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1、新 视 野 第 三 册 第 八 单 元 新 视 野 第 三 册 第 八 单 元 Unit 8Section A Legal and Moral Implications of Cloning1.Pre-reading1.1 Background informationCloning:The process of making a genetically identical organism throughnonsexual means.DNA:(deoxyribonucleic acid 脱 氧 核 糖 核 酸)the chemical at the center of thecells of

2、 living things which controls the structure and purpose of each celland carries genetic information during reproduction.1.2 Topic-related video1.3 Topic-related discussion2.While-reading2.1 Global reading2.1.1 Understand the major details of the text1.Could a cloned child share personality character

3、istics with the original?No,a cloned child and original could only resemble in appearance.2.How would a child feel if he were to be used as an organ donor.He would be psychologically hurt.3.What is the gravest concern about human cloning for society?The creation of a new and disrespected social clas

4、s:the clones.2.1.2 Understand organization of the text(五 号 字,斜 体)1)Main idea of the textThe essay focuses on one central theme:the legal and moral implications ofcloning.It lists a number of questions about the legal and moral implicationsthat arise from cloning and provides answers to those questio

5、ns from up-to-date knowledge.2)Text structure analysisPart 1(Para.1)With the success of cloning an adult mammal,the world wassuddenly brought into the reality of human cloning.Part 2(Paras.2-3)This part is about the world,s strong and immediateresponses in the wake of Wilmut*s announcement.Part 3(Pa

6、ras.4-18)This part offers complete or partial answers,from theup-to-date knowledge,to the six questions on the legal and moral implicationsof cloning.Part 4(Para.19)This part is intended to reaffirm the authorJ s opinion that,although the list of questions could go on,people are just beginning towon

7、der about the future of the world after cloning.2.2.1 Words and phrases1)Implication记 者 们 讨 论 了 这 场 战 争 的 政 治 含 义。The journalists discussedthe political implications of the war.(n.sth.that is suggested;sth.thatis not openly stated)他 被 怀 疑 涉 嫌 几 桩 盗 窃 案。He was suspected of implication in severalrobbe

8、ries.(involving or bring involved,esp.in a crime)温 故 知 新:A succession of scientific studies of animals implies that physical activityhas a positive effect on mental functioning.(Unit2-B,Book three)对 动 物 的 一 系 列 科 学 研 究 表 明,体 育 活 动 对 智 力 的 发 挥 有 积 极 的 作 用。2)in the wake of(L.6)继 丑 闻 事 件 后 总 统 递 交 了 辞

9、呈。The president submitted resignation in the wakeof a scandal,(coming after or following)3)draft(L.6)Thousands of young Americans 被 征 召 入 伍 去 越 南 参 战。were draftedto fight in the war in Vietnam,(v.engage someone to enter the army)她 正 忙 着 为 下 周 的 会 议 起 草 讲 稿。She,s busy drafting her speech for nextweek

10、 s conference.我 写 好 了 星 期 一 开 会 演 讲 的 初 稿。Ive made a first draft ofmy speech for Friday,(n.a preliminary written version of sth)必 须 用 银 行 支 票 付 款。Payment must be made by bank draft.(n.支 票)4)prohibit(L.9)The government introduced a law.禁 止 在 电 视 上 做 香 烟 广 告。prohibiting tobacco advertisements on TV.(v

11、.forbid,esp,by law,or preventby making impossible)5)split(L.12)美 国 在 1994年 成 功 地 是 原 子 产 生 裂 变,The American successfully split the atomin end)老 师 把 学 生 分 成 三 组。The teacher split the children into three groups,(v.separate or divide into groups or parties)雨 水 通 过 墙 上 的 裂 缝 渗 透 进 来。Rain was getting in

12、through a split in thewall.(n.splitting;division or separation resulting from splitting)关 于 政 策 的 争 论 引 起 党 内 的 分 裂。Argument over policy led to a split in theparty.6)mount(L.14)生 活 费 用 在 稳 步 上 升。The cost of living is mounting steadily.(increase inamount or degree)这 老 妇 人 正 在 艰 难 地 上 楼 梯。The old lady

13、 mounted the stairswith difficulty,(go up or onto)这 图 书 馆 正 在 筹 备 一 次 城 市 旧 照 片 的 展 览。The library is mounting a display ofold photographs of the city.(prepare and produce;organize)7)resemble(L.32)他 长 得 不 好 看,不 像 他 母 亲。He was not beautiful;he did not resemble hismother,(v.look or be alike;be similar,

