1、人教版语文七年级下册第四单元16课社戏+教学教案设计名师优秀教案(完整版)资料(可以直接使用,可编辑 优秀版资料,欢迎下载)人教版语文七年级下册第四单元16课社戏 教学教案设计16社戏教学设计 【教学目标】 1(学习运用情节结构分析小说,并理解文中叙事有详有略的写作特点。 2(学习本文景物描写的方法,理解景物描写对表达主题的作用。 3(理解作者对自由美好生活的向往,对真挚情谊的眷恋。 【教学重难点】 1(学习景物描写的方法。 通过朗读、品读等形式,把读者带入美丽如画的江南水乡,品味景物描写的优美,心理描写的细腻,同时使读者感受到孩子们愉快的心情和作者对美好的江南农村的热爱。让学生真切地感受到:
2、在平桥村这个临海的小村里,自然与人情融为一体,人情之质朴、淳厚如那里的山水一样令人沉醉、感动。 2(理解本文叙事有详有略的特点:文章材料的详略,是由中心意思的需要决定的。理解本文的详略安排,首先要引导学生明确文章的中心意思,真正理解作者那种对童年生活苦苦追怀,对精神故乡永久眷恋的感情,明确“社戏”只是一条贯穿全文的线索。 【课时安排】二课时 【教学流程】 第一课时 一、析字导入 同学们知道“社”字的起源吗,它是个会意字。“礻”表示祭祀,“土”是土地神。古代把土地神和祭祀土地神的地方都叫“社”。按照我国民间的习俗,每到插种或收获的季节,农民们都要立社祭祀,祈求或酬报土地神。在绍兴地区,后来发展为
3、以演戏的形式祭社,这时候演的戏就称为“社戏”。 二、多角度感知 1(比一比速度。 速读课文,感知文章内容,简要概括内容。比一比,看哪位同学读得快,概括得简练而且准确, 2(试一试身手。 细读课文,圈点重要的词句,理清文章的情节脉络,把握叙事的详略。试一试,从不同的角度概括故事。 学生可能从以下的角度概括: ?从“事件”的角度。 随母归省小住平桥村钓虾放牛的乡间生活看社戏前的波折夜航看社戏途中赵庄看社戏看社戏后归航偷豆六一公公送豆。详写3、4、5 略写1、2、6、7。 ?从“时间”的角度。 戏前波折看戏戏后偷豆吃豆 ?从“原因”的角度。 怀念童年是因为有:乐土美景趣事伙伴 3(想一想内涵。 A、
4、当a0时(1)文章以“社戏”为题,但真正写社戏的内容并不多,我们是否可以把标题改为“平桥村一夜”,为什么, 学生小组讨论交流,在组内发言,说一说自己对这篇文章意图的感悟。然后组内推荐一位代表全班交流。 教师以平等的方式,发表自己对课文的感悟与理解。 94.234.29加与减(二)4 P49-56(2)文章结尾写道:“真的,一直到现在,我实在再也没吃到那夜似的好豆,也不再看到那夜似的好戏了。”请同学们讨论以下问题: ?那夜的戏好看吗,豆好吃吗,请结合文章具体的句段找出依据,证明自己的观点。 (3)相离: 直线和圆没有公共点时,叫做直线和圆相离.?怎样理解句中的“好”, 探讨第一个问题,就是引导学
5、生跳读课文,结合看社戏时的心理、神情描写等,不难得出“戏不好看”的结论;而通过煮豆的人一群孩子,而且都是十几岁的男孩子,他们可能在家从没有做过饭,煮豆的佐料盐(只有盐),以上种种都表明“豆也并不很好吃”。 (二)空间与图形第二个问题能较快较好地把学生的兴奋点引导到对文章思想感情的挖掘上来,从而理清文章的感情脉络,即“我”所怀念的是:江南水乡特有的风光,童年时自由自在的生活,善良淳朴的人们以及人与人之间和谐友善的关系。“我”对这段往事的深情回忆,表达了对美好生活的向往之情。 三、总结 1(归纳主题:通过阅读,我们不难看出,社戏这篇小说并不是专门为了写看戏的,而是通过“我”与农村孩子看戏前后故事的
6、叙述,赞美农民和农家孩子淳朴的品质和聪明的才干,表达作者对自由美好生活的向往,对真挚情谊的眷恋。 2(本文叙事详略得当。“看社戏”这是主要事件,所以“夏夜行船”、“船头看戏”、“月下归航”,这些充满江南水乡生活气息的画面,都以细腻生动的语言作了详写,而乡间生活等故事只是简略地谈了一下。 3(放声朗读全文,体会文章所表达的感情。 第二课时 一、 语文活动 1.圆的定义:这节课,老师和同学们一起跟随作者走进文本中去,进行两个语文活动:评人物、赏美景。 1(评人物。 (1)请快速说出文章写到的人物名称,看谁说得最多最全, (2)请以“我最喜欢_,因为_”的句式,简笔勾勒人物形象,把握人物的性格和品质
7、。 教师指导学生感悟人物形象,要求:不仅能概括出人物的性格特征,而且需结合文中的语句进行分析。 30 o45 o60 o2(赏风景。 应用题作者从色彩、气味和声响等方面描绘了月夜行船、船头看戏、午夜归航这几个画面,情景交融,充满了水乡特色。这些描写生动传神、化静为动,还运用了比喻、拟人等手法,堪称景物描写的典范,是学生学习和借鉴的蓝本。 30 o45 o60 o(1)简单回顾春和从百草园到三味书屋中的景物描写方法,让学生进一步明确,分析景物描写可抓住关键词语,可分析修辞方法,可分析描写顺序,可调动各种感官等。 (2)有感情地朗诵文章中景物描写的段落,然后就自己最喜欢或认为写得最好的句子或段落进
8、行品析,以“美,你看(听)_”句式叙述出来。 6.方向角:指北或指南方向线与目标方向线所成的小于90的水平角,叫做方向角。如图4,OA、OB、OC、OD的方向角分别是;北偏东30,南偏东45(东南方向)、南偏西为60,北偏西60。教师指导学生品味文章的景物描写的语句,引发学生的联想和想象,让学生抓住美点品味语言,将自己的内心体验抒写出来。 (3)师生共同交流品析的内容(交流过程中注重感情朗读): 描写形式多种多样:写远山,以动写静;写笛声,以声传情;写渔火,由远及近。 感观的丰富多彩:月夜行船一段,通过视觉、听觉、嗅觉、感觉等描写,使江南水乡月夜的景色有声有色如同仙境,令人向往。很好地衬托出人
9、物愉悦欢快的心情。 比喻的恰当精妙:远山的飞跑,航船像大白鱼,戏台像仙境等,作者丰富的想象,使景物充满了童趣,富有了童话色彩,更充分表达出“我”的兴奋愉悦的心情。 6 确定圆的条件:二、总结拓展 通过以上的品读,我们不难感受到文章字里行间流露出的感情:平桥村的人们之间和谐、友善的乡情美;平桥村人们热情好客的人情美;“我”和小伙伴之间的友情美,这一切都是作者久久不能忘怀的,而无忧无虑的童年,自由自在的生活,美丽如画的农村风光,善良淳厚的人们,正是作者永久眷恋的“精神故乡”。以上种种是否也勾起你对童年生活的回忆,请你说出来与大家共分享。 Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 1
