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1、Part one the United Kingdom of Britain and North Irelandp3 1 Whats the differences between Britain and the BritishIsles,Great Britain,England,the UK and the British Commonwealth?2 tell 3 geographical names of the UK3 tell the 3 political divisions on the island of Great Britainp4 1 the British Empir

2、e gradually disappeared and it wasreplaced by the BritishCommonwealth of the Commonwealth of Nations in 19312 the Commonwealth3 Describe the geographical position(features)of Britain4 it is separated from the rest of Europe by the EnglishChannel in the south andthe North Sea in the east5theEnglishCh

3、annelp5 1 Channel2 the north and west of Britain are mainly highlands.3 England occupies the largest,southern part of GreatBritain with Wales to itswest and Scotland to its north.4 Whereabouts in Great Britain are mostly highland andlowlandp6 1 the Pennines2 tell the 3 natural zones in Scotland3 Ben

4、 Nevis,the highest mountain in Britain is locatedScotland.p7 1 in Britain,the longest river is the Seven River2ThamesRiverp8 the largest lake in Britain is the Lough Neagh in NorthernIrelandp9 1 What factors influence the climate in Britain2 tell the characteristics of Britains climatep ll 1 Describ

5、e the distribution of Britains population2 Britain has a population of 57,411,0003 Britain is a densely populated country with an average of237 people per squarekilometre and it is very unevenly distributed.pl2 1 What is the difference between ancestors of theEnglish andScot,Welsh andIrish2 During t

6、he fifth century when the Roman Empire fell,theGermanic Angles and Saxonsinvaded and conquered Britain.3 It was from the union of Norman conquerors and thedefeated Anglo-Saxons that theEnglish people and the English language were born.pl3 1 What are the differences in character and speechbetween sou

7、thern England and northern England2 in Britain,southerners speak the type of English closer toBBC English3 Cockney4 the ancestors of the Welsh were the ancient Britonspl41Eisteddfodau2 How do the Welsh keep their language and culture?3 Whats the main problem in North Ireland?pl5 1 the immigrants cam

8、e from the West Indies,India andPakistan(排 除 型 选 择)2 Which part of Britain has the most rainfall and which partis the driest?pl6 1 the first known settlers of Britain were the Iberians2 Why do we say that English nation is a mixture onnationality of different origin?pl7 1 Earliest invasion of Englan

9、d is by Celts2 the Celts began to arrive about 700 BC and kept cominguntil the arrival of theRomans.pl8 1 the Celtss religionwasDruidism2 British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion3 Julius Caesar4 for nearly 400 years Britain was under the Romanoccupationpl9 1 Hadrians Wall2 Antonine Wa

10、ll3 York had been created as a northern strongholdp20 1 the first Christian Emperor;Constantine,wasproclaimed in AD 3062 tell why the Roman impact upon the Britons wassurprisingly limited3 Who were the Anglo-Saxons,how did Heptarchy come intobeing?p21 1 Angles2 seven principal kingdoms3 Heptarchy4 w

11、hen the Northumbrians submitted to him and took himfor their master in 829,Egbert actually became an overlord of all the English5 the Anglo-Saxons brought their own Teutonic religion toBritainp22 1 a monk called Columba established a monastery.2 St.Augustine3 What contributions did the early Anglo-S

12、axons make toEnglish state?p23 1 Witan2 Anglo-Saxons also established the manorial system3 Anglo-Saxons created the Witan4 Alfred5 the Danelaw6 Alfred is known as the father of the British navy”7 Alfred the Greatp24 King Edward,the Confessor;seemed more concernedwith the building ofWestminster Abbey

13、 than with affairs of state.p25 1 tell the reason of the battle on Hastings2 1066,William was crowned King of England inWestminster Abbey by the ArchbishopofYorkp26 1 the Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the bestknowneventinEnglishhistory.2WilliamtheConqueror3theNormanConquest4 the modern names of

14、 England English derive from theAngles5WhoweretheVikings?6 What do youknowabout StAugustine?p27 1 under Williams system,at the bottom of the feudalscalewerethevilleinsor serfs,unfree peasants who were little better than slaves.2 William replaced the Witan,the council of the Anglo-SaxonKings,with the

15、 GrandCouncil of his new tenants in chiefp281DomesdayBook2 Domesday Book completed in 1086,was the result of ageneral survey of Englandmade in 1085p29 1 William,known as William Rufus because of his redcomplexion2 Henry II was the first king of the House of Plantagenet.3 How did King Henry II consol

16、idate the monarchy?p30 1 How did Henry II reform the courts&law?2 In Henry Hs reign a common law,was graduallyestablished in place of thecustoms of the manor.p31 1 What was the qurrel between King Henry II andThomasBecket?2 exceptional privileges enjoyed by the clergy that broughtKing Henry intocoll

17、ision with ThomasBecket3 the Great Council of Henry II drew up the Constitutions ofClarendon in 1164p32 GeoffreyChaucerp33 1 What was the contents and significance of GreatCharter?2 the Baronscharter3 MagnaCarta4 with the utmost reluctance,the king was forced to put hisseal to the GreatCharteronJune

