1、国务院工作规则(2023)Working Rules of the State Council (2023)制定机关:国务院发文字号:国发20237号公布日期:2023. 03. 18施行日期:2023.03. 18效力位阶:国务院规范性文件法规类别:机关工作综合规定Issuing Authority :State CouncilDocument Number : No. 7 2023 of the State CouncilDate Issued : 03-18-2023Effective Date : 03-18-2023Level of Authority : Regulatory Do
2、cuments of the State Council国务院关于印发国务院工作 规则的通知Area of Law : General Provisions on Government AffairsNotice by the State Council of Issuing the Working Rules of the State Council(No. 7 2023 of the State Council)Peoples governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly unde
3、r the Central Government; all ministries and commissions of the State Council; and all institutions directly under the State Council:The Working Rules of the State Council, as adopted at the first plenary meeting of the State Council on March 17, 2023, are hereby issued.(国发(2023) 7号)各省、自治区、直辖市人民政 府,
4、国务院各部委、各直属机 构:国务院工作规则已经2023 年3月17日召开的国务院第1 次全体会议通过,现予印发。国务院State CouncilMarch 18, 20232023年3月18日principle. If attendance is impossible under special circumstances, the procedures for asking for leave shall be performed, and the General Office of the State Council shall report to the person presiding
5、 over the meeting for approval.25. The working meetings held by the State Council and all departments shall be subject to strict approval according to the relevant provisions. According to the principle of pragmatism and efficiency, the number shall be reduced, the size and time shall be controlled,
6、 the scope of attendees shall be reasonably determined, and the number of onlookers shall be decreased. Generally, a leader of the State Council shall not attend a working meeting of a department, unless the leader of the State Council concurrently serving as the person in charge of the department a
7、ttends the working meeting.When all the departments of the State Council hold a national meeting or an important event, the lead department shall formally file a request for instructions with the State Council ten working days in advance, and the General Office of the State Council shall report to t
8、he leaders of the State Council for examination, and achieve implementation after obtaining approval in accordance with relevant provisions.The persons in charge of the peoples governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall not be invited
9、 to attend a national meeting held by all departments without approval obtained in accordance with relevant provisions. National meetings in the form of encrypted teleconference or videoconference shall be advocated, national meetings shall not be held at lower levels, and any national meeting held
10、at or below the provincial level shall be subject to approval in accordance with relevant provisions. Various meetings shall be sufficiently prepared and have strict discipline, so as to improve efficiency and quality.International meetings, forums, celebrations, feasts, and other activities shall b
11、e strictly controlled and regulated. The funds for various meeting activities shall be incorporated into the budget management.不应请假。如有特殊情况不能 参加的,要履行请假手续,由 国务院办公厅报会议主持人审 批。二十五、国务院及各部门 召开的工作会议,按照有关规 定严格审批。要本着务实高效 的原则,减少数量,控制规模 和时间,合理确定参会人员范 围,减少陪会。国务院领导同 志一般不出席部门的工作会 议,兼任部门负责同志的参加 本部门会议除外。国务院各部门召开全国性会
12、议 和举行重要活动,主办部门应 提前10个工作日正式向国务 院报送请示,由国务院办公厅 报国务院领导同志审核,并按 有关规定报经批准后实施。国务院各部门召开的全国性会 议,未按有关规定报经批准, 不得请省、自治区、直辖市人 民政府负责人出席。全国性会 议提倡采用加密电视电话会 议、网络视频会议形式,一般 不越级召开,凡召开到省以下 的须按有关规定报经批准。各 类会议都要充分准备,严肃会 风会纪,提高效率和质量。严格控制和规范国际会议、论 坛、庆典、节会等活动。各类 会议活动经费要纳入预算管 理。二十六、国务院建立学习 制度,一般两个月安排一次专26. The State Council sha
13、ll establish a study system and generally arrange thematic study every two months, and the study activities shall be presided over by the premier andparticipated in by the leaders of the State Council and the persons in charge of various departments and entities. The theme of study shall be determin
14、ed by the premier, with a focus on the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinpings important speeches, instructions, and requirements and the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, in order to enhance knowledge, sk川s, and the capability to perform duties;
15、and the study shall be in the form of self-study, exchanges, and group discussions among leaders and arranging for persons in charge of departments to report or invite experts to give lectures, among others. The members of the State Council shall set an example in strengthening study, and the State
16、Council and all departments shall build study- oriented government agencies.Chapter VI Processing of Official Documents27. All regions and all departments shall submit official documents to the State Council under the Regulation on Party and Government Agencies Processing Official Documents and in s
17、trict accordance with submission rules and procedures. A submission shall be necessary and with the aim of producing actual effect; without approval, submission by skipping the direct superior shall not be made, and a submission to more than one superior shall not be made; and in terms of requests f