14、esp.in appearance)8)get around(L.50)为 了 解 决 这 个 问 题,政 府 制 定 了 一 条 新 的 法 令。The administration got aroundthis problem by introducing a new law.(v.overcome)词 语 辨 析:If we can these difficulties,we 11 be able to discuss the reallyimportant points.A)get over B)get around C)get on D)get off9)code(L.51)这 些

15、罪 犯 能 够 找 到 破 译 计 算 机 密 码 的 方 法,These criminals can find ways to breakcomputer(n.密 码)a code of practice专 业 守 则(n.守 则;法 则;法 典)the Highway Code 公 路 法 则 a civil/criminal code 民 法/刑 法 法 典 产 品 定 单 应 该 按 产 品 法 往 地 编 码。Product orders should be coded according towhen they will be shipped.(v.translate into a

16、 code;encode)10)refer to(L.54)科 学 家 把 这 一 发 现 称 为 这 一 领 域 里 最 令 人 激 动 的 进 展。The scientists referred tothe discovery as the most exciting new development in this field.(use aparticular word,expression,or name to mention or describe sb/sth)在 她 的 自 传 中,她 常 提 到 她 不 愉 快 的 在 校 生 活。In her autobiography she

17、 oftenrefers to her unhappy schooldays.(talk about a particular subject or person)如 果 你 查 一 下 词 典,很 容 易 可 以 找 到 这 个 词 的 含 义。If you refer to thedictionary,you will easily find the meaning of the word.(go to sb./sth.orlook at sth.for information)地 方 法 院 把 此 案 提 交 给 高 等 法 院 审 理。The local court has refe

18、rred the case tothe Highcourt.(direct sb./sth.to sb./sth.for help or to be dealt with.)11)deliberate(L.65)这 次 演 讲 是 蓄 意 使 政 府 难 堪。The speech was a deliberate attempt to embarrassthe government,(a.planned)他 对 他 所 说 的 每 件 事 情 都 很 慎 重。He was deliberate in everything he said.(a.moving,acting or thinking

19、 slowly and usu.carefully).我 思 考 了 整 个 早 上,我 仍 然 不 能 决 定 该 如 何 办。r ve been deliberating allmorning and I still can,t decide what to do.(v.think or talk seriously andcarefully about)12)be concerned about/over(L.67)你 为 何 如 此 关 心 男 孩 的 安 全?Why are you so concerned about the boy s safety?(give one9 s at

20、tention to or worry about)13)comparable(L.68)类 似 的 汽 车 在 国 外 要 贵 得 多。A comparable car would cost far more abroad.务 农 者 应 得 到 与 城 里 人 相 当 的 收 入。Farmers were meant to get an incomecomparable to that of town people.词 语 搭 配:be comparable to/with:可 与 相 比 词 语 辨 析:After a lifetime of poverty,his last few y

21、ears were spent in_ comfort.A)comparable B)compared C)competitive D)comparative(Key:D)14)debate(L.70)当 局 就 是 否 要 建 个 新 的 停 车 场 展 开 讨 论。The authorities debated whether tobuild a new car park.(v.discuss seriously on a subject with many peopletaking part)教 育 是 当 今 公 众 讨 论 的 焦 点。Education is the current

22、 focus of public debate.(n.a serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part)2.2.2 Sentence patterns(五 号 字,斜 体)1.Typical patterns for advancing one9 s arguments原 句:“One should always respect one s ancestors,she says,aregardlessof what they did to bring one into the world”.(L.59)“不 论 他

23、 们 用 什 么 方 式 将 你 带 到 这 个 世 界,”她 说,“人 总 得 尊 敬 自 己 的 祖 先。”提 炼:Sb.should always do sth.regardless of what/how.一 个 人 必 须.无 论。应 用:不 管 在 这 儿 干 了 多 久,每 个 人 得 到 的 都 一 样。Everybody should receive the same,regardless of how long they ve workedhere.2.Typical patterns for comparison and contrast原 句:One expert be

24、lieves the situation could be comparable to what occurredin the 16th century.(L.有 位 专 家 相 信,这 一 情 形 类 似 于 16世 纪 时 的 一 种 情 况。提 炼:Sb.believes sth./sb.could(couldn,t)be comparable to sth./sb.else.某 人 认 为 某 人/某 物 类 似 于 另 一 人/物(不 同 于 另 一 人/物)。应 用:一 些 人 认 为 这 样 的 薪 水 或 许 会 和 这 一 地 区 的 其 他 工 匠 得 到 的 薪 水 差