18、19,12155 Magna Carta had altogether 63 clauses6 a committee of 24 barons plus the Mayor of London waschosen to help the king carryout the Great Charterp34 1 Why and how did the English Parliament come intobeing?2 in 1242 Henrylll undertook an expensive war with Francewhich ended with the lossof the

19、whole of Poitou.3 Simon de Montfort4 Provisions of Oxford5 Simon de Montfort summoned in 1265 the Great Council tomeet at Westminster.p36 1 handreds years war between England and Francelasted from 133714532 What were the causes of Handreds Years War?3 Battle of Argencourt4 Joan de Arc5 By 1453,Calai

20、s was the only part of France that was still inthe hands of theEnglish.6 Why the expulsion of the English from France is regardedas a blessing for bothcountries?p37 1 Black Death2 as a result of the black death,much land was left untendedand there was aterrible shortage of labour.3 during the black

21、death period,in 1351,the governmentissued a Statute ofLabourersp38 1 What do you know about Wat Tylers Uprising?2 the Peasant Uprising3 the Lollardsp39 during the peasant uprising,many hundreds of rebelswere put to death byKing Richard.p40 1 Wars of the Roses2 the instablility was caused by the two

22、branches of thePlantagenet family,theHouse of Lancaster and the House of York between 1455 and1485.p41 1 on Aug 22,1458 at Bosworth Field in Leicstershire thelast battle of Warsof the Roses was fought between Richard III and HenryTudor,Henry Tudor won.2 although the Wars of the Roses were waged inte

23、rmittentlyforthirty years,ordinarypeoplewere little affected.p42 1What was the effect of Warsof Roses?2 theEnglish Reformation began withHenry VIII3HenryVIIIp43 Why and how did Reformation happen in England?andWhatwastheeffect?p44BloodyMaryp451ElizabethI2 Elizabeths religious reform was a compremise

24、 of view.She broke Marys tieswith Rome and restored her fathers independent Church ofEngland3 How did Queen Elizabeth deal with the religious problemafter she became Queenof the country?p46tell Elizabeths foreign policyp47 1 Renassance was the transitional period between theMiddle Ages and modern ti

25、mes,covering the years C1350-C16502 in England,the Renaissance was usually thought of asbeginning with the accessionof the House of Tudor to the throne in 1485.3 tellthe characteristics of the EnglishRenaissance.p491 ChristopherMarlowe2BenJonson3WilliamShakespearep501 EdmundSpenser2FrancisBaconp511

26、GunpowderPlot2 on Nov.5 1605,a few fanatical Catholics attempted to blowKing James and hisministers up in the Houses of Parliament.p52 1 in 1620 a small group of the Puritans,called thePilgrimFathers,sailedfromPlymouth in the Mayflower.2 Charles I was the son of James I3 Charles Irs relations with t

27、he Parliament were from thestart disastrous.p53 Petition of Rightp55 1 Cavaliers2 Roundheadsp56 1 What were the consequences of the Civil Wars?2 the English Civil War is also called the Puritan Revolution3PuritanRevolutionp57 1 after King Charless execution in 1649,there waspublic outrage in England

28、2 the Rumpp58 1 whenOliverCromwell died in 1685,and wassucceededbyhis son,Richard.2 ParliamentClarendonpasseda series of severe laws called theCode against thePuritans,nowknown as Nonconformistsp59 1 tell the 2 of the most famous literary works of the late17th century2 John Bunyans Pilgrims Progress

29、3 John Miltons Paradise Lost4 How did the glorious Revolution“break out?What was thesignificance of it?p60BillofRights(1689)p61 1 What was the absolute rule of James I of England?2 Give a brief account of Henry VIIp62 1 the Whigs2 the Tories3 the Tories were the forerunners of the Conservative Party

30、.p63 the Tories were greatly influenced by Jeremy Benthamsideals known asUtilitarianism”p65 1 Enclosure Acts2 in England,the 18th century also saw selective breeding ofcattle,sheep andhorsesbyRobertBakewell3 Whats your comment on land enclosures in England?p66 1 What was the industrial revolution?2

31、tell why Britains is the 1st country to start the industrialrevolution?p68 1 How did the English Industrial Revolution proceed?2 John Kays flying shuttle3 James Hargreavesspinning jenny4 James Wattp69 1 as a result of the industrial revolution,Britain was by1830 the workshopoftheworld”2workshopofthe

32、world”3 Luddites4 What do you know about parliamentary reforms?5 the Whigs under Lord Grey were returned to power aftermore than half a centuryp70 Why should Parliament be reformed in England?p71 1 a Peoples Charter in 18382 What do you know about the chartist Movement andPeoples Charter?Whats yourc

33、omment on them?p74 Trade Union Act of 1871p75 1 tell the Colonial Expansion of the English2 English colonial expansion began with the colonization ofNewfoundland in 15833 Canada was ceded to Britain by the 1763 Treaty of Paris.4 1763 Treaty of Parisp79 1 by the Treaty of Nanking 1842,China cede Hong

