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1、Unitl1)accent2)turn against3)a couple of4)takes his time5)fate6)confirmed7)witness8)subsequent9)stands a chance10)trial1)belief2)brilliant3)employment4)has saved up5)stood a chance6)were awarded7)Presumably8)conducted9)casual10)around(which student life)revolves1)Joe wrote to say that he had to put

2、off his visit because of his illness.2)Despite the noise,they went on working as if nothing were happening.3)Traffic was held up for several hours by the accident.4)Called(up)on to speak at the meeting,I couldn,t very well refuse.5)M rs.Stevenson looked in the cupboard and found there was not a sing

3、lelump of sugar left.6)It was the rumor that turned J oe against his twin brother.7)We wondered how Sara was getting on in her new job.8)Although Anne agreed with me on most points,there was one on whichshe was unwilling to give in.9)Visitors could photograph almost anything here without having to a

4、skfor permission.10)Whether we make an excursion or stay home will depend on tomorrowsweather.1)uncertain,unafraid,unacceptable,unfamiliar,unequal;2)unanswered,unattached,unknown,undecided,unexpected;3)unhappily,unskillfully,unconsciously,unnecessarily,uncomfortably;4)unsay,undress,untie,unlock,unlo

5、ado1)reliable2)changeable3)enjoyable4)exhaustible5)permissible6)regrettable7)breakable8)imaginable9)workable10)applicable1)countercharge2)counterattack3)counterpart4)counteract5)countermeasures6)Counterculturists1)Liz sang perfectly in the town hall yesterday afternoon.2)I saw your brother and his g

6、irlfriend walking arm in arm in the parkthe other day.3)It began to blow quite hard before midnight.4)They moved the piano into another room upstairs last evening.5)Come to my office at ten oclock.6)I was still living alone at home at the time.7)B elieve it or not,I ran into your cousin in a shop in

7、 New York threeweeks ago.8)The old couple were sitting quite happily in the garden at this timeyesterday.1)It turned out that his methods didn,t work at all.2)It turned out that the necklace was not made of diamond,but of glass.3)It turned out that the lost money had been in the safe all the time!4)

8、It turned out that the experiment was much more difficult than theyhad supposed.5)It has turned out that your nephew is the most suitable person for thejob.6)To his surprise,it turned out that the fashionable young lady he spoketo was a pickpocket.1)Given his age,it was indeed a miracle that he had

9、done so much in soshort a time.2)Given that they are fresh from university,the young people have donea good job.3)Given that X equals ten,X minus four is six.4)Given good health,he can finish the work in a couple of weeks.5)Given enough manpower and financial support,the goal can certainlybe attaine

10、d.6)Given the chance,Paul might make it.1)Fate2)trial3)guilty4)couple of5)conduct6)wandering7)casual8)confirm9)temporary10)brilliant11)stand a chance12)employment13)turn against1)into2)at3)Before4)car5)station6)confirmed7)injured8)drunk9)jail10)charged11)court12)dismissed13)but14)fine15)where16)kill

11、ing17)from18)u p19)f i n e20)f r e e21)n o t22)w h o23)d r u n k e n/d r u n k24)o r25)r e c e i v e d26)s u c h27)w h y28)i n j u r e dU n i t 21)f r u i t f u l2)e v o l u t i o n3)l i m i t a t i o n s4)v e r s i o n s5)D e s p i t e6)i n t e n d s7)I n s h o r t8)a c c e s s9)n o w h e r e10)s u

12、 p e r11)m e s s y12)o n l i n e1)d e s p i t e2)c o n t r a c t i n g3)d a t a4)i n t e n d e d5)(h i s)l i m i t a t i o n s6)f r u i t f u l7)u n c o v e r e d8)d e f i n i t e l y9)v i e w10)m i I d e r11)n o t a b l e12)q u e s t1)t h i n k u p2)b r i n g u p3)t o o k o u t4)s e t t i n g b a c

13、 k5)g i v e s o f f6)s p r i n g i n g u p7)c a m e t o8)l i t u p9)m a d e f o r10)l e f t b e h i n d1)m a d e2)s n o w3)s h o t4)s t a t e5)b e a t e n6)w i n d7)f e l t8)e n e m y1)l o v i n g2)m a n3)s a v i n g4)r e c o r d5)c u t t i n g6)f a c t7)r a i s i n g8)t o n e1)t h e y o u n g e s t

