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1、Chapter 1 College lifeZhang WeifengFaculty of College English TeachingNew Era Interactive EnglishNew Era Interactive EnglishLevel 1Level 1Setting GoalsPreview your readingUse an English dictionaryKeep a vocabulary logMake a study planFill in an application formPractice the rules of capitalizationKno

2、w the basic rules in translationPart one Reading 1 The Dreams of Eduardo OrtegaWarm-up Questionsl lWhats your dream in life?And how will you achieve it?l lDescribe your ideal college life.Outline of the textn nBeginning(Para 1):Eduardo was too nervous to open the envelope.n nBody(Para 2-11):Tell wha

3、t his dreams were,how he realized them and why the envelope was so important.n nEnding(Para 12):He was accepted by a state university.Language points in the textInverted orderfull inversionpartial inversion1.In it was his dream.1.In it was his dream.2.Here goes the bell.2.Here goes the bell.1.Hardly

4、 had he sat down1.Hardly had he sat down when the telephone rang.when the telephone rang.2.Only by chance did I2.Only by chance did I know his name.know his name.be everything:to be of the greatest importance.e.g.Her son means(is)everything to her.Money is not everything.c.f.1.Be something:to be ver

5、y good or impressive.e.g.Dont always take yourself as something in this company!2.Be nothing:to be unimportant.e.g.Power meant nothing to him.George is a political nothing.achieve v.achievement n.freebe free from/ofset freefor freefree(v.)fromFree from/of1.1.free(a.)from/offree(a.)from/of:not contro

6、lled by;not:not controlled by;not containingcontaininge.g.The boy longed to be free from his family.e.g.The boy longed to be free from his family.This facial cream is free of fragrance.This facial cream is free of fragrance.2.2.free(v.)from/offree(v.)from/of:to release;not to control;to:to release;n

7、ot to control;to relieve.relieve.e.g.This new medicine would free the patients e.g.This new medicine would free the patients from pain.from pain.promisepromise n.promise v.promisingPromise v.1.to tell sb.that one will definitely do.1.to tell sb.that one will definitely do.e.g.He has promised that he

8、 will help me in my e.g.He has promised that he will help me in my English.English.He has promised to help me in my English.He has promised to help me in my English.2.to show signs of sth2.to show signs of sth.e.g.It promises to be warm tomorrow.e.g.It promises to be warm tomorrow.3.I promise you:3.

9、I promise you:(spoken English)used to (spoken English)used to emphasize a promise,warning or statement.emphasize a promise,warning or statement.e.g.I wont go there again,I promise you!e.g.I wont go there again,I promise you!Promise n.1.statement or declaration that sth.will or will not be done.e.g.t

10、o give/make/keep/break a promise2.hope of good results or success.e.g.Bill shoes great promise as a pianist.c.f.promising a.showing signs of being successfule.g.a promising career a promising start a promising student a promising landA sentence from the text:He promised himself not to return to that

11、 life.Translation:他发誓决不再回到那样的生活中去。intelligenceintelligentIntellectual n.IQ&AIIntelligence:n nability to learn,understand and think about things.e.g.intelligence quotient artificial intelligencec.f.intelligent a.with high intelligence.e.g.an intelligent student/questionSynonyms (a.)l lclever/smartcle

12、ver/smart:good at learning or understanding:good at learning or understanding things quickly.things quickly.l lbrightbright:used esp.to describe young people:used esp.to describe young peoplel lbrilliantbrilliant:extremely intelligent and doing very:extremely intelligent and doing very good work.goo

13、d work.l lgiftedgifted:used esp.to describe a child who is:used esp.to describe a child who is extremely intelligent.extremely intelligent.l lwisewise:used to describe a person who has a lot of:used to describe a person who has a lot of experience and can give advice.experience and can give advice.l

14、 lcunning/craftycunning/crafty:good at using ones intelligence:good at using ones intelligence to trick people.to trick people.tearupatawaydownintoTear v.n ntear attear at:to pull violently at.:to pull violently at.e.g.The two children were tearing at each others hair.e.g.The two children were teari

15、ng at each others hair.n ntear awaytear away:to make(sb.)leave with difficulty.:to make(sb.)leave with difficulty.e.g.Toms mother finally managed to tear him away e.g.Toms mother finally managed to tear him away from the TV.from the TV.n ntear downtear down:to destroy(a building)deliberately.:to des

