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1、Strip sb of sthDeprive sb of sth.Drain sb of sth.Rob sb of sth.Put.in dangerPut.at riskPut at stakeWe have done sth at one stroke/at oneblow.A sturdy advocate/opponent of.Approve ofBe in favor of be in support ofEmbrace applaudBe subjected toBe exposed toUndergo(experiences)Be subject to.(贬义)Importe

2、d commodities will be subject tohigh taxation.The tentative plan is subject to change.Submit.to.Yield.to.把。放给。Subm it to=give in to=yield to.Conform withDefy the convention/rule/regulationViolateThose who defy the convention might bethose who have developed a good senseof critical thinking.D e fy 承受

3、Defy all the odds 迎难而上Reckless of dangers,.insist in doingsth.Indifferent to.Evade confront the dutyRestrain/boost growthReinforce/weaken.Sturdy opponentFeeble opponentBeto.Humble inferiorSubmissive subordinateSecondary tameSecondary to this concern is.Subscribe to.Contribute to.Donate.to.Devote.to.

4、Dedicate.to.Commit.to.A report has been published dedicatedto the feasibility of the governmentpolicy.Take consequenceA sequence ofSubsequent=followingGiven what is stated above,individualbehaviors are of creat cunseauence tuenvironmental protection.有 关“强调”的表达法的变化Stress/underline/underscore/pinpoint

5、/highlight the importance ofplace stress/emphasis on.高度重视Place premium on.Stress a over bPrioritize a over bGovernmentsupervision/measure/initiativesIndividual behaviors/consciousnessThe controversial issue is subject tointense debate.触Sue.for.File lawsuit 起诉Accuse.of.Provide.with=supplement.with.Su

6、ppress inflation/emotionsSurpass the standard/expectationExceedA substantial wallMake substantial progressUse convincing arguments tosubstantiate the viewThe evidence manifestly invalidatestheir view.Contract v t.收缩Detract from o o o=diminishAbstract n.=extractSummitPeakClimaxHighlightSpotlightSth h

7、asspotlight.convene a summitreach the peakreach a climax/highlightbeen brought under publicSummon witnesses to the courtSummon up ones courage 鼓起勇气Brace one飞w ill加强意志力Presumptively,It is remarkable that.值得注意的是(可褒可贬)70.Take a sustained interest in.Sustain hope/economic growth/lifeMake sth continue fo

8、r a period of timeIt is persistent efforts that sustain us.Maintain保 持 保 养 坚 信 养 活Make sth continue as it used to.Maintain that.Preserve integrity/humorConserve resources/wild animalsSurrender.to.=yield.to.Surrender to/yield to/submit to.Succumb to adversity in lifeSurveySurpass vey valleyV t.眺望勘探调查

9、n.调 查 概 况administerv t.发 药 施 予 执 行 实 施administer justiceovertake 超 过 使o o o (遭受)际遇。感情the public were overtaken by panic whenthe bad news spread.Suspend v t.悬挂 悬而未决暂 时(停止、停职)Suspend the decisionSuspend the studentExpel the student from、We com e to suspect th a t.Sb is suspicious ofI s doubtful of ske

10、ptical of.Dubious prospectSelf-skepticismA swarm ofA flock ofA herd ofSw ay sw ingWaver betw een a and bWe should waver in front of.Sw ell/expandSw ift promptHastyWe cannot m ake hasty/rashconclusion.The cartoon prom pts us todeliberate on.Lefs sw itch(shift)to thereverse of the issueSustained7l7Syn

11、thetic artificialSynthesizeSyn thesis 综合分析、结论Sym pathy syndrom eSy nch ron ize 同步Sy m posiu mCom posu re 冷静ConferenceTactics t actf u IManeuver n.策略 vt.操纵Sth is boring tedious wearyTease m ock jeer sneer scornMock examTentativeTentative priceA tentative theory=hypothesisdubiousOf dubious value to us

