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1、.o.邹.o.区.o.媒.o.氐.o.2022年高考英语真题试卷(全国甲卷)姓名:班级:考号:题号四五六总分评分阅卷人一、阅读理解第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、得分B、C和 D四个选项中,选出取佳选项。(共 15小题:每小题 2 分,满分30分)(共 15题;共 30分)阅读理解Theatres and EntertainmentSt David*s HallSt Davids Hall is the award winning National Concert Hall of Wales standing at the veryheart of Cardiffs entertainme

2、nt centre.With an impressive 2,000-seat concert hall,St DavidsHall is home to the annual Welsh Proms Cardiff.It presents live entertainment,including pop,rock,folk,jazz,musicals,dance,world music,films and classical music.The Hayes,Cardiff CF10 1AHwww.stdavidshallcardiff.co.ukThe Glee ClubEvery week

3、end this is Wales premier comedy club where having a great time is the orderfor both audiences and comedy stars alike.It is hard to name a comedy star who hasnt been onthe stage here.If you are looking for the best comedies on tour and brilliant live music,youshould start here.Mermaid Quay,Cardiff B

4、ay,Cardiff CF10 5BZwww.glee.co.uk/cardiffSherman CymruSherman Cymrus theatre in the Cathays area of Cardiff reopened in February 2012.Thisspecial building is a place in which theatre is made and where children,artists,writers andanyone else have the opportunity(机会)to do creative things.Sherman Cymru

5、 is excited topresent a packed programme of the very best theatre,dance,family shows and music fromWales and the rest of the world.SenghermyddRoad,CardiffCF244YEwww.shermancymru.co.ukN e wTheat r eTheNewTheatrehasbeent h ehomeofqualiqdramaymusicals danceandch=dren-sshowsf o rmore-hansoy e a r s-Pres

6、entingt h eb e s roft h eWes-Endao ngw r h t he p icko fs-eUK-Sourmgshows-h eNewTheatrei sCardiffso-d e s rs u r vivingt r a d i ro-n a-heardBesure_ 0p aya Vig asp ar t o f y o u rss-yin r he cr yPar k p lacey C ar diffCF 33 L Nw w w.new lhea-r ecar diff.co.u k1.(24)Wher e is t he w e-s h Pr o m sC

7、ar diff ho s-ed?A.A tt he N e w Theat r e.B.A二he G-eeccb.c.ArS her m an C y rnnrD.AtS rDav id-SHa-L2,(2M)Whatcan p eo p le doar t he Glee C lu b?AWar ch m u s icals-BEq jo yco m edies。c-S ee fam ilys ho w s-DD ocr eat iv e t hings-3.(2M)W h i c h w eb s i-e can y o uv is i二o-ear n ab o u tC ar diffs

8、o Ees-s u r v iv ing t hea-r e7Aw w w m ew-hear r ecar diff.co u kBw w w-s her m ancy m r FC O u kc,w w w.glee.co.u k/car diffD,w w w.s t dav ids hallear diff.co u kssGo ffm-Sco ckat o o s】a kind o f s m a二p ar r o f n a t i v eoAUS-r alas F hav e b een s ho w n_ ohav es im ilars hap e r eco gnit io

9、 n ab ilit ies_ 0a hu m an t w o y ear O H Tho u gh no-kno w n5u s eo o lsint hewi R-he b ir dshav e p r o v ed s ki-fu-a-_ 00I u s e w h i o kep-m-he cage,In a r eces ex p er im ent)co ckat o o sw er e p r es ent ed w i_ h a b o xw ir h an ss-s iderTheco arfr o n-o fs-eb o xhad a-key h2-e-in a geo

10、m eB.c s hap e and t he b ir dsw er e giv en fiv e w e n=ys hap ed-key s:ocho o s e fr o m,Ins es.ng t he co r r es-key-w o u ld-ao u二he3 In hu m anyb ab iescan p u-a r o u nd s hap e in a r o u ndh oofr o mar o u nd o ne y earo f ag9b一一w i=b e ano-hery ear b efo r e-heyar ea b Qt o do-he s am e w i

11、-ho s ss y m m et r ica一(当黄3)s hap es,hisab ili-y-or e c o g nN-e t ha-a s hap e w三need3b e-t im ed in a s p ecific dir ect io n b efo r eitw i U fitiscalled an-巨o cent r ic fr am e o f r efer ence-,?t he ex p er im enr yGo s n-Sco ckeo o sw er ea b o o s e o c _ he ighro o一fo二he jo b y in m o s-C a

