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1、人 教 版 英 语 八 年 级 下 学 期期末测试卷学校 班级 姓名 成绩听力部分(共20分)I、听对话,选择内容与之相符的图片.(每小题1分,共5分)1.A.B.C.2.A.B.C.3.A.B.C.4.A.B.C.5.A.B.C.n、听句子,从下面各题所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳答语.(每小题1分,共5分)6.A.Ac tion m ovie s.B.History b ooks.C.Coun try m usic.7.A.8,844.43 m e te rs h ig h.B.1,0 2 5 m e te rs d e e p.C.6,671 m e te rs l on g.8.

2、A.Ye s,I h a ve.B.Ye s,I d o.C.Ye s,I wil l.9.A.Me,too.B.Me,n e ith e r.C.Ce rta in l y.1 0.A.It s in te re stin g.B.I b oug h t it 3 y e a rs a g o.C.Of c ourse,I c a n.in、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、c、三个选项中选出最佳答案.(每小题1分,共5分)1 1.How l on g h a sn,t Bil l se e n Rose?A.For a f e w d a y s.B.For a f e w we e ks.

3、C.For a f e w y e a rs.1 2.Wh a t is Rose b usy with?A.He r trip pl a n.B.He r h ouse work.C.He r sc h ool e x a m.1 3.Wh a t woul d rose l ike to d o f or voc a tion?A.Go h ikin g.B.Go f ish in g.C.Go to th e b e a c h.1 4.Wh a t d oe s Rose th in k of Bil l *s sug g e stion a b out c a m pin g?A.W

4、on d e rf ul.B.Cra z y.C.Stra n g e.1 5.Wh a t wil l Bil l d o in th e e n d?A.Do h is sc h ool work.B.Go with Rose.C.Go to th e b e a c h.IV、听短文,填表格,每空一词.(每小题1分,共5分)Mr.Bl a c k,Mrs.Bl a c k a n d th e ir 1 6.visite d Ch in a l a st sum m e r.Th e y we n t th e re 1 7.pl a n e.Mr.Bl a c k 1 8.th re

5、e pl a n e tic ke ts a we e k a g o.Th e pl a n e took of f a t 6:0 0 a m on 1 9.1 4th.Th e y we re tire d b ut 2 0.wh e n th e y a rrive d in Be ijin g.笔试部分(共80分)V、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1.一Are y ou g oin g to se e th e m ovie with us ton ig h t?No,A.I h a ve nJ t se e n th e f il mB.I wil l g o with y ou

6、C.I h a ve a l re a d y se e n th e f il m2.1 won,t a rrive a t sc h ool on tim em yf a th e r g ive s m e a rid e.A.ifB.wh e nC.un l e ss3.Th e f ic tion istouc h in gI wa n t to se e it a g a in.A.too,toB.so,th a tC.e ith e r,or4.Wh e n we h e a rd th e g ood n e ws,wejum pe d up a n d d own inA.e

7、 x c ite m e n tB.d e ve l opm e n tC.sa tisf a c tion5.一 to Xin g Ka i La ke?Ye s.I we n t th e re l a st m on th.It s quite b e a utif ul.A.Ha ve y ou b e e n B.Did y ou g oC.Ha ve y ou g on e6.I kn ow,h e h a s n o b roth e r or siste rs.A.As l on g a s B.As f a r a sC.As m uc h a s7.Ma Yun is on

8、e of persons in the world.A.rich B.richerC.the richest8.We pl a n to tra ve l a roun d.But we h a ve n?t d e c id e dwh e re _.A.g oin g B.to g oC.we n t9.Te n y e a rs a g o,_ f ore ig n stud e n ts stud y in g inCh in a wa s sm a l l.A.th e n um b e r of B.a l ot ofC.a n um b e r of1 0.一 in th e c