18、or instructions, a submission shall contain only one request, and a report shall not contain requests for instructions. Except for the matters as authorized by the leaders of the State Council for handling or the top secrets that must be submitted directly to the leaders of the State Council, no off
19、icial document may be submitted directly to any of the leaders of the State Council in general.If a document whose submission for deliberation by the CPC Central Committee is proposed, or whose submission is made for joint issuance by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, mainly involves
20、government duties, and the leading drafting department is that of the State Council, the document shall, according the relevant provisions issued by the CPC Central Committee, be submitted to the State Council to follow relevant examination procedures.题学习,学习活动由总理主 持,国务院领导同志及各部 门、单位负责人参加。学习主 题由总理确定,重
21、点围绕贯彻 落实习近平总书记重要讲话、 指示要求和党中央、国务院决 策部署,增强知识本领、提升 履职能力;学习采取领导同志 自学交流、集体研讨,安排部 门负责人汇报或邀请专家作讲 座等多种形式开展。国务院组 成人员要做加强学习的表率, 国务院及各部门要建设学习型 机关。第六章公文处理二十七、各地区、各部门 向国务院报送公文,应当符合 党政机关公文处理工作条 例的规定,严格遵循行文规 则和程序。行文应当确有必 要,讲求实效;未经批准不得 越级行文,不得多头报文;请 示应当一文一事,报告不得夹 带请示事项。除国务院领导同 志交办事项和必须直接报送的 绝密级事项外,一般不得直接 向国务院领导同志个人
22、报送公 文。拟提请党中央审议或提请以党 中央、国务院名义联合发文的 文件稿,内容主要涉及政府职 责且牵头起草部门为国务院部 门的,应依照中央有关规定, 先报国务院履行相关审核程 序。二十八、国务院各部门起 草法律草案、行政法规草案、28. When drafting bills, drafts of administrative regulations, departmental regulations, regulatory documents, and official documents submitting major matters for research and decision
23、by State Council, each department of the State Council must comply with the legal, scientific, and democratic decision-making procedures, conduct in-depth investigations and research, and assess and demonstrate legality, necessity, scientificity, feasibility, and consistency of orientation between m
24、acro policies; if any region or department is involved, request comments in advance; and if major public interests and public rights and interests are involved, and social stability problems are likely to be caused, listen to the opinions of all parties by various means and assess social stability r
25、isk. Each department of the State Council shall request public comments on drafts of administrative regulations and departmental rules other than those required by law to be kept secret and fully assess and prudently decide on important matters of relatively considerable controversy.29. If any offic
26、ial document submitted by any department to the State Council for instructions involves the functions and powers of other departments, the said department shall take the initiative in fully consulting with the relevant departments, and the major person-in-charge of the department that handles the is
27、sue shall sign the official document with the persons-in-charge of the relevant departments or jointly report the official document to the State Council for examination and approval. If the departments differ in opinions, the persons in charge of the departments shall have closer consultations; and
28、if the difference subsists upon consultation, the department shall enumerate the opinions and grounds of the departments, and put forward a resolution proposal.When a department requests comments from another or countersigns a document with another, a reply shall be made generally within seven worki
29、ng days unless otherwise required by the department; and if a reply cannot be made within the period for special circumstances, the other department shall voluntarily communicate with the department and agree on a time limit and mode of reply, and a failure to reply within the period shall be deemed
30、 as consent.部门规章、规范性文件,以及 提请国务院研究决定重大事项 的公文,必须遵守依法科学民 主决策程序,深入开展调查研 究,进行合法性、必要性、科 学性、可行性和宏观政策取向 一致性评估论证;涉及地方或 部门的,应当事先征求意见; 涉及重大公共利益和公众权 益、容易引发社会稳定问题 的,要采取多种形式听取各方 面意见,进行社会稳定风险评 估。行政法规和部门规章草 案,除依法需要保密的外,要 公开征求意见,对争议较大的 重要事项,应充分评估、慎重 决策。二十九、各部门报送国务 院的请示性公文,凡涉及其他 部门职权的,应主动与相关部 门充分协商,由主办部门主要 负责人与相关部门负责
31、人会签 或联合报国务院审批。部门之 间有分歧的,部门主要负责人 要加强协商;协商后仍不能取 得一致意见的,主办部门应列 明各方意见及理据,提出办理 建议。部门之间征求意见或会签文件 时,除主办部门另有时限要求 外,一般应在7个工作日内回 复;特殊情况不能按期回复 的,应主动与主办部门沟通并 商定回复时限及方式,逾期不 回复视为无不同意见。三十、对各地区、各部门 报送国务院审批的公文,国务 院办公厅要认真审核把关,提 出办理意见。涉及以国务院或30. For the official documents submitted by various regions and departments t
32、o the State Council for approval, the General Office of the State Council shall conscientiously conduct reviews and checks and put forward processing opinions. The justicedepartment of the State Council shall conduct a legality review of any administrative regulatory documents issued in the name of
33、the State Council or the General Office of the State Council or in the name of a department after being submitted for approval by the State Council. For matters on which departments differ, the leader of the State Council in charge of the lead department shall take the lead in strengthening coordina
