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1、2003年职称英语等级考试试题-综合A2005 10 20 00:00 来源:我要纠错 打 印 成藏 大 中 外第1部分:词 汇 选 项(第115题,每 题1分,共15分)下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。1 The union representative pul across her argument very effectively.A explained B invented C considered D accepted2 He talks tough bu

2、t has a tender heart.A heavy B strong C kind D wild3 It is no use debating the relative merits of this policy.A making B taking C discussing D expecting4 Our statistics show that we consume all that we are capable of producingA waste B buy C use D sell5 The fuel tanks had a capacity of 140 liters.A

3、function B ability C power D volume6 Our lives are intimately bound up with theirs.A tensely B nearly C carefully D closely7 Her faith upheld her in times of sadnessA supported B excited C inspired D directed8 The book provides a concise analysis of the country s history.A clean B perfect C real D b

4、rief9 It is laid down in the regulations that all members must carry their membershipcards at all times.A suggested B warned C stated D confirmed10 The council meeting lerminaled at 2 o clockA began B continued C ended D resumed11 A red flag was placed there as a token of danger.A sign B su bstitu t

5、e C proof D target1 2 H ow ev er bad the situ ation is,the majority is u nw illing to risk change.A relu ctant B eager C pleased D angry1 3 I t has been said that the A cts prov ided a new cou rse of action and did notmerely regu late or enlarge an old one.A limit B control C replace D offset1 4 The

6、 secretary is ex pected to ex plore ideas for post-w ar reconstru ction ofthe area.A deny B inv estigate C stress D create1 5 The steadily rising cost of labor on the w aterfront has greatly increasedthe cost of shipping cargo by w ater.A gradu ally B su ddenly C ex cessiv ely D ex ceptionally第2部分:阅

7、读 判 断(第1 6 2 2题,每 题1分,共7分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息,请在答题卡上把A涂黑;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请在答题卡上把B涂黑;如果该句的信息文章中没有提及,请在答题卡上把C涂黑Principles of G ov erning Persu asionI f leadership consists of getting thing done throu gh others,then persu asionis one of the leader*s essential tools.M any ex e

8、cu tiv es hav e assu med that this toolis beyond their grasp,av ailable only to the charismatic(有魅力的)and the eloqu ent.Ov er the past sev eral decades,thou gh,ex perimental psychologists hav e learned w hichmethods reliably lead people to concede,comply,or change.Their research show sthat persu asio

9、n is gov erned by sev eral principles that can be tau ght and applied.The first principle is that people are more likely to follow someone w ho issimilar to them than someone w ho is not.Wise managers,then,ask peers to help maketheir cases.Second,people are more w illing to cooperate w ith those w h

10、o are notonly like them bu t w ho like them,as w ell.So it s w orth the time to u ncov er realsimilarities and offer genu ine praise.Third,ex periments confirm the intu itiv e tru th that people tend to treat youthe w ay you treat them.I t s sou nd policy to do a fav or before seeking one.F ou rth,i

11、ndiv idu als are more likely to keep promises they make v olu ntarily and clearly.Themessage for managers here is to get commitments in w riting.F ifth,stu dies show thatpeople really do defer to(月 艮 从)ex perts.So before they attempt to ex ert influ ence,ex ecu tiv es shou ld take pains to establish

12、 their ow n ex pertise and not assu me thatit s self-ev ident.F inally,people w ant more of a commodity w hen it s scarce;itfollow s,then,that ex clu siv e information is more persu asiv e than w idely av ailabledata.1 6 E x periments hav e confirmed the assu mption of many ex ecu tiv es.A right B W

13、rong C N ot mentioned1 7 People are more likely to cooperate w ith those w ho like them.A right B Wrong C N ot mentioned1 8 M anagers do not employ those w ho are qu ite different from them.A right B Wrong C N ot mentioned1 9 There is no need for a manager to find ou t the merits of his employees.A

14、right B Wrong C N ot mentioned2 0 E x periments hav e show n that,contrary to ou r ex pectation,people tend to treatyou the w ay you treat them.A right B Wrong C N ot mentioned2 1 There are as many w ise managers as there are stu pid ones.A right B Wrong C N ot mentioned2 2 E x clu siv e information

15、 is more persu asiv e than w idely know n data.A right B Wrong C N ot mentioned第3部分:概括大意与完成 句 子(第2 3 3 0题,每 题1分,共8分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第2 3 2 6题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2,3,5和6段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第2 7 3 0题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。K eeping C u t F low ers1 While ev erybody enjoys fresh cu t

16、flow ers arou nd his hou se,few people knowhow to keep them for as long as possible.This may be done by keeping in mind a fewsimple facts.2 A n important thing to remember abou t cu t flow ers is that they are sensitiv eto temperatu re.F or ex ample,stu dies hav e show n that cu t carnations(康乃馨)ret

17、aintheir freshness eight times longer w hen kept at 1 2 oC than w hen kept at 2 6 0 c.K eepingfreshly harv ested flow ers at the right temperatu res is probably the most importantaspect of flow er care.3 F low ers are not intended by natu re to liv e v ery long.Their biological pu rposeis simply to

