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1、新 视 野 大 学 英 语 读 写 教 程 第 五 册 课 后 答 案 Unit OneSectionA III Vocabulary 1.prent 2.permeated 3.decisive 4.inherent 5.literally 6.blessing 7.literacy 8.mingled 9.distorted 10,formidable 11.precedent 12.certified Exercises on CD andweb course only:13.simulate 14.doomed 15.cloningIV 1.hunt down 2.absorbed i

2、nto 3.have access to 4.with the exception of 5.For that matter 6.Inthe absence of 7.with respect to 8.is tailored to 9.be restricted to 10.calls for 11.in largemeasure 12.ranged from Exercises on CD and web course only:13.ignorant of 14.to some extent15.filled withV Collocation 1.understanding 2.sys

3、tem 3.muscles 4.technique 5.skills 6.ability 7.film 8.insights Exercises on CD and web course only:9.imagination 10.resourcesVI Translation 1.In a world full of misinformation it is a formidable challenge for the students tolearn to identify the true,the beautiful,and the good.2.Any form of mountain

4、eering has itsinherent danger.After all,it is an adventure sport.3.The university will permit a degree ofindividual instruction and the students may receive a curriculum tailored to their needs,learningstyle and pace.4.It is said that the understanding of the genetic basis of learning will tell us w

5、hichyoungsters are likely to advance quickly and which ones seem doomed to difficult schoolexperiences.5.It has been reported that in Canada literally thousands of lakes and rivers are nolonger able to support fish or plants.6.In countries with relatively high literacy rates,books playan important p

6、art in enriching peoples lives.7.The essence of government intervention has beento limit and distort competition rather than to encourage it.8.The great cause of reform beingcarried out by Chinese people is without precedent in history.9.Practice in simulated examinationconditions must not be delaye

7、d until close to the examination time.10.People have found that thelions and wolves in the forest often hunt down live animals by cooperative efforts.VII Translation The Internets speed,vast resources,and its ability to directly communicate withothers are its greatest benefits.Because the Internet u

8、ses the quickness of computers to transmit itsdata,information can travel at tremendous speeds.Speed is not the only benefit.The Internet useshundreds of thousands of computers all connected to each other to store vast amounts ofinformation.And finally,because the Internet allows individuals to have

9、 specific electronic mailaddresses,people can easily communicate with one another.VIII Translation 1.可 能 除 了 教 会 以 外,很 少 有 机 构 做 主 管 下 一 代 正 规 教 育 的 学 校/教 育 机 构 那 样 缺 乏 变 化 了.2.来 自 过 去 的 参 观 者 一 眼 就 能 辨 认 出 现 在 的 课 堂,但 很 难 适 应 现 今 一 个 1 0 岁 孩 子 的 校 外 世 界,3.但 变 化 在 我 们 的 世 界 中 是 如 此 迅 速 和 明 确,以 至 于 学

10、 校 不 可 能 维 持 现 状 或 仅 仅 做 一 些 表 面 的 改 善 而 生 存 下 去.4.在 某 种 程 度 上,这 些 科 技 辅 助 设 施 已 被 吸 纳 到 校 园 生 活 中,尽 管 他 们 往 往 只 是 用 一 种 更 方 便,更 有 效 的 模 式 教 授 旧 课 程.5.计 算 机 将 在 一 定 程 度 上 允 许 针 对 个 人 的 授 课,这 种 授 课 形 式 以 往 只 向 有 钱 人 提 供.6.我 们 再 也 无 须 花 费 很 长 时 间 查 找 某 个 出 处 或 某 个 人 现 在 信 息 的 传 递 是 瞬 时 的.7.信 息 和 虚 假 信

11、 息 轻 易 地 混 杂 在 一 起,现 在 还 没 有 将 网 上 十 分 普 遍 的 被 歪 曲 的 事 实 和 一 派 胡 言 叮 真 实 含 义 区 分 开 来 的 可 靠 手 段.8.今 天,数 以 百 万 计 的 信 息 源 人 人 伸 手 可 及,这 种 情 况 是 史 无 前 例 的.9.一 些 权 威 人 士 坚 持 认 为 这 些 发 现 应 该 应 用 于 特 定 情 况 中,而 另 一 些 人 则 极 力 反 对 在 基 因 信 息 基 础 上 所 做 的 任 何 决 定.10.如 果 年 青 人 要 为 自 己 期 望 承 担 的 迅 速 变 换 的 角 色 作 好