16、troy(a building)deliberately.e.g.Many old houses were torn down to make way for e.g.Many old houses were torn down to make way for new housing.new housing.tear up:1)1)to tear into small piecesto tear into small pieces.e.g.She tore up his letter and threw it away.e.g.She tore up his letter and threw

17、it away.2)2)to cancelto cancele.g.to tear up the peace agreemente.g.to tear up the peace agreement to tear a contract up to tear a contract uptear n.burst into tearsin tearsapplyapply(to sb.)for(sth.):(to sb.)for(sth.):to make a formalto make a formal request for.request for.applicationapplication t

18、o(sb.):to(sb.):for(sth.)for(sth.)I applied to 3 I applied to 3 universitiesuniversities for entrance.for entrance.He has made an He has made an application to the universityapplication to the university for the teaching post.for the teaching post.Post-reading questions:1.1.Why is Eduardo nervous abo

19、ut the letter in the envelope?2.2.Do you think Eduardos sister and brother will go to college?Why or why not?Key to the exercisesEX.l l1.(has)achieved 2.free froml l3.had promised 4.applicationl l5.congratulationsl l6.praised forl l7.roll 8.torel l9.scarl l10.intelligenceEx.1.C 2.A3.A 4.B5.A 6.D7.C

20、8.B9.B 10.DPart two Reading 2Rules in the College ClassroomlLanguage points l lfor students reference when study by themselvesresponsibleresponsible to sb.for sthresponsibility n.responsible1)trustworthye.g.We should give the job to a responsible man.2)involving responsibility.e.g.He is too young fo

21、r such a responsible job.a responsible positionResponsible(to sb,)for(sth.)1)accountable,as for sth.within ones power.e.g.The airline is legally responsible to the passengers for their safety.2)Able to be given the blame or credit for being the source of sth.e.g.The driver is responsible for the acc

22、ident.c.f.responsibility n.A duty to be in the charge of sth./sb.e.g.No one has yet claimed respon-sibility for yesterdays bombing.Her responsibilities include answering the phone and dealing with customers enquiries.regular a.regularly ad.regularity n.drop outdropout(n.)to leave school or to leave

23、school or university before the coursesuniversity before the courses have been finished.have been finished.1.Bill dropped out after1.Bill dropped out after the first year.the first year.2.2.He was dropped outHe was dropped out3.3.of school because he of school because he 4.4.had failed in 5 courses.

24、had failed in 5 courses.findfind outto discoverI found he was difficult I found he was difficult to get along with.to get along with.to get information after to get information after trying to discover it trying to discover it or get it by chance.or get it by chance.Did you find out whetherDid you f

25、ind out whether there are any seats left?there are any seats left?handhand inhand outPeter handed his term paper in late.The monitor is handing the homework books out to theclass.to give sth.to sb.in chargeto distributehandout n.Expect sth.Of sb.l lto think naturally that sb.can do sth.e.g.His paren

26、ts expect a lot of him.What are you expecting of me?dueexpected to arrive or expected to arrive or happen at a particular happen at a particular time.time.(预期的,应到(预期的,应到的)的)When is the planeWhen is the plane due to fly to San due to fly to San Francisco?Francisco?due tobecause ofbecause ofThe delay

27、was dueThe delay was due to an accident.to an accident.Key to Ex.21.1.d 2.g 2.2.3.e 4.a 3.3.5.c 6.f 4.4.7.h 8.j 5.5.9.b 10.iPart three Free writing Free writing is the best way to help grasp your sparkling ideas that may escape from your mind and disappear for ever if you fail to seize it the moment

28、 it appears.Create a Writers Portfolio Make at least 3 sections in the portfolio:one section for vocabulary;one section for free writing,and one section for writing assignments.You may want to add a section for grammar and a section for new ideas.Writing assignmentl lDescribe anyone in this classroo

29、m.l lIt should include 3 sentences at least.l lDescribe anything unique in this person.l lRead your work out to the whole class after writing.l lAsk the others to guess who it is.Part four Translation(brief introduction)听、说、读、写、译之间的关系:听写读译说Translation work:很多刚上大学的学生因为摆脱了父母的管束而高兴。(free from/of)生产商应对产品质量负责。(be responsible for)因为天气不好,飞机误点了。(due to)该国撕毁了和平协定并向邻国宣战。(tear up)Thank You!


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