25、不 多 甚 至 略 高 一 些。Some people thinks such a wage would have been comparable to or evenslightly better than that paid to other craftsmen in the area.3.Post-reading3.1 Useful expressions1)适 用 于 work for2)活 跃 起 来 come to life3)随 着,紧 跟 着 in the wake of4)为 提 供 provide for5)与 一 模 一 样 be identical to/with6)提

26、 及;查 阅 refer to7)不 管,不 顾 regardless of8)可 于 相 比 be comparable to/with9)担 心,担 忧 be concerned about/over10)生 孩 子;造 成 give birth to3.2 Summary writingDo we need to draft ways to(1)between science fact and sciencefiction?Or do we need guidelines to sort out the legal and moral(2)of cloning?Should we(3)a

27、ll human cloning in the world?It s all new to us.(4)the past we wondered at the Theory ofRelativity.What about the(5)of particles we call atoms?And then,the marvels(奇 迹)of the first space flight.The questions keep(6)up.There are many ideas to be sorted out.Among these two mainparts or categories are

28、:the(7)of organs for children at thetime of birth and the cloning of yourself.The type of genetic information(8)comes from several areas.First,there are the egg cells.With thispart,there is the center or(9)of cells containing DNA,which is aribbon-like molecule.It holds the knowledge that is needed i

29、n geneticresearch.This leads to the next level or(1 0)up in medical research.Key:1 distinguish 2 implications 3 prohibit 4 In 5 splitting6 mounting 7 transplanting 8produced 9 nucleus 10 step3.3 WritingTry to write the composition with a general statement or a questionsupported by a list of reasons,

30、facts,ideas or even possibilities.互 联 网 为 何 越 来 越 流 行?1.互 联 网 越 来 越 流 行。2 互 联 网 越 来 越 流 行 的 原 因。Why is Internet getting so popular?With the arrival of the knowledge economy age,Internet,as a new media,hascome into our life.Nowadays,getting on line and surfing the Internet forinformation has become p

31、opular in China,especially among college students andteachers.Why is Internet getting so popular in such a short time?The popularity of Internet results from its great convenience and easyaccessibility to information.Thanks to the Internet,a world of informationis just a click away.E-mail is another

32、 contributing factor to its popularity.It can transmit your letter quickly,safely and accurately.Besides,Internethas some other uses.Doctors may use it to diagnose and treat their patientsby discussing or exchanging experiences with doctors in other parts of theworld.Students may obtain new knowledg

33、e from a national long-distanceeducational system via Internet.Finally,businessman can conduct E-commerceor E-business on the net.With so many uses and advantages,there is no doubt more and more peoplewill be wired to the Internet-the information expressway.In short,with itshigh speed and efficiency

34、,Internet will be more popular in China in the nearfuture.3.4 Assignments1)Finish all the exercises related to Section A of Unit8.2)Preview Section B,including reading skills,the passage and the relatedexercises.3)Oral exercise:paragraph recitationSection Who Will Take Advantage of Human Cloning?1.R

35、eading skill1.1 Identifying the Writer?s Purpose(II)Reading effectively means recognizing the authory s purpose.There are someclues that can help you identify what kind of writing you re dealing with.Now let s have a short analysis of Passage A to see if the text isinformational,persuasive,or entert

36、aining.The title suggests that the text attempts to present a picture of-Legaland Moral Implications of Cloning I I.This piece of evidence shows that the text is intended to be informational:helping us to understand the question:what are the legal and moralimplications of cloning.The text begins wit

37、h a piece of news:At first it was just plainsurprising.Word last week I I.This is another piece of evidence to show thetext is informational.After the first three paragraphs(please notice they are facts instead ofopinions from the author),six questionsthey are concerns of common people-are raised an

38、d answered,focusing on the implications of cloning.In raising and answering the questions,one prominent feature is that thesubjunctive mood is used frequently.This demonstrates that they are predictions rather than judgments orconclusions since,as we know,the subjunctive mood is seldom used in judgm

39、entor conclusion.Nor is it used in persuasion,unless out of politeness.Therefore,with the above in view,we say that the text is informational.1.3 Text reading1)preface(L.4)这 一 偶 然 事 件 成 了 一 项 重 大 科 学 发 现 的 开 端。The accident was the preface to agreat scientific discovery,(n.an action that is intended