10、I usually come to school by subway.Section A I. Material analysis 本话题是第五单元的第一个话题,主要围绕交通方式、日常活动的频度等展开。将主要复习一般现在时态,学习谈论交通方式和日常活动频度的句型“How do you usually/often?, “I usually/often by”, “How often do you?”, “Three times a week.”等。本课的主要活动是1a和3a。通过人物对话呈现主要内容,结合“图片与句子匹配”、“图片与短语匹配”等活动,复习有关新年问候,学习和操练日常交通方式等的表
11、达法。同时还通过听说活动,帮助学生了解字母e和d以及字母组合ea/ee/ei/dge的发音规则,训练他们进行单词拼读的能力。因为本课是本话题的第一课时,学生对于交通方式的英语表达才刚开始接触,因此可能出现用英语表达交通方式的不流畅,教师应该在教学活动中创造机会,引导学生在活动中反复操练进而巩固关于交通方式的英语表达。II. Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的对话操练中加以应用: gate, by, subway, underground, always, come on, on foot等; 学生在小组合作活动
12、中,能掌握字母e和d以及字母组合ea/ee/ei/dge的发音并通过单词拼读进一步熟悉发音规则;能正确使用how来询问日常的交通方式,并能正确使用表示交通方式的介词by;能就询问和表达交通方式的话题进行交流与对话操练,如: (1)How do you usually come to school?I usually/often by (2)Do you often come to school by bike? (3)I usually come to school by subway/by bus/on foot.2.Skill aims 能听懂有关表达交通方式的简单对话或叙述; 能根据图文
13、就交通方式进行交流; 能理解并执行有关学习活动简单的书面指令; 能正确写出黑体单词和词组;能写出表达交通方式的简单句子。3.Emotional aims通过小组间良性的竞争与合作,培养友好互助的精神;通过了解他人的校园生活,培养关心他人的意识;采用游戏、角色扮演等灵活多样的学习方式,激发学习英语的兴趣。III. The key points and difficult points1.在小组合作活动中,能掌握字母e和d以及字母组合ea/ee/ei/dge的发音并通过单词拼读进一步熟悉其发音规则; 2.在情景对话中,能学会用how来询问交通方式,学会用“by+交通工具”表达交通方式,并在情景对话
14、中进行操练。IV. Learning strategies1.能够清楚、大声地进行朗读,培养语感和自信心;2.培养借助图片等非文字信息帮助理解的习惯;3.根据图片预测对话内容。V. Teaching aids多媒体、录音机、教学挂图和小黑板VI. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction (5 minutes)1.The whole class work.2.Pair work.3.Individual work.1.Focus their attention o
15、n the teacher.2.Ask and answer questions in pairs to revise the greeting of new year. e.g.A:Hello! Jane! Happy New Year!B: Hello, Maggie. The same to you. Nice to see you again.A:Nice to see you, too. What did you do during your winter vacation? B: I went to Shanghai to visit my grandparents. And yo
16、u?A:I went to Hong Kong to visit Disneyland.B:Great! How did you go there?A:I went there by bus. How did you go to Shanghai?B: I went there by plane.3.Brainstorming. Try to express the means of transportation as many as you can. By bus, by train, on foot, by bike, by subway, by car, by plane, by shi
17、p, by boat1.Get students ready for learning.2.Help the students to revise the greetings of new year and lead to the means of transportation.3.Help the students to learn and revise the means of transportation. Get ready for the next activity in this class.Presentation (10 minutes)Individual work and
18、pair work.1.Do 1a. Look at the picture in 1a. Ask and answer questions like this:T: Where are they?S:They are at the school gate.T:How does Kangkang often go to school?S:He goes to school by bike.T: How about Helen?S:She often goes to school by subway/underground.Learn new words of this section, gat