9、 ity?Ab out 1,0 0 0,0 0 0.A.How m a n y popul a tion s a re th e reB.Wh a t s th e popul a tion C.How m uc h popul a tion a re th e re1 1.一Wh e n d id y ou b e c om e a vol un te e r?I in th is g roup sin c e 2 0 0 8.A.took pa rt B.h a ve join e dC.h a ve b e e n1 2.一Wil l Tin a g o to th e Bird,s N

10、e st with Tom?If y ou d on t,.A.n e ith e r wil l sh e B.so wil l sh eC.n e ith e r d o sh e1 3.Th e ol d toy c a r re m in d m e _ m y c h il d h ood a n dm y g ra n d m a.A.on B.ofC.with1 4.1 f y ou wa n t to kn ow m ore in f orm a tion a b out th e c om in g pa rty,pl e a se th e we b site:Http:/

11、MFI匕 happy-.A.se t up B.pic k outC.l ook th roug h1 5.Th e l ig h t in h is room is stil l on.Do y ou kn ow?Ma y b e a t m id n ig h t a g a in.A.if h e is b usy stud y in g B.wh e n h e wi1 1 stop workin gC.wh y h e sta y s up so l a teV I.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,然后从每小题所给的三个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将其字母标号填入题前括号

12、中.Th e Am e ric a n g ove rn m e n t c a rry out(实施)n e w rul e s to l im it(限制)jun k f ood a n d swe e t d rin ksin sc h ool s.Th e rul e s stop a d ve rtise m e n ts(广告)f or 1 6 f ood s on sc h ool g roun d s d urin g th esc h ool d a y.Big c om pa n ie s l ike Coc a-Col a a n d Pe psiCo a re sa y

13、 in g “y e s to th e n e w 1 7.Ma n y h a ve a l re a d ysta rte d to a d ve rtise th e ir h e a l th ie r f ood s.For sc h ool s,th e y wil l 1 8 jun k f ooda d ve rtise m e n ts l ike a Coc a-Col a sc ore b oa rd(记分板).Sc h ool s n e e d to g e t a(n)1 9 sc ore b oa rdwith a h e a l th ie r m e ssa

14、 g e.“Th e n e w rul e m a ke s sure th a t sc h ool s sh oul d b e a sa f e pl a c e wh e re kid s c a n 2 0 a n d wh e restud e n ts c a n e a t h e a l th y f ood a n d ke e p a h e a l th y 2 1 h a b it.Tom,a g ove rn m e n t of f ic e r,sa id in a m e e tin g.Th e n e w rul e s a l so pl a n to

15、 h e l p 2 2 kid s.Th e y wil l m a ke th e sc h ool s se rve b re a kf a st a n dl un c h to a l l 2 3 f or f re e.Th e g ove rn m e n t sa y s th a t wil l h e l p f e e d a b out m il l ion s of kid sin 2 2 0 0 0 sc h ool s.Th e rul e s wil l h e l p ke e p 2 4 on wa y s to b uil d sta n d a rd s

16、(标准)f or f ood s.“Ob e sity ra te s(肥胖)a m on g c h il d re n in th e US h a ve d roppe d g re a tl y ove r th e l a st 1 0 y e a rs.Th ism e a n s th a t a t l e a st f or kid s,we c a n d o som e th in g h e l pf ul to _Th a tJ s wh y we c om e up with th e rul e,“Tom sa id.2 5 _ th e m f rom b e

17、c om in g too f a r.1 6.A.e x pe n siveB.un h e a l th yC.c h e a p1 7.A.b ooksB.f ood sC.rul e s1 8.A.ta ke a wa yB.e a t upc.run out1 9.A.b igB.sm a l lc.n e w2 0.A.l e a rnB.workc.pl a y2 1.A.e a tin gB.sin g in gc.workin g2 2.A.c l e ve rB.poorc.y oun g2 3.A.te a c h e rsB.stud e n tsc.worke rs2