12、准 备,那 么 必 须 培 养 出 新 的 和 富 于 想 像 力 的 方 法.IX Essay summary 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A XI StructuredWriting Schools have to change rapidly and radicallyto meet the demands and expectations of innumerable special interests from the changing

13、 world.Nowadays few people will remain in the same occupation for their whole lives.Many of them willmove frequently from one position and company to another.School education must enableyoungsters to educate themselves and to prepare themselves for a constantly changing jobmarket.The education that

14、was essentially designed to make sure that individuals could carry out asingle job has been seriously challenged.Besides,there is a strong demand that schools shouldpermit a degree of individual instruction to every student.Every student should receive acurriculum designed and modified according to

15、his own needs,his own learning style and his ownlearning pace.The time when all the students were working on the same materials and doing thesame drills is gone forever.Section BXIII Comprehension of the Text 1.It means as a teacher,one should make his own decisions inteaching,instead of passively f

16、ollowing others.2.It stands for the teachers inner voice,i.e.his/heropinions,ideas,etc.3.They are optimistic,thinking that being a teacher is valuable,and they areresolved to make a difference.4.Because they find that as teachers they are nothing more thanfactory workers,and the school system is bar

17、ely more than a 19th-century factory where studentscollect basic skills on an assembly line.5.Teachers,like factory workers,are busy acceptingeverything passively,therefore having no time to reflect or dream.Thus,they are unable topositively contribute to schoolings original purpose,i.e.,to nourish

18、minds and mold dreams.6.The author is trying to show the result of accepting everything passively-the teacher cannot standtall and proud;and the inspectors will believe that he is crippled,and that the suit is well-fitting.7.Because if not,they may be in trouble,or be exiled by their colleagues.8.Th

19、e tailor can be statedepartments,school superintendents,parents,principals or special interest groups.9.The result isthat teachers become busy and tired,and lose the ability to know what is truly important.10.Onlywhen the teachers act from their own voice can real improvements be made to education.X

20、IV Vocabulary 1.crippled 2.tugged 3.limped 4.affirms 5.nourishing 6.assimilating 7.nurture8.tucked 9.murmurs 10.indignant 11.staggered 12.pleading XV 1.from 2.with 3.into 4.on 5.of 6.down 7.up 8.of 9.out/in 10.with 11.up 12.about Exercises on CD and web course only:13.out 14.on 15.out Section C I.F

21、2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.T 10.Funit 2 Unit TwoII Comprehension of the Text I.Because they couldnt live longer without growing older.2.Bewas more famous for his search for the Fountain of Youth.3.They take a bath in tubs of warmmud and receive injections of monkey glands.4.Many people can reach

22、the age they are designedfor because of their being well off.5.The emphasis is on finding ways to ensure that more peopleachieve the maximum lifespan healthy conditions.6.He hated exercise and never took any.7.Because they reproduce less or dont reproduce at all.8.It can help slow down ageing.9.Oldp

23、eople would soon end up as a huge majority and the planet would have trouble supporting somany people.10.The author thinks that old age is one of the natural phenomena,and it is the lastpan of ones life.II Vocabulary 1.terminating 2.originates 3.tempted 4.afflicted 5.optimum 6.rapture 7.adhered 8.pe

24、rsistent 9.diminishing 10.despised 11.patented 12.manipulate Exercises on CD and webcourse only:13.promising 14.necessitate 15.perishIV1.searching for 2.ended up 3.in the hope of 4.looked forward to 5.hold on to 6.in time 7.well off 8.conditions 9.involved in 10.to such an extent 11.originated in 12

25、.adhered toExercises on CD and web course only:13.perished from 14.slowed down 15.handed outV Collocation 1.abilities 2.quality 3.condition 4.standard 5.system 6.chances 7.utilization 8.skills Exercises on CD and web course only:9.efficiency 10.environmentVI Translation 1.During that battle a large

26、number of men perished from hunger and thirst due tothe severe shortage of food.2.This research project bas further proved that fireworks haveoriginated in China.3.He is tempted to go there in person and check out how the accidenthappened.4.At present,people have not found an effective way to cure t

