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1、英语专业四级作文模板【篇一:英语专业四级考试之写作万能模板:开头结尾篇】英语专业四级考试之写作万能模板:开头结尾篇一开头万能公式:1.开头万能公式一:名人名言有人问了,“我没有记住名言,怎么办?特别是英语名言?”,很好办:编!原理:我们看到的东西很多都是发明出来的,涉及我们欣赏的文章也是,所以尽管编,但是一定要听起来很有道理呦!并且没准将来我们就是名人呢!对吧?经典句型:a proverbsays,u you a re only young once.”(合用于已记住的名言)itgoes w i th out sayin g th at we c a n n o t b e yo u ngfo

2、 re ve r.(合用于自编名言)更多经典句型:as everyone knows,n o one can d e ny that.2.开头万能公式二:数字记录原理:要想更有说服力,就应当用实际的数字来说明。原则上在议论文当中不应当出现虚假数字的,可是在考试的时候哪管那三七二十一,但编无妨,只要我有东西写就万事大吉了。所以不妨试用下面的句型:accord i ng to a r ec e nt su r ve y,about78.9%o f t h e c o lie g e studen t s w a nted to f u rthertheir s tu d y af t e r th

3、eir g r adu a tio n.看起来这个数字文邹邹的,其实都是编造出来的,下面随便几个题目我们都可以这样编造:honesty根据最近的一项记录调查显示,大学生向老师请假的理由当中7 8%都是假的。trave 1 by b i ke根据最近的一项记录调查显示,85%的人在近距离旅行的时候首选的交通工具是自行车。y o u th根据最近的一项记录调查显示,在某个大学,学生的课余时间的70%都是在休闲娱乐。five-da y wo r k week be t te r t h a n six-d ay work?根据最近的一项记录调查显示,98%的人批准每周五天工作日。更多句型:a re

4、c e n t statistic s shows that.二结尾万能公式:1.结尾万能公式一:如此结论说完了,毕竟要归纳一番,相信各位都有这样的经历,领导长篇大论,到最后终于冒出个“总而言之”之类的话,我们立即停止开小差,等待领导说结束语。也就是说,开头很好,也必然要有一个精彩的结尾,让读者眼前一亮,这样,你就可以拿高分了!比如下面的例子:o b vi o u s ly(此为过渡短语),w e can d r aw t he conc 1 usion thatgoodm a nne r s a r ise from pol i t e ness and r e sp e c t for o

5、 t h e r s.【篇二:英语专业四级考试写作常用模板】1.t h e m o st eff e c t ive means t o s olve this p rob 1em ist hat.in tha t c ase,4.on t he wh o I e,it is h i gh time t hat we rec o g n ized the s i g n i fican c e of.5.as a resu 11,w e should t ake s o me e f fe c tiv emethods t o6.judgin g by the fi g ures,we c a

6、 n dra w a c o n c 1u sion tha t.7.in a word,the whol e so c iety sh o uld pay c I o seattent i on to the p r ob I e m o f.onlyi n t his way ca n in t he fut u re.8.i n my opi n ion,we should p la c e much em p has i son the importance o f.9.but and hav etheir own advant a ges.fo r examp 1 e,w h ile

7、 .compa ring th o s e tw o,however,i pref e r t o10.in m y opinio n,i s just ascommon as.if,i tmay b e very useful.whatever,th ek e y po i nt lies in.11.a r e their opini o ns c o r r e ct?to my min d,the firsti dea seems.as for the s e c o n didea,.12.a s a p opu 1 ar s a ying g o es,.i nm y o p in

8、ion wha t r ea 1 1 y counts is not,but.i be 1 ie v e rt hat a s Ion g as,w e wi 1 1.so i am f o r th e op i ni o n that _ 13.in m y o p inio n,b o th s id e s a re pa r tly rig h t,when we,w e should t a ke intoconsi d e r ation al 1 aspects of t he prob 1 ems,andth e n make th e rig ht decisi o n.1

9、 4.p ersona 1 ly,i b e 1 ie v e th a t.con s e quently,im c onfiden t tha t a bright futur eis awaiting u s b e c au s e.enough to sh o w our d i sapprova 1 an d crit i c i smwhen con f ront e d wi t h.16.peopl e are comin g t o real i z e th e impor t anee o f.they have b e gun to t r y th e i rbe

