1、Unit 11.对于、答 案Not onlycan students choosewhen and where to learnfor an online course,butthey can also take time tothink through answersbefore making a reply.2.网 上、用 处She isexcited by the idea ofonline learning while heconsiders it meaninglessand useless.3.与以、东 西Communicating withnative English speak
2、ersis a very rewardingexperience from whichwe can learn a lot.4.如 今、信 息Today,more and more peoplehave access to theInternet through whichthey look for theinformation they need.5.他要、分了 He wantsher to give up workingand stay home to lookafter the children.Shefeels,however,that thisis too much for her.
3、6.既然、复 习Now thatwe have finished thecourse,we shall startdoing more revisionwork.Unit 21.当她、一点?As shewas about to turn off themusic,her father burstinto her room andshouted at her,“Cantyou turn down the musica little bitr2.酒吧、有看 The ownerof the bar kept watchingthe girl dancing whilepretending not t
4、o.3.桑 迪、放 大Rockmusic appealed to Sandyso much that she turnedit up,paying no attentionto her fathers objection.4.像 往 常、唠 叨 他Asusual,when his parentsdont like what he wears,they start bugging him.5.在会上、畅 通At themeeting they discussedhow to keep the lines ofcommunication openbetween teachers andstuden
5、ts.6.一想至U、生气 It makesmy blood boil to think ofthese young boys andgirls who are forced bytheir parents to beg formoney along the streets.Unit 31.即 使、职 位I havedecided to accept thenew post,even thoughthe job is not very wellpaid.2.这项、简单的The jobhas been taken to be verysimple until(it is)actually star
6、ted.3.既然、天 气Now thatyou are planning to moveto Canada,you must tryto adjust to cold weatherin winter.4 他 承 诺、勉 强Hepromised to help us tobuy the house,but with alittle reluctance.5.这是、迟到 This is animportant meeting.Please see to it that youare not late for it.6.他是、几年了 He is anexperienced businessmanw
7、ho has engaged inforeign trade for quite afew years.Unit 41.她如此、意 识 到Shewas so absorbed inreading the book that shewas not conscious ofsomeone coming in.2.他第一次、印 象Hewas late for almost anhour for the first meeting,leaving a bad impressionon everyone.3.不管、判断 Consciouslyor unconsciously,wemake up our
8、minds aboutpeople through their eyes,faces,bodies,andattitudes.4.周 教 授、事 业Professor Zhou wascommitted to the causeof language teaching allhis life.5.许 多、自 我Manyhow-to books advise youthat if you want to makea good impression,thetrick is to be consistentlyyou,at your best.6.媒体、耳闻 The mediasometimes s
9、end mixedmessages,but mostpeople believe what theysee over what they hear.Unit51.我希望、帮 助I hopethat the effort that wevemade will be of some useto the battle againstAIDS.2.尽管、增长 Despite allthe efforts from the localorganizations in thebattle against AIDS,thenumber of people in ruralareas diagnosed wi
10、thAIDS has beenincreasing.3.请把、作业 Please turnoff the TV,because thenoise will distract herfrom her homework.4.由于、计 划It was along time before thecompany implementedthe program to improvethe quality of its goodsbecause of lack of moneyand necessaryequipment.5.在报名、了 解Youdbetter learn somethingabout the
11、 course beforesinging up for it.6.该 政 策、作 用Thepolicy is playing a moreand more important rolein promoting thedevelopment of localeconomy.Unit 61.爆炸、到了 The policegot to the station fiveminutes after theexplosion,and so did thereporters.2.急事、听 的Even ifyou disagree with her,she is worth listening to.3.
12、负责、真 想The newsreporters were givennothing but bare facts bythe officials in charge ofthe investigation.4.这个、相配The roomwas well decorated,butthe color of the curtaindid not go well with theoverall style.5,每次、亲戚 Wheneverwe go back to the placewhere my husband wasbom,we always makethe rounds of hisrela
13、tives.6.与 他、平 易 近 人Contrary to his hope,hisgirlfriends parents arenot as approachable ashis parents.Unit 11.Fil、do now 我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我学外语是有趣的、有价值的。如果没有他,我 的英语说得不会像现在这样好。2.N o、adventures 没有任何其他语言能像英语那样让你感受到多姿多彩的世界文化。有了过硬的英语知识,你就可以 体 验 奇 妙 的 文化之旅。3.Instead、friend 写作不仅仅要写老师布置的话题,而且要写自己感兴趣的东西,例如,给朋友写
