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1、全薪版大孽英语侯煌阅修2U nit 1How to StudyThere is a lot o f misunderstanding about studying.M ost studentshave not been taught the principles behind really effective working.Imagine a graph showing the am ount a person learns against the numbero f hours he works in a day.If he doesnt do any work,he learns not

2、hing(point 0).If he does an h o u rs w ork he learns a certain am ount(point 1).Ifhe does tw o hours work he learns about twice as much(point 2).If he doesmore w ork hell learn still more(point 3).However,if he tries to dotw e n ty-th re e and a half hours work in one day.hell be so tired th a t hel

3、lhardly remember anything:w hat he learns will be very little(point 4).If hedid less w ork hed learn more(point 5).Now whatever the exact shape o f the graph s curve,made byJoining these points,it m ust have a high point.Point X is the verymaximum anyone can learn in the day.And this represents the

4、optimum,the best.amount o f w ork to do.It is the best possible compromise betweenadequate tim e a t the books and fatigue.Fatigue is an absolutely real thing;one canzt escape it or ignore it.If you try to ignore it and press yourself tow ork past the optimum,you will only get on this downward slope

5、 andachieve less than the best-and then become very tired and lose yourpower o f concentration.The skill in being a student consists o f getting o n e s daily study asnear the optimum point as possible.I cannot tell you w hat the optimum is.It d iffe rs with the type o f work,it d iffe rs from perso

6、n to person,and evenin the same person it varies from week to week.You m ust try to find yourown.Every day you study,bear this principle o f the optimum in mind.Whenyou feel yourself getting fatigued,if you find yourself reading the sameparagraph over and over again and not taking it in.thaVs a p re

7、tty goodsign you zve reached your highest point fo r the day and should stop.M ostordinary students find their optimum a t about five hours a day.Yours maybe a little more or a little less but if you get in five hours good w ork a day.you will be doing well.Now.w hat are you doing with yourself when

8、 you arenzt working?Before examinations some students do nothing a t all except sit in a chairand worry.Here is another misunderstanding.P eople often think th a t themind works like the body;it does not.If one wanted to save ones physicalenergy in order to cu t the maximum am ount o f firewood,one

9、would lie fla ton a bed and rest when one wasnzt chopping.B ut the mind cannot rest.Even in sleep you dream,even if you fo rg e t your dreams.The mind isalways turning.It gets its relaxation only by variety.T hat is w hat makesthe mind rest.When you ve finished your optimum number o f hours you m us

10、tstop.You m ust not then s it around in the chair thinking about the work-th a t only tires w ithout any learning.You m ust get out and do something.Itdoesnt m atter what anything so long as you are actively doingsomething else but work.Learning to Keep You Cool During TestsHave you ever fe lt so an

11、xious during an examination th a t youcouldnt:even put down the answers you knew?If so.you were sufferingfrom w hat is known as te s t anxiety.According to psychologist Ralph Trimble,te s t anxiety is a very realproblem fo r many people.When you fre worried over your perform ance onan exam,your hear

12、t beats fa s te r and your pulse speeds up.Thesereactions s ta rt others:You may sweat more than normal or s u ffe r from astomachache or headache.Your field o f vision narrows and becomestunnellike.Before you know it.you e having difficulty focusing.,zW hat I hear students say over and over again/7

13、 says Dr.Trimble,who is working a t the P sychological and Counseling Center a t theUniversity o f Illinois,is.My mind went blank.n,For a number o f years.Dr.Trim ble helped many students learn howto perform better during exams and to bring up their grades.Some o fthese students were interested in s

14、haring w hat they learned and.withT rim ble s help,began holding workshops on overcoming te s t anxiety.Formany students.Just being in a workshop with other sufferers made themfeel better.They realized th a t they were not the only ones who had donepoorly on te sts because o f tension.The workshops

15、were so successful th a t they are still given.!n the workshops,students are taught th a t anxiety is normal.YouJust have to prevent it from getting the best o f you.The firs t step is tolearn to relax.If before or during an examination you s ta rt to panic,stretch as hard as you can.tensing the mus

16、cles in your arm s and legs;then suddenly relax all o f them.This will help relieve tension.B ut keep in mind th a t you don七 w antto be too relaxed.Being completely relaxed is no better than being tootense,“if you are so calm you dont care how you do on an examination,you w ont do well/7 Trim ble s

17、ays.There is an optimum level o f concernwhen you perform a t your best.Some stress helps.There are people whocant:take even slight stress.They have to learn th a t in a challengingsituation,being anxiously excited is good and will help them to do better.B ut if they call it anxiety and say.its goin