18、 4.A.c om pa n ie sB.f a m il ie sc.sc h ool s2 5.A.l e a rnB.stopc.l e a vevn、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)阅读(A)(B)两篇短文,从所给的三个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将其字母标号填入题前括号中.(A)Ca m pin g h a s a l wa y s b e e n th e b e st wa y 1 kn ow to b e outsid e.Wh e th e r y ou pre f e r to b e in th e wood sm oun ta in s,or swim m in g in

19、 th e rive r,c a m pin g is won d e rf ul.Be f ore y ou just ta ke of f a n d g o th e re a re a f e w th in g s y ou sh oul d kn ow a b out b e f ore y ou l e a ve.First of a l l y ou 1 1 n e e d y our b oots,a te n t a n d of c ourse a b a c kpa c k.Th e rig h t b oots a re a nim porta n t th in g

20、 th a t y ou 1 1 n e e d.Pa c ks c om e in a l l d if f e re n t siz e s.For ove r a we e k y ou wil ln e e d a t l e a st a 6,0 0 0-in c h pa c k.Your te n t sh oul d h a ve th e m a in te n t,th e ra in f l y(防水布),a l on gwith th e support(支撑)pol e s(柱,杆),a n d th e se h ol d up y our te n t.You s

21、h oul d a l so b rin g a l on ga pie c e of g roun d c l oth.Th is is a pie c e of pl a stic th a t g oe s un d e r y our te n t.It c a n ke e p y ourte n t d ry a n d c l e a n f rom th e g roun d.Durin g th e c a m pin g,a l wa y s re m e m b e r to ke e p y our th in g s d ry a n d ke e p th e m

22、in a z ip l oc k b a g.Usef ire s on l y wh e n y ou m ust.Fire s sc a r th e l a n d.If y ou d o use a f ire m a ke sure to use it in th ef ire rin g s if possib l e.Ke e p n oise l e ve l d own.Th is wa y y ou 1 1 h a ve m ore of a c h a n c e to se e wil d l if e.Al wa y s re m e m b e r th a t h

23、 ikin g is d e pe n d in g on y our pe rson a l h e a l th.Ne ve r b e a f ra id to a sk y ourh ikin g pa rtn e rs to stop f or a b re a k.It s im porta n t.Fin a l l y,ke e p y our c a m e ra c l ose b y.Ma ke sure y ou d on,t m iss out on th e n a tura l won d e rs.You,1 1e n joy th e m l a te r.I

24、t s sim pl y g re a t f un to g o on c a m pin g!2 6.Th e write r th in ks th e b e st wa y to b e outsid e isA.c a m pin gB.c l im b in g m oun ta in sC.swim m in g in th e rive r2 7.Th e se c on d pa ra g ra ph is m a in l y a b outA.g e ttin g re a d y f or th e trip B.th e rig h t b oots a n d p

25、a c ksC.ke e pin g y our te n t d ryC.2 9.Durin gth e c a m pin g,wh y d o pe opl e try n ot to use a f ire?support pol e sA.Be c a use it c a n d e stroy th e l a n d.B.b e c a use th e y d on,t h a ve th e f ire rin g s.C.Be c a use th e sm oke is b a d f or th e ir h e a l th.30.The underlined wo

26、rd“wildlife“may be .A.flowers B.animals C.stars(B)While smog(雾霾)is a problem in many of the world s cities,few have it as bad as china.Mostof last year,the air around Beijing was polluted.And the people of Harbin,in Northeast China,have not had it easy either.On days in winter,when air was really di

27、rty,people couldn,t evensee across streets and airplanes have a hard time landing.The problem is so serious that it has caused different ways to deal with the smog.The most usualway is wearing face mask(口罩)that almost no city people leaves home without them.There arealso different kinds of air purif

28、iers(净化器).Scientists are trying to clean the air usingartificial(人工的)rain.The best way to control smog would be cutting emissions(排放).The government of China decidedto do something to fight against the pollution that is becoming a serious health problem for itspeople.They have shut down some factori

