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1、College English Achievement Testfor College English (New Edition)大学英语(全新版)1级学业测试题Band 1(2010. 11)Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press上海外语教育出版社ISFLEP CollegeEnglish (New Edirion) AchievemenrTesr (BandJII. Li s tenin g C om p rehension (20 %)Section ADirectio1S: In this sec tio n, you will hear l

2、 O sho11 co nversatio1S. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both tl1e conversation and the qttestion will be spoken o 儿 ly once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices nwked A), B), C) 皿d D), and decide

3、which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single line tl1rough the centerExample: You will hea r:M: Is it possi ble for you to work late, Miss Grey?W: Work late? I suppose so, if you really th昢its necessaiyQ: Where do you thiilk this conversation most probably took place?Yo

4、u will read :A) At the office.B) Ill the waiting room.C) At the ai.Jp o1t .D) Ill a restamant.From the conversation we know that the tvo were ta 胆 ng about some work tl1ey had to fmish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at tl1e office. Therefore, A) At the office is the best ans

5、wer. You should choose A and1nark it with a single line through the cente工I. A. The man.B. The wo1nan.2. A. She didt1t have a notebookC.Carol.D. None of tl1em.B. She allowed the man to look at her notebook.C. She wanted to look at the m扣1s notebookD. She would mind正tl1eman looked at her notebook.3.

6、A. At a ba1lk.B. At a music store.C. At a restaurant.D. At a libra1y.4. A. He wants to see a f山i n.B. He wams to 虹ow the way to tl1e cinenia.C. He has no defmite idea.D. He wams to know somet皿g about the cinema5. A. December.B. September.C. Febma1y.D. May.6. A. The lee血 e is fu1my.B. The lecn1reis u

7、se比l.C. She doesnt like the lecnu-e.D . S h e d idn t a ttendthe lecrure7. A. Take a walk.B. Prepare a meal.C. Go shopping.D. Visit a 扣end.8. A. Yes, you must take a bus or a taxi to get there.B. No, it is within wa胆 ng 小stance.C. No, but you d better not walk there.D. Yes, you can never get there o

8、n foot.9. A. Shell go to see a doctorC. Shell stay at home.10. A He doesnt la1ow how to playgolfC. He has no favorite spo1tB. Shell bathe in the sll1.D. S he ll have her house repairedB. He loves many spo邓D. He likes to play golfSection BDirectio1S: lil th is sect io n, you will hear 3 sho1t passage

9、s. At the end of each passage, you will hea1 some questio 儿 s. Both the passage and tl1e questio11S will be spoken 01tly once. After you2外教社中 大字英语( 全 新 版 ) 1 级 字业 测 试herua question, you must choose the best ruiswerfrom the four choices111arkedA), B),C) and D). Then niark the corresponding letter wit

10、h a single line tluough the center.Pass age OneQuestions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have jus t heard.I I. To their home.B. To the market .C. To their field.D. To the other side of the tOIl.12. A. To put the soil Oil the do咄 ey.B. To give the do咄 ey a restC. To ride the do咄 ey togetl1er.D.

11、 To ask their lleighbor for help.13. A. The old lll311 and his son were walking to tl1e riverB. The old111a11 and his son were canying the do咄 ey.C. The old111a11 and his son were wa胆ng in tl1e towllD. The old11:ian and his son were riding their do1lkey.14. A. Its impossible to please eve1yone.B. Be

12、 good to yotlf parenstC. Do it yollselfD. Dont tn1st too many people.Passage TwoQuestions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have jus t heard.15. A. Several weeks ago in a street.B. A few months ago on a highway.C. Several years ago in a courthouse.16. A. The police officer gave his a spee血 g tic

13、ketC. The police officer asked him for money.17. A. He must le扛 n to stay away from the police.C. He must ny his best to avoid prulislunent.D. A few days ago at a police station.B. The police officer arrested him.D. The police officer took him to the station.B. He must take care not to 山ivetoo fast.

