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1、测 试 成 绩 报 告 单 试 卷 标 准 或 参 考 答 案 将 在 1 天 后 显 示。请 注 意 本 页 底 部 显 示 的 总 分 和 提 示。在 系 统 自 动 批 改 的 客 观 题 正 确 率 小 60%时 必 须 重 做。试 卷:midterm试 卷 编 号:2012-1015 试 卷 满 分:100姓&洋 学 号:1103100132班 级:登 录:2012-10-2420:40:39交 卷:2012-10 24 21:46:25上 机 地 址:图 例:Z Right X Wrong?instructorTo be marked byPart 1 Sh

2、ort dialogs andmultiple choice questions(每 小 题:1 分)Directions:Listen to the short dialogs,then choose the correct answers to thequestions.You will hear the recordingtwice.After the first playing,there will betime for you to choose the correctanswers.Use the second playing to checkyour answers.A.He d

3、oes not like what the womanbought.B.He does not remember the price of theshirt.C.He does not remember in which shopthe shirt was.D.He remembers only the womans phonenumber.A.She did not take the shopping list alongwith her.B.She did not write a shipping list.C.She does not want to shop in acrowded s

4、upermarket.D.She wants to finish shopping quickly.A.He has lost his memory completely.B.He has lost his sight.C.He drank heavily last night.D.He danced until after midnight.A.He remembers his life in primaryschool.B.He remembers his life in his nursery.C.He remembers his life in primary schoolbut no

5、t that in the nursery.D.He remembers his life in both primaryschool and the nursery.A.He has a bad memory.B.The woman has a bad memory.C.The couple have forgotten to bring theirkeys.D.The couple are blaming each other forforgetting the keys.A.He missed home at first and then gotused to studying ther

6、e.B.He missed home and has never donewell in studies.C.He studies well and never misseshome.D.He studies well though he alwaysmisses home.7A.Write a statement for the woman.B.Revise what the woman will write.C.Fill in forms for the woman.D.Apply to an American university foradmission.A.The grading s

7、ystem there is different.B.The teaching methods there aredifferent.C.Both A)and B).D.Neither A)nor B).A.Three parts.B.Two parts.C.One part.D.Less than one part.10A.She wants to go to Europe for studies.B.She cant afford an education in Europe.C.She has got a part-time job.D.She will borrow cash to p

8、ay her tuition.Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choicequestions(每 小 题:1 分;满 分:1 0 分)(In the case of True/False type of questions,A stands for True and B for False,or A for Y,B for N and C for NG.)便 不 夕 X由 学 生 答 案 Correct1 1 B(To be shown in1 day.)2 0 B(To be shown in1 day.)3 1 C(To be shown in1 day

9、.)4 1 C(To be shown in1 day.)5 1qB(To be shown in1 day.)6 1qA(To be shown in1 day.)7 0C(To be shown in1 day.)8 0 B(To be shown in1 day.)9 1qD(To be shown in1 day.)101qB(To be shown in1 day.)Subtotal:7Part 2 Short passages andmultiple-choice questions(每 小 题:1.5分)Directions:Listen to the followingreco

10、rding,then choose the correctanswers to the questions.You will hearthe recording twice.After the first playing,there will be time for you to choose thecorrect answers.Use the second playingto check your answers.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the samepassage or dialog.1 How long is it the man and woma

11、n havent.seen each other?A.a couple years.B.several years.C.quite a few years.D.less than 10 years.2 How did the man find the woman in the.Math class?A.The best in the class.B.At the bottom of the class.C.A mystery because nobody knew whereshe came from.D.Able to solve easy problems but notdifficult

12、 problems.3 How did the woman find the man in the.English Writing class?A.He was weak in writing.B.He was strong in writing.C.He often read his compositions to hisclassmates.D.He sometimes posted his compositionson the walls.4 What do we know from the conversation?A.Alice did not play table tennis i