12、s eyb y v is u a-r eco gns o na o n。W h e r e2、25,o.内.o.装.o.订.o.线.o.请不要在装订线内答题.o.夕卜.o.装.o.订.o.线.o.名姓装校学o外o装O内Om Qr r o r w a s u s edhe co ckat o o sdid b e-t ert han m o n k e y sin s im二a二es t s-Thism d i c B e s_ ha_ Go s n-Sco ckat o o sdoindeed p o s s es san a二o cenH.c fr am e o f r efer ence

13、w h e n m o v i n go b jec-sin s p ace s im二a二二wo y ea7o ld b ab ies.The nex t s t epacco r ding t o r he r es ear cher s y isgt r y and w o r k o u tw hahers-eco cka-o o sr elyeair elyo n v is u al clu es(海溯)30ra-s ou s e a s ens e o f t o u ch in m a k i n g t heirs hap es elec-io ns 4-(24)Ho wdid

14、s-eco ckat o o s ge二he nu-fr o m-he b o xin-he ex p er im ent;?AByfo=o w ing ins t r u ct io n,B,By u s ingat o o LcBy c m m g-h e b o xar o u nd。D,Byr em o v ing r h。l i d 5(24)Which-as k can hu m an o ne y ear o lds m o s t-ike-y co m p ns e acco r dingot he s x r?AUs ing a key5Im o ck a do o rB-T

15、emng p ar r o-s fr o mo t her b ir ds-cPu t t ing a b a=inlo a r o u ndhopDG r o u p i n g一o y so f differ en-s hap es-6,(26)Whatdo est he fb lo w u pr es t aim8find o u t ab o u二he co cka-o o s?H ow far-heyar e ab范t os ee,BHo wt hey t r ack m o v ing o&ec-s-c,wh xh e二heyar e s m ar-c二han m o n k e

16、y s,DW h e t h e二hevu s e a s ens e o f t o u ch in t he t es L7(2少)W h i c h can b e a s u it ab le t it le fo rt he s x t?Aco cka-o o s:Qu ick Er r o r C hecker sBC o c k at o o s二ndep enden-Lear ner sc.co cka-o o s:c o v e rS igna丁Reader sD.C o c k a一o o巴S ki-fu l S hap e-S o r t er sssAsGir m i

17、Baz-m r o n r eached Ans r ct ica s he fo u nd her s elfgr es ed b ya gr o u p 0flitt oG e r U o op engu ins(今造)o nging_ 0s ayhe=。Thes e g e n r po v e-ygas keep er sw elco m ed herand kick s一ar t ed w hatw as5b e a t r ipG m2.w o u ld nev er fo r geLEv ers ince her childho o daGm 2.no w7L has had a

18、 deepo v efo二r av eL Thr o u gho u thercar eer(免后)asa p r o fes s io nal dancer a s he t o u r ed in-he U K y b u ta l w a y s o n g e d-oe x p o r efu r-her When s he r s ir ed fr o mdancing and her s o ns ev enca-y flew-he nes T s he decidedi _w as二mer o Ig kefhe Dlu nge.A f o r t a k m g a degr e

19、e atchich e s o rUniv er s i-yin R e l a o d Ar t yGir m i b egan t ot r av e二heworm e v e n E a一一yget t ing w o r k-eaching Englis h in J ap an and c h i pA n di-w a sin c h=e s hedis co v er ed s he co u ld get-as Tm m u r e cheapdeals o n s hip s go ing_ 0As ar ct lca fr o mt he is landso ff Tier

20、 r a de-F u e g o ss-e s o us-e mmos二ip o f-he s o u-h Am er ican ma i n-Iju s-decidedw a a e do g o=s he s ay s-Ihad noidea ab o s w ha二-d find t her e and I w as n-tner v o u s aI ju s tw ar ned t o doFAnd Iw ar ded t o doi tao neas Ialw ay sp r efer i t _ ha-w ay zIn Mar ch 2008G m2.b o ar ded a

21、s hip w it h 48 p as s enger ss he-d nev erm2b efo r p-ob egin-he jo u r ney一owa a sAnt ar c-ica,-Fr o ms eeings-ew二d-ife一。w it nes s ing s u nr is es 一he wh ooex p er ience w asam az ing,Ans r c-ica-ef-an im p r es s kmo n m e-har noo-her p-ace hay-Gir m is ay s-Ir em em b er-he flr s t Hm e Is awa

