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1、国际企业管理【】(完整资料)(可以直接使用,可编辑 优秀版资料,欢迎下载)西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷类别:网教专业:工商管理 26年12月课程名称【编号】:国际企业管理【08】 A卷大作业满分:100 分简答与论述(要求:前三题至少字,后三题至少150字;一三题至少选择一题;四六题至少选择一题。每题50分)一、并购二、国际营销组合三、国际战略联盟的形成条件有哪些?四、制造企业选择物流外包的好处有哪些?五、全球性组织结构的优缺点?六、如何评价一个国家市场的吸引力,分析为什么中国能够成为全球吸引外国直接投资最多的国家?一、并购:企业并购是企业兼并与收购的总称,前者是指在竞争中占优势的


3、 五、全球性组织结构的优缺点?答:优点:国际企业可以有效地克服母国经济的、片面性和孤立性,使公司控制、指挥一元化,求得最佳的资源组合,创造最大的利润.缺点:公司必须拥有一批高素质的管理人员和健全的信息沟通网络.经营成本较高,公司的规模过于庞大,不易分散经营的风险.六、如何评价一个国家市场的吸引力,分析为什么中国能够成为全球吸引外国直接投资最多的国家答:跨国公司经营者对东道国家的获利、负担的成本和面临的风险三要素进行评估,影响获利、成本和风险的因素包括G-PEST。国家吸引力的主要分析方法有:罗氏多因素评分分析法、多国家评分比较法、机会风险矩阵法、“冷热国对比法、国家引力公司竞争力矩阵法.中国经

4、济的发展在各项评估中都具有吸引力 aer 1 anagement:poces f complingactivties ficietly and fectvely i nd throg terpeopleGlobalizati: the pocssf ocial, poltl,econc,utual, and techologicl igion among cunies around th word.NAFTA: Nothmerica Frerde greement。TAA: re Trde Agemn ofthe Amicas。FD:oreign irect nvestment Glal eo

5、no sstems:1. Market ecooy2. Coman eonmy3. MixecnomCATER 2Ielogs:1. ndiviuals: theplal phiosopy hat pshol b fee pursue conmid pitical enevorwht constan.2. Colletivis: te olital philopytha viws the neesor o of sociey asa wole as re mprtant hn individal desirs3. ociai: a modert fom f colectivis n wich

6、there is government owersip of nstitns, an rofit snot he ulimae glLg and regulat enromntTher re threfudaiosowhichlawsrebaed ontord。Brielysummaz, thesear:1. slmi law: lawhat is eried o nterretaon o te Qrn and te teahngsf the rphtMuhmmad adi fund in mst Isamic cuntrie.2. Common law: law thadris fromEn

7、lish w ad i the foudatiosoegslatio in theited States, Caa, d Eglnd, mo ther atos.3. Civil oode law: la tat s derived fro Romn la nd sfoud in te onIsaidnnsocialcountries Te law i used icii ore w.Basic piniples of iternationl law:1. Soeregy n verei immuity: prinipl of verignty: an eaional pricpleof a

8、whichholds tat govets he theri o rule hemleas yse fit2. Ierational juisdicon:hich icue natinality prcple, eritorialt pincipe,protecive princile。Ntonality pincile:a ursdictional principle of intnainal lw which s thaevery untr ha jurdiconritscitzens no maer where tyar ocat.Tetoriaity pcpe: a priniple

9、whih olds thaveryntio has the ih f jursdction ihin is legal territr。Protectiv pinile: a jrisdctoal pincile flaw hh hodsthat ery untya risditionovr behavior that adversyfets t ntoalscurity, evenif th coct ocurreoutsid hacuntry3. Dctre o oit: a jurisictioal piniple oaw ih hl tht ere mus emutulrspect f

10、orth laws, istitn, anrnnts of oer ontries in the mattero jusicti or her own citizns4. ct of tatdore: ariciple hch holds ha a acts other goverets ar cidred tobe vaidbUS。 cun, even if suc acts areillega or inpprprit uder U。law。5. Trent nd rigt ofales: cunies havethe legal riht oefsedisionof foreign ci

11、tizens ndtoimpose pecil strcon onheir ondut, their righ of trave,whre hey can say, nd wh busnethemy ouct6. Foumfo hearngnd setling isputs: ths princile f US. as tappliest intentional la U。S。 courtcn dsmi sebrughtbefor te by foreigeEamles o lgal ad regatory issues:1. Fanciavics reglo.2. Forigncorupt

12、practe act (FPA): an t tmaks t ilegalto inuenceforeig officialhough erona pamn or pliicl contibutons。3. uauratiatonChpter 4Culure: auired knowldgeht people se tontepreteperice nd genate socaehaio。 Thisknwede formsalues, crats ttituds,andinfluenesbhavir.Charatesic o cture:1. erne.ulur isnoinhrid or b

13、ilogicallybased; t is acuired y learnin ad experiee。2. hard:people asmmbero q group, oranzation, or socitshae culture; it is n secifc t gle indiiduals.3. Tnsgnatinal: cutre iscumulaiv, pasd down from e gneatio tothe next4. ymblic: ltrei ase on te uman apciy to symlize or use one thintorersen aohe。5.