13、n school.B.Ed did not hate the drama class.C.The woman played an instrument.D.The man played in the school band.5 What do we learn about the man and the.woman from the conversation?A.The man has a good memory while thewoman has a bad memory.B.The man has a bad memory while thewoman has a good memory

14、.C.Both the man and woman have a badmemory.D.Both the man and woman have a goodmemory.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the samepassage or dialog.6 How many percent of the courses has the.student missed?A.About 10 percent.B.About 25 percent.C.About 50 percent.D.About 75 percent.7 What trouble is the st

15、udent likely to have?A.He is likely to fail the courses andrepeat the grade.B.He is likely to get a poor mark and losehis scholarship.C.He is likely to take a make-up exam.D.He is still likely to get a pass.8 How important is what a student says in,class?A.It accounts for 50 percent of the totalgrad

16、e.B.It accounts for 15 percent of the totalgrade.C.It accounts for 50 percent of theseminar grade.D.It accounts for 15 percent of theseminar grade.9 What does the professor NOT advise the,student to do?A.Take part in class activities.B.Apologize to all teachers.C.Speak in class.D.Attend the classes

17、for the rest of thesemester.1 What can we infer from the conversation?0A.Speaking is more important thanreading.B.Speaking is more important than writing.C.Class participation is an important partof the course.D.Top students do not have to speak a lotin class.Part 2 Short passages and multiple-choic

18、equestions(每 小 题:1.5分;满 分:1 5 分)(In the case of True/False type of questions,A stands for True and B for False,or A for Y,B for N and C for NG.)是 XW学 生 答 案 Correct1 15Vc(To be shown in1 day.)2 15QA(To be shown in1 day.)3 15B(To be shown in1 day.)4 15A(To be shown in1 day.)5 15C(To be shown in1 day.)

19、6 15D(To be shown in1 day.)7 15A(To be shown in1 day.)8 0B(To be shown in1 day.)9 15B(To be shown in1 day.)1015C(To be shown in1 day.)Subtotal:13.5Click ONCE on the speaker icon to startlistening!放 音 结 束 前 请 不 要 离 开 本 页。否 则 就 听 不 成 啦!Part 3 Short passages andmultiple choice questions(每 小 题:2 分)Direc

20、tions:Listen to the followingrecording,then choose the correctanswers to the questions.You will hearthe recording twice.After the first playing,there will be time for you to choose thecorrect answers.Use the second playingto check your answers.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the samepassage or dialog.

21、1 According to Jones,why do top students.take notes in class?A.Because the notes help you rememberthe text.B.Because students who failed to attendthe lecture will borrow the notes.C.Because teachers will test you on whatthey believe to be important.D.Because teachers give them additionalinformation

22、beside the textbook.2 What is special about Jack Smith*s.homemade system?A.He compares his notes from the lecturewith those from his reading.B.He puts more emphasis on his notesfrom the lecture with those from hisreading.C.He writes one or two summarysentences about each lesson in his notes.D.He emp

23、hasizes listening attentivelyinstead of taking notes.3 What does Anderson do right before the.bell rings?A.He writes down the last few sentencesthe teacher says.B.He writes a short summary of the mainideas of the lesson.C.He scans the lesson for the next day.D.He gets ready to rush out.4 What does c

24、lass participation involve?A.Asking the teacher questions.B.Showing interest in learning.C.Displaying ones potential.D.Both A)and B).5 Which of the following would be the best.title for the passage?A.Secrets of successful students.B.Methods for academic success and thereasons.C.Difference between to

25、p students andpoorly performing students.D.Different ways of taking notes.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the samepassage or dialog.6 What is the speaker mainly talking about?A.Various techniques that help one toavoid Alzheimer.B.Methods to remember things better.C.Association is the most importantme

26、mory-improving skill.D.Nothing is more important than interest.7 What does the speaker mean by.“activity”?A.Only mental activity.B.Only physical activity.C.Getting actively involved in what youare doing.D.Memorizing things while havingrecreational activities.8 How many techniques does the speaker.de

