4、us(Ponte Molle)Bridge疏洪拱7 马 克 Bridges thelocated about 4.5 km(3 miles)North of Ancient Rome on the Via Flaminiaoriginal(wooden)bridge built about 220 B.C.E.;stone bridge built in 109B.C.E.,a good portion of which still remains today!site of the famous Battle at the Milvian(穆 尔 维)Bridge,in whichConst

5、antine(君士坦丁)defeated Maxentius(World 森提 乌 斯)in 312 C.E.Aqueduct of Pont de Gard in France1670 the World建于公元前 167 158 年,长 262m,高 50m,三 层 半园拱 结 构(7,10,35),最大跨度 24m结 构宏 伟,比例 协调 合理,色 泽 光亮,石料加工精 细(不用砂 浆)建成后 约 400 年,两端被 战 争破坏,Bridges in 年重建,世界著名 风 景名 胜 之一 89Aqueduct of Segovia in SpainAlcantara Bridge in

6、Spain,104 106A.C.两 层 拱 结 构,长876m,高30m,总 共119 孔采用20 400 块 粗加工的石料砌成(不用砂 浆)大 约2000 年前建成10Bridges in the WorldThe Ponte Sant Angelo Bridge in RomeBridges in the World 11建于公元134 年,跨越Tiber 河1688 年,在 栏 杆柱上增加了10 尊天使雕像中 间 三孔 为 原 桥,两 边 孔 为 后增Bridges in the WorldAvignon Bridge in FranceBridges in the World 12建

7、于1177 1187,原有20 孔,跨度30m 左右因被洪水冲 毁,现 只剩三孔,成 为 著名的“断 桥”Bridges in China 313鸭绿 江断 桥1909 年5 月,日本人在朝 鲜 一 侧 开始施工,并迫使中方同意建 桥。1911 年10 月大 桥 竣工通 车。大 桥总长944 2 米,共12 孔,为 便于船舶航行,中方第四孔架 设 旋 转 式“开 闭 梁”,这 便是 鸭绿 江上第一桥。第二 桥 建于1937 年4 月,在第一 桥上游,与第一 桥 相距不足百米,即现 在的“中朝友 谊 大 桥”,与第一桥 并称 鸭绿 江上的“姐妹 桥”。1950 年6 月,朝 鲜 爆 发 内 战。

8、1950年11 月8 日,美空 军 首次派出百余架B29 型 轰 炸机,对 大 桥 狂 轰滥炸,大 桥 被 拦 腰炸断,朝方一 侧钢梁落入水中。同年11 月14 日,美军 又派出 军 用 轰 炸机34 架,再次轰 炸大 桥,朝方三座 桥 墩被炸塌,至此大 桥瘫痪,中方一 侧 残存四孔。被人 们 称 为鸭绿 江断 桥,成 为 抗美援朝 战 争的 历 史 见证。14Elvet Bridge in England 11 12 世 纪 欧洲曾出 现“尖拱”,因 桥 墩厚重,跨度 难 以加大而逐步放弃,但在建筑 结 构中广泛采用 建于1160 的石拱 桥,原有14 孔,后因1771 年的洪水冲 毁 只剩

9、10 孔,1804 5 年修复Bridges in the WorldOld and New London BridgeBridges in the World 15跨越Thames 河,29 孔,跨度4.6-10.6m,墩 宽 大 约8m,桥 上有房屋和商店,桥 前身 为 木 桥,公元963 915 年由 罗马 人修建(歌 谣:London Bridge is falling down),在1176 1209 改建 为 收 费 石拱 桥因旧 桥 不堪交通重 负,1824 31 年另建了新 伦 敦 桥(花 岗 岩石拱 桥)1970 年,新 伦 敦 桥卖给 美国Lake Havasu City,

10、Arizona,按原 样 重建现桥 址 处为 一6 车 道 钢 筋混凝土 桥,1973 年开通Bridges in the WorldKarlsbrucke(Charles)Bridge in BragueBridges in the World 16Firstly timberbridge1403-1503,stonearch bridge with16 arches,spanof about 20mMore than 30saint sculptureson rail postBridges in the World 17Mostar Bridge in Bosnia-Herzegovin

11、aSingle-span stone arch footbridge with span of 29mBuilt in 1557-1566Heavily damaged during Muslin-Croat fight in 1993Reconstruction was completed in 2004Bridges in the World 18Allahverdi Khan Bridge in Isfahan,Iran33-arches,long 300m,built in 1602Transportation structure and a social&contemplative

