1、 中国地质大学长城学院 本 科 毕 业 论 文题目 从英汉文学作品翻译中看翻译技巧 Analysis of Translation Techniques from the English-Chinese Literature Translation 中国地质大学长城学院毕业设计(论文)任务书学生姓名学号班 级指导教师职称单 位毕业设计(论文)题目从英汉文学作品翻译中看翻译技巧Analysis of Translation Techniques from the English-Chinese Literature Translation毕业设计(论文)主要内容和要求:主要内容:近年来,随着经济
3、学术前沿动态,对相关理论著作要很好的把握,提高理论水平及思想深度。根据开题报告和老师提出的意见对论文提纲进行修改,确定大纲后认真撰写毕业论文。撰写论文结束后要根据老师的修改意见,认真反复的修改论文,并按照要求参加毕业论文的答辩,严格按照论文进度安排进行论文的写作。论文的格式、字数等撰写方面的要求参照中国地质大学长城学院毕业论文(设计)撰写规范。毕业设计(论文)主要参考资料:1 刘宓庆现代翻译理论D南昌:江西教育出版社, 19902 孙致礼我国英美文学翻译理论M南京:译林出版社,19963 冯庆华英汉互译实用翻译教程D上海:上海外语教育出版社,19974 潘文国汉英对比纲要D北京:北京语言文化大
4、学出版社,1997 5 谭载喜奈达论翻译J北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,19846 王大伟,魏清光汉英翻译技巧教学与研究J北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,20057 张震久,袁宪军汉英互译基础D北京:北京大学出版社,20048 熊文华汉英应用对比概论D北京:北京语言文化大学出版社,19979 杨晓荣小说翻译中的异域文化特色问题D北京:军事谊文出版社,2002毕业设计(论文)应完成的主要工作:1利用中国知网、维普、万方等数据库完成与毕业论文相关内容的论文的检索;利用图书馆的图书资源查阅相关的理论内容;充分的利用互联网进行资料的搜集。2需要对相关的书籍文章及翻译作品进行详细地对比研究,并完成必要的归纳总
6、月10之前4学生联系实习单位,进行为期6周的自主毕业实习,毕业实习占6学分。2014年1月2014年3月5学生根据实习情况,完成毕业实习报告。2014年3月1日2014年3月20日6学生上交毕业实习相关材料、毕业实习报告等,指导教师给出成绩并写出评语,录入系统。2014年3月20日2014年3月31日7学生在指导教师指导下,按照学院毕业论文(英语专业)格式转系论文初稿。2014年1月10日3月31日81. 指导教师对初稿进行修改,辅助学生进行二稿和三稿的写作,并最终定稿。2. 指导教师定期(每周不少于1次)检查学生论文进度和质量并处理有关问题。3. 系毕业实习、毕业论文指导小组随时了解、检查论
8、计工作的质量分析和总结,形成本期毕业论文工作总结报告。2014年6月10日之前课题信息:课题性质: 设计 论文 课题来源: 教学 科研 生产 其它发出任务书日期: 2013年11月19日 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见:教研室主任签名:年 月 日 学生签名:中国地质大学长城学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告学生姓名学号专业班级指导教师职称讲师单 位课题性质设计 论文课题来源科研 教学 生产 其它毕业设计(论文)题目从英汉文学作品翻译中看翻译技巧Analysis of Translation Techniques from the English-Chinese Literature Trans
15、档。2014年1月2014年3月学生联系实习单位,进行为期6周的自主毕业实习,毕业实习占6学分。2014年3月1日2014年3月20日学生根据实习情况,完成毕业实习报告。2014年3月20日2014年3月31日学生上交毕业实习相关材料、毕业实习报告等,指导教师给出成绩并写出评语,录入系统。2014年1月10日3月31日学生在指导教师指导下,按照学院毕业论文(英语专业)格式转系论文初稿。2014年4月1日4月30日4. 指导教师对初稿进行修改,辅助学生进行二稿和三稿的写作,并最终定稿。5. 指导教师定期(每周不少于1次)检查学生论文进度和质量并处理有关问题。6. 系毕业实习、毕业论文指导小组随时
16、了解、检查论文习作进展情况,及时研究并协调处理相关问题。7. 论文指导小组组织中期毕业论文检查工作,做好记录。2014年5月1日5月15日评阅毕业论文:答辩前学生将毕业论文一式二份交指导教师,由指导教师和评阅教师分别审阅。2014年5月15日左右组织答辩:系组织答辩小组对学生进行论文答辩,答辩日程安排通知教务处,并向学生公布,做好答辩记录,给出答辩成绩。2014年6月1日6月5日综合评定成绩:1.系组织专门人员检查评分按标准执行情况,进行成绩汇总和统计;2.毕业论文成绩及时报送教务处;3.按比例选出优秀毕业论文。2014年6月10日之前毕业实习、毕业论文相关资料存档组织指导教师认真做好毕业设计
18、共享的意义、信仰和价值,有其特定的时空范围。因此,一些话语的正说与反说、句型和习语等在翻译时也要考虑到他们各自的特点。熟悉这些处理方法,掌握系统知识,是翻译的基础也是重要技能。了解了不同的语言形式,同样也是进一步促进国际交流的方式。七、参考文献 1 刘宓庆现代翻译理论D南昌:江西教育出版社, 19902 孙致礼我国英美文学翻译理论M南京:译林出版社,19963 冯庆华英汉互译实用翻译教程D上海:上海外语教育出版社,19974 潘文国汉英对比纲要D北京:北京语言文化大学出版社,1997 5 谭载喜奈达论翻译J北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,19846 王大伟,魏清光汉英翻译技巧教学与研究J北京:中国
19、对外翻译出版公司,20057 张震久,袁宪军汉英互译基础D北京:北京大学出版社,20048 熊文华汉英应用对比概论D北京:北京语言文化大学出版社,19979 杨晓荣小说翻译中的异域文化特色问题D北京:军事谊文出版社,2002指导教师意见:指导教师签名:年 月 日教研室意见:审查结果: 同 意 不 同 意教研室主任签名:年 月 日 【摘 要】 当今社会,实现世界的全球化已经成为一种不可逆转趋势,这已不是遥不可及的梦想了。全球化不仅仅是经济的全球化,更是各民族基于价值基础上的文化一体化。文化突出的是现代性、包容性和民族性。要想实现文化全球化,我们就要了解人类文化发展历程,对不同文化下的经典进行整合
20、和创新,让各国文化都能走向世界。因此文学作品的解读与翻译变成了一项艰巨而伟大的任务。了解英汉两种语言在语法或表达习惯上存在巨大差异尤为关键。在英汉翻译的过程中, 译者应掌握哪些常用的翻译技巧,如何灵活运用及准确判断是重点。本文将重点讲述在文学作品英汉翻译中的翻译技巧,从翻译技巧的概念、用法及应用三个方面对其进行总结归纳,解决翻译的重点难点和棘手问题。【关键词】 英美文学作品 ; 翻译技巧 ; 文化差异【Abstract】 In todays society, the realization of world globalization has become an irreversible tr
21、end, this is not a distant dream. Globalization is not just about the globalization of the economy, it is the culture integration based on value. Culture is outstanding by its modernity, inclusive and nationality. In order to realize the cultural globalization, we must understand the history of huma
