1、内容列表 Declaration of Candidacy 竞选宣言.2007年2月1 0日,伊利诺伊州首府斯普林菲尔德市 Iowa Caucus Night 爱荷华州之夜.2008年1月3日,爱荷华州首府得梅因市 New Hampshire Primary Night Night 新罕布什尔州初选之夜.2008年1月8日,新罕布什尔州纳舒厄市 A More Perfect Union塑造一个更加完美的合众国 .2008年3月18日,宾夕法尼亚州费城 Father Day 2008 年父亲节.2008 年6月15日,伊利诺伊州芝加哥市上帝使徒教堂 Renewing American Compe
2、titiveness 重塑美国竞争力.2008年6月16日,密歇根州弗林特市 A World That Stands As One 一个团结一致的世界.-.2008年7月2 4日,德国首都柏林 Election Night 胜选之夜.2008年11月4日,伊利诺伊州芝加哥市 Inaugural Address 就职演说.2009年1月2 0日,华盛顿哥伦比亚特区Declaration of Candidacy 竞选宣后DECLARATION OF CANDIDACYFebruary 10,2007|Springfield,IllinoisLet me begin by saying thank
3、s to all of you whove traveled,from far and wide,to brave the cold today.We all made this journey for a reason.Its humbling,but inmy heart I know you didnt come here just for me;youcame here because you believe in what this country can be.In the face of war,you believe there can be peace.In theface
4、of despair,you believe there can be hope.In the face ofa politics thats shut you out,thats told you to settle,thatsdivided us for too long,you believe we can be one people,reaching for whats possible,building that more perfectunion.Thats the journey were on today.But let me tell you how Icame to be
5、here.As most of you know,I am not a native ofthis great state.I moved to Illinois over two decades ago.Iwas a young man then,just a year out of college;I knew noone in Chicago,was without money or family connections.But a group of churches had offered me a job as acommunity organizer for$1 3,000 a y
6、ear.And I acceptedthe job,sight unseen,motivated then by a single,simple,powerful ideathat I might play a small part in building abetter America.My work took me to some of Chicagos poorestneighborhoods.I joined with pastor s and laypeople to dealwith communities that had been ravaged by plant closin
7、gs.I saw that the problems people faced werent simply local innature that the decision to close a steel mill was made bydistant executives;that the lack of textbooks andcomputers in schools could be traced to the skewedpriorities of politicians a thousand miles away;and thatwhen a child turns to vio
8、lence,theres a hole in his heart nogovernment alone can fill.It was in these neighborhoods that I received the besteducation I ever had,and where I learned the true meaningof my Christian faith.After three years of this work,I went to law school,becauseI wanted to understand how the law should work
9、for thosein need.I became a civil rights lawyer and taughtconstitutional law,and after a time,I came to understandthat our cherished rights of liberty and equality depend onthe active participation of anawakened electorate.It was with these ideas in mind that Iarrived in this capital city as a State
10、 Senator.It was here,in Springfield,where I saw all that is Americaconvergefarmers and teachers,businessmen andlaborers,all of them with a story to tell,all of them seekinga seat at the table,all of them clamoring to be heard.Imade lasting friendships herefriends that I see in theaudience today.It w
11、as here we learned to disagree without beingdisagreeable that its possible to compromise so long asyou know those principles that can never be compromised;and that so long as were willing to listen to each other,wecan assume the best in people instead of the worst.Thats why we were able to reform a
12、death penalty systemthat was broken.Thats why we were able to give healthinsurance to children in need.Thats why we made the taxsystem more fair and just for working families,and thatswhy we passed ethics reforms that the cynics said couldnever,ever be passed.It was here,in Springfield,where north,s
13、outh,east,andwest come together that I was reminded of the essentialdecency of the American people-where I came to believethat through this decency,we can build a more hopefulAmerica.And that is why,in the shadow of the Old State Capitol,where Lincoln once called on a divided house to standtogether,
14、where common hopes and common dreams stilllive,I stand before you today to announce my candidacy forPresident of the United States.I recognize there is a certain presumptuousness a certainaudacity to this announcement.I know I havent spent alot of time learning the ways of Washington.But Ive beenthe
15、re long enough to know that the ways of Washingtonmust change.The genius of our founders is that they designed a system ofgovernment that can be changed.And we should take heart,because weve changed this country before.In the face oftyranny,a band of patriots brought an empire to its knees.In the fa
16、ce of secession,we unified a nation and set thecaptives free.In the face of Depression,we put people backto work and lifted millions out of poverty.We welcomedimmigrants to our shores,we opened railroads to the west,we landed a man on the moon,and we heard a Kings call tolet justice roll down like w
17、ater,and righteousness like amighty stream.Each and every time,a new generation has risen up anddone whats needed to be done.Today we are called oncemoreand it is time for our generation to answer that call.For that is our unyielding faith that in the face ofimpossible odds,people who love their cou
