1、 sleeping posture and our health 24 kinds of sleeping postureslie on your stomach(趴着睡)will be easy to droollead to arthritis or fingers numbyour heart will be oppressed and cause a dyspneamandible push out and lead to bruxism(夜间磨牙症)lie on your back(仰卧)you will put your hands on the chest unconscious
2、ly,and it will cause nightmares.do harm to the circulation of qi and bloodbring relief to arthritis sufferers easy to snoreincrease the possibility of asthma and heart diseasecuddle up(蜷着睡)good for those who had a lumbago(腰背痛)lead to long-term compression of cervical vertebra and develop into the te
3、nsion headachesput your head on your forearm when you are sleeping(枕臂而睡)Lead to numbness of shoulders and arms The musculospiral nerve is easy to be oppressed lie on the sideEnsure each part of the whole body relaxlie on the rigth side is better is conducive to digestionMay you sleep comfortablely!THANKS!