1、智慧树知到学术英语写作章节测试答案第一章1、我不需要做研究,所以我不需要学习学术英语写作。A:对B:错答案:错2、做旅游攻略的过程,就是一个简单的research 过程。A:对B:错答案:对3、et al 就是 and others 的意思。A:对B:错答案:对4、下面哪些选项是学术英语写作的原因?A:To report on a piece of research thewriter has conducted;B:To answer a question the writer has been given orchosen;C:To discuss a subject of common
2、interest and give the writersview;D:To synthesize research done by others on a topic.答案:Toreport on a piece of research the writer has conducted;,To answer a question thewriter has been given or chosen;,To discuss a subject of common interest andgive thewriters view;,To synthesize research done by o
3、thers on atopic.5、学术英语写作中的一般文本特征包括:A:sentenceB:headingC:sub-titleD:paragraphE:titleF:phrase答案:sentence,heading,sub-title,paragraph,title,phrase第二章1、在细化主题时,需要考虑你的写作目的是什么以及预期读者是谁。A:对B:错答案:对2、My Most EmbarrassingMoment 是一个可以写的论文题目。A:对B:错答案:错3、选题不一定是自己感兴趣的和好奇的。A:对B:错答案:错4、1.在本章中,提到的四个写作技巧是:A:Research Lo
4、gB:Work ScheduleC:MentalInventoryD:Brainstorming答案:Research Log,Work Schedule,MentalInventory,Brainstorming5、计划书包含下面哪些内容?A:your topic and yourthesisB:the kinds of sources you plan to consultC:the problemsyou anticipateD:any special aspects of your project答案:yourtopic and your thesis,the kinds of sou
5、rces you plan to consult,the problems youanticipate,any special aspects of yourproject第三章1、在进行互联网搜索时,需要注意的规则是:A:to remain focused onthe research topic.B:to resist the temptation to be distracted byunrelated sites.C:to review the source,point of view,and completenessof all documents related to theres
6、earch topic.D:to remain yourcuriosity of the research topic.答案:ABC2、当你进行批判性阅读时,下面哪些是需要考虑的?A:What are the key ideas inthis?B:Does the argument of the writer develop logically,step bystep?C:Are the examples given helpful?Would other examples bebetter?D:Does the author have any bias(leaning to one side
7、 or theother)?E:Does the evidence presented seem reliable,in my experience andusing common sense?F:Do I agree with the writers views?答案:ABC3、浏览和搜索的结合可以帮助你认识到你的研究主题是否过于宽泛,需要缩小范围,并且和单独的浏览或者搜索相比,它更能找到更完整的相关资源。A:对B:错答案:A4、文献数据库了作者和标题信息、出版信息、主题索引和摘要。A:对B:错答案:A5、在布尔运算中,常用的位置算符有W/n(Within/n),N/n(Near/n)。A:
8、对B:错答案:A6、全学科综合性的全文数据库的内容也是有交叉重复的。A:对B:错答案:B第四章1、Generally,there are two kinds of light pollution:ecological pollution and astronomicallight pollution.不属于 commonknowledge.A:对B:错答案:B2、The negative effects ofGM crops have been shown on animals in many studies.不属于commonknowledge.A:对B:错答案:B3、There have
9、been about 400cancer deaths among 100,000 Japanese nuclear bombsurvivors.属于 commonknowledge.A:对B:错答案:A4、下面哪些情况是剽窃(Y)?哪些不是剽窃(N)?1.I take ideas,materials and picturesfrom the Internet without referencing.2.I use another persons sentences but change themsignificantly withoutreferencing.3.I follow anoth
10、er persons example in terms of designand methodwithout referencing.4.I take a graph from a textbook,giving the source.5.Igive a citation for some information but misspelling the authorsname.A:Y Y Y N YB:Y Y Y N NC:N Y Y N ND:N Y Y NY答案:Y Y Y N Y5、下面哪个是 citation 的定义?A:Using the exact wordsof the orig
11、inal text in your work.B:Short in-text note giving theauthors name and publication date.C:Any text that students use toobtain ideas or information.D:Full publication details of a text toallow a reader to access the original.答案:B6、下面哪些是有效转述的特点?A:has a different structure to theoriginalB:has mainly di
12、fferent vocabularyC:retains the samemeaningD:keeps some phrases from the original that are in commonuse答案:A第五章1、The more detail you include in youroutline,the easier the writing process willbe.A:对B:错答案:A2、The procedure involved inoutlining is basic in both written and oral communication:formulation
13、of anoverall idea(a thesis),division of material into main points,and sensibleorganization of supporting material for each mainpoint.A:对B:错答案:A3、A formal outline is a diagramof a papers design,a birds-eye view of itsstructure.A:对B:错答案:A4、If one Roman numeral issubdivided into capital letters and the