40、to introduce sth.else more important)序 言 对 全 书 内 容 作 了 一 个 概 述。The preface gave an overview of the book,scontents,(n.前 言,概 述)演 讲 者 讲 了 一 个 笑 话,作 为 开 场 白。The speaker prefaced her remarks with ajoke.(vt.provide with a preface)2)constitute(L.10)美 国 的 妇 女 解 放 运 动 肯 定 对 美 国 的 男 性 构 成 了 威 胁。The American W

41、omen s Movementcertainly constituted a challenge to the American male.(v.be or beconsidered)未 满 18岁 的 少 年 占 镇 上 人 口 总 数 的 近 25%。The under-18s constitute nearly 25%ofthe towns population,(v.form or make)词 组 辨 析 Women a high proportion of part-time workers.A)constitute B)is composed of C)consist of D)

42、be made up of(Key:A)3)be applicable to(L.13)我 们 试 图 找 到 一 个 适 用 于 这 个 问 题 的 解 决 办 法。We try to find a solution that isapplicable to theproblem.(be suitable for)4)make sense(L.15)买 大 包 装 更 合 算,因 为 大 包 装 终 究 要 便 宜 些。It makes sense to buy a large packetbecause it works out cheaper in the end.(be a wise

43、course of action)5)consent(L.16)我 的 父 亲 将 永 远 也 不 会 同 意 我 们 结 婚。My father will never give his consent toour marriage,(n.agreement)房 主 不 会 同 意 我 们 对 房 子 的 结 构 作 任 何 改 动。The owner wouldn,t consent to ourmaking any change in the structure of the flat.(vi.give one s agreement)6)reflection(L.19)想 一 会 儿 你

44、 就 会 明 白 自 己 错 了。A momentJ s reflection will show you that youare wrong.(n.thought or idea of past events)由 于 光 的 反 射 月 亮 看 上 去 很 亮。The moon looks bright because of the reflectionof light,(n.reflecting or sth.reflected,esp.an image in a mirror)这 首 诗 反 映 了 我 当 时 的 心 情。This poem is a reflection of my

45、mood at the time Iwrote it.(n.反 映)词 语 搭 配:on/upon/after reflection 考 虑 后 7)stand a chance of(L.35)我 想 你 很 可 能 会 在 聚 会 上 见 到 你 的 对 手。I think you stand a good chance ofseeing your opponents at the party.(have a chance of)8)reproduce(L.41)如 果 这 一 代 的 年 轻 女 性 没 有 开 始 生 育,人 口 不 久 就 会 下 降。If this generati

46、on ofyoung women don,t start reproducing soon there wi11 be a fall in thepopulation,(v.produce young by natural means)不 幸 的 是,这 车 的 设 计 重 复 了 先 前 车 模 的 一 些 问 题。The car design unfortunatelyreproduced some of the problems of the earlier model,(v.produce a copy ofsth.or show sth or do sth again)9)resig

47、n(L41)人 们 必 须 忍 受 生 活 水 平 的 下 降。The people must resign themselves to a reducedstandard of living,(v.be ready to accept sth)他 辞 去 了 委 员 会 主 席 的 职 务。Heresigned his position as chairman of the commission.(v.give up)词 语 搭 酉 己:resign oneself to sth:只 得 接 受 10)take a chance on我 们 将 冒 着 会 变 天 的 危 险 在 户 外 举

48、 行 这 次 聚 会。We will take a chance on theweather and have the gathering outdoors,(take a risk on)11)dispose(L.43)我 们 家 具 太 多 了,把 这 些 旧 椅 子 扔 掉 吧。We have too much furniture;let5 sdispose of these old chairs,(v.get rid of sb or sth)在 你 清 理 车 库 的 时 候 请 把 这 几 堆 旧 报 纸 处 理 掉。While you are cleaning out thega

49、rage,please dispose of those piles of old newspapers.词 语 搭 配:dispose of:摆 脱,处 理,扔 掉 12)resume(L.52)一 个 月 还 没 到,叛 军 又 开 始 了 进 攻。Less than a month later the rebels resumedtheir offensive.(v.begin again or continue after stopping for a time)他 又 在 公 司 里 干 起 了 以 前 的 那 份 工 作。He resumed his former position

50、 with thecompany.(v.return to a place or position which one has left for a period oftime)2.Revision2.1 Multiple choice1)Infections can be if not treated early enough.A)fatal B)excessiveD)exaggerated C)radical2)The government is planning t o shopkeepers from selling cigarettesto children.A)subtracted


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