10、s t to.we b e 1 iev e th a t17.all in al 1,we c a nn o 11 i v e w it h out.but at the s a me t ime we m u s t try t o f i nd ou t new ways t o cope wit h probl e m s th at w o u ld arise.1 9.w i th the deve 1 o p ment o f society,.so i fs u r g e n t an d nece s saryto.i f e v e ry mem b e r i s w i

11、lling tocontri b ute h i mself t o th e societ y,it wil 1 b e b e tteran d bet t er.2 0.it is d ifficult t o say wh e t her is good or not in general as i t depends very much onthe situ a tion o f.h owe v e r,f r oma p ersonal p oi n t o f view i find.2 1.it is es s e ntia 1 th at eff e c t iv e act

12、ions s h o uldb e t aken to end the situation.22.it i s n o doub t that s p eci a 1 attentio n m u s tbe p a id to the probl e m o f.2 3.but b oth a ndhav e disadvantages,for examp 1 e,.w h ich to choose,o r?careful consider a t i on i s n ecessary befor e you m a ke your own c h oice.24.f rom what

13、h a s b e en discu s sed ab o ve,we ma y re a sonably arrive a t the c o nclusion t hat2 5.w e must search fo r a q u i c k ac t i o n,be c au se t he pres e nt situati o n of i sgrievous,i f a llo w e d to p r oceed,w i l l cert a in 1 y I e adt o.26.no d o ubtr i f we ig n or e the pr o bl e m,t h

14、 e r e iseve r y ch a n ce th a t will b e p u t i nd ang e r.27.we ne e d t o take a se c ond look a t t h e mat t erf r o m a wider standpoint,o t h e rwi s e,we wont28.i t is h i g h t i me t ha t.herea re s om e o fth e me a s ures tha t might b e tak e nimm e diat e 1 y.29.in conclu s ion,we s

15、hould know ab out the p r ob 1 e m of,and o b j e ctto.only in th i s way30.a 1 though it i s a f fected b y m a ny f actors,s tillthere3 9.however,th is grap h may not pr e die t the e ntire s i tuation i n the f utur e.i belie v e4 0.from the graph it is e vident th at.41.from al 1 th e reasons ab

16、 o ve,we k n ow tha t greatchanges had t a k e n p 1 ace i n.and i be 1iev e th a t.4 2.ta k ing i nto a c count a 11 o f these facto r s,we may are c ertain ways t h at ca n make the si t uation b etter.the mos t im p o r t i s.a n othe rway i s.s till ano t h er on e is31.many solutions are offe r

17、 ed h e re,a II o f them makesome sen s e,but n o ne is ade q ua t e enough,the p rob 1 e m should be studied in dep t h.32.n o e asy metho d can b e at hand to sol v e the probl e m of.bu t the c o mm o nrecognitio n of the im p ort a n c e o f m i ght b e t he f i rst step o n the right way.33.i t

18、 is cle a r,th e refo r e,that the task o fdemands great a ttention.3 4.we may ha v e a Io n g way to go b e f ore we reach the final goal.but once we are on the wa y,the ch an c e to r e ach i t is gre a te r.35.bu t to r me,i w o uld rat h er th i n k of t h e matteri n an opt i m i s t i c w a y.

19、b e cause i b e I i eve36.we all know the s tor y o f.thislesso n te 1 Is us th a t,we should37.my o wn poi nt o f view is t hatis a n orma 1 behavi o r in our so c i e t y.th e re i s no doub t that.as an o 1 d sa y i ng g oes,38.i f we cant a ke usefu 1 mean s,we may n otcon t r o I this trend,and

20、 s ome u nd e s irabl e result may c o me o u t une x p ecte d 1 y,s o wh a t w e s h ouldd o i s r e ach the con c lusion t hat.43.fo r th e r eason s g i ven above,i strongly re commend t h a t .4 4.given th e fac to r s i hav e just o ut 1 ined,ibe 1 i e ve tha t.4 5.there f o re,it is n ot d iff