12、 isth a t.The approach is dubiouslyoriented.TerminalAir term inalTerm inal diseaseTerm inate expireRenew resum e suspendFml commence a ceremonyLaunch sb into(sphere)I nitiateConcern over.Has recentlyinitiate intense debate.Originate fromInaugurateTerrify alarm d ism ay.At an alarm ing rateTestify to

13、./w itnessLate 1 990s has testified to theim portance and prevalence ofcyber com m unications.证实Testim ony 证词Thereby/thus+doingWe have to im plem ent sternlegal initiatives thussafeguarding the interests ofthe public.Econom icTh riftyStingyThrill chillBoom ingflourishingTh riving(社会现象)繁荣thrive on靠繁荣

14、发展o o oPersonal grow th th rives onfam ily upbringing andschooling and extensiveexperiences as well.Thrust ones way through thecrowdTim ely punctual promptThis is a tim ely investm ent.W e5d like to send you a gift as atoken of our gratitude.Ou r proj ect has proceededsm oothly by a courtesy of your

15、sponsorship.单词和句法的多变格式和语域的得体Extend attention to the m atterRender us assistanceI presum e to suggest th a t.Torture v t.Afflict v t.Plague v t.AfflictI nflict pains onConflict w ithTheir views diverge from ours.Their views contradict ours.Conflicting viewTrait trailTrack traceKeep track o f和。保持联系、追踪

16、记录Track down=find outTrace sth to.把(结果)追溯到。Trace corruption to a crack inour social institutionAttribute.to.Asciib e to Spend-thrift sensibility理财观Th rilled_But forW ithout.Lest.If we dont i ._The m ore w e do sth,.The m ore likely w e w ill have.The less likely we w ill avert73.转 变(形态)转 换shiftShift

17、 attention/focus/interestfrom a to.转向到Divert.from.to.Sb is(hardly)converted to theview很难。转变接受。观点We are divided as to.Our views115s hardup.reconcile ourHoptsdifferences in this view.There is little possibility thatour views will converge.Form al inform alConvert US dollar into rm bConvert gas into li

18、quidTransm it diseaseConvey m essageI m part know ledgePass on.from generation togenerationConvertTransactionTransit transitionTransplantTranslate:transformCom m u n icate1 .feeling ideas2.Com m unications betw een theisland and the city w ereblocked during the snow storm.Public transit 公共交通Transiti

19、on 转型期Convert transition文化交流Foreign exchangesTransm itI m partDisperseDiffuseCommunicate a disease to TransferEm bryo transferTransfer to the headquarterTransfer to another flightTransfer to another accountHuge vastEnorm ous trem endousI m m ense 大Size am ount area degree1.huge2.vast countryim m ens

20、e sea/universe浩瀚3.enOrm 0 U S amount of4.tremendousdevotion/passion/success5.im m ense griefpay tribute to.pay hom age to.pay heed to.当 心triumphHe looked trium phant.得意洋洋A w ill trium ph over bJustice is bound to trium ph over evil.Reign n.vi.Credits go to.功劳可以归于。The successful transition tom arket

21、econom y did the creditto the governm ent.74.1 1 is unanimously agreedth a t.unanimityUnderline the im portance of.Underlvinq(the socialisthat Ultimate 最后最终Ult im ately=eventuallyDhenom eron)idea/conviction/mythThe ultim ate goalTurn bleGru m ble mum bleThe thunder is rumbling.Glim m er glitter glow

22、Giggle tw itter blurtMutter stam m er stutterHold/m aintain/advocatethat Upgrade the level of.Elevate the standards of.Cultivate/nurture the mindso fErect bluntUpright righteousVerticalIt is hardly upsetting th a tlit m ostBe of+im portance.Be ofuItim ate/utm ost/param ountim portance to.极度重要无关紧要A i