22、n culture development, integration of different cultures with the innovation spirit to let the national culture spread to the world. Therefore, interpretation and translation of literary works become a great task. It is the key to understand the differences of the two languages in grammar and habit
23、of expression. In the process of English Chinese translation, the translator should grasp the common translation skills and know how to use a flexible and accurate judgment. This paper will focus on the translation skills in the translation of literary works which can help translator resolve the tra
24、nslational problems. It part for three aspects including the concept, the usage and the application.【Key Words】 British and American literature; translational skills; cultural differencesTable of ContentsChapter One Introduction1Chapter Two Translations22.1 Definition of Translation22.2 The Classifi
25、cation of Translation22.3 The Process of Translation3Chapter Three Analysis of Translation Techniques from English-Chinese Literature Translation43.1 The Method of Filling the Gap43.1.1 Transliteration plus Annotation4 3.1.2 Literal Translation plus Annotation43.2 The Method of Free Translation53.3
26、The Method of Increasing the Amount of Words5 3.3.1 The Need to Grammar6 3.3.2 The Need to Sense6 3.3.3 The Need to Rhetorical63.4 The Method of Reducing the Amount of Words7 3.4.1 From the Perspective of Syntax Reduction7 3.4.2 From the Angle of the Modified Reduction73.5 Conversion Method7 3.5.1 C
27、onversion of Words Category8 3.5.2 Conversion of Sentence Components8 3.5.3 Conversion of Expression Mode9 3.5.4 The Positive Expression and Negative Conversion9 3.5.5 Active and Passive Transformation103.6 Supplemental Methods11Chapter Four the Application of Translation Skills in Difficulties134.1
28、Translation of Long Sentences134.2 English Rhetoric Translation13Chapter Five Conclusion15Bibliography16Chapter One IntroductionIn translating, we may need many procedures to translate the text to make it acceptable for the specific communicative situation. The translating process is not the exchang
29、ing of words or sentences from one language to another, but a complex form of action. It means that in translating, a translators task is to convey the content and spirit of the original text and rearrange them into the target text in a smooth and logical way under the new specific situations and co
30、nditions. As everyone knows, the translation theory is to evaluate the effect of translation from a macro aspect, and the skill of translation standard is mainly to consider the translators ability to use the language in the microscopic aspect. It is very important for us to learn the skills of tran
31、slation which is a good way to translate good works, making our five thousand years of China cultural heritage in the world.This paper is divided into five chapters. Except for the first chapter Introduction and the fifth chapter Conclusion, the second chapter introduces the concept and the classifi
32、cation of translation; the third chapter introduces several common translation techniques such as amplification and interpretation of the law; the fourth chapter discusses how translation skills to solve difficulties of translation.A clear and correct expression of the source text is what really mat
33、ters in translation, for it is crucial in translation to seek an equal expression in content and spirit, but that not means to correspond in totally same way. For most people, the effective work must be translated in the major role of language. A good translator will therefore employ all possible me
34、ans to reproduce the thought of the author faithfully in another language to make the work meaningful. I hope this paper could be a guiding role to the literary translation.Chapter Two TranslationsTranslation is one of the oldest human social activities. It was born almost at the same time with the