27、his disease,which is stillafflicting old people.5.The contractor must adhere to the contract and complete the importantproject on time.6.With persistent efforts,they finally settled the dispute between the two regions.7.If Party B fails in delivering goods at a given time,Party A is entitled to term

28、inate the contractand claim for any loss.8.It usually takes a week to patent ones invention.9.A clever politicianknows well how to manipulate the public opinion and take advantage of his supporters.10.Theamount of water in tile rivers and lakes will diminish as the dry season continues.VII Translati

29、on With the 21 st century coming,people have increasingly realized file importanceof acquiring round easy information.If a nation can make effective use of all the information itwill benefit In the fields of scientific research,education,economic development,etc.What thenation needs to do is to esta

30、blish a nation-wide information network,so as to link up scientists,businessmen,educators,etc.If such a network is set up,it will promote the second informationrevolution in the country.VIII Translation 1.几 千 年 来,人 们 一 直 想 要 长 寿,想 不 变 老,然 而 他 们 总 是 失 望.2.许 多 作 家 总 是 幻 想 着 有 可 以 长 命 百 岁 的 福 地,在 那 里,人

31、 们 以 各 种 办 法,多 数 是 左 道 旁 门 的 招 数,保 持 着 他 们 的 青 春 和 活 力.3.虽 然 长 寿 的 可 能 性 已 经 明 显 加 大 了,但 是 在 绝 大 多 数 有 记 载 的 历 史 时 期 内,自 然 界 赋 予 人 类 的 寿 命 并 没 有 多 大 变 化.4.即 使 主 要 从 理 论 上 探 讨,人 的 寿 命 在 写 圣 经 的 那 个 时 候 就 是 7 0 岁,到 现 在 也 没 有 增 加 多 少.5.在 出 生 后 的 第 一 年 里,婴 儿 不 再 会 大 量 死 亡,在 随 后 的 日 子 里 人 们 不 会 因 为 传 染 病

32、 或 者 像 阑 尾 破 裂 这 样 的 医 疗 问 题 而 死 亡,也 不 会 因 为 饥 饿 或 过 度 劳 累 而 死 亡.6.目 前 衰 老 研 究 的 重 点 是 寻 求 有 效 的 方 法,确 保 日 益 增 多 的 达 到 最 大 寿 限 的 人 能 够 在 最 佳 健 康 状 况 下 实 现 长 寿,而 不 是 仅 仅 在 慢 性 病 和 体 力 衰 退 的 折 磨 下 再 多 活 几 年.7.但 是,即 便 是 对 那 些 遵 循 这 些 忠 告 的 人 来 说,一 种 健 康 的 生 活 方 式 的 作 用 只 不 过 是 使 他 们 更 有 机 会 保 持 就 其 年 龄

33、 而 言 合 理 的 健 康 状 况,而 不 会 减 缓 衰 老 的 过 程.8.唯 显 示 的 确 能 延 长 臭 名 的 实 验 是 用 实 验 室 动 物 进 行 的,受 试 的 大 家 鼠 灰 色 小 家 鼠 接 受 严 格 的 饮 食 限 制.9.衰 老 过 程 是 个 复 杂 的 事 情,涉 及 到 许 多 不 同 的 基 因.但 是,人 们 即 使 不 能 消 除 衰 老,最 终 也 能 够 用 基 因 疗 法 减 缓 衰 老.10.然 而,老 年 可 以 说 是 人 生 戏 剧 中 的 最 后 一 幕,当 我 们 疲 倦 时,当 我 们 已 经 饱 尝 人 生 的 一 切 之

34、后,我 们 应 该 从 这 最 后 一 幕 中 消 失.IX Essay Summary 1.D 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B 1 l.D 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.A16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.D XII Reading Skills 1.Dr.John Andrews.(Para.3)2.They hope tocure DNA deficiency,and to fix a genetic defect that causes a severe form of blood disease.(Para.5)3.It i

35、s about injecting functioning genes into the rapidly dividing cells of embryos to replaceflawed DNA.(Para.7)4.They worry that Andrews technology would help doctors to engineerbabies for attractive traits,and interfering with genes before birth might result in serious birthdefects.(Para.7)5.In 1995 i

36、t abolished federal funding for human embryo research;it also madesuch research exempt from Federal reviews and controls.(Para.12)XIII Comprehension of the Text I.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.D XIV Vocabulary 1.threshold 2.apt 3.preview 4.premature 5.abolished 6.injected 7.rigorous 8.induced

37、 9.epidemic10.integrity 11.abortion 12.appraisal Exercises on CD and web course only:13.deficiencies 14.recipient 15.ironyXV 1.onto 2.on 3.in 4,at 5,from 6.forth 7.In 8,on 9,to 10.from 11.at 12.with Exercises onCD and web course only:13.of 14.out 15.onXII Reading Skills 1.The young people.(Para.1)2.