14、 next one is subdivided asfar aslowercase letters,the outline probably iscorrect.A:对B:错答案:B5、我们有可能对 workingoutline 进行以下哪些修改?A:You will choose a new topic.B:You will addsome topics and delete others.C:You will reevaluate topics.D:Youwill rearrange the order of topics and subtopics to facilitate trans
15、itions andimprove coherence.答案:BCD第六章1、学术英语(理工)第二版中提到批判性阅读的最关键的特点是:A:Examine theevidence or arguments presented.B:Check out the limitations of thestudies designed.C:Examine the interpretations made.D:Decide towhat extent you are prepared to accept the authors arguments,opinions orconclusions.答案:ABCD
16、2、文献综述完成后,需要在以下哪几个方面进行检查?A:Is thepurpose clearly defined?B:Are the varyingviewpoints/methodologies/models/theories fully discussed?C:Are gaps inliterature and research identified?D:Are the bibliographical details ofthe sources provided?答案:ABCD3、在文献综述的写作中,下面哪种情况适合用现在完成时?A:The research referred to isr
17、ecent,or is more indicative of the present state ofknowledge.B:Thereis no specific date or time you can refer to in the beginning of the literaturereview.C:It is used when summarizing an area of research in theliterature review.D:It is used when referring to someones views,positions or arguments,esp
18、ecially whencomparing positions in adebate.答案:AB4、A good literature review,especially aself-contained review,is composed of four parts:aintroduction,a body,adiscussion and a conclusion.A:对B:错答案:B5、基本定义的构成是 Word,Category,Application,Example。A:对B:错答案:B第七章1、下面哪些是我们在设计调查问卷时应该注意的?A:Limit the number ofque
19、stions so the respondent can answer them in a minute or two.B:Keepquestions clear and simple,and not too personal.C:Closed questions areeasier to process,but open questions will collect a wider range ofresponses.D:You should try putting the questions to a classmate before beginning the full survey,a
20、ndbe ready to modify any that were notclear.E:Do not collect unnecessary information.答案:ABC2、Methods section It typically consists of four subsections:1)participants;2)materials;3)samples;and 4)procedures.A:对B:错答案:B3、Knowing how the data arecollected helps the reader evaluate the validity and reliab
21、ilityof your resultsand your conclusion.A:对B:错答案:A4、The methodsection of a research paper provides the methods and procedures used in aresearch study or experiment.A:对B:错答案:A5、Theprocedure part of your method section should detail the procedures used in yourexperiment.Explain what you had participan
22、ts do,how you collected data,and the order inwhich steps occurred.A:对B:错答案:A第八章1、In results section,all results deserve a separate tableor figure.A:对B:错答案:B2、Bar chart is used to showproportion.A:对B:错答案:B3、When referring to visualinformation in the text,the word figure is used for almosteverything(s
23、uch asmaps,charts and graphs)except tables.A:对B:错答案:A4、结果部分写作的一般准则是:A:Do not give detailed methods which belong tothe methods section.B:Do not list data which belongs to the discussionsection.C:Do not repeat the details which is already listed in atable.D:Do not try to describe all the raw data,but
24、select andhighlight the main data.E:Do not offer the description of the datawithout an opening sentence which summarizesthe findings derived from thedata.答案:ABC5、在借助表格和图表来描述数据时,下面哪些建议是正确的?A:Limit thenumber of tables and figuresB:Write a descriptive title for each tableand figure.C:Number each table
25、and figure in the order in which they arereferred to in the textD:Be sure all tables and figures are referred toin the text.答案:ABC第九章1、在 DiscussionSection 中,需要回答的基本问题包括:A:Do your results provide answers to your testablehypotheses?If so,how do you interpretyour findings?B:Do your findingsagree with w
26、hat others have shown?If not,do they suggest analternativeexplanation or perhaps an unforeseen design flaw in your experiment(ortheirs?)C:Given your conclusions,what is our new understanding of theproblem you investigatedand outlined in the Introduction?D:Ifwarranted,what would be the next step in y
