1、美式英语中的连读和略读同化同化是两个音相互作用,导致最后产生另外一个音的现象,这样可以使句子显得更流畅。1./s/+/j/f/j/如:this year 等(1)I guess youy re r ig h t.我想你是对的。(2)I miss you.我想念你。2./z/+/j/-/3/(1)What brings you here?什么风把你刮到这儿来了?(2)Im not gonna lose you again.3./t/+/j/f/y/如:congratulation last year 等(1)Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。(第二次见面就说Nice to see
2、you.)(2)What you doing?你在做什么?4./d/+/j/f/由/如:education 等(1)Pinned ya.压在你身上了。(狮子王中的一句台词,听起来是/p in g/。这两个单词包含的发音规则有弱读+同化。)(2)How did you like i t?你觉得怎样?连读1 .词尾辅音+词首元音这种连读最常见也最简单,把相邻的两个单词想象成一个单词即可。(1)I m so fed up with him.他让我烦透了。(2)I ve already made up m y mind.我意已决。(3)T h a l i s so g r o ss g r e us.
3、太俗了。(4)T ur n o n th e j ui c e.合上开关,恢复通电。(j ui c e也有电的意思)2.词尾元音+词首元音A:以/u/、/u/、/a u/、/。/结尾的单词与跟在后面的元音连读时,两个元音之间加上一个较轻的/w/,这样过渡就会很自然。(1)J ust d o i t.尽管去做吧!(2)I t s sn o wi n g.下雪了。(3)D o n,t b l o w i t.别搞砸了。(4)S o e a sy.太简单了。B:如果单词结尾是/i/、/a i/、/e/结尾并与其后的元音连读,则两个元音见带上一个较弱的/j/。(1)M y a un t wi l l
4、c o m e to se e us to d a y.姑妈今天回来看我们。(2)I h a te to sa y i t,b ut yo u r e a l l y sh o ul d p a y m e b a c k th e m o n e y.我真的不想说这个,但是你借我的钱应该还给我了。不完全爆破发音方法为:第一个爆破音不发声,只需做出发音的姿势,稍作停顿马上过渡到下一个音。例如,G o o d b ye中的/d/就不能发出声来,如果读成/g ud b a i/就会显得很生硬。(-)爆破音+爆破音6个爆破音中任意两个紧挨在一起,则第一个爆破音失去爆破。例子:h o t d a yg
5、 o o d ti m esi t d o wnc h e a p b o o kr e d c o a to l d p i c tur ef o o tb a l lb l a c k b o a r d1.W h a t a r e we sup p o se d to d o?我们该怎么办?2.L e t s g e t d o wn to b usi n e ss.我们开始说正事。(二)爆破音+摩擦音/破擦音o utsi d eg o o d f r i e n d sl a st S un d a yb i g c h a n g e1.Y o u)r e a b e a uti
6、f ul p e r so n i n si d e a n d o utsi d e.你真是秀外慧中。2.I m n o t f a t,I m b i g b o n e d.我不胖,我只是骨架大。(三)爆破音+破擦音p i c tur el e c tur eFa t c h a n c ea n c i e n t C h i n a1.I m g o i n g g i ve y o u o n e l a s t c h a n c e.我在给你最后一次机会。2.G o o d-b y e t o t h is de a d-e n d j o b!别了,这份没前途的工作!(四)鼻
7、腔爆破其发音要领为:/t/或/d/与/n/同时发音,两者相互作用导致鼻腔爆破,最后发出的音既不是/t/或/d/,也不是单独的/n/。g a r de nB r it a inim p o r t a n tc e r t a inb r e a d a n d b u t t e r1.I f e e l l ik e I a m n o t im p o r t a n t t o y o u.我感觉我对你一点也不重要。2.I l o s t m y s t u de n t I D c a r d.我的学生证丢了。(五)舌边爆破m o s t l ya b s o l u t e l yb
8、 u s t l in gu n l ik e l y1.Y o u a r e a b s o l u t e l y r ig h t.你完全正确。2.W e a r e f r e e a t l a s t!我们终于自由了!弱读弱读的一半规则:元音一次弱化之后主要是变为/。/,二次弱化后这个音就消失了;辅音弱化后也消失了。下面介绍常用单词的弱读形式单词弱读音标疯狂操练a n d/n/Y o u n m e a r e p r e t t y g o o d f r ie n ds.c a n/k a n/I c a n dr iv e a c a r.a r e/r/W e r e f
9、 r o m H u n a n.w a s/w a z/H o w w a s y o u r w in t e r b r e a k?t h e m/h im/a m/1.K il l e m.(k il l h im 也弱读为/k il a m/)2.G o d b l e s s h im.h e r/a r/r 1 1 t e l l e r.(连读)a t/a t/A t t h e s a m e t im e.t o/t a/或/t/I h a v e t a g o.o f/a v/a/1.D o y o u w a n t a c u p o f w a t e r?2.