34、tion. The deputy secretary-generals of the State Council shall assist the leaders charged with separate responsibilities of the State Council in effectively conducting coordination.Official documents and processing opinions shall be submitted for approval by the General Office of the State Council i
35、n accordance with the division of labor among the leaders of the State Council, matters involving several leaders shall be submitted for approval by other relevant leaders of the State Council as needed, and major matters shall be submitted for approval by the premier.31. The administrative regulati
36、ons formulated by, orders issued by, and bills submitted to the National Peoples Congress or to the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress by the State Council shall be signed by the premier.An official document in the name of the State Council shall be reviewed by the leader charged wi
37、th separate responsibilities of the State Council before being signed for issuance by the premier.An official document issued in the name of the General Office of the State Council shall be signed for issuance by the secretarygeneral of the State Council; and any important document shall be submitte
38、d for signature for issuance by the leader charged with separate responsibilities of the State Council or the premier.32. When formulating departmental rules and other regulatory documents, each department of the State Council shall comply with the Constitution, laws, administrative regulations, and
39、 the relevant decisions and orders of the State Council, strictly abide by statutory powers and procedures, and rigorously conduct legality reviews.者国务院办公厅名义印发行政 规范性文件、报请国务院批准 后以部门名义印发行政规范性 文件的,由国务院司法行政部 门进行合法性审核。对部门之 间有分歧的事项,分管主办部 门的国务院领导同志应牵头加 强协调。国务院副秘书长协助 国务院分管领导同志做好协调 工作。公文及办理意见由国务院办公 厅按照国务院领导同
40、志分工呈 批,涉及多位领导同志的事项 应根据需要呈送国务院其他有 关领导同志核批,重大事项报 总理审批。三十一、国务院制定的行 政法规、发布的命令、向全国 人大或全国人大常委会提出的 议案,由总理签署。以国务院名义发文,经国务院 分管领导同志审核后,由总理 签发。以国务院办公厅名义发文,一 般由国务院秘书长签发;重要 文件报国务院分管领导同志或 总理签发。三十二、国务院各部门制 定规章和规范性文件,要符合 宪法、法律、行政法规和国务 院有关决定、命令的规定,严 格遵守法定权限和程序,严格 合法性审查。涉及两个及以上部门职权范围For any matter that involves the f
41、unctions of two or moredepartments, opinions of the relevant departments shall be fully solicited. The State Council shall formulate an administrative regulation, and issue a decision or order, or the relevant departments shall jointly formulate a regulation or any other regulatory document. For imp
42、ortant public policies and major peoples livelihood matters related to public rights and interests, attracting much public attention, or highly sensitive, a request for instructions shall be made to the State Council in advance. Without the authorization of the State Council, any department of the S
43、tate Council shall not issue directive official documents to provincial governments or impose directive requirements on provincial governments in official documents.Departmental rules and local government rules shall be filed for recordation with the State Council in a timely manner in accordance wi
44、th laws and regulations, and the justice department of the State Council shall conduct reviews and regularly make a list available to the public. The regulatory documents of the departments of State Council and provincial governments shall be filed for recordation with the State Council in accordanc
45、e with relevant provisions.33. The State Council and all departments shall simplify documents and briefings. The coordination of submission of documents shall be strengthened, and the number, level, size of documents submitted shall be strictly controlled. If a matter is within the remit of a depart
46、ment, and the department shall issue a document, either alone or with another, it shall not do so in the name of the State Council or the General Office of the State Council. If a law or administrative regulation has made determinate provisions, or a document in force has made arrangements, which re
47、main applicable, no document shall be prepared and issued. The issuance of documents as ancillaries or for division of labor shall be strictly controlled. Any department of the State Council shall not require local governments, without permission, to formulate and issue ancillary documents under the
48、 guise of compliance, implementation, supervisory inspection, and assessment, among others. In principle, a division of labor shall be issued together with the document and shall not be issued separately. In principle, each department shall submit only one type of briefings to the State Council. A d
49、ocument or briefing without substantial content shall not be issued.的事项,要充分听取相关部门 的意见,并由国务院制定行政 法规、发布决定或命令,或由 有关部门联合制定规章或规范 性文件。其中,涉及公众权 益、社会关注度高、敏感性强 的重要公共政策、重大民生事 项等,应当事先请示国务院。 未经国务院授权,国务院各部 门不得向省级政府发布指令性 公文或者在公文中向省级政府 提出指令性要求。部门规章和地方政府规章应当 依法依规及时报国务院备案, 由国务院司法行政部门审查并 定期向社会公布目录。国务院 部门和省级政府规范性文件应 依照有关规定报国务院备案。三十三、国务院及各部门 要精简文件简报。加强发文统 筹,从严控制发文数量、发文 规格和文件篇幅。属部门职权 范围内事务、应由部门自行发 文或联合发文的,不以国务院 或国务院办公厅名义发文。凡 法律、行政法规已作出明确规 定、现行文件已有部署且仍然