1、-TOP-TOP 国际学校升学交流国际学校升学交流-雅思大作文结尾段的写法(英语作文也可参考)准备雅思考试的小伙伴们经常提到写作的烦恼,很多人不知道该如何将自己的作文结尾写得高质量高水准。今天让我们来看看雅思大作文的结尾段应该如何构造吧三个原则:1.写什么:结尾段是对个人观点的总结和重申,不需要增加新的信息(不是不可以,而是在功力不够的情况下,提建议、预测未来等升华式的做法可能会导致跑题)。2.写多少:剑桥真题范文的结尾段普遍为 2 句话(部分 DG 类以个人观点段作为结尾);Simon 认为结尾段 1 句话即可。3.怎么写:清晰,简洁、准确,不要显摆。常用句型:常用句型:观点类:(agree
2、/disagree):For the reasons mentioned above,I believe that.(重复个人观点,概述开头段和主体段的中心句).DG 类:In conclusion,there are convincing arguments both for and against.(概括/改写争论的话题),but I believe that.(当题目要求给出个人观点时,重申/改述个人观点).优缺点类:In conclusion,I would argue that the benefits of.(概括/改写话题)outweigh the drawbacks.报告类:I
3、n conclusion,it is clear that there are various reasons for.(概括/改写话题),and steps need to be taken to tackle this problem.真题范文结尾举例真题范文结尾举例观点类观点类:I think the main point is to make sure that young children do not overusecomputers.Parents must ensure that their children learn to enjoy other kinds ofactiv
4、ity and not simply sit at home,learning to live in a virtual world.DGDG 类类:In conclusion,while punishments can help to prevent bad driving,I believethat other road safety measures should also be introduced.优缺点类优缺点类:It is clear then that this situation is not as straightforward as it first appears.It would seem that one of the many duties of parents is to make an informedchoice about how many toys they buy for their young ones.报告类报告类:In conclusion,both national governments and individuals must play theirpart in looking after the environment.要写出一篇好的雅思作文一定要善始善终,考生们可根据上文的建议找到自己得心应手的结尾方式,得到理想的分数。