12、place as wellBridges in China 4Bridges in the World 19Two arch bridges in ItalyPonte Vecchio Bridge inFlorence,firstly built in 972 inwood but destroyed by a floodin 1117,redone in stone butcollapsed again in 1333.Thecurrent structure built in 13453 arches with span of 29m andrise-span ratio of 1/63

13、-storey jewellers shops on itPonte di RialtoBridge in Venice,builtin 1588-1591With span of 26.6mand rise 6.3mbuilding on the bridgePonte Vecchio20Ponte di RialtoBridges in the World 21Bridges in the WorldMenai Strait Bridge in UKBridges in the World 22An old suspension bridgewith cables of chain bar

14、smade of wrought ironMain span of 177m,located at North Wales,UKBuilt during 1820-26,rehabilitated in 1940Design by Thomas TelfordBridges in the World 23London Tower BridgeThe sign of London,the first bridge from the estuary of ThamesOpened to public in June,1894The distance of two piers is 76m,on p

15、iers are two square tower,between piers are a double deck bridge,lower deck is movable6 lane roadway and upper deck is walkwaySide spans:chain suspended deckBridges in the World 24Firth of Forth BridgeJapanBridges in China 525,Completed in 1779 with span of 30.5m and rise height13.7m,7m 宽桥 面,5 个半 圆

16、拱,无螺栓 连 接,800 多个 铸件,重 约400 吨The first cast iron arch bridge in the world预 制拼装施工方法26Early railway girder bridge made of wr ought ir onSpans of 70+146+146+70m,built during 1845-1850T ests in the bridge s building pr oved the r eliability of solid-webgirder bridgeDestr oyed by fir e in 1970 and later r

17、 ebuilt as an ar ch bridgeBritannia Tubular Bridge in UKCoalbrookdale Bridge in EnglandInitiallydesignedto be asuspensionbridgeBridges in the World 27Bridges in the World无法显示图像。计算机可能没有足够的内存以打开该图像,也可能是该图像已损坏。请重新启动计算机,然后重新打开该文件。如果仍然显示红色“x”,则可能需要删除该图像,然后重新将其插入。Cantilever truss(Corbel truss)beam bridge

18、with main span of 521mBuilt during 1880 to 1890Located at ScotlandThe sign of modern bridges28Bridges in the WorldQuebec Bridge in CanadaThe largest steel cantilever truss bridge for railwayin the world,main span of 548.8mCompleted in 1917 finally,used until nowBridges in the WorldBridges in the Wor

19、ld 29Quebec Bridge Accidentssome compressive members buckling caused structuresdamage in the first construction in Aug 1907,9000 tons steelwasted and 75 diedOriginal truss was replaced by K-shape truss in the seconddesign,when lifting suspended span,it dropped down toriver on Sept 1916,caused the se

20、cond accident,7 diedBridges in the World 30Minato Bridgein Osaka,Double-deck highway bridge with span of 235+510+235mCantilever K-type steel truss,welding box member and integral jointCompleted in 1974631Commodore Barry BridgeAlso called Chester Bridge,located in New Jersey,USAThree-span steel canti

21、lever truss with main span of 501.22m andsuspended span of 250.61mBolt-welding structure,completed in 1974Bridges in the World 32Great New Orleans BridgesThrough-type Highwaybridges located atLouisiana,USASpan of 260+480+260mfor the bridge built in1958,Maximum heightof truss 61m4 lanes and two 0.9mw

22、alkwayAnother bridge withsame name built in1988 with main span of480mBridges in the WorldHowrah Bridge in IndiaLocated at Calcutta and cross Hooghly RiverSpans of 99.06+457.2+99.06m,suspended span of 171.9mDesigned by UK engineers the World built in 1943 33 Bridges andTay BridgeBridges in the World

23、34Truss beam railway bridge with 85spans,13 of them are navigationspan,almost 2 miles longDesigned by Thomas BouchCompleted in 1878Located at Dundee,ScotlandThe Tay Bridge Disaster35On the stormy night of 28 Dec 1879,after 19 months opening,ahuge gale(80 miles per hour)blew down the navigation spans

24、,together with a train(6 carriages)and 75 souls to the Firth of TayInvestigation:static wind design mistake(caused by strength ofwind,not poor construction and bad maintenance)Bridges in the WorldBridges in ChinaAstoria Bridge in USABridges in theLocated in Oregon,across Columbia RiverThree-span con