10、I t s k in da f u n n y,(a k in d o f)f o r/f a r/I w il l b e r ig h t h e r e w a it in g f o r y o u.y o u/y a/1.Se e y a.2.L e t m e t e l l y a.缩读大部分的缩读情况可以理解为弱读+连读。如果能够灵活运用弱读和缩读的话,那么你的口语又会更上一层楼了。标准形式缩读形式实用例句b e c a u s e4 c a u s e /k e z/4C a u s e I do n t g iv e a da m n.do n t k n o w du n
11、 n o /de n o/So r r y,I do n t k n o w.g iv e m eg im m e /g l m l/1.G im m e f iv e.g o in g t og o n n a /g a n e/Th a t s I w a s g o n n a s a y.g o t og a t t a /g a t e/1 I g o t t a g o.2.Y o u g o t t a m o v e o n w it h y o u r l if e.你得继续你自己的生活。w a n t t ow a n n a /w a n e/1.I w a n n a
12、b e dif f e r e n t.2.I w a n n a c h a n g e m y l if e!-in g-in /in/(一 般1.W h a t s g o in,o n?2.W h a t s h a p p e n in?用于进行时)o u t o fo u t t a /a u t e/L e t s g e t o u t t a h e r e.h a d/w o u l d d/d/Th a t d b e g r e a t.那太好了。h a v eSe /v/I v e h e a r d s o m u c h a b o u t y o u.口语要素1
13、.Y o u c a n s a y t h a t a g a in.你说的没错。2.G iv e m e a b r e a k.别逗了。3.I 1 1 s a y.的确。(Y e s,de f in it e l y.)4.No t h in g do in g!没门!5.C a l l h im o f f.叫他收手吧。B ONUS a n d的弱读我们读英语时每当碰到a n d时,一般都会读作/田n d/,殊不知,在美语口语里面,a n d通常只需弱读为/a n/,甚至是一个简单的鼻音/n/。当说话者需要强调时则会把a n d读作/史n d/.如果能够掌握好这个发音规则,我们的口语将
14、更加流畅,听力理解也更加畅听无阻。1.St r u g g l e n s t r if e c o m e b e f o r e s u c c e s s.成功之前必有一番挣扎和竞争。2.I h a v e t r a v e l e d t h r o u g h t im e n s p a c e t o f in d y o u.我穿越了时空找到了你。3.W it ho u t y o u,m y l if e w il l b e b l a n k,n w hit e.没有你,我的生活将暗淡无光。连读、加音、爆破、同化、省音、弱读、浊化一一英语常见语流现象1.连读:两个相邻单
15、词首尾音素自然的拼读在一起,中间不停顿,被称为连读。连读只发生在同一意群之内,即意思联系紧密的短语或从句之内。1)词尾辅音+词首元音,如:Stand up.Not af all.Put if on,please.Please pick if up.Um an English boy.If is arT old book.Let me have a look at it.Ms Black worked irT arT office.I called you half arT hour ago.2)词尾不发音i*或re+词首元音,词 尾1 发音如:far awayHere is a letter
16、for you.Here are four eggs.where is my cup?Where are your brother and sister?Theyre my father and mother.I looked for it here and there.There is a football under it.There are some books on the desk.注:当有意群进行停顿时丕亘连读。如:Is it a hat or a cat?(h at与o r之间不可以连读)There is a good book in my desk,(book 与 in 之间不
17、可以连读)Can you speak English or French?(English 与 or 之间不可以连读)Shall we meet af eight or ten tomorrow morning?(meet 与 at,eight 与 or 之间不可以连读)She opened the door and walked in.(door 与 and 之间不可以连读)2.加音:在连贯的语流中,人们往往会在两个元音之间加入一个外加音帮助发音,从而更加流畅地表达意思。1)词尾元音/U,u:/+词首元音,在词尾加上一个轻微的/w/。如:Go w away.How w and why did