19、e, by, subway, underground, etc.2.Listen to 1a twice individually. Then choose correct answers to fill in the blanks after listening.A. by busB. by bikeC. on footD. by subway/ underground Kangkang comes to school _.Jane comes to school _.Helen comes to school _.Michael comes to school _.Check the an
20、swers with your partners. Present new words and means of transportation with the help of the picture. Revise the greetings of new year. Play the tape recorder and check the answers.Consolidation (10 minutes)1. Pair work.2.The whole class work and group work.1.Do 1b. Read the sentences in 1b and choo
21、se the correct one for each picture. Then check the answers with your partners. Discuss with your partners and try to find the rules of means of transportation.2.Read 1a after the tape. Then practice the conversations in groups of three. Some groups act out the conversations. 1.Help the students to
22、find the rules of means of transportation. 2.Help the students practice their spoken English. Consolidate the means of transportation.Practice(10 minutes)1.Individual work and pair work.2.Individual work and pair work.3.Individual work.4.Group work.5.Individual work and pair work.1.Do 2a. Look at th
23、e pictures in 2a. Match the pictures with the correct phrases individually. Then check the answers with your partners.2.Listen to 2b. Match the means of transportation in 2a with the people. Check the answers with your partners.3.Listen to 2b again and match the names with the activities.A: Mr. Zhan
24、g Kangkang Ms. Black Janes uncle Miss Gao Ellen Zhao Lin Mr. Brown Wu HuiB: go to school go to work go to Wuhan go to Shanghai go to Nanjing go fishing go homeThen try to use the names, the activities, and the means of transportation to make up sentences.e.g.Mr. Zhang often goes to Shanghai by plane
25、.Kangkang usually goes to school by bike.4.Do 3a. Divide the class into nine groups. Every group reads one group of words. Discuss in groups and find the rules of sounds about e,ea/ee,ea,ei,d,dge by yourselves. Then one student in each group reads out the sound and teaches the sound to the whole cla
26、ss. Then the whole class listen to the tape recorder and check the sounds. Finally, read the sounds and words aloud after the tape.5.Do 3b. Try to read the words in 3b. Circle the words with the sound /1/ or /e/ individually. Then listen to the tape and check the answers with your partners.1.Check t