29、es.They stop cars from going into cities like Beijing,on days when there is much smog.They have also planned to spend as much as 3 trillion yuan fightingagainst smog.But the fact is that is not effective enough to stop the smog and allow people to experience abright sun.The right thing officials sho

30、uld do is:clean up China s cities the old way 一 Bycutting down emissions.31.On days,people couldn,t across the streets in Harbin because .A.it s too snowy B.it s too cloudy C.the air is too dirty32.The second paragraph talks about ways to fight against the smog.A.two B.three C.four33.What does the w

31、riter mainly tell us in the third paragraph?A.The government is trying to cut down emissionsB.The government has shut down some factories.C.The government stops cars going into the big cities34.The underlined word“effective“in the last paragraph means .A.expensive B.difficult C.useful35.WhatJ s the

32、best title of the passage?A.Cutting down Emissions.B.The Dirty Air in BeijingC.Heavy Smog in Harbin(C)Today I Ate A Rainbow is a useful game about our health.It makes eating a rainbow of fruits andvegetables fun for kids!In the game teachers or parents use a colorful rainbow(彩虹)chart and bright colo

33、red magnets(磁铁).They known about the fruits and vegetables they eat the whole day.“Sometimes it can be really difficult to get children to eat their fruits and vegetables.SaysMrs.Welles,“My little son is weak but he doesn t like fruits and vegetables.He likes to eatjunk food.I think this chart can h

34、elp him know about his intake of fruits and vegetables.I msure the idea can work well.Fruits and vegetables have vitamins,minerals and nutrients.Many nutrients give fruits andvegetables their bright color the brighter the better!The chart is made up of these importantcolor groups:Red,Orange,Yellow,G

35、reen and Indigo.The different bright colors show the differentnutrients that each fruit or vegetable has.So we can use the rainbow colors as a guide to knowwhat we should eat today.根据短文内容回答问题36.What is Today I Ate A Rainbow according to this passage?37.How many parts is the game made of?38.What does

36、 Mrs.Welles,son like to eat?39.What colors are there in the color groups of the chart?40.What can we use the rainbow colors to do?皿、阅读短文,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内选择正确选项还原到文中,是短文意思通顺、结 构 完 整(每 小 题1分,共5分)Chi Zhen,an 18-year-old student in Seville,Spain,used his camera to tell the story of two girls living next d

37、oor.The photos went online 41In the photos,Anna Maria,a fat Spanish girl,is watching TV,42 says Chi.She loves watching TV somuch that she just eats fast food in front of her computer every day.Anna Maria hardly ever goes out because she thinks shes not beautiful and doesnt know how to communicate wi

38、thothers.She blames luck.Im not as lucky as Veronica,she often says.43.Veronica,the lucky girl next door,has taught herself four foreign languages and traveled to manyplaces.She often goes to the library and her knowledge and experience help her take part in any conversation andbecome the center of

39、attention.44.They stay in their little circles,always complaining about their luck,yet never changing it.“They say maybe I will do it in my next life,but they are in their 20s,their best time.45?Chi says.A.She spends most of her time in front of her computer.B.How can they give up hope and accept th

40、is as their lifeC.But she doesnt know that while shes wasting time watching TV dramasD.Comments on the photos show that the two girls future is in their own handsE.Chi thinks Maria is similar to many of his Chinese friends who study abroadIX、阅读短文,从方框中选择合适的词并用其适当形式填空,每空一词,每词限用一次.(每小题1分,共10分)consider

41、among especial hometown for childhood honest since borrow ownHave you heard of a living library?Your answer is probably“No”.There is such a library inmy 46 Beijing.It opened on December 24,2011.In a living library,readers can 47 and return books as they do in a normal one,but the“books“in it are rea

42、l people.They share their stories and ideas with readers.Some storiesare even about their 48.Many people like spending time there,49 on weekends.“From here we get to know people with stories to share and also to understand who they are andthe way they live,“said Li Xingning,owner of the living libra