21、icul t to draw the co n clu s i on tha t.46.recogniz i ng th e f a c t that s hou 1d lea d us to con c 1 u d e t ha t47.in short,i suppo r t the s tat e m e n t t hat it i sbetter to b e ca u se.4 8.af t er ponderi n g th i s questi o n on ma ny o c casto n s,i have f i n a 1 1 y re a ch e d th e co

22、n c lu s ion thati s some t hing i t ruly w a nt to d oand i t i s worthwhile.49.my poi n t o f v ie w in I a r gel y resu It s fr o m the f act th a t.5 0.now after close examinati o n,it i s not d i fficu 11to draw th e conclus i on th a t.5 1.f r o m w h a t has bee n di s c us s ed above,you can

23、 get yo ur pref ere n ce.p e rso n a il y,i thin khas more a d v a ntages.52.o n th e one hand,it ha s h e Iped china.o n th e ot h er hand,i t hasin c re a s e d c hina、,a nd at t hes ame tim e,made gr e a t contributi o ns t o o ur nat io nal dev e Io p merit.53.i n m y o pinion,to s o Ive t h is

24、pro b 1 em the r e mi g htbe two ways,one way to tackl e th i s q ue s t ion i s.ano t her way that i s wor th a d o p tsn g is.54.as fa r as i am co n cerned,i t rust th e adva n ta g esm e n t ioned above ex c eed the d i s advantage s.55.for me,i s a g 1 ory and it i s the 四、there is no d enyin g

25、 th a t+s+v(不可否认的)例句:there i s no denyin g th a t t he qualit i es of o ur liv i ngh a ve gone from bad to worse.五、it is uni v e rsally acknowledged t hat+句 子 (全世界都知道)例句:it is uni v e r sally ack n ow 1 edged t hat t r e esare i ndi s pens a b I e to us.mos t i mportan t thin g i ha veto t a ke i n

26、to feasible consider a t i on.56.a s regards me,i tend t o pick,for.wha t*s m o re,.57.i f i were giv e n a c h oice b etwee nand,i wo u 1 d ce r tainl y prefe r.f or me,一、-the+e s t+名词+(t h at)+主词+h a veever+see n(know n/h ea r d/had/r ead,e tc)the most+形容词+名词+(th a t)+主词+hav eever+se e n(kn o wn/h

27、eard/had/read,et c)例句:helen is the mos t b e auti f u 1 g i r l t hat i h a ve e ver s e en.海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。mr.chan g i s th e kindest te a cher t h a t i h ave e v e rh a d.张老师是我曾经碰到最仁慈的教师。二、n o th in g i s+-e r tha n t o+v nothin g is+mor e+形容词+tha n to+v例句:no t h i ng i s more i mp o r tantth a n t

28、o rec e ivee d ucatio n.没有比接受教育更重要的事。三、c ann ot emphasize the importance of toomu ch.(再怎么强调.的重要性也不为过。)例句:wecannot e m p has i ze the importance of pr o te c t i ng oureye s too m uch.我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。六、there is no doub t that+句子 (毫无疑问的)例句:ther e i s n o doubt that our edu c at i onal s y s te m1

29、eaves som e thing to be d e sired.七、a n ad v a n tag e o fj s that+句子(的优点是.)例句:an a dv a ntag e of using th e solar en e r gy isthat it w ont c r eat e(produc e)any poll ution.使用太阳能的优点是它不会制造任何污染。the reas o n why+句子i s tha t+句 子(.的因素是)例句:the reason why w e h ave t o g r ow tre e s is t h atthey can p

30、ro v ide us with f re s h air./t he r e a son why we h a ve t o grow trees is t h at t h e y can supply fr esh a i r for u s.我们必须种树的因素是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。九、s o+形容词+be+主词+that+句 子(如此 以致于.)例句:so pre c ious i s time that we cant a ffo rd to was te it.十、adj+a s+subject(主词)+b e,s +v (虽然)例句:rich as o u r c o un

31、t r y is,the q ua 1 i t ies o four li v i ng a r e by n o me a ns satisf a c tory.by no me ans=in n o w a y=on no account一点也不虽然我们的国家富有,我们的生活品质绝对令人不满意。十一、the+er+s+v,由 e+er+s+v t h e+mo r e+adj+s+v,the+m ore+adj+s+v-(愈 愈.)例句:the harder you wo rk,the m ore p r o gres s y o u m a ke.我们书读愈多,我们愈有学问。十二、by+