18、 you come here?The question is too w easy for him to answer.2)词尾元音/I,i:/+词首元音,在词尾加上一个轻微的八/。如:I j am Chinese.She can*t carry i it.I j also need the j other one.He jjs very friendly to me.She wants to study j English.Ifll take you three j hours to walk there.3.失去爆破与不完全爆破:1)失去爆破:爆破音+爆破音当两个爆破音值比四水达/相邻时,
19、前一个爆破音只按其发音部位做好发音口形、形成阻碍,而不爆破出来,稍微停顿后即发出后面的辅音。前一个爆破音被称为失去爆破。失去爆破产生的原因大体上是由于省力原则造成的。如:Kept/Blackboard/Notebook/Goodbye/September/SuitcaseBig boy Sharp pencil WhattimeYou must pay.Ask Bob to sit behind me.She took good care of the children.2)不完全爆破:A)爆破音+摩擦音爆破音用万,皿,1f)course,his(z-s)pen,with(d-O)pleasu
20、reoB)清辅音可变为浊辅音,如:like(kg)that。2)因发音部位的影响而发生的同化:A)/t/+/j/。7。如:Dont hurt yourself!Dont you do that again.B)/d/+/j/-/d3/o 如:Did your sister come?Could you read this for me please?C)/s/+/j/-/J/o 如:I miss you.We will come this year.D)/z/+/j/-/3/o 如:Heres your ticket.I love you because you are you.Dont ex
21、pect he tells you the truth.ril let you go this time.Ifs very nice to meet you.Would you please come in?You didnt like English,did you?May God bless you.5.省音:在快速、随便的言语中,一些音素被省略掉,被称为省音。省音能提高语速,使说话省力。在正式场合和语速慢的情况下,省音不是必须的。1)同一单词内元音的省略,主要是非重读音节中的4/和/I/,如:ord(i)n(a)ryo2)当前一单词以辅音结尾,后一单词以4/开头时,/a/常被省略,如:w
22、alk(a)way。3)当前一单词以否定形式-rft结尾,后一单词以辅音开头时,例常被忽略,如:She isn(t)there.I didn(t)hear you.He can(t)believe that.4)任何一个辅音,若后面紧跟着/hA/h/可以不发音。如:Come(h)ere!Must(h)e/ti/go?What will(h)e/wili/do?Has(h)e done it before?Tell(h)im to ask(h)er.5)将多个单词利用连读爆破等拼和在一起。如:gotta(got to)gonna(going to)kinda(kind of)lotsa(lots
23、 of)gimme(give me)6.强读式和弱读式:在一个句子,有些词说得又轻又快,而且较为含糊,有些词则说得又重又慢,而且较为清晰。那些说得响亮而清晰的词就是句子重音所在。实 调(包括名词、实义动词、形容词、副词、数词疑问词等)一般都接受句子重音,为重读词,采用强读式;虚 词(包括介词、代词、连词、冠词、助动词、情态动词等功能词)一般都不接受句子重音,为非重读词,采用弱读式。6.1 一般规律:1)弱读式只出现在句子的非重读词中。如:Pass me/m I/the/da/book.me、the 弱读。2)单词单独出现或在句首或句尾时,都采用强读式。如:What are you listen
24、ing to/tu:/?3)被特别强调的词,无论实词还是虚词都采用强读式。如:lam/aem/Peter.我就是皮特。6.2 虚词弱读规律:1)长音变短音,如:she/Ji:/弱读小/。2)元音前面的辅音被省略,如:him/hm/弱读/im/。3)辅音前面的元音被省略,如:am/aem/弱读/m/。4)元音一般弱读为/,如:can/kaen/弱读/kan/。5)部分虚词有多种弱读式,如:would/wud/弱读/od,d/。7.浊化:1)/s/后面的清辅音要浊化。如:/k/浊化成/g/:scar school discussion/t/浊化成/d/:stand student mistake/
25、p/浊化成/b/:spring spirit expression2)美音中,当/t/出现在两个元音之间并且处于非重读位置的时候,/t/需要浊化成一个近似于他的音。这样,writer听起来和rider的发音几乎没有区别。如:Letter/water/better/duty/bitter/cityI got it.Would you please pick it up?注:/t/如果处于重读位置的话,即使在两个元音之间也不需要浊化。请比较:清晰的/t/浊化的/Vrtalian Italyatomic*atomLa*tino Latinphotographer photograph3)美音中,当/
26、t/前面是一个元音,后面是一个模糊的/I/,且处于非重读位置,/t/也需要浊化成一个近似于/d/的音。如:Battle/bottle/cattle/little/rattle/settle4)美音中,当/t/前面是一个清辅音或前鼻音/n A 后面是一个元音,且处于非重速位置,用也需要浊化成一个近似于/d/的音。如:Twenty/fifty/center/after/faster/actor/sister/yesterday朗读练习:1.There are many things to consider when you are looking for a house,whether youin