43、ry.50 I was a littlechild,I have always dreamed of being a librarian.Now I have 51 a library.”52 the“living books,“a man named Yu Shi is a street singer.He used to live a vagabond(流浪汉)life 53 nine months.He made a living by singing in the street.“To be 54,I really like the job.I m 55 starting a libr

44、ary like this in my hometownsoon.said Li.X、书面表达(共10分)56.根据下面的英文提示,适当拓展,写一篇7 0 词左右的短文,介绍你喜欢的书籍或音乐.What kind of books/music do you like?Why?Brief(简明的)introduction about the book/music.What do you know about the writer/singer?Have you met him/her?答案与解析听力部分(共 2 0 分)I、听对话,选择内容与之相符的图片.(每小题1 分,共 5 分)1.A.B.

45、C.2.A.B.C.3.A.B.C.4.A.B.C.5.A.B.C.II、听句子,从下面各题所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最佳答语.(每小题1 分,共 5 分)6.A.Ac tion m ovie s.B.History b ooks.C.Coun try m usic.7.A.8,844.43 m e te rs h ig h.B.1,0 2 5 m e te rs d e e p.C.6,671 m e te rs l on g.8.A.Ye s,I h a ve.B.Ye s,I d o.C.Ye s,I wil l.9.A.Me,too.B.Me,n e ith e r.C.Ce r

46、ta in l y.1 0.A.It s in te re stin g.B.I b oug h t it 3 y e a rs a g o.C.Of c ourse,I c a n.m、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、c、三个选项中选出最佳答案.(每小题1 分,共 5 分)1 1.How l on g h a sn,t Bil l se e n Rose?A.For a f e w d a y s.B.For a f e w we e ks.C.For a f e w y e a rs.1 2.Wh a t is Rose b usy with?A.Il e r trip pl a n.B.

47、He r h ouse work.C.Il e r sc h ool e x a m.1 3.Wh a t woul d rose l ike to d o f or voc a tion?A.Go h ikin g.B.Go f ish in g.C.Go to th e b e a c h.1 4.Wh a t d oe s Rose th in k of Bil l s sug g e stion a b out c a m pin g?A.Won d e rf ul.B.Cra z y.C.Stra n g e.1 5.Wh a t wil l Bil l d o in th e e

48、n d?A.Do h is sc h ool work.B.Go with Rose.C.Go to th e b e a c h.IV、听短文,填表格,每空一词.(每小题1分,共5分)Mr.Bl a c k,Mrs.Bl a c k a n d th e ir 1 6.visite d Ch in a l a st sum m e r.Th e y we n t th e re 1 7.pl a n e.Mr.Bl a c k 1 8.th re e pl a n e tic ke ts a we e k a g o.Th e pl a n e took of f a t 6:0 0 a m

49、 on 1 9.1 4th.Th e y we re tire d b ut 2 0.wh e n th e y a rrive d in Be ijin g.笔试部分(共80分)V、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1 .Are y ou g oin g to se e th e m ovie with us ton ig h t?No,.A.I h a ve n t se e n th e f il m B.I wil l g o with y ouC.I h a ve a l re a d y se e n th e f il m【答案】C【解析】句意:-今天晚上你打算和我们一起去看电影吗

50、?-不,我已经看过这部电影了.A 选项意为:我没有看过这部电影;B 选项意为:我会和你一起去;C选项意为:我已经看过这部电影了.根据答语中的N。可知,这里是拒绝去看电影,故应选C.2.1 w o n t ar r i v e at s c h o o l o n t i m e m y f at h e r g i v e s m e a r i d e.A.i fB.w h e n C.u n l e s s【答案】C【解析】句意:除非我的爸爸送我一程,否则我不会按时到达学校.i f 如果,引导条件状语从句;w h e n 当时候,引导时间状语从句;unless除非,如果不,引导条件状语从句


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