22、 hu m p b ack w hale;i t ju s t r o s e o u t o f t hew ao rlike s o m ep r ehis-o r ic cr eat u r e and I-ho u gh-itw a ss m=i n g a-u s,Y o uC O U E s t三hear-he o p er a-ic s o u ndsi-w asm aking u nder w ar er.-T h e r ealiz a-io n-ha二hisisa p r ecio u s-a n d _ 0b e r es p ect ed b yhu m anyw as

23、o ne o f t heb igges二hingst hBhit ho m e t o Gir m L8(2M)Which o f t he fo llo w ing b es t ex p lains-akes-ep lu nge-u nder lined in p ar agr ap h 2?ATr ychallenging r hings B.Take a degr ee-c-Br ing b ack-OS-m em o r ies-DS Hck-oa p r o m is e。9(2M)Whatm ade Ginni decide o n r he5.P oAnt ar cHca*?

24、ALo v elyp engu ins.BB e a u二fu-s cener y,c,A dis co u nt farpDA fr iend-s inv i-a-km 1 0,(2 4)w h a d o e s G m E.r h m k ab o sA aar c Hc a af-e二hejo u m ey*?AH co u-d b e a ho m e fo r hercI一s h o E d b e w e=p r es er v ed11(2 6)Whar is-he t ex t:m ainlyab o u t?AA childho o d dr eam-cs ai-m g a

25、r o u nd-he w o r ldaB-_I s hoE.db e eas ilyacces s ib le,D,I-needsob e fu=yint r o du cedBA n u nfb r get-ab o ex p er ience,D,Meet ing anim a-sinAs ar aic*S o m e t i m e in一he ear-y1960s,a s i g n s c a n二hing hap p ened in S y d n e y a A u s一邑ia,T h e ci_ ydis co v er ed7har b o n Then,o ne af_

26、 er ans her,S y dneydis co v er ed10-s o f t hings-hew er e ju s ts o il o f-her e b r o ad p ar ks s u p er bb eaches aand a c u=u邑-ydiv er s e p o p E a-i o m Bu-ir ist hehar b o rt hBm akes s-eci-yAndr ewRey ns-dya cheer fu l felo win his ear ly 30yp io t sS y dneyfer r y b o a7fo r a-iv ing I4、2

27、 5,o.内.o.装.o.订.o.线.o.请不要在装订线内答题.o.夕卜.o.装.o.订.o.线.o.o线o号考订级班o名姓装校学o外线oo装o内ospenrthewhoQmorningshuamgbackandforthacross-heharborAfterourthirdrunAndrewshdown-heengmpandwewen-oursopararewaysheforachbrearI_oexplore_hecity-T=missrheseOEboa-SJhesaidasweparsF-Howdoyoumean?-1asked,-oh=hey-rereplacing-hemwi_h





32、rscatamaranswerDHeisa-rached5s-eoldferdes,14,(26)wha-doesshseyFirzgera-d-hmkofSydneyAItisosmghs-rads:onsBIrshouldspeedup一一sprogress。cHshouldexpanditspopu-auorkDItisbecomingmorem-emationaL15.(2 分)Which statement will the author probably agree with?A.A city can be young and cad at the same time.B.A ci

33、ty built on ancient cultures is more dynamic.C.modernity is usually achieved at the cost of elegance.D.Compromise should be made between the local and the foreign.阅卷入 二、阅读理解第二节(5小题;每小题2分,满分1 0分)得分(共5题;共1 0分)(10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Important Things to Know When Dicing OutCultura

34、l dining etiquette(礼节)might surprise you with some of its important rules._16.Knowing some tips will help ensure that you have an enjoyable meal with friendsor family-no matter where you are in the world.Chopstick RulesThe way you handle chopsticks is important to avid annoying your companions.When

35、youput them down between bite,always put them down together so they are parallel with the edgeof the table in front of you.17.Hands or Utensils(餐具)In India and the Middle East,it*s considered very rude to eat with your left hand.People inFrance expect you to cat with a utensil in each hand.18.instea

36、d preferring to usetheir hands.In chide,you may never touch any fool with your fingers.People in Thailandgenerally use their jerks only to push food onto their spoons.Making Requests19.In Portugal,this would be a serious mistake,because it shows the chefthat you dont like their seasoning skills.Simi