14、D. He must1nake every effo1t todefend hiinselfPassa ge T h reeQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have jus t heard.18. A. Twenty.B. Twenty-lvo.C. Twenty-tluee.D. Twenty-five.19. A. I11 Japru1.B. Ill a small town near tl1e sea.C. I11A ust ralia.D. Ill his wifes town20. A. He tl1ougl1t he

15、was still on the ship.B. He was 山eamingC. He had a nightnirue.D. He was ve1y happy to be at home.II. R ea ding Com p rehension (30% )Directio1is: There 江 e 4 passages in this prut. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,

16、B, C and D. Choose the best ruiswer to each question.Passage OneMarek was a farmer who lived in a village far away. One day he becrune ve1y ill and everyone thought he would die. They sent for a doctor, who arrived tvo days later and exrunined the sick man. The doctor asked for a pen and some paper

17、to write d011 the name of the me小cine, but tl1ere was no pen or paper in the village, because no one could read or write.The doctor picked up a piece of burnt wood from the fire. He wrote the name of tl1e medicineon tl1e door of 小e house. Get this medicine for hi.in, he s aid , “ 狐 d he 叭 II soon ge

18、t bett.er.3SFLEP CollegeEnglish (New Editio)nAchievement Test(Band JIMaiek s family and 如 ends did not know what to do. TI1ey could not read the sir 扭 ge Vliting Then the village baker had ru1 idea. He took off the door of the house, put it on his cart, and 山 ove to the neruest town. He bought the m

19、e 小 cine, and Marek was soon well again. He would not let anyone wash the magic words from the door.21. . What was the educational backgro皿 d of tl1e people in the village?A. They were poorly educated.B. They were well educated.C. They couldnt read and write.D. They could only Vlite their o叨 1 names

20、22. On what did the doctor write the name of the medicine?A. Floor.B. A piece of bmnt wood.C. A piece of paper.D. The door of the house23. What was it tliat made Marek well again?A. The bread bake by the baker.B. The medicine prescribed by the doctor.C. A piece of burnt wood.D. The niagic of the wor

21、ds.24. What is the meaning ofsent fo1 in tl1e fitSt p aiagraph?A. They sent somebody to fetch a doctor for the frumer. B. They sent somebody to see the doctor.C. They sent somebody to accompany the doctor home.D. They sent the fru1ner to see a doctor.25. Why would not the farmer let anyone wash the

22、words written by the doctor?A. He liked tl1e beaut心I hand writing ve1y much.B. He believed that ti比 1nagic words would save him when he fell ill again.C. The doctors presc1iption saved his lifeD. The farmer wanted to Jerun th e words.Passage TwoOverhead bridges rue foru1d in n皿 y parts of Singapore(

23、新加坡,)es pecially in places where traffic is ve1y heavy and crossing the road is d皿gerousThe pmpose of these bridges is to enable pedestria1S(行人)to cross roads safely. Overhead 如 dges rue used in very much tl1e same way as zebra crossings. They a 比 more efficient although less convenient because peop

24、le have to climb up a long flight of steps. This is inconvenient especially to older people. When pedestrians use 皿 overhead bridge, they do not hold up traffic. However, when they cross a busy road using a zebra crossing, u-affic is held up. This is why the govenunent has built 1nany overhead bridg

25、es to help pedestrians 皿 d to keep traffic moving at the same time.The goverrunent of Singapore has spent large sunts of money building tl1ese bridges. For theirown safety pedestrians should be encouraged to use them i.its tead o f ris 血 g their lives by dashii1g across the road. Old people, however

26、, 1nay find it a little difficult cliinbii1g up and down the steps, but it is still much safer than walking across ti比 road witl1all the da八ger of movii1g tra fficOverhead bridges serve a ve1y usefol purpose. Pedestria1S, both old and young, should m吐e it a habit to use them. This will prevent UJUle

27、cessary acc ide nts and loss of life.26. What is the advantage of overhead bridges mentioned in this passage?A. Taller vehicle can pass under them.B. Pedestrians can climb up and have a view of the city.4外教社中 大字英语( 全新 版 ) 1 级 字业 测 试C . T heyd o n t hold up11affic and are safe r fo r pedestriru1SD. T

