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1、股份代持协议模板-律师已审核版(可以直接使用,可编辑 优秀版资料,欢迎下载)代持股协议书委托人(甲方):身份证号码:住址:受托人(乙方):身份证号码:住址:甲、乙双方本着平等互利的原则,经平等自愿协商,就甲方委托乙方代为持股相关事宜达成协议如下,以兹共同遵照执行:一、代持股基本情况1、甲方拥有XXX公司的股份,对应出资人民币万元,甲方同意按照本协议规定的条款和条件,将上述股份交由乙方代为持股; 2、乙方在此声明并确认,代持股份的投资款系完全由甲方提供,代持股份的实际所有人应为甲方;乙方系根据本协议代甲方持有代持股份;3、乙方在此进一步声明并确认,由代持股份产生的或与代持股份有关之收益(包括但不


3、的损失。5、甲方应履行公司股东的义务,维护公司的权益和名誉,如甲方未履行股东义务或有损害公司的过失,乙方有权回收并处置甲方的股权.三、乙方的权利与义务1、在代持股期限内,甲方有权在条件具备时,提出将相关股东权益转移到甲方或甲方指定的任何第三人名下,但须经乙方同意,同时乙方享有优先受让权并提供必要的协助及便利;2、在代持股期间,乙方作为代持股份形式上的拥有者,以乙方的名义在工商股东登记中具名登记;3、在代持股期间,乙方代甲方收取代持股份产生的收益、所得或收入,应当在收到该收益、所得或收入后5个工作日内,将其转交给甲方或打入甲方指定的账户;甲方指定银行账户为,开户行:户名: 账号:4、在代持股期间




7、本协议一式两份,签署双方各执一份,均具有同等法律效力;2、本协议未尽事宜,可由双方以附件或签订补充协议的形式约定,附件或补充协议与本协议具有同等法律效力。委托方(甲方):受托方(乙方):年月日 年 月 日 Shareholding Entrustment AgreementThis entrustment agreement (hereinafter called as “this agreement) was signed by following parties (hereinafter called as “agreement parties) in Qingdao, China on

8、July 20, 2021.Party A: Shengyuan Nutritional Food Co。, Ltd. (“Shengyuan Nutrition”)Address: Seashore Industrial Park, Jiaonan, Qingdao(hereinafter called as “Party B” or “Party B Together)Whereas:1 Validly existing and lawfully established within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, Party

9、 A is an exclusively foreign-owned enterprise, whose lawful registration certificate number is: 370284400001270;2 Party B is a citizen of PRC;3 Party A will entrust Party B to set up the company in mainland China to deploy pregnant woman detection center project (“project”). Party A will join force

10、with the company of Party B and Party B Together (“Party B Company”) to sign “Exclusive Consulting and Service Agreement” and some other agreements to establish business relationship;4 Party B is required to use capital to deploy some matters including prophase operation of project.Therefore,after f

11、riendly consultations between both Parties on the principle of mutual benefit, the Parties hereby agree as follows:I Stock equity-holding on behalf of holders and relevant fund items1.1 Party A shall appropriate fund to Party B as per Party Bs written application since the agreement was signed。 The

12、sum shall be RMB15 m for each of Party B and the total shall be RMB30 m (“fund-holding on behalf of holders). Party B shall be responsible for utilizing this fund as registered capital to establish the company (hereinafter called as “this company”)。1.2 This company will sign a series of agreements w

13、ith Party A, including but not limited to “Exclusive Consulting and Service Agreement”, “Business Operation Agreement”, “Stock Equity Disposal Agreement” and “Stock Equity Pledge Agreement. Both Parties have basically agreed to the content framework (Annex One, Two, Three and Four) of these agreemen

14、ts。1.3 Being as the nominal holder of shares (hereinafter called as “shares-holding on behalf of the holder”) of this company, Party B shall perform relevant shareholdersrights on behalf of the holder depending on Party As indication。1.4 The ownership of share-holding on behalf of the holder under t

15、he name of Party B belongs to Party A. Party B shall only set up this company and hold the shares of this company under the name of the trustee.II Authorization of entrustmentThe rights entrusted by Party A to Party B to perform on behalf of Party A include:12。1 Set up this company under the name of

16、 Party B;2。2 Register Party B to be the shareholder in the shareholder registration roster of this company;2.3 Perform shareholders rights as the shareholder of this company, including but not limited to charging dividend or bonus, participating the shareholder meeting, performing voting right and e

17、tc.;2。4 Perform shareholders other rights as per relevant laws, regulations and constitution of this company in registration location.III Party As rights and obligations3。1 Being as the actual investor of share-holding on behalf of the holder, Party A has the right to enjoy actual shareholders right

18、s and has the right to obtain relevant investing income。3.2 Party A can issue commands to Party B at any moment with respect to Party As performing shareholders right and Party B shall execute Party As commands unconditionally.3.3 Party A has the right to transfer the share-holding on behalf of the

19、holder and relevant shareholders equity to its own account or the account of any third Party designated by Party A when Party A thinks roper。 Party B shall agree to the above-mentioned transference unconditionally and shall transact the transference as per Party As command.3.4 During the period of P