37、larly,in Italy,never ask for extra cheese to add toyour food.Some of these cultural dining etiquette rules may seem random and strange,but they areimportant in various countries.20.,the more con for table youll begin to feel withits foreign cultural practice.6/25.o.郛.o.n.o.期.o.g.o:出#.o.郛.o.白.o.堞.o.氐

38、.o.o.邹.o.f a-.o.我.o.氐.o.一DIP即-.s:即强一招料o.郑.o.I l.o.盘.o.M.o.A.The more friends you make in your lifetimeB.The more time you spend in any given countryC.Mexicans consider it inappropriate to eat with utensilsD.Dont get caught making an embarrassing mistake at a restaurantE.Its a good sign for the chef

39、if you make a mess around your plateF.Never stick them upright in your food or cross them as you use themG.It may seem like a simple request to ask for salt and pepper at a meal阅卷入”、语言知识运用第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,得分 满分30分)(共20题;共30分)(30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。You can tell a lot about

40、a man by how he treats his dogs.For many years,I enjoyed living with my dogs,Tilly and Chance.Their 21.wasnearly enough to keep my loneliness at bay,Nearly.Last year.I started dating,but with _22.When I first dated Steve,I 23.he had a dog.Molly,and a cat,Flora.WhileI was 24.that he was an animal lov

41、er,I 25.that three dogs were perhapstoo many,and my dogs might attack 26.,the cat.The next week we 27.our dogs together.It was a hot day.When we paused tocatch our 28.,Steve got down on one knee.Was he proposing(求婚)?I liked himtoo.But so 29.?He poured water from a bottle into his hand and offered it

42、 to mydogs.30.,I began to fall for him.We 31.to date,though neither of us brought up the future.And then in lateNovember,Tilly had an operation on her 32.I took the dogs out four times a day,and I worried that Tilly 33.climbing the stairs could reopen the wound.Then Steve _34.his house.All worked 35

43、.The three dogs formed a pack that,withcoaching,36.Floras space;Steve and I formed a good team 37.for Tilly.We made good housemates.A year later,much to my 38.this man produced a little box with a ring andproposed to me.He did not kneel(跪)down,nor did I 39.him to.Thats only forgiving 40.to the dogs

44、that brought us together.21.A.ownershipB.membershipC.companionshipD.leadership22.A.reservationsB.expectationsC.confidenceD.prejudice23.A.fearedB.doubtedC.hopedD.learned24.A.unsatisfiedB amusedC.terrifiedD.thrilled25.A.predictedB.worriedC.regrettedD.insisted26.A.FloraB.ChanceC.MollyD.Tilly27.A.tiedB.

45、walkedC.bathedD.fed28.A.breathB.balanceC.attentionD.imagination29.A.calmB.sureC.soonD.realf30.A.By the wayB.In that caseC.By all meansD.In that moment31.A.continuedB.decidedC.intendedD.pretended32.A.eyeB.tailC.earD.leg33.A.secretlyB.constantlyC.eventuallyD.unwillingly34.A.leftB.soldC.suggestedD.sear


47、 visually-challenged man from Beijing recently hiked(徒步)40 days to Xian,aha firststep 41.(journey)the Belt and Road route(路线)by foot.On the 1,100-Kilometer journey,the man Cao Shengkang,42.lost hiseyesight at the age of eight in a car accident,crossed 40 cities and counties in three province.Inspire

48、d by the Belt and Road Forum for Interactional Cooperation 43.(hold)inBeijing.Cao decided to cover the route by hiking as a tribute(致敬)to the ancient Silk Road._8/25.o.郛.o.n.o.期.o.g.o:出#.o.郛.o.白.o.堞.o.氐.o.o.邹.o.f a-.o.我.o.氐.o.一DIP即-.s:即强一招料o.郑.o.I l.o.盘.o.M.o.44.45.46.friend of his,Wu Fan,volunteere

49、d to be his companion during the trip.Cao and Wu also collect cd garbage along the road,in order to promote environmental _(protect).Cao believes this will make the hiking trip even more _(meaning).The two of them collected more than 1,000 plastic bottlesalong the 40-day journey.In the last five car

50、s.Cao 47.(walk)through 34 countries in sixcontinents,and in 2016,he reached the top of Kilimanjaro,Africas 48.mountain.(high)Now,Cao has started the second part of his dream to walk along the Belt and Road route.He flew 4,700 kilometers 49.Xian to Kashgar on Spet 20,50._(plan)to hike back to Xifan i


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