25、tinuous steel truss highway bridgeSpan of 187.5+375+187.5m,total length of 751mCompleted in 1966 World 36Bridges in China 7Francis Scott Key Bridge37Ikitsuki-Ohashi Bridge38Located at Baltimore Harbor,USASpan of 366m,completed in 1977The largest continuous steel truss bridge in the worldContinuous t

26、russ with span of 400m,maximum spanCompleted in 1991Bridges in the WorldYoshima Bridge in JapanBridges in the World 39Combined road and rail 3-span continuoussteel truss bridge with main span of 245mHSS is used for an economical design,thinner plate simplified fabrication and con.Double deck,upper 4

27、 lanes roadway andlower 2 4 track railway,in curveHT780(yield strength 630N/m2)steel,maximum member size is 2*1.8m withthickness of 70mmOpened in 1988Bridges in the WorldYoshima Bridge in Japan(con.)Bridges in the World 40Bridges in the World 41Rhine Bridge at Cologne-Deutz,GermanyCombined road-stre

28、etcar bridge in Cologne-deutz,first slender steelbox girder replacing a chain suspension bridge destroyed duringWorld War IISpans:132.1+184.5+120.7mOrthotropic deck with reinforced concrete wearing layerErection in large elements with heavy lifting equipment in 1946-47Bridges in the World 42Rhine Br

29、idge at Bonn-South6-lane highway and 2-track streetcar steel bridge in GermanySpans of 125+230+125m,width 39.7mCross-section of two box girder with an orthotropic plateBuilt during 1968-72track train until 1974 in the World 45Completed in 1916Bridges in China 843Rio-Niteroi in BrazilThe longest stee

30、l box girderbridge in the worldLocated at Guanabara Bay,Riode Janeiro-Niteroi,BrazilMain span of 300m,total lengthof 13 900mCompleted in 197244Namihaya Bridge in Japancurved 3 span continuous steel deck box girderLocated at city of OsakaMain span of 250m,Completed in 1994Bridges in the WorldEads Bri

31、dge over theMississippi at St.Louis,USAFirst steel(arch)bridge in the worldBuilt 1867-1874 with center span of 158.80mUpper deck for roadway,lower level for double-46Bridges in the WorldAlexander III Bridge in ParisVery flat steel arch bridge,1/17Span of more than 107.5m,three-hinged arch,completed

32、in1900Famous of its Luxuriant decoration and sculptBridgesHell Gate Bridge in USA4 tracks railway bridge with span of 298mBridges in the World 47Bridges in the WorldBayonne Bridgein USABridges in the World 48Steel trussed archHighway bridgewith span of503.6mCompleted in1931Steel trussed archComplete

33、d in 1977,“Bridge Day”in 1980 in the Worldforparachuting,ready to cancel recentlyBridges in China 949Sydney Harbour Bridge in AustraliaSteel trussed archHighway bridge with span of 503mCompleted in 1932Designed by Ralph Freeman50Bridges in the World 51Bridges in the WorldPort Mann Bridge in CanadaTh

34、ree-span steel tied arch bridgewith orthotropic deckMain span of 366mFinished in 1964Bridges in the World 52Bridges in the WorldFremont Bridge in Portland,USAThe largest tied arch steel bridge(double-decked)Finished in 1973 with span of 382.6mConstruction:arch span(6000t)floated to the place thenlif

35、t about 50m high to positionBridges 53Weathering-resistant steel trussed archHighway bridge with span of 518.2m,thelongest arch bridge in the worldNew River Gorge Bridge in USABanghua Bridge in KoreaBridges in the World 54Highway steel arch bridge with span of 540mBuilt in 2000Completion:1991混凝土三 铰

36、拱,主跨 90m,1930,土木工程里程碑建筑Bridges in China 10Shin-Hamadera Bridge in JapanNielsen-Lohse Arch with span of 254mBridges in the World 55Kishiwada Bridge in Japan56Three-span continuous through-typesteel arch bridge with main span of 255mCompletion:1993 Bridges in the WorldBridges in the World 57Dumbbell-l

37、ike hollow steeltube as ar ch ringMain span of 278mCompleted in 1960 andbumped and collapsed by shipin 1980重建,主跨 366m 的混合梁斜拉 桥Bridges in the World 58Tjrn Bridge in SwedenRockville BridgeLocated at Harrisburg,across theSusquehanna Riverin Pennsylvania,USA1 141m in length,thelongest stone archrailway