20、arty Bs holding share-holding on behalf of the holder, Party A shall shoulder all of relevant generated expenses of taxation (if any); Party A shall also shoulder the generated expenses of taxation when Party B transfers the share-holding on behalf of Party A to Party A or any third Party designated

21、 by Party A to hold as per Party As commands.3。5 Being as the actual holder of the share, Party A has the right to supervise and correct Party Bs improper behaviors of entrustment as per this agreement and also has the right to require Party B to compensate actual losses due to Party Bs improper beh

22、aviors.3.6 Party A has the right to notify cancelling entrusting Party B at any moment and request to transfer relevant share to Party A or new trustee selected by Party A or any third Party designated by the Party A in accordance with laws。IV Party Bs rights and obligations4。1 Party B will not enjo

23、y any usufruct or disposal right (including but not limited to transference and pledge of shareholders equity) of shareholders equity formed by this share-holding on behalf of the Party A, under Party Bs own name.4.2 Party B shall not transfer the authority of entrustment to the Third Party to hold

24、above-mentioned share-holding on behalf of the Party A or enjoy shareholders equity at any moment or in any situation, unless Party B obtains Party As commands or Party As written consent.4。3 Under the condition of not obtaining Party As written authorization, Party B is not permitted to make transf

25、erence and disposal or set guarantee of any form for shareholding on behalf of Party A and all of benefits held by itself, moreover, Party B is not permitted to implement any other behaviors possibly damaging Party As benefits。24.4 Party B shall deliver all of benefits generated from shareholding on

26、 behalf of Party A to Party A timely (incl. cash dividend, bonus or any other benefit allocations).4。5 Party B shall try its best to cooperate with Party A to transfer all of relevant procedures under its own name, when Party A plans to transfer share-holding on behalf of the holder to the third Par

27、ty。V Term of entrustmentThe term of entrustment shall be a period starting from the effective date of this agreement and ending when Party A issues the written consent to Party B for termination.VI All of agreements and modification for agreements6。1 This agreement together with all of the mentioned

28、 or explicitly included agreements and/or all of agreements reached by document drafting parties in terms of subject-matters of this agreement shall replace all of the oral, written agreements, contracts, understandings and address books reached by all parties previously with respect to subjectmatte

29、rs of this agreement。6。2 Any modification for this agreement will go into effect only after all parties have signed the written agreement. The modified agreements and supplementary agreements related to this agreement signed by all parties are the important parts of this agreement。 These agreements

30、have the same legal force with this agreement。VII Implementation of agreementThis agreement is in triplicate and each party holds one. This agreement will go into effect since Party As authorized representative affixes the signature and the official seal and Party B Together affixes the signature。VI

31、II Jurisdiction of lawsSubscription, effectiveness, implementation and interpretation of this agreement together with settlement of disputes is ruled over by PRC laws and it is interpreted as per PRC laws.IX Settlement of disputes9.1 When all of relevant parties have disputes with respect to interpr

32、etation and implementation of items of this agreement, all parties shall settle disputes through friendly negotiation。 Any party can submit the relevant disputes to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission to make a settlement as per effective arbitration rules if the disputes c

33、ant be settled through negotiation. The arbitration locale is Beijing. The arbitration language is Chinese. The arbitrament shall be final and it brings constraint for all parties。9.2 All parties shall still continue to fulfill their respective obligations as per regulations of this agreement based

34、on friendship principle, unless there are some disputes.Party A: Shengyuan Nutrition Food Co。, Ltd. (stamp)Authorized representative:/s/ Zhang Liang (signature)Party B:Jiang Yunpeng: /s/ Jiang Yunpeng (signature)Zhang Jibin:/s/ Zhang Jibin(signature)股份代持协议本协议由以下双方于年月日在杭州共同签署。委托方:(简称甲方)身份证号码:受让方:(简称乙






40、称“甲方”):身份证号码:住址:联系方式:名义股东(以下称“乙方”):身份证号码:住址:联系方式:鉴于:*(以下简称“目标公司”),根据中国法律合法设立并存续;公司注册资本人民币_万元。现甲方实际出资人民币_万元,占公司注册资本的_%。基于以上所述,甲、乙双方本着平等自愿的原则,经友好协商,就甲方委托乙方代为持有上述目标公司_的股权(股份)(以下简称“代持股权股份”)的有关事宜,经协商一致,达成如下协议:第一条 股权(股份)代持关系的界定1.1 为明确代持股权(股份)的所有权,甲、乙双方通过本协议确认,代持股权(股份)实际由甲方所有并实际出资,并由乙方以自己的名义持有。1.2 乙方以自己的名义