23、s of no consequence to.UnderlieBe true of=Be applicable to.I n step withI n line withI n harm ony withI n tune withWe are unanimous th a t.Consensus is th a tThe root/very cause is that.The bottom line is that.The last resort is that.最 后 求 助 的 手 段The fact thatunderlines the need to doForm ulate and

24、enactModify and im proveReach an epidem ic levelUpholdSafeguard secure vt.VentilateGive vent to(emotions)Ventilate the roomGive vent to ones oppositionVoice opposition11 shouId be ventilated to thepublic th a t.o o o应该告知公众11 should be m ade clear/plainto the public th a t.The public should be m adea

25、w are/conscious th a t.公众应当知晓的是。The cartoon presents us with avery interesting scenario.The m essage conveyed by thecartoon ist shou Id arousepublic attention.Message=interpretationAs is vividly captured by,1 .观点解释型1 1 pays to be honest2,问题解决型How to alleviate m entalpressure of college students2.正反对

26、比型Shou Id w e allow student toevaluate their teachers?Job vacancyThere is an opening in yourcom pany.Apply to.for.I can subm it to your relevantcredentials._Valid argum entI rvalid_Newspapers should serve asthe vehicle of public views.Venture to do embark on newgoalsNo venture,no gains.Presume to do

27、Deliver a verdictBe on the edge/verge/brink o f几近于Th is is a verified alert by theauthority.W itness/testify(to)11 is docum ented th a t.11 is established th a t.Tim e w ill justify.I w ill w arrant his academ icintegrity.Virtue m eritVirtual realityVirtual storesVigorousA vigorous/sturdyadvocate/OD

28、Donent o fDefy the conventionViolate the lawsConform with adhere to.Abide byvice viciousBenign/malignant competitionSth is crucial/critical/essentialto.Sth is indispensable to.Sth is com plem ent to.Sth is an asset to.entails/requires/impliesst h.Visible visualVisual im pactHis anger is visible.Avoi

29、d/avertBe void of.The Hew is void of common sense.Make voluntary efforts to do=take initiatives to doMake conscious efforts to doMake joint efforts to doCollaborate with.on sth.Make coordinated efforts to doSb did sth involuntarily.Sb is w eary of sth.Sth isw eary(二tedious)Not.whatsoeverNot at allWa

30、ge a vigorous w ar againstcorruptionCom batPierceVirtually literallyThere is no doubt w hatsoeverth a t.Be vulnerable to 脆弱Be prone to.俯姿Be susceptible to 易受Be subject to.容易遭受、受制于,受到77.W ithstand=stand up toW ithstand(pressures/difficulties/frustration)Wholesom e food有益健康有益身心ooo has a w holesom e ef

31、fect on.Now w e have developed aw holesom e attitude tow ardpressure.健全的态度W ithdrawNever should we w ithdrawfrom difficulties.W jhdravvnneyprom ise Reclaim retrieveRestore recede retreatWithdrawWitherWithholdWithhold the secretYield.to.Yield to Surrender.to.Surrender to Su bscribe.to.Subscribe to.I

32、strongly subscribe to theview.Enthusiasm 热情zeal(强烈的宗教、政治)热忱zest 情趣craze 疯狂frenzyhardworkingdiligent industriousassiduous 勤勉arduous 艰苦 painstakingascetic 苦行ascendzoom intocharge intodash intoth rust one5s w ay intofile into.swarm into.surge into.flock into.an influx of.into.dribble into.55001.最实用的功能表

33、达词2.国内语言考试的最实惠的单词The painter attempts to offerus an explicit understanding ofan interesting phenom enon:w e should be m ade aw are thatto fulfill our obligation tosociety especially to ordinaryconsum ers is the bottom linewe have to pay attention to.With excessive com m ercialfishing,w e have w itne

34、ssed thedrastic decrease in the num berof fish.1.给出这个漫画的基本感情色彩评判Thought-provokingSarcasticEnlighteningAm azing shockingUpsettingHelps us to be reflectiveReally arouses our contem plat ion2.争取一两句话写出漫画的主要信息。Bottom right bottom leftUp right up left+cornerCenterWhat really captures ourattention at first