14、 aterned: cltue hs trucure an is ntegrated; a chagein on part willbing hanges another。6. daptiv:Ctreisbaseonte hancacity tocae o adat,as ppose t he more eicaly riendaptiveoesso anmal。utural diverityIn overlrs, hecultura impact on inrnationa agemenis ectd y scbfs ad beavios。 Hre are som pecfic xapes

15、whereelture f a ciey can dectly ffc mnagement apprae:1. Cetraized s ecntrlzd2. Safty vs. risk3. Indviduals gup4. Inrma vs. frml5. Higslowganzatioal loyaty6. ooperaon s. opetition 7. Stablity sinnoatinThe moel f cultur:The are thre layr of ulture:1. he implit,bsc, asumptiothat e elesbhvior;2. Tenor a

16、d vaue htgui th socey;3. Thexplit rtifactsan odu of the sciy.alus inculueValus: basic convictonstat peole hav rgainwht i right and rong,gad ad, imporant and uniportanHofses cultual dmenios:1. Poedisae: thete whic ess powerful meber ofinstiin d orzationsacceptthat poeris dstributed unql。Lowerpowe-dis

17、tance:generllbe dcentlized and ave laer organiatonstuctue;Highweditnc:have rg roortio ofupervsory prnnel, cenralzed nd ave a thine structure。2. Uncrtainty aviae:heextentto hih oplfee treaendby amigouitutions n ave ceated eiefs and institution tht ry avoid hee.Hih-uncertainty-viance: a reat del ftruc

18、turig ofornizatnal aciiis,ore rtten rle, less rik takig y anger,wer aor turnver, d less amitious empoyeesLowucertat-aoic: lesstcurg activiies, fewrtenuls, mre rsk akig bymaagers, higher bo rno, and ambitousemloyees.3. ivdulism;t tndenyofpeoe to ook aft emselv ndthe imdiate amiy nly.Hofstedeo tht eal

19、hy cuntries have hie indiviulism scres andoorer cuntrsnd gions igher collectvism4. Masculint:a ultu hartisic inhih th dmia vlues i soety are sccess, money, athings.Finint: a cultural chartristicnwhch thedominavales insociety are caing fo othsand the qualty oflif。5. Tim orienation: reevs uture6. Inul

20、gence restratTompenaars ultura diensis 1. uiversalm v. parilarismunversalim: teef thatde adprctce eappied everhe in th world without modifition.Pariclarism: heelif tatcicumstace dctat how idea and pracicessoulde ppliedand tht sothing cnno e done the samerywhere2. dvuais vs. commuiaranisCmunitaranism

21、: reers to ople rearig heseveaart grup。3. Neutal s. emia:Neul cultur: cutre whietin are hld n heck.Eotional ulte: uture iwhich eotios ae exreed openly an naurally。4. Specific vs. diffue:Specfcultue: cuure which idivdshae lrge pbli pace the readily saewih oersan a smal riat space tey gurd cleand har

22、wh onlyclose frens ad asociats。Diuse culture:culturewhhpbpaceand pivate sae ae smlar insizend indival ua thrpulic pce cefully, ecausentritopbli ace afford enryinvate spaes wl.5. chievemt vs. critio:chievementculture;ultur wih eope ar acode status based onhow wllte perfom teir functs。scriptonture: cu

23、lur whichstatus atiueasedn who or what a persois。6. Tim:prsenvs futre。7. e inent: innerdietedenoment s。oute-diectd evoent。8. Cululpatesr clustes。obes ctul imenion:1. Unerait idnce2. Poerditane3. Societal coectvism4. ngrup collectism5. Gndltariani6. Assetvness7. Fuure orienttion8. erfoance ornttion9.