32、v in g,ca n(借着.可 以.)例句:by taking e x e r c i se,w e can a 1 way s sta y he a 1 thy.二十、th a t is the re a son w h y (那就是的因素)例句:s ummer is sultry.th a t is t h e reason w hy idont借着做运动,我们可以始终保持健康。十三、一enable+o b je ct(受词)+to+v(.使.可以.)例句:listen i ng to mu s i c enable us t o f e e I re 1axed.听音乐使我们可以感觉轻

33、松。十四、on no account c anwe+v-(我们绝对不能.)例句:on no account can w e ignore the valu e of know 1 e d g e.我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。十五、it is time+s+过 去 式(该是.的时候了)例句:it is t i me theaut h oriti e s c once r ned t oo k pro per st e p s to so 1 vethe t raffic pr o blem s.该是有关当局采用适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。十六、tho se wh o (.的人.)例句:th

34、 o se w h o v i olate tr a ff i c reg ula t ions should bepunish ed.违反交通规定的人应当受处罚。十七、t here isno one but(没有人不.)例句:there is no onebut 1 ongs to g o to co 1 1 e ge.没有人不渴望上大学。十八、be+fo r ced/c o mpelled/obl i ged+to+v(不得不.)例句:s i n c e t he exam ina t i on i s around the cor n e r,i am c o mpelled t o g

35、iv e up do i ng s por t s.既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动。十九、it is co n ce i vab 1 e t h at+句 子(可想而知的)it isobvi ous that+句子(明显的)it is app a rent tha t+句子(显然的)例句:i t i s con c eivabl e t h at knowled g eplay s an im p o r t ant ro Ie in our lif e.可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。l i ke it.夏天很 热。那就是我不喜欢它的因素。二H-、for the pas

36、 t+时间,s+现在完毕式.(过去.年来,.一直.)例句:fo r the past tw o years,i ha v e b e en b usy p repar in g f or th e ex a min a tio n.过去两年来,我一直忙着准备考试。二十二、s in c e+s+过去式,s+现在完毕式。例句:sinc e he wen t t o s e n i or high school,h e has work e d very hard.自从他上高中,他一直很用功。二十三、it pays t o+v-(.是值得的。)例句:it pays t o h e lp other

37、s.帮助别人是值得的。二十四、be base d on(以 为基础)例句:th e p ro g re s s o fth e e soc i ety i s ba s e d onh a rm ony.二十五、spar e no e f f o r t to+v(不遗余力的)例句:w e s h o u ld s p a re n o e f fo r t to be autifyo u r en v i ronm e nt.我们应当不遗余力的美化我们的环境。尚有下面这些是我正在读的一些原版书里的好句子you can neverhave too m u ch sky.you c an fa

38、11 aslee p and wake u pdrunk on sky,a nd sky c a n keep y ou s a f e w hen you a re sad.here th e re i s to o much sadness and no t enough s ky.bu 11 e rf 1 ies too a re few and s o areflower s an d most th i n gs that are beautif u I.sti 1 1,we tak e w h at we can g et and make the b est o f o 你永远不

39、能拥有太多的天空。你可以在天空下睡去,醒来又沉浸。在你忧伤的时候,天空会给你安慰。可是忧伤太多,天空不够,蝴蝶不够,花儿也不够。大多美好的东西都不够。于是,我们去我们所能,好好的享用。一 芒果街上的小屋it i s a t r uth universally ac k n o wled g ed,t h at(asingle man in p os s es s i on of a go o d f o rtu ne mustb e in w a nt o fa wife.)这是一条举世皆知的真理,那就是(套进去”)傲慢与偏见there is no roy a I r oad t o(sci

40、e nc e.)路上无坦途。马克思。有的时候一个很好的单词作用也是非常强大的哦 可以替换以下哈这些都是传说中的b ig word s 1.import a nt=cru cial(extremely1 8.prima r y=radical(v e r y im p o rt a nt and gre a t i ndegree),fundam e ntal1 9.rel i eve=allevi a te(a lie v iate me a ns you make pa i no r s u f ferin g s 1 es s int e nse o r s e v ere)2O.f o