18、ntry can changeit.Thats what Abraham Lincoln understood.He had his doubts.He had his defeats.He had his setbacks.But through his will and his words,hemoved a nation and helped free a people.It is because ofthe millions who rallied to his cause that we are no longerdivided,North and South,slave and f
19、ree.It is because menand women of every race,from every walk of life,continued to march for freedom long after Lincoln was laidto rest,that today we have the chance to face thechallenges of this millennium together,as one people asAmericans.All of us know what those challenges are todaya war withno
20、end,a dependence on oil that threatens our future,schools where too many children arent learning,andfamilies struggling paycheck to paycheck despite workingas hard as they can.We know the challenges.Weve heardthem.Weve talked about them for years.Whats stopped us from meeting these challenges is not
21、 theabsence of sound policies and sensible plans.Whatsstopped us is the failure of leadership,the smallness of ourpoliticsthe ease with which were distracted by the pettyand trivial,our chronic avoidance of tough decisions,ourpreference for scoring cheap political points instead ofrolling up our sle
22、eves and building a working consensus totackle big problems.For the last six years weve been told that our mountingdebts dont matter,weve been told that the anxietyAmericans feel about rising health care costs and stagnantwages are an illusion,weve been told that climate changeis a hoax,and that tou
23、gh talk and an ill-conceived war can replacediplomacy,and strategy,and foresight.And when all elsefails,when Katrina happens,or the death toll in Iraq mounts,weve been told that our crises are somebody elses fault.Were distracted from our real failures and told to blame theother party,or gay people,
24、or immigrants.And as people have looked away in disillusionment andfrustration,we know whats filled the void.The cynics,andthe lobbyists,and the special interests whove turned ourgovernment into a game only they can afford to play.Theywrite the checks and you get stuck with the bills,they getthe acc
25、ess while you get to write a letter,they think theyown this government,but were here today to take it back.The time for that politics is over.Its time to turn the page.Weve made some progress already.I was proud to helplead the fight in Congress that led to the most sweepingethics reform since Water
26、gate.But Washington has a long way to go.And it wont be easy.Thats why well have to set priorities.Well have to makehard choices.And although government will play a crucialrole in bringing about the changes we need,more moneyand programs alone will not get us where we need to go.Each of us,in our ow
27、n lives,will have to acceptresponsibility-for instilling an ethic of achievement in ourchildren,for adapting to a more competitive economy,forstrengthening our communities,and sharing some measureof sacrifice.So let us begin.Let us begin this hard worktogether.Let us transform this nation.Let us be
28、the generation that reshapes our economy tocompete in the digital age.Lets set high standards for ourschools and give them the resources they need to succeed.Lets recruit a new army of teachers and give them betterpay and more support in exchange for more accountability.Lets make college more afford
29、able,and lets invest inscientific research,and lets lay down broadband linesthrough the heart of inner cities and rural towns all acrossAmerica.And as our economy changes,lets be the generation thatensures our nations workers are sharing in our prosperity.Lets protect the hard-earned benefits their
30、companies havepromised.Lets make it possible for hardworking Americansto save for retirement.And lets allow our unions and theirorganizers to lift up this countrys middle class again.Lets be the generation that ends poverty in America.Everysingle person willing to work should be able to get jobtrain
31、ing that leads to a job,and earn a living wage that canpay the bills,and afford child care so their kids have a safeplace to go when they work.Lets do this.Lets be the generation that finally tackles our health carecrisis.We can control costs by focusing on prevention,byproviding better treatment to
32、 the chronically ill,and usingtechnology to cut the bureaucracy.Lets be the generationthat says right here,right now,that we will have universalhealth carein America by the end of the next Presidents first term.Lets be the generation that finally frees America from thetyranny of oil.We can harness h
33、omegrown,alternative fuelslike ethanol and spur the production of more fuel-efficientcars.We can set up a system for capping greenhouse gasesWe can turn this crisis of global warming into a moment ofopportunity for innovation,and job creation,and anincentive for businesses that will serve as a model