18、g to hit me again/th a t will makethem nervous and worriedAs a student you m ust also realize th a t if you leave too muchstudying until a day or tw o before the examination,you canzt do theimpossible and learn it all.Instead,concentrate on w hat you can do and tryto think w hat questions are likely

19、 to be asked and w hat you can do in thetim e le ft fo r studying.When you sit down to study,set a m oderate pace and vary it byreading,writing notes,and going over any papers you have already w rittenfo r the course,as well as the textbooks and notes you took in class.Review w hat you know.Take bre

20、aks and go to sleep early enough to get agood night rs rest before the exam.You should also eat a moderatebreakfast or lunch,avoiding drinks like coffee and stay away from fellowstudents who get tense.P anic spreads easily.Get to the exam room a few m inutes early so th a t you w川 have achance to fa

21、miliarize yourself with the surroundings and get out yoursupplies.When the examination is handed out,read the directions twiceand underline the significxjnt instructions,making sure you understandthem.Ask the teacher to explain if you donzt.F irst answer the easiestquestions,then go back to the more

22、 difficult.On essay questions,instead o f starting right away,take a fewm inutes to organize your thoughts,make a brief outline,and then s ta rt o ffwith a sum mary sentence.Keep working steadily,and even when tim es ta rts to run out,dont speed up.P aying Your WayThere were red faces a t one o f Br

23、itain s biggest banks recently.They had accepted a telephone order to buy?100.000 w orth o f shares froma fifte e n-y e a to ld schoolboy(they thought he was tw enty-one).Theshares fell in value and the schoolboy was unable to pay up.The bank lost 20.000 on the deal which it cannot get back because,

24、fo r one thing,thisyoung speculator does not have the money and.fo r another,being undereighteen,he is not legally liable fo r his debts.If the shares had risen invalue by the same am ount th a t they fell,he would have pocketed 20.000profit.Not bad fo r a fiftee n-ye ai一 old.It certainly is better

25、than deliveringthe morning newspaper.In another recent case,a boy o f fourteen found,in his grandm other s house,a suitcase full o f foreign banknotes.Theclean,crisp,banknotes looked very convincing but they were now not usedin their country o f origin or anywhere else.This young boy headed straight

26、to the nearest bank with his pockets filled with notes.The cashiers did notrealise th a t the country in question had reduced the value o f its currencyby 90%.They exchanged the notes a t their face value a t the currentexchange rate.In three days,before he was found out.he took 200,000from nine d i

27、ffe re n t banks.Amazingly,he had already spent more than halfo f this on taxi-rides,restaurant meals,concert tickets and presents fo rhis many new girlfriends(at least he was generous!)before the policecaught up with him.Because he is also under eighteen the banks havekissed goodbye to a lot o f mo

28、ney,and several cashiers have lost their jobs.Should we admire these youngsters fo r being enterprising andshowing initiative or condemn them fo r their dishonesty?Maybe they hadmanaged fo r years with tiny am ounts o f pocket money th a t they got fromtig h t-fis te d parents.Maybe they had done Sa

29、turday jobs fo r peanuts.It ishardly surprising,given the expensive things th a t young people w ant to buy.such as fashionable running shoes and com puter games,if they sometimesthink up more imaginative ways o f making money than deliveringnewspapers and baby-sitting.These lads saw the chance to m

30、ake a lot o fmoney and took it.Another recent story which should give us food fo r thought is thecase o f the man who paid his six y e a io ld daughter 300 a week pocketmoney.He then charged her fo r the food she ate and fo r her share o f therent and household bills.A fte r paying fo r all this,she

31、 was le ft with a fewcoins fo r her piggy bank.,zShe will soon learn the value o f money/7 he said.Theres no such thing as a free lunch.Everything has to be paid fo r andthe sooner she learns th a t the better.A t the other extrem e there arefond parents who provide free bed and board fo r their gro

32、w n-up children.While even the m ost hard-hearted parents m ight hesitate to throw theirchildren out on the streets,we all know o f people in their late tw enties whostill shamelessly live o ff their parents.Surely there comes a tim e wheneveryone has to leave the parental nest,look a fte r themselv

33、es and paytheir own way in life.B ut when is it?The Day I W ent to Open a Bank AccountI dont know why my fa th e r never liked banks.Every tim e wepassed one he would frow n and walk Just a little fa s te r to get past it Justth a t little bit quicker.It seems to me there m ust have been a big colli

34、sionbetween a bank and my fa th e r a long tim e ago before I knew anythingabout anything.T hat is.it may have been a big collision fo r my fa th e r but itwas one th a t the bank alm ost certainly did not remember.Thcrts how I was brought up.Forever walking quickly past banks.Perhaps I took on my f