24、 uman orientatoCapter 6Organitionl ulure: shred vaues and bes th enable mes o undertad thei ols in nd te nomsof he organiation.Caractriti:1. Osevdbehavirl rgularitis2. Norm3. Dmnant vaues4. Philospy5. Rule 6. Organizatona ciateimensons ofcorporat cltre:1. Moivatin: avits s.tputs2. Relationsi: jobvsp

25、eron3. eniy: corpoate vs ressona4. ommuncaion: open vs。 cosed5. ontrol: tig v。 loose6. onduct: conetia v。 prgmatiFo stps thaareused ite prcs of mergrs oracuisiin:1. h w roup hveo eashth rose,goa, anfocu onth merger;2. Devlopmechnis t idenfthe mostmportat organizaional sutuean manageme rol;3. Determi

26、ne who hste authoryver th resures ne for getin things doe4. Idenif te expctatio of all involed artes nd cilitae cmniciobetee bodartmets.hree scs f oraiztional unconing thatsem o b espciall iportant indetemining Cnationaculure:1. The gneralreltinsh betee th employeesandthe rganizt;2. Theirachical sye

27、m of ahrity thie the rle of manar an suordiats;3. Thgenerlviws thamlyeshdouthe MNC prse, etiny, goals,andheir laceinthFur type o orgntion clur:1. Fmilycutur: ultur tat is charaerzed byarng emphasis on hierrchy ad orienttino te pero;2. Eiffe Tower culur: curethts characeidby stron mpss on hierarcy an

28、d orientatin tothe task;3. Guided misle ulur:cultur that is cractred by trog emhss n qualiyinth workle anorientatn ot task;4. Incbatrcultre: culuhais chaared by trong emphsn uality dorientati to te peroPhases outturaldeelpme:1. mesic firms2. Inernatioafrms3. Multational rm4. Glbl firmTes frou multic

29、tuals:1. Hmogeneous roup2. Token rup3. Bicltural grup 4. Mutcltul goupPotental proemsasocited ithdiversity:1. Lack of cohesion2. ercetua (可感知的) problem3. Stretes4. Iaccurat biaes5. Miscmmuncate6. isinterreted7. Cmmunicinal problesecase of diferent rcpinsfotime.Advangs ofivesit:1. Genranof morendbtr

30、ideas2. Pevengrupthnk3. nhs more thnt iteralpraonsbutrelainsp tousmers awel.Chaptr 8Straegic agement:the rocess ofdetemiignganztins basic misio, andong-term objective, enmpemeting plan of acin for atinin hese goalsAppohs fomulatng andiementigstrategy:1. Ecnomic imperaiv:a woldwie strategy asdoncostl

31、eaderhip, diferetatin,nd smeation.2. Plital iperaie: strgi frlatn adilenatonutiizng staeie tha are cuty-rsonsiean desiged to potect loca maret nices。3. Qualitymperativ: stagy formulatonnd plemtation uiliz streic of tal qualitymnagemnt tomeet o ceedcstmers epctatns and coinusy improve rducts or svies

32、4. Admistraiv coordinti: MNC aes trateicdecisions baed oth mritof te indiviual ation ather than ui preetermined conomcall o polticallydriven srategy。hebsic sts in frultg stteg:1. Eternal envirnmental scang:he process of providng mangeentwih accuaterecsts of rends related toextnl cns in eographic ara

33、s whereh firm currely sin business or i coniderng ttng up opetns.2. Inr resource nalys: hel tefrstovalute is current maagerial, technical, matrial, an inacil resurces andcpailties to eter assess itsstrengtadweaknes;KSF: key scessfactr: factorneessry fo irmto ffctvy copeten a maet nch3. Goal stting o

34、 rategy fomulation:Aras for formulatioofMNC goals:1. prfitbilty2. marketing3. opertons4. iance5. uman rsure4. sragyimplettiow seps t imlmen the stratey:1. chose th country2. lalissesstegies for the “bas of thePymd”: staty taretin lowicoe custmrs indeelping cutrie hpter9Stratege or irms t enr intrnat

35、ionamart:1. expor/import:AD:1. les sk2. less instment3. easy ntry mareDISD:It isransitioal (过渡性的)natre2. wholly owned ubsidiar:A:1. totl cntrol2. better efficiency wiot utside partne;3. higherpofit4. clarer ommuicatio ad hard isionsDISD:1. hig rsk2. owintrtonalintegratio or multnional involvmnt3. ho

36、st counre may ty t gaineonomi contron equir it t ooerate withlocal rganization4. hmecountsometimesopose te creati of fign subsiire3. merrs/aquistinsAD:1. icklyexpanesurces r cnstruct ihprof prduc i n maket2. st svng3. avoid thehmeunrys inpretation DIAD:1. culurl difeeces2. mconstrats3. maars nee t be way ofuchcomo oplitons and attmpt t mveorwd by ehncing mmunication nd oeratinal ficiency4。lliacesajonventures:AD:1. mprveet ofeffcienc2. aces t knowledge3. mtigating oliticalacrs4. ercomngcllusioor rstrctionin ompetitn ggstions hat aplied in stratgicliaces incude:1. n you partn


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