1、2021 小升初语数外每日一练(12 月 23 日)2018 小升初语文每日一练(12 月 23 日)题目:阅读琦君的母亲的金手表,完成后面小题。(共 18 分)那只圆圆的金手表,以今天的眼光看起来是非常笨拙的,可是那个时候,它是我们全村最漂亮的手表。左邻右舍、亲戚朋友到我家来,听说父亲给母亲带回一只金手表,都要看一下开开眼界。每逢此时,母亲会把一双油腻的手,用稻草灰泡出来的碱水洗得干干净净,才上楼去 从枕头下郑重其事地捧出那只长长的丝绒盒子,轻轻地放在桌面上,打开来给大家看。然后 ,她眯起眼来看半天,笑嘻嘻地说:“也不晓得现在是几点钟了。”我就说:“你不上发条,早都停了。”母亲说:“停了就停
2、了,我哪有时间看手表。看看太阳晒到哪里,听听鸡叫,就晓得时辰了。”我真想说:“妈妈不戴就给我戴吧。”但我不敢说,我知道母亲绝对舍不得的。我只有趁母亲在厨房里忙碌的时候,才偷偷地去取出来戴一下,在镜子前左照右照一阵又取下来,小心放好。我也并不管它的长短针指在哪一时哪一刻。跟母亲一样,金手表对我来说,不是报时,而是全家紧紧扣在一起的一份保证、 一种象征。我虽幼小,却完全懂得母亲珍爱金手表的心意。后来我长大了,要去上海读书。临行前夕,母亲泪眼婆娑地要把这只金手表给我戴上,说 读书赶上课要有一只好的手表。我坚持不肯戴,说:“上海有的是既漂亮又便宜的手表,我 可以省吃俭用买一只。这只手表是父亲留给您的最
3、宝贵的纪念品啊。”那时父亲已经去世一 年了。我也是流着眼泪婉谢母亲这份好意的。到上海后不久,我就在同学介绍的熟悉的表店,买了一只价廉物美的不锈钢手表。每回深夜伏在小桌上写信给母亲时,我都会看看手表写下时刻。我写道:“妈妈,现在是深夜一时,您睡得好吗?枕头底下的金手表,您要时常上发条, 不然的话,停止摆动太久,它会生锈的哟。”母亲的来信总是叔叔代写的,从不提手表的事。 我知道她只是把它默默地藏在心中,不愿意对任何人说。大学四年中,我也知道母亲的身体不太好,可她竟然得了不治之症,这我一点都不知道。 她生怕我读书分心,叫叔叔瞒着我。我大学毕业留校工作,第一个月的薪水一领到就买了一只手表,要把它送给母
4、亲。它也是金色的,不过比父亲送的那只老表要新式多了。那时正值抗日,海上封锁,水路不通。我于天寒地冻的严冬,千辛万苦从旱路赶了半个多月才回到家中,只为拜见母亲,把礼物献上,却没想到她老人家早已在两个月前就去世了。这份锥心的忏悔,实在是百身莫赎。我是不该在兵荒马乱中离开衰病的母亲远去上海念书 的。她挂念我,却不愿我知道她的病情。我含泪整理母亲的遗物,发现那只她最珍爱的金手表无恙地躺在丝绒盒中,放在床边的抽 屉里。没有了母亲以后的那一段日子,我恍恍惚惚的,任凭宝贵光阴悠悠逝去。有一天,我忽然 省悟:徒悲无益,这绝不是母亲隐瞒自己的病情、让我专心完成学业的深意,我必须振作起 来,稳步向前走。于是我抹去
5、眼泪,取出金手表,上紧发条,拨准指针,把它贴在耳边,仔细听它柔和而有 韵律的滴答之音,仿佛慈母在对我频频叮咛,我的心也渐渐平静下来。我对手表或母亲的情感事件小题 1:本文以金手表为线索,写了我与金手表发生的故事。阅读 2-6 段,填写下表。(4 分)我偷戴金手表喜欢我信中嘱托为手表上发条我献上金手表,母亲却已去世小题 2:文章两段写到去上海读书,临行前夕,母女都流泪了。请分析她们流泪时心理的相同点和不同点。(4 分)小题 3:联系具体语境,回答下列两小题。(6 分)(1)请说出你对第段中加点词语“贴”的理解。(2 分)(2)请赏析第段中划线的句子。(4 分) 小题 4:文章第段在文中有何作用?
6、(4 分)2018 小升初数学每日一练(12 月 23 日)题目:2018 小升初英语每日一练(12 月 23 日)题目:Willam Shakespeare was a writer of plays and poems. Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth .He wrote thirty-seven plays in all. They are still popular today.He was born in 1564 in England. At school he liked wa
7、tching plays. He decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of fourteen. In 1582, he married a farmers daughter. She was eight years older than he was. Their first child was a daughter .Later they had twins. In1585, Shakespeare left his hometown, Stratford-upon-Avon. His wife and chil
8、dren stayed behind .No one knows why he left or what he did between 1585 and 1592.At twenty-eight he moved to London and joined a theatre company which opened the Globe Theatre in 1599. He became an actor, and he also wrote plays. He usually acted in his own plays .He earned almost no money from his
9、 writing. But he made a lot of money from acting. With the money he bought a large house in his hometown.At the age of forty-nine, Shakespeare retired (退休) and went to live in Stratford-upon-Avon. He died at the age of fifty-two. He left his money to his family. He left his genius to the world. Yous
10、till see his plays in English and in many other languages. He is one of the most famous writers in the world.小题 1:Shakespeare wrote many famous plays except(除了) . AHamlet BMacbeth CRomeo and Juliet DMan and Superman 小 题 2:Shakespeare decided to be an actor in .A1578 B1582 C1599 D1616小题 3:In 1585, Sh
11、akespeare left his hometown Stratford-upon-Avon . Awith his wifeBwith his daughterCwith his wife and children Dalone 小题 4:Shakespeare got much money from .Awriting.Bplays CactingDretirement小题 5:According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? AShakespeare had two children.BShakespeare wrote both plays and poems. CShakespeare left his money to the Globe Theatre.DShakespeare wrote plays in English and some other languages.