34、 for theworld.Lets be the generation that makes futuregenerations proud of what we did here.Most of all,lets be the generation that never forgets whathappened on that September day and confront theterrorists with everything weve got.Politics doesnt have todivide us on this anymore-we can work togeth
35、er to keepour country safe.Ive worked with Republican Senator DickLugar to pass a law that will secure and destroy some of theworlds deadliest,unguarded weapons.We can worktogether to track terrorists down with a stronger military,we can tighten the net around their finances,and we canimprove our in
36、telligence capabilities.But let us alsounderstand that ultimate victory against our enemies willcome only by rebuilding our alliances and exporting thoseideals that bring hope and opportunity to millions aroundthe globe.But all of this cannot come to pass until we bring an end tothis war in Iraq.Mos
37、t of you know I opposed this war fromthe start.I thought it was a tragic mistake.Today we grievefor the families who have lost loved ones,the hearts thathave been broken,and the young lives that could have been.America,its time to start bringing our troops home.Itstime to admit that no amount of Ame
38、rican lives can resolvethe political disagreement that lies at the heart of someoneelses civil war.Thats why I have a plan that will bring ourcombat troops home by March of2008.Letting the Iraqis know that we will not be thereforever is our last,best hope to pressure the Sunni and Shiato come to the
39、 table and find peace.Finally,there is one other thing that is not too late to getright about this war,and that is the homecoming of the menand women-our veteran swho have sacrificed the most.Let us honor their valor by providing the care they need andrebuilding the military they love.Let us be the
40、generationthat begins this work.I know there are those who dont believe we can do all thesethings.I understand the skepticism.After all,every fouryears,candidates from both parties make similar promises,and I expect this year will be no different.All of us runningfor President will travel around the
41、 country offeringten-point plans and making grand speeches;all of us willtrumpet those qualities we believe make us uniquelyqualified to lead the country.But too many times,after theelection is over,and the confetti is swept away,all thosepromises fade from memory,and the lobbyists and thespecial in
42、terests move in,and people turn away,disappointed as before,left to struggle on their own.That is why this campaign cant only be about me.It mustbe about usit must be about what we can do together.This campaign must be the occasion,the vehicle,of yourhopes,and your dreams.It will take your time,your
43、 energy,and your adviceto push us forward when were doing right,and to let us know when were not.This campaign has to beabout reclaiming the meaning of citizenship,restoring oursense of common purpose,and realizing that few obstaclescan withstand the power of millions of voices calling forchange.By
44、ourselves,this change will not happen.Divided,we arebound to fail.But the life of a tall,gangly,self-made Springfield lawyertells us that a different future is possible.He tells us that there is power in words.He tells us that there is power in conviction.That beneath all the differences of race and
45、 region,faithand station,we are one people.He tells us that there is power in hope.As Lincoln organized the forces arrayed against slavery,hewas heard to say:l,Of strange,discordant,and even hostileelements,we gathered from the four winds,and formed andfought to battle through.That is our purpose he
46、re today.Thats why Im in this race.Not just to hold an office,but to gather with you totransform a nation.I want to win that next battlefor justice and opportunity.I want to win that next battlefor better schools,and betterjobs,and health care for all.I want us to take up the unfinished business of
47、perfectingour union,and building a better America.And if you will join me in this improbable quest,if you feeldestiny calling,and see,as I see,a future of endlesspossibility stretching before us;if you sense,as I sense,that the time is now to shake off our slumber,and sloughoff ourfear,and make good
48、 on the debt we owe past and futuregenerations,then Im ready to take up the cause,andmarch with you,and work with you.Together,startingtoday,let us finish the work that needs to be done,andusher in a new birth of freedom on this Earth.Iowa Caucus N ight爱荷华州之夜IOWA CAUCUS NIGHTJanuary 3,2008|Des Moine
49、s,IowaThank you,Iowa.You know,they said this day would never come.They said our sights were set too high.They said this country was too divided;too disillusioned toever come together around a common purpose.But on this January nightat this defining moment inhistoryyou have done what the cynics said
50、we couldnt do.You have done what the state of New Hampshire can do infive days.You have done what America can do in this newyear,2008.In lines that stretched around schools andchurches;in small towns and big cities;you came togetheras Democrats,Republicans,and independents to stand upand say that we