18、attract birds or insects,su ch as bees,for pollination(授粉).A fterthat,they qu ickly dry u p and die.The process by w hich flow ers consu me ox ygen andprodu ce carbon diox ide(二氧化碳),called respiration(呼吸),generates the energythe flow er needs to giv e the flow er its shape and colou r.The making of

19、seeds alsodepends on this energy.While all liv ing things respire,flow ers hav e a high lev elof respiration.A resu lt of all this respiration is heat,and for flow ers the lev elof heat relativ e to the mass of the flow er is v ery high.Respiration also bringsabou t the ev entu al death of the flow

20、er.Thu s the greater the lev el of respiration,the sooner the flow er dies.4 H ow,then,to control the rate at w hich flow ers die?B y controlling respiration.H ow is respiration controlled?B y controlling temperatu re.We know that respirationprodu ces heat,bu t the rev erse is also tru e.Thu s by ma

21、intaining low temperatu res,respiration is redu ced and the cu t flow er w ill age more slow ly.5 A nother v ital factor in keeping cu t flow ers is the qu ality of the w ater inw hich they are placed.F low ers find it difficu lt to“drink“w ater that is dirtyor otherw ise pollu ted.E v en w hen w at

22、er looks and smells clean,it almost certainlycontains harmfu l su bstances that can endanger the flow ers.To rid the w ater of theseu nw anted su bstances,hou sehold chlorine bleach(含氯漂白剂)can be u sed in smallqu antities.I t is recommended that 1 5 drops of chlorine bleach(at 4%solu tion)beadded to

23、each litre of w ater.The w ater and solu tion shou ld also be replaced eachday.A Control of Respiration B Beauty of Fresh Cut FlowersC Role of Respiration D Most Important Aspect of Flower CareE Need for Clean Water F Ways of Stopping Respiration2 3 Paragraph 2 _2 4 Paragraph 3 _2 5 Paragraph 4 _2 6

24、 Paragraph 5 _2 7 A few simple facts w ill help you keep cu t flow ers2 8 Respiration plays a key role2 9 The aging of cu t flow ers can be slow ed dow n3 0 A nother important w ay to prolong the life of cu t flow ers isA by keeping its original shape and colourB in the life of the cut flowerC to pr

25、oduce carbon dioxideD for as long as possibleE by controlling temperatureF to replace the water and solution every day第4部分:阅读理解(第3广4 5题,每题3分,共4 5分)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面有4个选项。请根据文章的内容,从每题所给的4个选项中选择个最佳答案,涂在答题卡相应的位置上。第 一 篇 Salty Rice Plant B oosts H arv estsB ritish scientists are breeding a new gene

26、ration of rice plants that w ill beable to grow in soil containing salt w ater.Their w ork may enable abandoned farmsto become produ ctiv e once more.Tim F low ers and Tony Yeo,from Su ssex Univ ersity s School of B iological Sciences,hav e spent sev eral years researching how crops,su ch as rice,co

27、u ld be made to growin w ater that has become salty.The pair hav e recently begu n a three-year programme,fu nded by the B iotechnologyand B iological Sciences Research C ou ncil,to establish w hich genes enable someplants to su rv iv e salty conditions.The aim is to breed this capability into crops

28、,starting w ith rice.I t is estimated that each year more than 1 0 m hectares(公顷)of agricu ltu ralland are lost becau se salt gets into the soil and stu nts(妨碍生长)plants.The problemis cau sed by sev eral factors.I n the tropics,mangrov es(红树林)that create sw amps(沼泽)and traditionally formed barriers t

29、o sea w ater hav e been cu t dow n.I n theM editerranean,a series of drou ghts hav e cau sed the w ater table to drop,allow ingsea w ater to seep(渗透)in.in L atin A merica,irrigation often cau ses problemsw hen w ater is ev aporated(蒸发)by the heat,leav ing salt deposits behind.E x cess salt then ente

30、rs the plants and prev ents them fu nctioning normally.H eav yconcentrations of minerals in the plants stop them draw ing u p the w ater they needto su rv iv e.To overcome these problems,Flowers and Yeo decided to breed rice plants thattake in very little slat and store what they do absorb in cells

31、that do not affectthe plants growth.They have started to breed these characteristics into a newrice crop,but it will take about eight harvests before the resulting seeds areready to be considered for commercial use.Once the characteristics for surviving salty soil are known,Flowers and Yeowill try t

32、o breed the appropriate genes into all manners of crops and plants.Landthat has been abandoned to nature will then be able to bloom again,providing muchneeded food in the poorer countries of the world.31 Which of the following statements about Flowers and Yeo is true?A They are students at Sussex Un

33、iversity.B They are rice breeders.C They are husband and wife.D They are colleagues at an institution of higher learning.32 Flowers and Yeo have started a programmeA to find ways to prevent water pollution.B to identify genes that promote growth in salty soil.C to breed rice plants that taste salty.