27、our study,e.g.,what experimentswouldyou do next?答案:ABCD2、在 DiscussionSection 中,需要简要地说明以下几个方面:A:restate the major findingsB:restate theoutline of the paperC:compare your results with those of previousstudiesD:explain your findings,especially the unexpectedfindingsE:discuss the implications of your fi
28、nding答案:ABCD3、一篇典型的摘要需要提供以下哪些信息:A:background of thestudyB:research objectivesC:methods employedD:importantfindings or results obtainedE:conclusions drawn答案:ABCDE4、Basically,an abstract is a single paragraph(about 200 words)containing about 4 to 10full sentences.A:对B:错答案:A5、The function of hedging la
29、nguage is to protect you from possiblecriticism or tominimize or soften what yousay.A:对B:错答案:A第十章1、下面哪些是参考书目的基本规则?A:Place the reference listimmediately after the conclusion section,but before theappendix.B:Donot include sources which you read but did not use.C:Arrange the sourcesalphabetically by th
30、e last name of the author,or,if there is noauthor,by thefirst word of the title.D:Be consistent with punctuation,placement ofthe year of publication and use of Italics.答案:ABC2、In APAstyle,two works by the same author published in the same year are arrangedalphabetically with a lowercase letter added
31、 after the year to distinguishbetween them.A:对B:错答案:A3、In APA style,onlyproper nouns and the first word of a title and subtitle are capitalized.A:对B:错答案:A4、Except for majorcities,APA style uses the two-letter postal abbreviation to identify thestatein which the publisher is located.A:对B:错答案:A5、In ML
32、A style,if you are likely to use a dissertation:after thetitle add Diss.(not italicizedor enclosed in quotation marks),the university,and the year.A:对B:错答案:A6、In MLA style,if youhave two or more books by the same multiple authors,the threehyphens should beused for all entries after the first.A:对B:错答
33、案:A7、In CSE style,we dont need to use numbers within the text to refer to the end references.A:对B:错答案:B第十一章1、在本章中,使用正式文体时需要注意的语言点包括:A:Using the ActiveVoiceB:Varying Sentence PatternsC:AvoidingJargonD:Writing Concisely答案:ABCD2、After completing yourfirst draft,you should leave it for a day and then re
34、read it,askingyourselfthe following questions:A:Does this fully answer the question(s)in thetitle?B:Do the different sections of the paper have the right weight(i.e.is it well balanced)?C:Does the argument or discussion developclearly and logically?D:Have I corrected all the grammarmistakes?E:Have I
35、 forgotten any important points that would support thedevelopment?答案:ABCE3、适当的学术写作风格指的是:A:Shows formality andaccuracy in the choice of language;Avoids colloquial language,spokenexpressions and cliches.B:Supports arguments by quotes,paraphrases andsummaries;Useselaboration,explanation and synthesis o
36、f ideas.C:Usein-text reference and end-of-text reference list;Is based on research-supportedpoints.D:Uses subject-or field-specific language to the extent that itmay be difficult for a personoutside the area to fully understand the text;Uses complete sentences and paragraphs.答案:ABCD4、当我们对论文进行校对时,在Ci
37、tation 部分应该注意以下哪些方面?A:Have all sources beenadequately,consistently and correctly in-text referenced?B:Are you surethat your paraphrasing is rewritten substantially instead of by changing afewwords?C:Are you sure the direct quotation should be used less and anindented paragraph usedto highlight it if
38、 the quotation runs more than twolines?D:Do you synthesize well from several sources by using appropriatereporting verbs?答案:ABC5、The test of a statement is whether youunderstand it,not whether a new reader will beableto.A:对B:错答案:B6、As you revise your draft,checkeach paragraph to make certain that it is unified around asingle idea and thatit is developed in logical sequence.A:对B:错