14、 i n h i s f a m i l y2)t h e c h e a p e s t h e r e3)T h e s m a l l e s t4)t h e m o s t d a n g e r o u s5)the deaf and the blind6)All the sick and the wounded7)the employed and the unemployed8)happy people9)the young10)Intelligent people1)M artin was about to go to bed when there was a knock at

15、 the door.2)The travelers were about to cross the river when a storm broke.3)The film was about to start when cries of Fire were heard.4)I was about to write to Aunt Sophia when she came to visit us.5)J enny was about to leave when M ark arrived so she stayed a little longer.1)An officer is meant to

16、 set a good example to his men.2)The diagram is meant to explain how the machine works.3)Examinees are meant to write their names at the top of the paper.4)Parents are meant to love all their children equally.5)This experiment is meant to test a new theory recently proposed by someAmerican scientist

17、s.1)Despite2)data3)download4)web5)l i m i t a t i o n s6)f r u i t f u l7)u n c o v e r8)e v o l u t i o n9)n o t a b l e10)v i e w11)I n s h o r t12)t h i n k i n g u p1)A s k i n g2)t h e i r3)h a d4)n o5)c o u l d6)w a y7)i m a g i n e8)i n s t e a d9)w h a t10)I f11)e n c o u r a g e12)c h i l d

18、13)f o l l o w14)d o15)d e a l/c o p e16)same17)when18)as19)creative20)toVII.DictationOne of the ways you can encourage children to be creative is to talk thingsover rather than to give instructions or make a model when they ask forhelp.If you show a child how to draw a flower or a person,they will

19、tryto draw one just like yours.This can be frustrating because no matterhow hard children try,their pictures will not be as goocT as yoursbecause they do not have the skill that you have.Chances are that childrenwill compare the two pictures and not be happy with their own.They mayeven decide not to

20、 try.B e creative yourself and think of ways to encouragechildren,s creativity.Unit31)urban2)analysis3)keep a diary4)pace5)technological6)catch his breath7)intuition8)convince9)Civil10)was/has beenrenovated1)t o o k (d e t a i l e d)n o t e s2)s w i t c h e d3)e n e r g e t i c4)s t i m u l a t e d5

21、)b u i l t o n/i s b u i l t o n6)r e n o v a t e7)l e a r n e d (m a n)8)c o m p e l l e d9)d i s t r i b u t e d10)r e p a y1)s w i t c h t o2)h a s s e t u p3)k e p t o n4)l e a v e o u t5)c a l l e d o n6)s e n d o f f7)s t a y e d u p8)f o u n d o u t1)d i c t a t o r s h i p2)p r o f e s s o r

22、 s h i p3)s p o r t s m a n s h i p4)scholarship5)martyrdom6)readership7)leadership8)officialdom9)partnership10)hardship11)boredom12)workmanship1)the point2)points3)There is no point in4)Whats the point of5)The point6)a point1)I didn,t leave college because I was tired of learning.2)We didn t set up

23、 the corporation merely because we wanted to makeprofits.3)J ohn didnt marry Alice because she was rich,or because she was pretty.4)He didn,t join the Confederate army because he stood for slavery.5)The police didn,t arrest him because he had really committed any crime,or because he was an escaped p

24、risoner.1)We all left the meeting convinced that the project was feasible.2)Peter got home tired out from the three-month-long journey to theAntarctic.3)They went hunting for hours,but they returned empty-handed.4)He entered the office still annoyed by the way she had spoken to him.1)himself in the

25、ward of a hospital2)themselves surrounded by enemy forces3)themselves reading it with fresh eyes4)himself tailed by a man in black5)myself doubting my own judgment6)ourselves in a large valley1)analysis2)professions3)energetic4)catch his breath5)staying up6)convinced7)stimulating8)administrative9)sw

26、itch10)pace11)r e f l e c t i o n12)s p a r k13)r e p a y i n g1)y o u2)o r3)w o n d e r4)p a r e n t5)o f6)h e l p7)o n8)h o w9)t e l l i n g10)t r e a t11)w h e n12)a n d13)c r i t i c i z e14)w i t h15)r e s p o n s e16)y o u17)c l a s s18)n o t19)r e a l i z e/u n d e r s t a n d20)B e c a u s e