27、tend to buy or only rent.After all,it is going to be your home,perhaps for quitea long time,and you want to be happy with it.You have to decide exactly whatkind of house you want,how much you can afford to pay,and the type ofneighborhood you wish to live in.However,ifs always easy to forget all abov
28、e,because its most probably that youH fall in love with the house for sale at thefirst sight.2.YouthYouth is not a time of life;it is a state of mind;it is not a matter of rosy cheeks,red lips and supple knees;it is a matter of the will,a quality of the imagination,avigor of the emotions;it is the f
29、reshness of the deep springs of life.Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity,of theappetite for adventure over the love of ease.This often exists in a man of sixty morethan a boy of twenty.Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.We grow oldby deserting our ideals.Years
30、 may wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.Worry,fear,selfdistrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.Whether sixty or sixteen,there is in every human beings heart the lure of wonder,the unfailing childlike appetite for whafs next,and the joy of the game of livin
31、g.Inthe center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station;so long as it receivesmessages of beauty,hope,cheer,courage and power from men and from the Infinite,so long are you young.When the aerials are down,and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicismand the ice of pessimism,then yo
32、u are grown old,even at twenty;but as long as youraerials are up,to catch the waves of optimism,there is hope you may die young ateighty.1.击穿连读(l)/h/很弱,很容易被击穿with+him=with(h)imwith+her=with(h)er(2)/t/和3/在/n/后通常被击穿twenty twen(t)yinternetin(t)ernetwanted wan(t)edand+I=an(d)I(3)/th/在/n/后有时也被击穿seen+that
33、=seen(th)atIve never seen that movie.(4)with后如果有弱读的元音音节,with有时会变成/wit/with+our=wit(h)ar with+it=wit(h)Di2.失去爆破爆破音(t dkg p b)后接除了4/,/w/,/r/之外的辅音要失去爆破*遇到/h何算到击穿连读的情况里3.融合t+j=chd+j=d3Nice to meet you.I called you yesterday.s+j=shz+j=3God bless you.Ill do as you wish.4.闷音garden,student,sentence5.浊化(l)t的
34、浊化Italy later better Italian hotel(2)s后爆破轻辅音的浊化Sky star speak一、连读的条件:相邻的两词在意义上必须密切相关,同属一个意群。连读所构成的音节一般都不重读,只需顺其自然地一带而过,不可读得太重,也不可音。(连读符号:)二、连读规则1.“辅音+元音”型连读在同一个意群里,如果相邻两词中的前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这就要将辅音与元音拼起来连读。I m an English boy.It is an old book.Let me have a look at it.Ms.Black worked in an office