35、a th e r s opinions as I took on his other unusualbehavior.I quickly learnt to frow n and walk Just a little bit fa s te r everytim e I passed a bank.I also learnt to fe a r the shiny steel and chromecounters and the trim,slim and sm artly dressed young women who satbehind them.I never understood th

36、e necessity fo r banks until,a t the end o f myfirs t month as a clerk in an office,I was handed a check fo r$1.500.I stareda t it in great surprise.I had never seen such a thing before.I understoodcash well enough but this long slip o f paper was something I w asnt quitesure about.Everything all ri

37、ght?f,asked Mrs.Smith,our accounts manager.Yes.yesl,z I said and signed fo r it hurriedly.W hat on earth was I going todo?I knew too well w hat I had to do and my heart dropped a t the thought.Ihad to open a bank account.For some reason I thought you had to talk to the manager o f a bankbefore they

38、would let you open an account.I w ent up to an em pty counterand caught the eye o f a bank clerk.Yes?Can I help you?”he asked.“Yes p le a s e.I said,1 d like a word with the manager.If thatspossible/7He looked surprised but asked me to w ait and went o ff.The manager was younger than I expected and

39、was clearly verybusy.“Yes Can I help you?he asked.Yes.I fd like to talk to you.If you dont mind.I said.I was Just assurprised as he was a t the confident manner in which I spoke.I didnt knoww hat to say next so I said nothing.For a m oment neither o f us saidanything.He m ust have understood th a t

40、I wished to see him alone,fo r heinvited me into his office and offered me a large com fortable seat.Now.then.sir.W hat can I do fo r you?”he asked,clearly puzzled.,r would like to open a bank account/1 inform ed him.,r see.he said,nodding his head slowly/7 And how much do you wishto deposit in this

41、 account?”,r wish to deposit t his.I said and handed him the check.He examined the check carefully before handing it back to me.“A savings account?,/he asked.I nodded.P lease follow me.He led me out o f his office back to the banking hall.There he tookme to a large desk manned by a young lady by the

42、 name o f“Candice Lee as I saw from the name card on the desk.“This lady will help you open a savings account in which you candeposit your check fo r$1500.“he said in a voice th a t was.I felt,a bit louderthan absolutely necessary.Good day.sir.he said and walked back tosafety behind the barrier.I wa

43、ited.Miss Lee filled out form s fo r me and I signed them.Shestamped them.She made me sign a little strip o f plastic and she fixed thisinside a litle red book.She put the check in and back came the book withthe right am ount printed in it.It was a t th a t m oment th a t I realised Ineeded to withd

44、raw some money and I asked how this m ight be achieved.“1 zm afraid you can w ithdraw it fo r tw o days.sir.Not until thecheck has been cleared.I stared a t her in great surprise.I was trusting her bank with mymoney.It seemed only fa ir th a t they should tru s t my check.W hat?”I said in shock.,zW

45、hatl!?z,I burst out angrily.Silence fellover the entire bank as everyone turned to see w hat was happening.Idecided to leave with my self-re spect safe and sound.“if you do not tru s t my check,would you be so kind as to return itimmediately.Your passbook/7 I said as confidently as I could.Miss Lees

46、eemed really surprised.The bank manager m ust have been listening toevery word.He came out once again from behind the barriers o f steel andchrome.He held my check by a corner and presented it to me as if it werea w et fish.I handed him his little red pass book in a similar fashion,turnedaround and

47、le ft.As the doors closed behind me.I clearly heard the soundo f laughter.The accounts departm ent and I have managed to come to anarrangem ent about the way in which my salary is paid to me a t the end o feach month.I now keep my savings in a sock,as did my fa th e r before me.which I hide,as did m

48、y fa th e r before me.under my bed a t home.U nit 2Remembering My G randparentsWhen memory began fo r me.my grandfather was past sixty-agreat tall man with thick hair becoming gray.He had black eyes and astraight nose which ended In a slightly flattened tip.Once he explainedseriously to me th a t he

49、 got th a t flattened tip as a small child when he felldown and stepped on his nose.The little m arks o f laughter a t the corners o f his eyes were theproduct o f a kindly and humorous nature.The years o f w ork which hadbent his shoulders had never dulled his humor nor his love o f a joke.Everywhe

50、re he went.Gram p“made friends easily.A t the end o f half anhour you fe比 you had known him all your life.I soon learned th a t he hatedto give orders,but th a t when he had to.he tried to make his orders soundlike suggestions.One July morning,as he was leaving to go to the cornfield,he said.“Edwin,


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