27、scribe before giving a short summary?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.9 What does the speaker say“breaks”can bring?A.Great concentration and energy.B.Refreshed interest.C.Low levels of concentration and energy.D.Less interest.1 What are the last three techniques the0 speaker mentions?A.Activity,grasping

28、the basics,andinterest.B.Being slow,grasping the basics,andinterest.C.Breaks,being slow,and interest.D.Breaks,grasping the basics,andi nterest.Part 3 Short passages and multiple choicequestions(每 小 题:2 分;满 分:2 0 分)(In the case of True/False type of questions,A stands for True and B for False,or A fo

29、r Y,B for N and C for NG.)是/系 夕 X1 1学 生 答 案 Correct1 2 D(To be shown in1 day.)2 0B(To be shown in1 day.)3 2 B(To be shown in1 day.)4 2 C(To be shown in1 day.)5 0 B(To be shown in1 day.)6 2 B(To be shown in1 day.)7 2 C(To be shown in1 day.)8 0 C(To be shown in1 day.)9 2 A(To be shown in1 day.)102 D(T

30、o be shown in1 day.)Subtotal:14Click ONCE on the speaker icon to startlistening!放 音 结 束 前 请 不 要 离 开 本 页。否 则 就 听 不 成 啦!Part 4 Compound dictation(每 小 题:2 分)Directions:Listen to the passage(s)threetimes.When the passage is read for thefirst time,listen for the general idea.When the passage is read for

31、the secondtime,fill in the blanks numbered from S1to S7 with the exact words you hear.Forblanks numbered from S8 to S10,writedown either the exact words you hear orthe main points in your own words.Whenthe passage is read for the third time,check your answers.Questions 1 to 10 are based on the samep

32、assage or dialog.Scientists are working to develop newdrugs that someday may slow,reverse,orprevent the S1 1.caused by Alzheimersdisease and vascular dementia.In themeantime,people who have no dementiaS2 2.can try to keep their memory S33.Some suggestions include developinginterests or hobbies and s

33、taying S4 4.inactivities that stimulate both the mind andbody.Giving careful attention to physicalS5 5.and exercise may also go a longway toward keeping a healthy state of S66.Limiting the use of alcoholic drinks isimportant because heavy drinking S7 7.time can cause permanent brain damage.Many peop

34、le find it useful to plan tasks;make things to do lists;and use notes,calendars,and other memory aids.S88.,such as a familiar name,song,orlines from a poem.S9 9.Forgetfulness caused by theseemotions usually is temporary and goesaway when the feelings are over.However,if these feelings last for a lon

35、gperiod of time,getting help from aprofessional is important.Some physicaland mental changes occur with age inhealthy people.However,S10 10.,notonly part of normal aging.Part 4 compound dictation(每 小 题:2 分;满 分:2 0 分)(The last three questions for each passageneed to be marked by your teacher.)止 系)学 生

36、 答 案 Correct1 2 damage(To be shown in1 day.)2 2 symptoms(To be shown in1 day.)3 2 sharp(To be shown in1 day.)4 2 involved(To be shown in1 day.)5 2 fitness(To be shown in1 day.)6 2 mind(To be shown in1 day.)7 2 over(To be shown in1 day.)8 0 They alsoremmenberthings better bymentallyconnecting them(To

37、 be shown in1 day.)to othermeaningfulthings9 0 Stress,anxiety ordepression canmake a personmore forgetful(To be shown in1 day.)100 much pain andsuffering can beavoided if oldpeople,theirfamilies and theirdoctorsrecognizedementia asdisease(To be shown in1 day.)Subtotal:14Part 5 Short passages/dialogs

38、and blank filling(每 小 题:1 分)Directions:Listen to the followingrecording,then answer the questions byfilling in the blanks.You will hear therecording twice.After the first playing,there will be time to write the missingwords.Use the second playing to checkyour answers.Questions 1 to 11 are based on t