27、he answers.2.Play the tape recorder. Check the answers.3.Play the tape recorder. Let students make up sentences by themselves.4.Play the tape recorder and help the students check the sounds. Correct their sounds while they are reading.5.Play the tape recorder. Check the answers.Production (10 minute
28、s)1.Group work. 2.Group work.1.Sit in groups of four. Do a survey about how your group members often go to school.ABCDThen one student in each group reports the result to the whole class.e.g.In our group, A often goes to school by bike. B often goes to school by bus. C often goes to school on foot.
29、D often goes to school by subway. 2.Make up new conversations with the structures and the means of transportation you have learned in this section. Then some groups act out the conversations.e.g.A: Happy New Year!B: The same to you. Nice to see you again. A: Nice to see you, too.B: Do you go to scho
30、ol by bike?A: Yes. What about you? How do you often go to school?B: I usually go to school on foot. My home is near our school.1.Make sure the students know how to express the means of transportation.2.Help the students to use the structures they have learned in Section A to make up new conversation
31、s. Students can not only use what they have learned today but also get ready for Section B. 3.Assign the homework:Review the words and practice the conversations in Section A with your partner;Make up a new conversation similar to 1a with your partner, talking about means of transportation. Then rep
32、ort it to the class the next day;Preview Section B.Teaching reflection: 在本节课中,学生学会了如何表达日常交通方式,同时也复习了有关新年的问候。但是由于语用习惯的关系,学生在用“by+交通工具”的表达方式时偶尔会出现多了一个冠词的错误表达。因此教师应在学生的口头操练中加以纠正,帮助学生养成正确的语用习惯。VII. Blackboard designTopic 1 I usually come to school by subway.Section A1.Happy New Year! gate The same to yo
33、u! by 2.Nice to see you again! subway Nice to see you, too. underground 3.How do you usually come to school? always I usually come to school by bus/subway. come on on foot Section B I. Material analysis 本节课是第五单元话题一的第二课时,主要活动是1a和2a。通过Helen, Michael和Sally三个人物的对话,复习交通方式的同时学习用频度副词来进行日常活动频率等的有关表达,如“How d
34、o you usually come to school?”, “I usually come to school on foot, but sometimes by bike.”,此外还将学习和操练用两种不同的方式(介词by+交通工具和动词短语)对交通方式进行问答及切换。在本课中,学生对于两种不同的方式,即用介词短语和动词短语来表达交通方式,可能会混淆,甚至是错误使用,教师可结合句子成分,在结对练习和小组活动中加以引导。II. Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并运用于情景对话中:weekday, early, bird
35、, catch, worm, sometimes, seldom, walk, never, ride, park, watch, TV, television, watch TV, soccer, football, movie, film在Section A的基础上,复习交通方式,能正确运用always, usually, sometimes, seldom, often, never等频度副词,同时能用介词by加交通工具和动词短语两种不同的方法来表示交通方式;在情景对话中,能够表达“日常的交通方式、某项活动的频度”等语言功能,如:1.I usually come to school on