35、 sight is that.Grab attentionW hafs reallyeye-popping/eye-catching.W hafs really heart-gripping.The painter confronts us with sbwho.3.在细枝末节写不出来的情况下,对漫画的总体信息加以合理化联想The em barrassm ent andfrustration college g raduatesexperience in job hunting havebeer vividly cautured by thesarcastic cartoon.Thefull-

36、equipped young graduatesfeel at a loss when asked towhether thev can adaotthemselves to the touqhrecuirem ents of enter crises.Hardas they try,they seem tocom pletely get stuck into adilemma./plightWe will have a w holesom eattitude about.词句段篇论证-基本思路框架一包装成好的单词如何展开论证/万能理由Peer fam ily geneticSocial fi

37、nancial1 cum ulative financialbu rdenI m pose.on.2Legal initiativesEnact im plem entSafeguard3 social circumstancesEgoism altruismA finishing point is anotherstarting point.Your com m ent on itP71-p74解释论证因果论证类 比(以小见大)词 句句型变化P66-p70固定在固定的三段式的固定的位置上用固定的句型What a thought-provoking thepicture it is!I sn5

38、t this cartoonthought-provoking?_What 15d like to m ent ion first isth a t.Equally im portant is th a t.The bottom line is th a t.P3All the m essage m entionedabove,15d like to offer som epersonal com m ent.独立主格Were it not for.We wouIdn5tdo词汇1 .保底词a.最俗词b.同一词汇的形式变化c.记住一些包含好词的特色句ConvenienceHandy日 f ic

39、ientMaximize the convenience经济Cost-effective 成本核算Em ploym ent rateBoostGive boostI m pulse has been given toem ploy m ent.subsidize subsidyFinance vt sponsorThe governm ent should givem ore financial incentives toenvironm entally friendlyindustries.Sustain the growth economyCom bat inflationAdjust p

40、oliciesAdjust interest as a leverage tooffset the inflation1 .成就Worsh ip individualach ievem entsDiversifiedA dazzling array of activitiesLuxurious tourist resortExclusiveEgoisticsolitary success乐趣Live in a lifeDefy the social con vent ionBoringConform with“好”.is positive/desirable1 1 is.th a t.Favo

41、rable circum stances/conditions1 1 is th a t.1 1 isappropriate/decent/properthat sth should be doneAdvantageous positive1 1 is a plus1 1 is incredible fabulousAppealing am azingVt phrase.Sth works for.works againstI s a com plem ent to.I s an asset that you couId fallback on.Sth is som ething you ca

42、nnot dow ithout.Sth is som ething you couIdnever afford to lose最基本的词性变化轻重变化1 .v t.Works for2.adj.1 1 should be deem eddesirable for us to do3 二 be of utm ost importanceto.轻重Sth can facilitate us.Sth is an asset.Sth is w hat w e can not afford tolose.坏1 .vtpose abarrier/obstacle/handicapto.2.sth set

43、us back/have anegative im pact on.sth will hinder/retard/haltour growthadj.sth is negativesth is destructivesth is deleterious to.We cannot do sth w ithoutdet rim ent to一做。就必然有害Sth is injurious to.n.plussth has lots oflim itations negativesdark sides hindrance轻重1 .o o o可能造成潜在危害Pose harm dangerSth is

44、 capable of insidioushazard2.o o o如果应付不当,就会对。造成长期的不利影响Sth,if not handled properly,couId be long-term threat to.2.o o o造成了明显的摧毁性的影响Sthvisibly/apparently/evidentlyApprantely,sth hasdevastated.o o o严重的阻碍了我们的发展Sth is a grim hindrance to.Sth is a handicap to.o o o o 一旦做了就会有害。We couIdn5t take high-caloriefood without detrim ent to ourhealth.


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