1、Halls Culture Context ModelHigh-contextLow-contextEdward Hallthe father of intercultural communicationloriginated the conceptslHigh-context and low-context communication refers to how much speakers rely on things lother than words to convey meaning.High-contextlmuch information is imlied linclues th
2、e situation or surrounding circumstances,lrelationships of the communicators,ltheir family background,ltitle,age,sex,education,status,lsocial networksllittle provided in the verbal message itselfLow-contextlthe majority of the information is contained in the verbal codelthe message is stated clearly
3、 and explicitly lwithout depending on the context of the communicationCommunication StyleslBackground informationlFace ConcernslNonverbal codes(不用语言的)Most of the information is either in the physical context or initialized in the person.The mass of information is vested in the explicit code.Dense,in
4、tersecting networks,long-term relationships,strong boundaries,relationship more important than task.Loose,wide networks,shorter term,compartmentalized relationships,task more important than relationship.High-context cultureHigh-context culture Low-context cultureLow-context culture The Structure of
5、RelationshipsImplicit,complicated patterns,hard to explain Explicit,consciously organized Main Type of Cultural KnowledgeRelationships depend on trust,build up slowly,and are stable.Relationships begin and end quickly.Many people can be inside ones circle;circles boundary is not clear.Things get don
6、e by relationships with people and attention to group process.Things get done by following procedures and paying attention to the goal.Ones identity is rooted in groups(family,culture,work).Ones identity is rooted in oneself and ones accomplishments.Social structure is decentralized(分散)(分散)ownHigh u
7、se of nonverbal elements;voice tone,facial expression,gestures,and eye movement carry significant parts of conversation.Message is carried more by words than by nonverbal means.Verbal message is indirect;one talks around the point.Verbal message is direct;one spells things out exactly.Communication
8、is seen as a way of exchanging information,ideas,and opinions.Communication is seen as an art form -a way of engaging someone.Disagreement is personalized(个人化)(个人化).(One is sensitive to conflict with another.Conflict must be solved or avoided before work.)Disagreement is depersonalized.(One withdraw
9、s from conflict with another and gets on with the task.Focus is on rational solutions,not personal ones.)In-groups and Out-groupslIn high-context cultureOut-groupsIn-groupsClear distinctionIntimate friends generallyCasual acquaintances generallylIn low-context culturesIn-groupsOut-groups not clear-c
10、utChanges rapidlylThe commitment is strong and deeplLoyalty to families and friendslShare a lot of unspoken rules in communication lThe extent of involvement and commitment is lowlThe bonds between people are quite fragilelTo be explicit and articulate is emphasized in communicationIn high-context c
11、ulturesIn low-context culturesOrientation to TimelIn high-context cultures Time is viewed as more open and less structured.Immediate needsTime constraints It is okay to late for 5 to 10 minuteslIn low-context cultures Time is highly organized and carefully scheduled.Immediate needsTime constraints Im sorry Im late Thank you!