36、 foot, but sometimes by bike. 2.I seldom walk to school. I often come by subway. 3.I never come to school by subway.2.Skill aims 能听懂有关表达交通方式和频度的简单对话或叙述; 能在教师的指导下参与角色扮演活动;能流利地说唱本课的歌谣; 能正确地朗读对话,注意重音和升降调;能准确写出黑体单词和词组;能写出表达交通方式和频度的简单句子。3.Emotional aims 采用游戏、角色扮演等灵活多样的学习方式,激发学习英语的兴趣。III. The key points a
37、nd difficult points 在对话操练、两两问答、小组调查等活动中,学习用频度副词来进行日常活动频率等的有关表达,同时还学习和操练用两种不同的表达(介词by加交通工具和动词短语)对交通方式进行问答及切换。IV. Learning strategies1.学生能够清楚、大声地朗读有关交通方式和频度表达的对话;2.在学习过程中向老师和同学寻求帮助;3.培养学生借助图片、表格等非文字信息帮助理解的习惯。V. Teaching aids录音机、教学挂图、多媒体和黑板VI. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityT
38、eacher activityIntroduction (10 minutes)1.The whole class work.2.Individual work and the whole class work.3. Group work.1.Focus their attention on the teacher.2.Brainstorming. Try to say the means of transportation as quickly as you can. 3.Do duty report. Act out the new conversation you prepare wit
39、h your partner before class which is similar to Section A 1a, talking about means of transportation. Then report it to the class.e.g.A: How do you usually come to school?B: I usually come to school by bike. What about you?A: I usually come to school on foot. Does C usually come to school by bike?B:
40、No. He/She usually comes to school by bus. He/She lives far away from the school. 1.Get students ready for learning.2.Write down the words of means of transportation on the blackboard to help the students revise the means of transportation.3.Help the students revise the means of transportation.Prese
41、ntation (10 minutes)1.Individual work.2.Individual work and pair work.3.Individual work.1.Do 1a. Look at the picture in 1a. Read the sentences in 1b. Try to predict the conversation in 1a. Get ready for the listening task.2.Do 1b. Listen to 1a. Complete the sentences with usually, always, often, som
42、etimes, seldom or never. After that, check the answers with your partner.3.Listen to 1a again and try to fill in the form.nametimewayMichaelHelenSally1.Make the students predict before listening.2. Play the tape recorder. Check the answers.3.Play the tape recorder. Help the students learn to get spe
43、cific information while listening.Consolidation (5 minutes)1.The whole class work and group work.2.Individual work and pair work.1.The whole class read after the tape. Then read 1a in groups. 2.Do 1c. Read 1a again. Fill in the blanks in 1c with the correct words from the list in 1b individually. Th
44、en check the answers with your partner.1.Play the tape recorder. Make the students pay attention to the sentence intonation and pronunciation.2.Make the students find the adverbs of frequency from 1a by themselves.Practice(10 minutes)1.Individual work and group work.2.Pair work.3.Individual work, pair work and the whole c