35、last yesterday.I called you half an hour ago.Put it on,please.Not at all.Please pick it up.2.“r/re+元音”型连读如果前一个词是以-r或者-re结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这时的r或re不但要发/”,而且还要与后面的元音拼起来连读。They re my father and mother.I looked for it here and there.There is a football under it.There are some books on the desk.Here is a lett
36、er for you.Here are four eggs.But where is my cup?Where are your brother and sister?但是,如果一个音节的前后都有字母r,即使后面的词以元音开头,也不能连读。The black clouds are coming nearer and nearer.(nearer 与 and 不可连读)there 与 is 连读为 theris dea ris there 与 are 连读为 therare6es ra3.“辅音+半元音”型连读英语语音中的/j/和/w/是半元音,如果前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以半元音,特别
37、是/j/开头,此时也要连读。Thank you.Nice to meet you.Did you get there late again?Would you like a cup of tea?Could you help me,please?注意:常把读成/d”,did you 听上成了/dldju/,would you 成了/wudu/,could you 成了/kudu/。音的同化也是一种连读的现象,两个词之间非常平滑的过渡,导致一个音受临音影响而变化。主要是以下三种方式:1、辅音 d与0相 邻 时,被同化为 dq:Would you.?2、辅音田与 j相 邻 时,被同化为以:Can(
38、tyou:o o o o?3、辅音 s与 j相邻时,被同化为 J :Miss you4.元 音+元音 型连读如果前一个词以元音结尾,后一个词以元音开头,这两个音往往也要自然而不间断地连读到一起。I am Chinese.He is very friendly to me.She wants to study English.How and why did you come here?She can t carry it.If II take you three hours to walk there.The question is too easy for him to answer.(4)“
39、元音+元音”型元音对元音的连续实际上是在元音之间插入半元音 j或 w,从而使纯元音音节之间的过渡变得自然、流 畅,读起来更加上口。半元音插入情况如下:前面的单词以敞口元音川结 尾,紧随其后的单词以元音 i、e、ai、i开 头,这 时,在两个单词之间出现半元音 j作为过渡。前面的单词以闭口元音 u、au结 尾,紧随其后的单词以元音 u、au、au开 头,这 时,在两个单词之间出现半元音 w作为过渡。radio How are you doing?e al ol举 例 au w 连 读go w aut hou w old为了把两个相邻的词连在一 起,人们往往在以音节结尾的单词后面加上 r音,以便和
40、后一个词的其首元音连接,这种添加的旧称为“外加音用。5.失去爆破。6个爆破音有3对/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/失去爆破,又叫不完全爆 破,就是在某些情况下,只须做出发音的准备,但并不发音,稍稍停顿后就发后面的音。(1)爆破音+爆 破 音 型6个爆破音中的任意2个相临时,前一个爆破音会失去爆破,即由相关的发音器官做好这个发音的姿势,稍做停顿后即发后面的爆破音。The girl in the re(d)coat was on a bla(ck)bike jus(t)now.The bi(g)bus from the fa(c)tory is full of people.Wha(
41、t)time does he get up every morningThis is an ol(d)pi(c)ture of a bi(g)car.The ol(d)do(c)tor has a ca(t),too.We re going to work on a farm nex(t)Tuesday.What would you like,ho(t)tea or bla(ck)coffee?It s a very col(d)day,but it s a goo(d)day.You can put i(t)down in the bi(g)garden.I bought a chea(p)
42、book,but it s a goo(d)book.bla(ck)board,foo(t)ball,ke(p)t(2)爆破音+摩擦音”型如果前面是爆破音,其后紧跟着某些摩擦音(如/f/,/s/,/W/,/T/等),那么前面那个爆破音仅有十分轻微的爆破,而后面那个摩擦音则要完全爆破。Goo(d)morning,Mr.Bell.Goo(d)morning,dear.Uncle Li s fa(c)tory is qui(te)near to the cinema.I wen(t)there alone a(t)nine las(t)night.-Do you know his bi(ke)num