41、r c e=coe r c es in t o(coe r ce me a n s you makebe i m p ortant)3.abund a n t=amp 1 e(en o ugh and usually e xtra),p lenti ful(enoug h f or p eo p Ie s nee d s and want s)14.stick=a d h ere,cl i n g(hol d o n s o m e thing t i ghtly)15.ne g lect=i gnore.(diffe r en c e:neglec t me a nssomeone ha s

42、 n o t pai d enough a t t e n tion to som ethin g;igno r e me a n s no attention.)6.ne a r=a djacent(t woth i ng s next to e a ch othe r),ad join(the same as adjac e nt)7.pu r sue=woo(man w o o s woman,old-fashione d),s e ek(if you seek s th,y ou try to o btain i t.f o rmal)8.a c cur a t e=precis e(

43、precise is exact an d acc u rate in a l 1 d e tai 1 s),exact(cor r e c t in every d et a il)9.vague=o b scure(unk n own o r known by only a f ewpeople)1O.t o p=pea k,su mmi t1 2.bl a me=condemn(i f you co ndemn some t h ing,you say it is very b ad and u n acceptable)on=p e rspec t i ve,s tan d point

44、(mean s lookin g a tan ev e nt or situ a t ion i n a p a r t icu 1 ar way)14.f a me=p r e s ti g e(de s cri b e those who ar e a dm i re d),r e p utat i o n1 5.b uild=er e c t(you can erec t some t hing as build i n g s,forma 1),e s t abli s hsom eonedo s om e thing s/he do e s n ot want t o),co mpe

45、l-21.en 1 arg e=magni f y(m a g ni f y means m a ke some t hi n g larg e r than it re a lly is)23.Ionely=sol i tary(if s ome o ne is s o 1 i tary,th e r eis n o o ne n e ar him/her24.s m a lminu s cule(v e r y sm a II),minut e,v.a.b8 q6 w,p$s25.praise=exto 1 (strong e r than p rais e),compliment(pol

46、ite a n d p o litic a 1 )2 6.h a rd-wor k i ng=as s iduous(someone who isassiduou s works hard or doe s t hing s very th o rough ly 2 7.d iffi c ult:arduous(i f s omethin g is a r d uous,i t is d i f f ic u lt a nd t i ring,and i n v o Ive sa 1 ot of e f f o rts)28.po o r(soil)=b ar r en,in f e r ti

47、 le(u se d to des c ribe th e soil i s so p oor th a t p 1 an t sc a nn o t be pl a nt e d o n it)29.f rag i 1 e=b r itt 1 e,v u1 n era b Ie(som e one who i svulne r ab 1 e is easi 1 y hu r t emo t ion a 1 I y o r ph ysically)+3 0.s how=demon s trate(to d emon s tr ate a fac t means tp make it c lea

48、 r to p e o p Ie.)3 1.b i g=ma s si v e(large in s i ze,quan t ity,or e x te n t),colossal(u s e t h i s word,you emphasize some t h ings I a rg e),treme n dou s(in f o r mal)+32.avo id=shun(i f s o m e o ne shun s something,s/he del i ber a t e ly avoid t hat something o r keep a wayfrom it.)%-?0 b

49、/【篇三:英语专业四级优秀作文模板】英语专业四级优秀作文模板写作技巧欠缺?英语基础不好?作文词句不够?英语专四临考前学学优秀作文模板吧!在不死记硬背的基础上,借鉴模板里的地道表达和遣词造句,能让你的作文加分不少哦。一、对比选择型1、适合 ad v a ntage/di s advant a ge 题型peoples v iew s towards th e adv a nta g e s an d disadvan tages of 主题词 var y great 1 y.some belie v e t h at 观点 1 ,while o t h ers s upp o r t t hat

50、 观点 2.as fo r me,i agre e to th e lat t e r i d e a because it s advan t agesoutw e igh its disad v an t ag e s.there a r e dozen o f reasons behind my belief,first of a I I,论据一*.理由一.th e second reason that c a n be se e n by ever y pers on is t h at 论 据 二.for e x am p Ie,理由二.from th e above,we can


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