35、language. From the primitive tribal goodwill contacts, Renaissance ancient discovery and dissemination, frequently exchanges between different countries in the world include the modern art, literature, philosophy, politics, economy, science and technology, to maintain world stability and lasting pea
36、ce, translation has played an invaluable role.2.1 Definition of Translation“Translation is to find the message in the receptor language as far as possible, if according to the equivalence in nature language, first is the equivalence, secondly in terms of style.” said Nida. 1“Translation is not the t
37、ranscoding of words or sentences from one language to another, but a complex form of action, whereby someone provides information on a text (source language material) in a new situation and under changed functional, cultural and linguistic conditions, preserving formal aspects as closely as possible
38、.” said Snell-Hornby. 2In fact, translation is the behavior of turning the kind of language information into another language based on the faithfulness. Translation is a relatively new way of expression, the conversion process into relatively familiar with the way of expression. The content of a lan
39、guage, text, graphics, symbols Chinese translation. Among them, turn over refers to the conversation language conversion; translation refers to the unilateral statement language conversion. In a word, translation is not only a science but also an art.2.2 The Classification of TranslationIn particula
40、r, the translation can be divided from different perspective. Generally speaking, translation can classify in five different angles: First, from the perspective of language and the target language, the translation can be classified into native translated into foreign language and foreign language tr
41、anslated into native language; Second, from the language symbols to be involved, translation can be classified into intra language translation, interlingua translation and inter-semiotic translation. Third, from the translation means to classify, translation can be divided into oral Interlingua tran
42、slation, written Interlingua translation and machine translation. Fourth, from the translation subject to classification, translation can be translated into translation of English for science and technology, literary translation and practical writing translation. Last, from the approach to classific
43、ation of translation, translation can be divided into full translation, partial translation and translation plus editing. 32.3 The Process of TranslationWestern translation circles often regard the various translation preparations even including the part dealing with publishers as the translation pr
44、ocess. In our opinion, the translation processes includes three aspects: understanding, expression and check.First of all, comprehensionComprehension can be divided into broad sense and narrow sense understanding. The broad sense refers to the authors individual, the background of the times, the con
45、tent of the works and the readers of the reflection of the works. In a narrow sense refers only to the original text. This comprehension mainly includes grammatical analysis, semantic analysis, stylistic analysis and text analysis. Comprehension is a prerequisite and an important step of success, be sure to correct and reliable, eliminate the fallacy.Then, expressionExpression is another important key step to ensure the successful after the understanding. It is the deep understanding and reflects. In th