38、They dominated the protests against thenuclear weapons and the Vietnam War.(Para.2)3.Young people are being asked to participate indecision-making affairs.(Para.5)4.Almost every school has an elected student council,handlingschool-level issues.(Para.7)5.They are honest,and are able to force sensitiv

39、e issues out into theopen.(Para.10)XIII Comprehension of the Text 1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.D XIV Vocabulary1.threshold 2.apt 3.preview 4.premature 5.abolished 6.injected 7.rigorous 8.induced 9.epidemic 10.integrity 11.abortion 12.appraisal Exercises on CD and web course only:13.deficie

40、ncies 14.recipient 15.ironyXV 1.onto 2.on 3.in 4.at 5.from 6.forth 7.In 8.on 9.to 10.from 11.at 12.with Exercises onCD and web course only:13.of 14.out 15.onXVI Reading Sills 1.The young people(Para.1)2.They dominated the protests against thenuclear weapons and the Vietnam War(Para 2)3.Young people

41、are being asked to participate indecision making affairs.(Para 5)4.Almost every school has an elected student council,handlingschool-level issues.(Para.7)5.They are honest,and are able to force sensitive issues out into theopen.(Para 10)XVII Comprehension of the Text 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.F 8.T

42、9.F 10.Tunit3 Unit Three1.Sales promotion,advertising,personal selling and publicity.2.Business people use techniquesof sales promotion mainly in two ways:they often use a combination of these techniques;they usethese techniques as supplementary to the other three promotional activities.3.Sales prom

43、otion isto stimulate demand.4.They are applicable to both consumers and businesses.Also,they can beused with industrial selling as well as consumer products.5.Because it brings promotion to thepoint of purchase,which has been found more effective than media advertising.For example,aUS study shows th

44、at a majority of purchases in supermarkets are generated by in-store decisions.6.It helps consumers become acquainted with a new product and it also helps provide extracompetitive advantage to existing products.7.The effectiveness of sales-promotion techniquesmay be reduced or even nullified if they

45、 encounter psychological barriers on the part of shopowners and/or consumers.Sales-promotion techniques that are not consistent with the localpreferences will also be ineffective.8.From the last two paragraphs we may learn that,to makethe techniques of sales promotion effective,one must take into ac

46、count the psychological barrierson the part of both shop owners and consumers.At the same time,the techniques must beconsistent with the local preferences.9.Positive.lO.The author wrote this passage in order todiscuss various aspects of sales-promotion techniques,recommend them and advise using them

47、carefully.2.Vocabulary III I.acquainted 2.magnified 3.quota 4.slump 5.accommodating 6.collided 7.repay 8.amended 9.whereby lO.launch 11.filmed 12.expenditure Exercises on CD and webcourse only:13.stimulus 14.localities 15.enlightened IV 1.as such 2.fail under 3.enlightenedabout 4.applicable to 5.in

48、conjunction with 6.become acquainted with 7.is supplementary to 8.bring in 9.in search of 10.given away 11.in nature 12.put up Exercises on CD and web courseonly:13.collide with 14.participated in 15.be consistent withV.Collocation 1.education 2.capacity 3.knowledge 4.discussion 5.population 6.aware

49、ness 7.empire 8.operations Exercises on CD and web course only:9.links 10.programVI Translation 1.As such,the event evoked curiosity and awe in most of us.2.The techniques ofsales promotion,to work well must gain the trust of middlemen in business as well as consumers.At the same time,they should be

50、 consistent with the local preferences and customs.3.TO launchthis new product into the European market,the company gave away 10,000 free samples for thelocal consumers to try.4.As their life has been bettered,going on tours/trips out in the holidayshas become a fashionable/stylish pastime for quite


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