38、bridge in theworldBuilt in 1902 by ThePennsylvaniaRailroadBridges in the World 59Tavanasa Bridge in SwitzerlandA three-hinge R.C.arch bridgeBuilt in 1905,design by Robert MaillardSalgina BridgeBridges in the World 60A cable-stayed bridge in Macao with same nameCantilever construction for metallic fr

39、amework1161 62Ponte da Amizade(Friendship)Bridge瑞典 Sando 桥,跨度 264m1943 年建成,拱架法施工西班牙 Elsa 铁 路 桥,跨度 210m1942 年建成,劲 性骨架法施工In Brazil,open March 1965,552.4m long,13.5m wide and78m high,span of 303m 1965Bridges in the WorldArrabida Bridge in PortugalBridges in the World 63Bridges in the WorldGladesville B

40、ridgeBridges in the World 64Located at the environs of Sydney,AustraliaMain span of 305m and completed in 1964Span of 270mT wo twin concr ete ar chesConstructed between 1957-6365Span of 390m,completed in 1980Arch ring:R.C.with box sectionConstruction:cantilever precasting Bridges in the WorldBridges

41、 in ChinaBridges in the World 66Krk II Bridge in former YugoslaviaBendorf BridgeLocated in Germany,across Rhine River near KoblenzSpans of 71+208+71m,two parallel single box girdersHinge at the middle of the main spanCantilever construction,a typical example for balancedcantilever concreting in earl

42、y stageCompleted in 1964Completed in 1998Bridges in China 12Bridges in theGateway Bridge in AustraliaLocated at Brisbane,Length of 1627m,span of 145+260+145m,double68Raftsundet Bridge in NorwayHighway prestressed concrete continuous frame bridgeSpan:86+202+298+125mthin-walled piersExpansion joints i

43、n side span at the distance of 15m to side piersCantilever construction,built in 1980-86 World 67葡萄牙 铁 路 连续刚 构 桥 So Joo BridgeBridges in the World 691991 年,主跨 250m,双 线铁 路Lightweight concrete used in the middle spanBridges in the WorldEarly steel cable-stayed bridges in GermanyBridges in the World 70

44、 Oberkassel Bridge,4-lanestreet and 2-track streetcarbridge with spans of5*51.55+257.75+70m,horizontalmoving cons.,1970-76 Theodor-Heuse Bridge,4-lane highway bridge with spansof 108+260+108m,first cable-stayed bridge in Germany,1957Modern steel cable-stayed bridges in JapanTurumi Ship Channel Bridg

45、eSpan of 255+510+255m6-lane roadway steel bridgewith width of 28.75mBuilt in 1994Bridges in the World 71Meikounishi BridgeSpan of 175+405+175m,suspended system4-lane roadway steel bridgewith width of 13mA-shaped pylonBuilt in 1984Modern steel cable-stayed bridges in Japan(con.)Bridges in the World 7

46、2Yokohama Bridge,total 860mSpan of 200+460+200mH-shaped pylon,fan-type cableDouble deck with 6 lanes on eachStiffening girder of trussBuilt in 1988Ikuti Bridge,total 795.8mSpan of 150+490+150mDiamond pylon,fan-type cableMiddle span:steel box girder,side span:P.C.box girder withtwo small piers belowB

47、uilt in 1991Span of 270+890+320m,pylons height:216.6mStarting at 1990 and completed in 1999 Completed in 1962,strengthened in 1980s4 lanes highway,Completed in 1977Bridges in China 13Combined steel-concrete cable-stayed bridge across SeineTotal length 2141.25m,span of 737.5+856+547.75m,main spancons

48、ists of 116m concrete girder on each side and 624m steelgirder in the middle,pylons height:202mBridges in the World 73Construction 1989-1995Normandy Bridge in FranceNormandy Bridge in France(con.)Cross-diaphragmLongitudinalBridges in the World 74Cross-sectionPerspectiveof segmentalgirderstiffenerOrt

49、hotropicplateTatara Bridge in Japan75Maracaibo Bridge in VenezuelaThe first concrete cable-stayed bridge in the worldTotal length of 8.7km,main span of 235m for 5 spansLocated in the route of Honshu-ShikokuBridges in the WorldBrotonne Bridge in France3-span P.C.cable-stayed bridge across SeineSpans

50、of 143.5+320+143.5m,box girder with inner bracingBridges in the World 77X-shaped pier,A-shaped pylon and a pair of rigid cables,suspended spanlength 85.5mBridges in the World 76Skarnsundet Bridge inNorwayOpened in Dec 1991,the longestconcrete cable-stayed bridge in the worldSpans of 190+530+190m,tot


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