27、21)s p e c i a l i z e d22)a b o u t23)k n o w24)w e l l25)t o o26)w h a t27)d i f f e r e n t28)f r o m29)b e h a v i o rU n i t 41)j u n i o r2)j u n k3)w i n d s4)p h y s i c a l5)h a n d i c a p6)C l i c k7)d e c a y e d8)i n t e r p r e t e d9)l e a n i n g10)1i m b11)t w i s t e d12)r e l a t

28、i o n s h i p13)s u r r o u n d e d14)a t l e a s t15)i n h o p e s o f1)c o v e r i n g2)r u n s3)a f f e c t4)d o t t e d w i t h5)E l a b o r a t e6)f a n c y7)g r a b b e d8)m a x i m u m9)p e r10)s p o t t e d11)s t r a i n e d12)c a u g h t h e r e y e13)s o r t o f1)a d d t o2)c u r l e d u p

29、3)b r i n g b a c k4)c a l l e d u p5)g r o w u p6)c a m e u p w i t h7)w o r k o u t8)w a s s i n g l e d o u t9)t a k e a p a r t1)s t a t i s t i c i a n2)p o l i t i c s3)V e n u s i a n4)M a r s5)m a g i c i a n6)l i b r a r y7)c i v i l8)t e c h n i c i a n9)c o m e d i a n10)C h r i s t i a n

30、l l)R u s s i a12)A s i a13)A u s t r a l i a14)C o n f u c i u s15)e l e c t r i c i a n16)m u s i c17)v e g e t a b l e18)g u a r d1)t a x p a y e r s,m o n e y2)p l a y g o e r s3)Yo u n g s o n g w r i t e r s4)babysitters5)housekeepers6)sunbather7)wheelchair8)driveway1)that little progress has

31、been made2)is doing a little better this season3)a little earlier than scheduled4)Little did he realize5)said little about her work experience6)little imagined then7)slow down a little8)have little contact with the outside world1)Nigels novel was not as well received as he had hoped.2)He ran as hard

32、 as he could in hopes of breaking his record for the fivemiles.3)Some of the power stations have significantly failed to operate asefficiently as people have expected.4)The aging body does not absorb and distribute food as efficiently asit used to do.5)The B ritish welfare system did not assist the

33、genuinely needy groupsas effectively as did some systems prevailing elsewhere.1)B ut why dont you pluck up the courage to do what you,ve always wantedto?2)He will help you prepare what you need to say.3)What is true for general histories also applies to surveys of morelimited periods.4)I have notice

34、d that what are commonly called warm colors is notnecessary to produce the impression of warmth in landscape.5)These travel books entertain readers with accounts of what travelershave seen.1)Every time I see you youre even lovelier than I remember.2)Every time its sunny I enjoy driving.3)Every time

35、the child completes a specified desirable behavior it willearn a toy.4)M y ankle hurts every time I put my foot to the ground.5)Every time I sat down I went to sleep.1)affected2)physical3)interpret4)spot5)handicap6)fastened7)maximum8)per9)extensively10)S t r a i n i n g11)s u r r o u n d e dl)u p2)w

36、 h e r e v e r3)f o r4)t h e5)t a u g h t6)b e f o r e7)b e i n g8)t h a n9)w h o10)w h e r e11)s t i l l/e v e n12)w i t h13)t o l d14)a n d15)Ye t16)s o u n d e d17)t o18)s t r a i g h t19)W i t h20)h o wVII.DictationBaseball is America,s national sport,played mainly by men.It developedin the mid

37、19th century from the British games of rounders and cricket.Baseball is also popular in Japan and several Latin American countries,and has been an Olympic sport since in 1972.Softball is similar but usesa large,softer ball and is popular with women.Many Americans playbaseball for fun because players

38、 do not have to be strong like footballplayers or tall like basketball players.Some people think baseball istoo slow,but the team managers often change their players and plans duringthe game,and there are many exciting plays.Many American families enjoygoing to a Sunday afternoon double-header,that

39、is,two games between thesame two teams in one day.Unit51)issue2)helpless3)correspondence4)flipped5)racked6)had to myself7)on guard8)tension9)tucked10)session1)frantic2)qualified3)assume4)a t w o r k5)i n d e x6)s t a n d i n y o u r w a y7)t u c k e d8)c a t c h o n (t o i t)9)e n r o l l e d h i m1