34、 KongtoBritain2 by 1900 Britain had built up a big empire which included25%oftheworldspopulationandareap81 1 During WWI Britain lost over a million people,most ofthem under the age of25.2 Out of the war settlement came the establishment of theLeague of Nationsp82 in 1936 Edward VIII succeeded his fa

35、ther George V butabdicated.p83 Winston Churchillp84 1 one of the most far-reaching consequences of the warwas thatithastenedthe endofBritainsempire2 the Labour Partywon theelection afterWWII,butConservativescamebacktopowerin1951.p85 in Jan,1973,Britain finally became a full member of theEuropeanEcon

36、omicCommunity.p86 1 the election of 1979 returned the Conservative Party2Thatcherismp87 What were the Parliamentary politics like in the late18th andearly19thcenturies?p88 1 soon after the Second World War,Britain not noly gaveup its ecnomic hegemonybut also sugffered a deep loss of its position of

37、industrialleadership2 Between 1950 and 1973,Britains GDP grew at an averageannual rate of 3.0%3Britishdiseasep89 1 What are the 3 periods as far as the evolution ofBritisheconomyisconcerned?2 in 1950,Britains GDP and its foreign trade ranked secondanditspercapitaincomethirdinthe world3JohnM.Keynesp9

38、0 1 in the 1970s among the developed countries Britainmaintainedthe lowest growthrate andthe highest inflation.2 in 1979,thenew government adopted an economicprogrammeknown as Medium-termFinancialStrategy3 Privatiztion,deregulation and market liberalization replacepricesandincomescontrol and state i

39、nterventionism.(排 除 型 选 择)p91 an outstanding feature of the economic recovery in the80s was its length,by1988,the recovery had lasted seven years.p92 1 just as the 1940s decade is remembered in Britain asthe era of nationalization,the 1980s will be remembered as the decade of privatization.2 During

40、the pas decade almost 40%of the British stateenterprises were privatized.p94 rich deposits of iron ore were found in central England.p98 1 in the early 20th century the motor vehicle in dustry inBritain was developedin the West Midlands and South-East of England2 tell the areas in England where we c

41、an see some high-techindustrialgrowthp99 1 in Britain only 3%of the population are farmers butthey manage 70%of theland area.2 agribusinessplOO 1 in some areas factory faming methods are used,particularly for rearing poultryof pigs.2 Wheat and Potatoes are staple food of the British.pl03 1 Britain i

42、s the 5th largest trading nation in the world.2 nation of shopkeepers3 tell the trade pattern that Britaintrade has4 What has Britain traditionally been in terms of foreigntrade?pl041theCityofLondon2Lloydspl05 1 Where are oil and natural gas found in Britain?2 Where are the main textile producing re

43、gions in Britain?3 What are new industries in England?4 How has Britains trade pattern changed in recent years?pl06 1 constitutional monarchy2 the head of the UK is a king or a queen3 the British constitution is made up statute law,commonlaw and conventions(排 除 型 选 择)4 the monarchy is the oldest ins

44、titution of government,going back to at least the9th century.pl07 the present Sovereign,Queen Elizabeth II,was bornon April 21,1926,shecame to the throne on Feb.6,1952,and she was crowned onJun 2,1953.pl08 the Queen of Britain is the symbol of the whole nationpllO 1 What do you know the Parliament i

45、n Britain?2 a Parliament has a maximum duration of 5 years.p i l l in Britain,the House of Lords is presided over by theLordChancellorpll2 1 the House of Commons is elected by universal adultsuffrage and consists of651 Members of Parliament2 it is in the House of Commons that the ultimate authorityf

46、or law-making resides.3 a General Election must be held every five years and isoften held at more frequentintervals4 Black Rodpll4shadowcabinetpll5 the great majority of these are Government measuresintroducedbyaMinisterp ll6 in Britain,the Prime Minister is appointed by theQueen,and always sits int

47、he House of Commons,receives 78,292.p ll7 1 Ministers are appointed by the Queen on therecommendation of the PrimeMinister2 the Privy Council3 the Privy Council is presided over by the Lord Presidentp ll8 the government departments are staffed by membersof the Civil Servicepl21 Local authorities in

48、Great Britain raise revenue throughthecounciltax.pl22 1 When did a constitutional monarchy begin in Britain?2 What does the Cabinet consist of?3 Who are the members of the House of Lords?4What is the function of the House of Lords?5What are the two major parties in Britain today?6 How many constitue

49、ncies are there in Britain today?7 How many members are there in the House of Commons?8 How often does a general election take place?9 Give a brief account of British Parliament.pl23 1 criminal law2 civil lawpl24 the Crown Prosecution Service assumes control of thecaseandindependentlyreviews the evi

50、dence to decide whether to prosecutepl25 1 MagistratesCourts try summary offences2 either way3 in 1994 there were 79 stipendiary magistrates in Englandand Wales.pl26 1 the Crown Court tries the most serious offences2 England and Wales are divided in six circuits for thepurpose of hearing criminalcas


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