14、电子邮件。4.Distance、technology远程教学课程是指授课者与学生通过计算机通信 技 术 进 行 交 流 的 课巾 王O5.English、use 英语不但是 世 界 上 最 有 用 的 语言,也是世界上最易学、易用的语言之一。6.Distance、classes 远程教学课程在时间安排上给予学生更多的自由,但与其他课程比,这些课程要求学生有更强的自律能力。Unit 21.Isuppose、themselves我认为那些在镇上游手好闲、在身上又纹身又穿洞的青少年是在表达他们的个性。2.The Internet、open 因特网提供了一种更快捷的方式,让我们与全球的新老客户取得联系
15、,并保持沟通渠道畅通无阻。3.The problem、side 父母与自己十多岁的孩子的沟通问题不仅仅在于“代沟”,而且还在于双方都不完全理解对方的思想。4.When、bigger 当父母与子女之间有了这类沟通障碍时,青少年面临的问题可能更大。5.It s not、standards青少年常常要经历这么一个阶段,在这个阶段,他们觉得父母会让他们没面子,害怕他们达不到自己朋友的标准。6.For example 比如,青少年 希 望 在 外 面 呆 到 很晚,但是第二天早上要起床上学时,那又是另一回事了。Unit 31.He made、to listen 他决心向那个女孩谈自己的计划,即使他知道她
16、很可能拒绝听。2.Once off、the town离开那条长长的正街,他就发现自己身处城里十分贫困的区域。3.When hearing、days听到那首歌,我不禁悲从中来,想起了那些困苦的日子。4.Finding the、life 每个想过健康生活的人,都必须在工作和娱乐之间寻求适当的平衡。5.My first、leaving 我的第一位老板真让人讨厌,让每个人日子难过似乎是他的乐趣。我干了没多久就走人了。6.Will you、business 你能确保在本周之前完成这项工作吗?伦敦有重要公干,总公司正在考虑派你去。Unit 41.Professor、seriously史密斯教授关于形体语言
17、的讲座非常重要,所有的学生都很认真地对待这次讲座。2.Realizing、atmosphere董事长意识到这不是她的过错,对她笑了笑来缓和气氛。3.She was、pieces 她大怒,把我的杯子摔在地上,摔得粉碎。4.By reading、excuse 观察他的形体语言,你可以判断出他是在跟你说实话还是仅仅找个借口敷衍你。5.No matter、words 不管人们对你说些什么,记住“观其行胜于闻其己。6.Body movements、audience肢体动作是表达感情的无意识形式,能向观众传递某种信息。Unit 51.The patient s、object病人的免疫系统会将新移植的心脏当
18、成异物而排斥。2.Some people、deficiency有人说我们许多人饮食太糟,缺乏维他命和矿物质,因而我们的身心都受到损害。3.Biomedical、live 生物医学研究将会使很多艾滋病病毒感染者延长寿命、生活少些痛苦。4.The central、control中央政府已经发布了一项五年行动计划,旨在鼓励社会各部门都参与艾滋病的防治。5.Disease、HIV一个人感染了艾滋病病毒,其症状一般要6 到 10年后才会表现出来。6.For year、countries 许多年来,人们眼睁睁看着艾滋病泛滥成灾,争论着有效的艾滋病防治措施在贫穷国家究竟是否适用。Unit 61.I aske
19、d、good enough我问过好几个服务员,可他们什么也没说,只朝着我笑,直到这时我才意识到我的英语不够好。2.The university、post校长对那位院长非常生气,进而解除了他的院长职务。3.Ifyou、yes如果你当着孩子朋友的面问这个问题,即使他想说“是”也 可 能 会 说“不是”。4.If you、work 如果你想毕业时获得学位,你要么别玩网上游戏,要么别去打零工。5.Although、degree 虽然他未接受过大学教育,他却瞧不起那些没有大学学历的人。6.He suggested、water他曾就公司的管理问题提了好几个建议,但没一个管用。保持健康Keep health
20、yTo keep health is veryimportant.How to keep health isa attention problem atpresent.People always gets ill bymouth,so i think to keep a healthdiet is the first important thing.Ifyou want to have a good healthbody you need to eat morevegetables,fruit,bean and someother green food.If you have a good h
21、ealthbody,you wont easy catch a coldor other illness.So to do moreexercise is good for health.Youcan do some morningexercise,play table tennis,playbasketball and so on.To sleep well and have a goodmood are very necessary.Youllneed to persevere if you want tohave a healthy body.给别人留下好印象A good impress
22、ionIf you want to leave a deepimpression,!think you mustfollow the steps belowFirst of all,you should keepyourself clean and tidy.Youshould give the other people afresh impression with cleanface,white teeth and neat handsas well.Second,you should wearvery clean clothes.Although theclothes is not fas
23、hionable,itshould be clean and tidy.Third,you should be good attalking with lot of knowledgeand humor.That is veryimportant if you want to leavethe other people a deepimpression.And last,you should behelpful,generous,friendly andpolite.The last one,perhaps,isyour attitude towards the otherpeople and
24、 to the world as well.Ithink,if you are very optimisticand self-confident in yourlife,you will certainly welcomeby the people around you.如何学习英语Learning EnglishWith the developmentof society,English isbecoming more and moreimportantIn my opinion,we shouldfirstly make our mind to studyEnglish.Second,t
25、he interest is alsovery important.We can listen toEnglish songs and see somefilms to improve our interest ofEnglish.Thirdly,practising isnecessary.We can make a projectto plan to practise our English.Only in these ways can westudy our English better andbetter.父母与孩子代沟问题Generation GapNowadays,there is
26、 often alack of understanding betweenparents and children.Childrenalways complain that theirparents are out of date,whileparents cant approve of whattheir children say and do.Thus,abig generation gap is formed.Consequently,the householdphrases spreading.It is theGeneration Gap.By using thisphrase,bo
27、th the young and theold have found a goodexplanation for theirmisunderstanding of each other,yet they dont bother to takeany measures to cover thedistance between them.In my opinion,most problemsbetween parents and childrencould be solved by joint effortsof both sides to enhance mutualunderstanding.