1、写给父亲的信 篇一:高中生给父亲的信 老爸:我的近况还算不错,开学一个多月,我结识了很多人了。我的初中生活,在我看来,有的想法和你有所不同,里面有很多不足,现在,我在弥补自己的不足,改变自己。一个思想真正达到一定高度的人,他是不会做出幼稚行为的,我现在的思维相比初中已有很大不同,但我表露在外的行为看上去还是很低级。我还需要进步,需要更强。我看到这封信时,一方面是想老爸很了解我,能说得这么全面,另一方面,我从信中看到了那个以前思绪幼稚的我。多感慨,尽“心计”,蠢实在傻得不可救药。老爸,我现在已经记不起我以前的思绪,我是如何想的,我已不清了。现在,我知道看似不起眼的同学心中有复杂的想法,我渴望得到
3、只是学习。军训有一天,劳累了一天的我们坐在地上休息,别的同学身心放松,闲适,聊天时,我却在控制自己的懈怠心理,并鄙视着身边同学,搞得别人想我是不是经过一整天苦训后心理有些变态了。军训结束后,我从初中时的大发感慨,大感痛苦变成习以为常,不以为然。没错,我变坚强了。对于这个改变自己,把这个改正懈怠当成梦想,并苦苦追寻的过程,我想说四句话:怀歌灿叹,浪淘碎沙坚以酩醉,何时兴罢!最后,我想说我长久以来,都在坚持一个信念,我一直在调整自己的思维层次,初中时想小学生的,高中时想中学生的,何时何地,我都没有放弃它,我会一直坚持下去,总有一天,我能够出人头地,告别平庸。篇二:写给父亲的信 亲爱的爸爸您好: 又
4、看到了您的文字,字字如山,句句如河,书写着您对儿子未来乐观坚强的希望,流淌着父爱的涓涓细流。其实,每一次看到您的来信,我的内心都会荡起涟漪,甚至是剧烈的颤抖。 离开家已经好几个年头了,我不知道自己是否变的成熟和懂事?每一次走在回赵庄的路上,我都在思考,我都在琢磨,我想我该以什么样的方式和您说话,和您亲近,“说,爸我爱您,我想您;然后深情地拥抱您。”这种举动一直没有表达出来,后来,慢慢地,慢慢地就被我掩盖了起来,藏在了内心世界的角落里。 您是一个不爱表达的人,您是一个善良的人,您是一个有意义的人,您是一个纯粹的人。您的人生脚步是顺着贫穷、聪慧、委屈、勤劳、信念走到了今天。一个少年睿智,青年清贫的
5、父亲没有更多的幸运;十几岁辍学,二十四岁失去母爱的男人用勤劳和汗水洗涤了自己悲愤的人生。 在喧闹的婚姻中,在嘈杂的家庭里,您用沉默和争执走到了现在。在我妈面前,您一直扮演着一个师父的角色,您一直极力地想教会这个徒弟为人处世,可这个徒弟却没有领会师父的良苦用心;您一直推崇着您的为师之道,但这个徒弟就是得不到您的真传;结果您教来教去,徒弟给您上起了课,传授起了你永远都学不会的武功。后来您的思维、言谈、举止在别人眼中被丑化,您的善良、信念、思想在村民中被挑战;但您依然不卑不亢,用男人的方式一直战斗了下来。凡俗的社会,不良的恶习,色彩的世界被您一把抓住狠狠地扔进了粪坑里。您活的那么的坦然和洒脱,像一位
6、行者,像一位大侠。 “活着就是要做有意义的事,做有意义的事情就是好好活着,”您把这句话给生动地诠释了。您修路建校,引水溉田,帮村助邻;我眼中的赵庄因您而精彩,赵庄的黎明是您用精彩点亮的。未来的路在脚下延伸,因为您修了很多路,修路才有路走,故此您的儿子也有路走。以后的路,只要有意义,您就大踏步地去走吧!儿子支持您。 儿女们都长大了,您该尽的义务已经尽了,以后的“牵肠挂肚”也该歇歇了,做些您喜欢的事情,保重好自己的身体,这是我和晓燕最想看到的。 好了,您注意身体。篇三:letter to my father 写给父亲的信 Letter to My Father -Ten years ago i w
7、rote this to you! SILENT LOVE Once i always think that im unfornuture,because i was born in a poor family.we have little money,i even couldnt do the things what i like .there are so many children in our family,my elder sister,my brotherand i,my sister is in the university,my brother is in the high s
8、chool,i am studying in the university too! every year we have to pay several ten thousand yuan for the tuition,my parents are all famers,for such a pool family you can imagine how hard our life! Not untill i came to the university i didnt know how much i love my family ,how difficulty my parents are
9、? father is the backbone of my family,i cant imagine what our life will be like without my father,my father is always working in the buldingsite,he even seldom have time to share whith his children.he is always earn the money with all his might,that just for our family,he wants us live a better life
10、, now my father is more than fifty years old,yes, he is old and gray!but he is never complaint! In the hot summer,when everyone are away for the summer holidays at a seaside,only my father still working in the building site;when its in the cold winter,heavy snowy,it,s still my father standing in the
11、 buildingsite.hes nevercomplaint,hes just earning money day by day .year by year.hes never told us how difficult he is,hes always in high spirit, hes always positive to everything! I have never seen my father cried,but i know how diffcult he is. As a man, a husband,especially a father,hes never want
12、s his family know his weak,his tears,his upsets!hes always try his best to make our family full of happiness!hes always try his best to satisfied us.hes never want his children are different from the others,whatever the things which can help our study,hes never hesitates,whatever how difficut he is
13、,he can always do it! im prount of my father,i love him,some times i wish if theres next time, iwould rather as his father and hes my child.i want my father have a good rext, have a good meal,have a wonderfullday.never tired,never have endlessworks,never feel lonely! So i want to tell everywhatever
14、your parents are,whetherthey are rich or poor,we should love them by our heart,when we were born,our parents have never quiet,they are always care about us untill they died!every time when we think we are old enough we just the children in their eye forever!i love my parents so much that every time when i think one day my parens will left me ,my eyes will be full of tears, ilove my parents,i want alway with them.i hope every one will show your sincerely love to your parents! Your babyoutsidernie