43、ber?-Sorry,I don(t)know.The forty-firs(t)lesson is qui(te)difficult.I didn(t)say so不完全爆破在两个相邻单词之间出现的情况非常多。爆破音中的任何两个爆破音相邻时,前一爆破音失去爆破。如abi(g)car等。爆破音中的任何一个后接摩擦音/f/,/s/时,前面的爆破音失去爆破。如I didn(t)say so.爆破音后接/t/,/d/,/tr/,/dr/时,前面的爆破音失去爆破。如agrea(t)change等。爆破音后接/m/,/n/,/I/时,前面的爆破音失去爆破。如a bi(t)more expensive 等
44、。当短语或从句之间按意群进行停顿时,意群与意群之间即使有两个相邻的辅音与元音出现,也不可连读。Is it a hat or a cat?(hat与or之间不可以连读)There is a good book in my desk.(book 与 in 之间不可以连读)Can you speak English or French?(English 与 or 之间不可以连读)Shall we meet at eight or ten tomorrow morning?(meet 与 a t,eight与。r之间不可以连读)She opened the door and walked in.(do
45、or 与 and 之间不可以连读)一、连读连读有两种规则,分 别 为:1、以辅音结尾的单词+元音开头的单词:要连读如:I d li(ke a)nother bow(l o)f rice.这 里like/laik/以辅音结尾,an o th er以元音开头,所以连读注 意:以辅音结尾指的是音标中的最后一个音是辅音,而不是单词的结尾,这如同uju:.niversity前面的定冠词必须用a 一样。2、以辅音结尾的单词+h开头的单词h不 发 音,与前面的辅音what wil(l he)wilido?Ha(s he)done it before?Mus(t he)ti go?Can he do it?S
46、hould he.?Tell him to ask her.Lea(ve him)vim.For him(连读这个词,会发现和forum 很相似)我第一次知道这一连读规则时,兴奋不已,很容易的听懂了许多以前觉得很难以理解的句子,并且按照这种连读方式发音省力、轻松了许多。二、音的同化音的同化也是一种连读的现象,两个词之间非常平滑的过渡,导致一个音受临音影响而变化。主要是以下三种方式:1、辅音 与j相 邻 时,被同化为 ch:Would you.?2、辅音也与 j相 邻 时,被同化为tj:Can-tyou:o o o o?3、辅音 s与 j相邻时,被同化为 J:Miss you三、失音由于失去爆破
47、是失音的一种现象,摩擦音也会被失去,所以统称为失音。注 意:爆破音并不是完全失去,仍然形成阻碍,把气流堵在里面,但不爆破,直接发出相邻的辅音。规 则:1、辅音爆破音或摩擦音后面跟的是爆破音、破擦音和摩擦等,前面的辅音要失去爆破。这样的例子有很多很多,红色标注的辅音不发音:Sit down:发音再次的老师都不会发出 田 音Contact lens:Big cakeDad told meHuge changeGood night四、浊化1、S后面的清辅音要浊化Discussion:k浊 化 成 gStand:t浊化成dExpression:p浊化成 b2、美 音 中:t在单词的中间被浊化成 d如:
48、writer,听 起 来 和rider的发音几乎没有区别letterladderout of美国人和加拿大人发音为了省事,习惯清音浊化,尤其是也在单词的中间一定会浊化成 d,但英国人发音不会这样,这也是英音和美音的一大区别。了解这一浊化原则,会给听力带来一些帮助。英语连读时的情况第一类音变基本可为五种:第:!种,辅音音标和元音音标的连读。两个同一意群内的单词,如果前面单词的最后一个音标为辅音音标,与之相邻的后面的单词的头一个音标为元音音标,一般要连起来读,如:Look at、get out、above all、put it on、all of us、notat all 等。第2种,叠音连读。两
49、个相邻单词相邻的两个音标相同或相近,前者不发音。如:great teacher、bad day、with the s whats so 等。第3种,连击穿连读。两个单词相邻,前面单词的尾音标为辅音音标,后面单词的第一个音标为字母h所发的/h/这个时候,前面的辅音击穿/h/和后面的元音形成连读。如with him,实际读音为/widim/;tell her实 际 读 音 为/tela/,第4种,加音连读。两个单词相邻,前面单词的最后一个音标以U结尾。而后面单词的头一个音标为元音音标,此时,这两个音之间会有半元音/W/的连读。比如 go+w+on,how+w+are,do+w+it 等等。两个单词
50、相邻,前一个单词的最后一个元音为i,而后面单词的头一个音为元音音标,此时这两个元音之间会有半元音0的连读。比如 stay+(j+up,the+j+other,may+j+I 等等。第5种,r/re+元音的连读。如果前一个词是以-r或者-re结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这时的r或re不但要发/r/,而且还要与后面的元音拼起来连读。如:They looked for it here and there.这个句子也有两处连读:前一处是for it 合读为/frit/,后一处是 here and 合读为/hirand/。但是,如果一个音节的前后都有字母r,即使后面的词以元音开头,也不能连读。The b