41、,代理甲方对外持有股权(股份),并依据甲方意愿对外行使股东权利,并由甲方实际享受股权收益.1.3 根据本协议,甲方委托乙方并以乙方名义代为行使的股东权利包括:在股东名册上具名;按照甲方意愿,参与公司股东会并依据甲方意愿行使表决权利;代理甲方行使公司法、公司章程项下的其他股东权利;代领或代付相关利润款项、投资款项;对外以股东名义签署相关法律文件。1。4 股权(股份)代持关系,可以理解为隐名股东、隐名代理等类似法律概念,但均需遵照最高人民法院公司法司法解释(三)的相关规定。第二条 代持股权(股份)2。1 代持股权(股份):甲方将其拥有的*%的股权,计出资金额 万元人民币(*注册资本金为万元),作为

42、“代持股权(股份)”。2.2 代持股权(股份)登记至乙方名下,并委托乙方以自己名义对外代为持有。2.3 甲方作为实际出资人,对代持股权(股份)已经实际足额缴纳了所对应的出资。甲方保证以其实际出资额为限对公司承担责任。2.4 乙方应根据本协议的委托目的,按照甲方的意愿代持股权(股份),未有甲方指令,乙方不得将其名义下的代持股权(股份)进行转让、质押以及进行增、减资等处分行为。25甲方有权将“代持股权(股份)”转移到自己或自己指定的任何第三人名下; 乙方保证在甲方拟转让“代表股权(股份)”时,无条件同意并承受,提供必要的协助及便利,配合甲方完成相关手续(包括但不限于签署股权转让协议、变更股东登记等

43、).26甲方有权依据本协议对乙方不适当的受托行为进行监督与纠正;。2.7甲方认为乙方不能诚实履行受托义务时,有权依法解除对乙方的委托并行使相应的股东权利.28 乙方保证在以股东身份行使表决权时至少应提前3日通知甲方并取得甲方书面授权。29乙方保证未经甲方事先书面同意,不擅自转委托第三方持有上述“代持股权(股份)及其股东权益,不得对“代持股权(股份)”及其所有收益进行转让、处分或设置任何形式的担保,也不得实施任何可能损害甲方利益的行为;第三条 股权(股份)收益权利3。1 代持股权(股份)项下的股权(股份)收益(含利润分红),由甲方实际受益人所有。3.2 乙方按照甲方真实意思或指令,对*的利润分配

44、等重大事宜,以股东名义在股东会行使表决权。3。3 如财务管理关系,*的利润分红款将汇入乙方名义股东账户或由乙方名义股东领取的,乙方在代领包括利润分红在内的股权收益后,将立即汇至甲方账户或由甲方指令安排。第四条 其他股东权利4.1 除上述股权收益的行为以外,乙方作为名义股东,应当按照甲方意愿,履行股东权利。4.2乙方作为名义股东,应按照甲方意愿行使公司法规定的股东各项权利,包括参加股东会、行使表决权、派遣董事会成员、签署股东会决议文件、行使股东知情权利、参加股东诉讼等。第五条 税费承担乙方处理股权(股份)代持事务所产生的一切税费,由甲方负责.第刘条 保密事项甲、乙双方对本协议履行过程中所接触或获

45、知的对方的任何商业信息均有保密义务,除非有明显的证据证明该等信息属于公知信息或者事先得到对方的书面授权.第七条 违约责任 甲、乙双方应按本协议积极、全面履行自身义务,保障对方权益;任何一方不履行或迟延履行,应赔偿给对方造成的一切损失,并支付对方与“代持股权(股份)”相应投资额的违约金。第八条 争议的解决因履行本协议所发生的争议,甲、乙双方应友好协商解决;协商解决不能的,任一方均有权向本协议签订地的法院提起诉讼。第九条 其他事项91本协议自甲、乙双方签字之日起生效;92本协议一式三份,甲、乙双方各持一份,目标公司留存一份,均具有同等法律效力;93本协议生效后,甲、乙双方达成的补充协议,作为本协议

46、不可分割的一部分;94本协议未尽事宜,按中华人民共和国法律法规的相关规定执行.甲方(签字):乙方(签字):日期: 日期:本协议签订地:_.股份代持协议本协议由以下双方于年月日在杭州共同签署.委托方:(简称甲方)身份证号码:受让方:(简称乙方)身份证号码:甲、乙双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,就甲方委托乙方代为持股事宜达成协议如下,以兹共同遵照执行:第一条委托内容1。1甲方自愿委托乙方作为自己对(以下简称“公司”)人民币万元出资(该出资占公司注册资本的,下简称“代持股份”)的名义持有人,并代为行使相关股东权利,乙方愿意接受甲方的委托并代为行使该相关股东权利。第二条委托权限甲方委托乙方代为行使的权利包括:由乙方以自己的名义将受托行使的代持股权作为在公司股东登记名册上具名、在工商机关予以登记、以股东身份参与相应活动、代为收取股息或红利、出席股东会并行使表决权、以及行使公司法与公司章程授予股东的其他权利。第三条甲方的权利与义务3.1甲方作为代持股份的实际出资者,对公司享有实际的股东权利并有权获得相应的投资收益(包含乙方代为收取的股息或红利);乙方仅以自身名义代甲方持有该代持股份所形成的股东权益,而对该等出资所形成的股东权益不享有任何收益权或处置权(包括但不限于股东权益的转让、质押、划转等处置


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