34、D to find ways to remove excessive salt from soil.33 Which of the following is N O T mentioned as a cause of the problem discussedin the passage?A Natural barriers to sea water have been destroyed.B the water table has gone down after droughts.C Sea level has been continuously rising.D Evaporation o

35、f water leaves salt behind34 The word“affect”in Paragraph 6 could be best replaced byA “influence”B “effect”C stop”D upresent3 5 The attitu de of the au thor tow ards the research project isA positiv eB negativ e.C su spiciou sD indifferent.第二篇 F ord s A ssembly L ineWhen it comes to singling ou t t

36、hose w ho hav e made a difference in all ou r liv es,you cannot ov erlook H enry F ord.A historian a centu ry from now might w ell conclu dethat it w as F ord w ho most influ enced all manu factu ring,ev eryw here,ev en to thisday,by introdu cing a new w ay to make cars-one,strange to say,that origi

37、natedin slau ghterhou ses(屠宰场)。B ack in the early 1 9 0 0,s,slau ghterhou ses u sed w hat cou ld hav e been calleda udisassembly line 。F ord rev ersed this process to see if it w ou ld speed u pprodu ction of a part of an au tomobile engine called a magneto.Rather than hav e eachw orker completely a

38、ssemble a magneto,one of its elements w as placed on a conv eyer,and each w orker,as it passed,added another component to it,the same one eachtime.Professor D av id H ou nshell of the Univ ersity of D elaw are,an ex pert onindu strial dev elopment,tells w hat happened.“The prev iou s day,w orkers ca

39、rrying ou t the entire process had av eraged oneassembly ev ery 2 0 minu tes.B u t on that day,on the line,the assemble team av eragedone ev ery 1 3 minu tes and 1 0 seconds per person.”Within a year,the time had been redu ced to fiv e minu tes.I n 1 9 1 3,F ord w entall the w ay.H ooked together by

40、 ropes,partially assembled v ehicles w ere tow ed(拖,拉)past w orkers w ho completed them one piece at a time.I t hasn t long beforeF ord w as tu rning ou t sev eral hu ndred thou sand cars a year,a remarkable achiev ementthen.A nd so efficient and economical w as this new system that he cu t the pric

41、e ofhis cars in half,to$2 6 0,pu tting them w ithin reach of all those w ho,u p u ntilthat time,cou ld not afford them.Soon,au to makers the w orld ov er copied him.I n fact,he encou raged them to do so by w riting a book abou t all of his innov ations,entitled Today and Tomorrow.The A ge of the A u

42、 tomobile has arriv ed.Today,aidedby robots and other forms of au tomation(自动化),ev erything from toasters toperfu mes is made on assembly lines.3 6 Which of the follow ing statements abou t H enry F ord is N OT tru e?A H e introdu ced a new w ay of produ ction.B H e influ enced all manu factu ring.C

43、 H e inspired other au to makers.D H e changed a historian s mind.3 7 The w riter mentions,slau ghterhou sesbecau se they w ere the places w hereA F ord,s assembly line originatedB F ord made his first car.C F ord readju sted the assembly line.D F ord innov ated the disassembly line.3 8 A magneto is

44、 a technical term forA an au tomobile.B a produ ction lineC a part of an au tomobile engine.D a disassembly line3 9 the phrase“tu rning ou t“in the last paragraph cou ld be best replaced byA “produ cing”B selling,C “bu ying”D “fix ing”4 0 The inv ention of the assembly line enabled H enry F ordA to

45、create more jobs for the u nemployedB to w rite a book on historyC to redu ce the price of his cars to$2 6 0D to cu t the produ ction of his cars by 5 0%第 三 篇PlayPlay is the principal bu siness of childhood,and in recent years research hasshow n the great importance of play in the dev elopment of a

46、hu man being.F rom earliestinfancy,ev ery child needs opportu nity and the right materials for play,and themain tools of play are toys.Their main fu nction is to su ggest,encou rage and assistplay.To su cceed in this they mu st be good toys,w hich children w ill play w ith often,and w ill come back

47、to again and again.Therefore it is important to choose su itabletoys for different stages of a child,s dev elopment.I n recent years research on infant dev elopment has show n that the standard achild is likely to reach,w ithin the range of his inherited abilities,is largelydetermined in the first t

48、hree years of his life.So a baby s ability to profit fromthe right play materials shou ld not be u nderestimated.A baby w ho is encou raged andstimu lated,talked to and show n things and played w ith,has the best chance of grow ingu p su ccessfu lly.I n the nex t stage,from three to fiv e years old,

49、cu riosity know s no bou nds.E v erytype of su itable toy shou ld be made av ailable to the child,for trying ou t,ex perimenting and learning,for discov ering his ow n particu lar ability.B ricks andjigsaw s(七巧板)and constru ction toys;painting,scribbling(涂鸦)and making things;sand and w ater play;toy

50、s for imaginativ e and pretending play;the first social gamesfor learning to play and get on w ith others.B t the third stage of play dev elopment-from fiv e to sev en or eight years-thechild is at school.B u t for a few more years play is still the best w ay of learning,at home or at school.I t is


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