39、he samepassage or dialog.When asked how the memory clinic was,Fred,a forgetful elderly man,said it was 1.and the psychiatrist(精 神 病 医 生)taughthim 2.,including 3.,which is extremelyuseful.By linking things together 4.association,he could remember 5.Then,when asked about the name of 6.,Fredwent 7.for

40、a moment before he resortedto the association method and asked,What do you call the 8.that has a 9.and thorns(刺)all over it?When he wasreminded of the name 10.he shoutedat his wife,nRose,what was 11.?Part 5 Short passages/dialogs and blankfilling(每 小 题:1 分;满 分:1 1分)/Js 夕 X1 1学 生 答 案 Correct1 0outsta

41、nding(To be shown in1 day.)2 0*all the latestphychologicaltechniques(To be shown in1 day.)3 1qassociation(To be shown in1 day.)4 1qthrough(To be shown in1 day.)5 0 everything(To be shown in1 day.)6 0 clinic(To be shown in1 day.)7 1 blank(To be shown in1 day.)8 0 flower(To be shown in1 day.)9 0long(T

42、o be shown in1 day.)100 Rose(To be shown in1 day.)111 the name of thatclinic(To be shown in1 day.)Subtotal:4Note:There is NO audio recording for thequestions.Part 6 Vocabulary andStructure(每 小 题:1 分)Directions:Choose the right answer.1 The big sign on the back of my door that says“keys is to mykeys

43、when I go out.A.remind me of takingB.remind me to takeC.memorize me to takeD.memorize me of taking2 I wish I was like David.He has a,memory,you know.How useful that would be!A.photoB.photographC.photographicD.photography3 I read an article in a scientific journal that,linked studying w i t h,based o

44、n recent research into the brain.A.rememberingB.remindingC.remindD.memorize4 Youd better write down my instructions.because I know your memory isA.droppingB.fallingC.failingD.flunking5,you should use your.memory as much as possible.A.To put it simplyB.To put it simpleC.To take it simpleD.To make it

45、simply6 While reading the numerous.advertisements,dont try toeverything that catchesyour attention;focus on what you considerimportant.A.memoryB.memorizeC.remindD.recite7 An 80-year-old couple was having.problems things,so theydecided to go to their doctor to make surenothing was wrong with them.A.t

46、o rememberB.to have rememberedC.for rememberingD.remembering8 Here are some factors they believe to be.important in memorycapacity.A.raisingB.risingC.expandingD.inflating9 Lack of water in the body has an.immediate and deep effectmemory.A.onB.inC.toD.with1 Lack of sleep would make one feel0 exhauste

47、d and would weaken ones ability.to concentrate.Also ones ability to storeinformation w o u l d.A.be effectedB.be affectedC.have an influenceD.get an influence1 Have you chosen your for1 next term yet?Are you taking French writing again?*uYes I am,but itscompulsory for us next term.,A.electionsB.elec

48、tsC.electivesD.selections1 Although the teacher expects a lot,I2 believe I can everyone else,in the class.A.keep up withB.keep forth withC.keep up onD.keep forward on1 The student discovered having fun was3 expensive,and he was rapidly,money.A.running shortB.running out ofC.running fromD.running ove

49、r1 Seeing his wife was going to give the son4 so much money,the husband yelled,Y o u r e.Hell just spend itall in a couple of weeks.A.from your mindB.away from your mindC.out your mindD.out of your mind1 Once the books are open or the computer5 is turned on,phone calls.unanswered.A.goB.comeC.turnD.l

50、eave1 Whafs your group like for this statistics6?Mine*s terrible.Two.members in my group do not pull theirweight.A.presentB.presentingC.presentedD.presentation1 All students agreed the7 need for consistency.They maintained a.certain period of time every day forstudying.A.withB.toC.onD.for1 Educators


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