40、0)r e c a l l1)h a d r u n o u t2)c a t c h o n3)h e l p i n g o u t4)s e n t a w a y f o r5)w e r e t h i n k i n g a b o u t6h o l d b a c k7)h a s g o a h e a d8)R e a c h i n g o u t9)i s g o i n g o n1)s c i e n t i s t2)o r g a n i s t3)t o u r i s t4)m a c h i n i s t5)b o t a n i s t6)p r a

41、g m a t i s t7)r e a l i s t8)p s y c h o l o g i s t1)b r e a k f a s t+l u n c h2)m e d i c a l+c a r e3)c o m m u n i c a t i o n s+s a t e l l i t e4)n e w s+b r o a d c a s t5)E u r o p e+A s i a6)s m o k e+f o g7)h e l i c o p t e r+a i r p o r t8)t e l e v i s i o n+b r o a d c a s t1)a t2)w

42、i t h3)o n4)w i t h5)t o6)o n7)o f8)t o9)i n10)t o1)It was not long before everyone came to know him./It won,t be longbefore everyone comes to know him.2)It was not long before the whole country rose up and drove the aggressorsfrom their homeland./It wont be long before the whole country rises upand

43、 drives the aggressors from their homeland.3)It was not long before the mechanic had the machine taken apart./Itwon,t be long before the mechanic has the machine taken apart.4)It won,t be long before you get used to wearing glasses.5)It won,t be long before we work out some plan to promote our sales

44、.1)Nothing serious.J ust that Ive got a slight headache.2)Nothing important.J ust that hes a bit upset about losing the game.3)Its nothing,really.J ust that she didn,t do so well in the race asshe had expected.4)Nothing important.J ust that a lit cigarette burnt a hole in her newskirt.5)Nothing s th

45、e matter with me.J ust that these shoes are so tight thatthey hurt when I walk.12 3 45 6 7 81)recall2)embarrassment3)have all to himself4)frantic5)assumed6)sessions7)catch on to8)enrolled9)c o r r e s p o n d e n c e10)h e l p l e s s11)t e n s i o n12)w e n t o n1)c l e a n i n g2)w o r k i n g3)l

46、i b r a r y4)a l o u d5)I n6)a b o u t7)f a m i l i a r8)l i v e s9)b e f o r e10)m u c h11)h a d12)w h e n13)b e c a u s e14)g a v e15)o f16)c o n s i d e r e d17)w o m e n18)e a r n19)0n l y20)l i k e21)s o f t e r22)S u c ho f y o u r s t u d i e s.U n i t 61)p r e s c r i b e d2)s h i v e r3)s c

47、 a t t e r e d4)a c i d5)s l i d6)s l i p p e d7)f l u s h e d8)p o i s e d9)t a k e i t e a s y10)v a r n i s h i n g11)s l a c k12)e p i d e m i c1)f l u s h e d2)k e e p f r o m3)g a z e4)i c y5)c o m m e n c e d6)s h i v e r7)h o l d t i g h t o n t o t h e m s e l v e s8)s c a t t e r e d9)o u

48、t o f s i g h t10)o v e r c o m e1)b r o u g h t d o w n2)w r o t e d o w n3)i s g o i n g o n4)h o l d o n t o5)l o o k u p6)w o k e u p7)k e e p f r o m8)w o r r y a b o u t1)T h e s t o r y o f h i s a d v e n t u r e s m a k e s g o o d r e a d i n g.2)W e v e m a d e 80 m i l e s s i n c e n o

49、o n.3)G e o r g e m a k e s$250 a w e e k.4)I m a k e t h e d i s t a n c e 12 m i l e s.5)I f y o u w o r k h a r d y o u,11 m a k e a g o o d e n g i n e e r.6)T w e l v e i n c h e s m a k e o n e f o o t.7)O n e s w a l l o w d o e s n o t m a k e a s u m m e r.8)T h a t e v e n t m a d e t h e

50、h e a d l i n e s i n a l 1 t h e b i g n e w s p a p e r s.1)three tenths2)two thirds3)a/one quarter4)three quarters5)four ninths6)four fifths1)thermochemistry:the branch of chemistry dealing with the relationsbetween chemical action and heat2)thermodynamics:the branch of physics that deals with th


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