28、hey are eas比1皿 d more convenient for the pedestrians.27. Why were overhead bridges built in Singapore by its govenuuent?A. Because they do not hold up traffic.B. Because they provide an easy way for the drivers to cross the road.C. Because they save money for the govenunentD. Because they save time

29、for the pedestria11S28 . Wh ich o f the fo llo wing is 血 e according to this passage?A. Overhead bridges rue found in places where uaffic is heavyB. Overhead bridges are found in eve1y prut of Singapore.C. Overhead bridges are found in 11 血 1y pruts of tl1e big cities in the worldD. Overhead bridges

30、 rue on l y found in the capital Singapore.29. T11e expression zebra crossings in pruagi-aph 2 means A. a safe place where pedestlia11S use to walk across a roadB. a big aninial covered with alternating black and white stripes in AfricaC. a safe place where zebras walk 江oundD. a safe place across a

31、road for chil山en to play a game30. hat is the VIiter s attit1.1d e towruds ove rhead b1idges?A. It is inconvenient to older people to walk across the road.B. It is much safer thougl1 a little 中 fficult climbing up 皿 d down the steps for pedestlia11S C . Overhead bridges rue more beautiful than zebra

32、 crossingsD. To build overhead bridges is the order of the gove1runent.Passa ge T hreeCrus rue an impo1tant part of life in the United States. Without a cru mos t people feel that they扛 e poor. All even 正a person is poo r he doesn t fee l really poor when he has a carHe1uy Ford was the n泣n who first

33、 started making cars in 佃ge nmnbers. He probably didnt 虹ow how much tl1e car was going to affect 心nerican culture. The car niade the Unite States a nation on wheels. 扭 d it helped make the United States what it is today.There are tltree niain reasons the car becrune so popular in the United States.

34、First of all, the counuy is a huge one and 心 nericans like to move around in it. The car provides the most comfortable 皿 d cheapest form of tra1Spo1ta tion . With a car people can go any place without spen如ng a lot of money.The seco 儿 d reason cars are popular is the fact that the United States neve

35、r really developed an efficient 皿 d inexpensive form of public trru1Spo1t a tio 11. Lo ng 心 s tance tra ii1S have never been as conunon in the United States as they are in otl1er pruts of the world. Nowadays, the 比 is a good system of aii-se1ivce provided by pl 皿 es. But it is too expe1Sive to be us

36、ed frequentlyThe tllird reason is the most important one, though. The Alnerican spirit of independence is what really 1nade cars popular 心 neric 扭 s dont like to wait for a bus or a II 沺 in or even a plane. They dont like to have to follow ai1exact schedule. A c 扛 gives them the freedom to schedule

37、their own tune. 纽 d tllis is the freedom that 心11eric ru1S w 皿 t most to have.The gas shortage has caused a big problem for 心11eric ru1S. But the answer will not be a bigger system of public transportation. The real solution will have to be a new kind of car, one that does not use so much gas.5SFLEP

38、 CollegeEnglish (New Editio)nAchievement Test(BandJI3 I. When do most 心nericans feel they rue poor?A. When they dont have a car.B. When they live in a huge count1y.C. When they dont use pl皿 es.D. When they have a c扛32. Why do cars become popular in the United States?A. The United States is huge.B. P

39、ublic tra11Spo1tation is not so good. C釭 nericatlS like to be independent.D. Americans I止e to move around.33. What public transportation is good in the United States?A. Buses.B. Trains.C. Taxis.D. Planes.34. What has caused a big problem for 心nericans?A. A new血nd of car.B. Public transportation.C. T

40、he gas shottage.D. Poor people.35. Which of the following is not mentioned according to this passage?A. Cars have made the nation on wheels.B. Cars have made the United States have a gas shortage.C. Nearly 80% of the 心nerican people have carsD. Cars have made心 nerican independen.tPassage FourOne of

41、the favorite baseball players in the United States dllling the 1930s was Leo Frangio He was born and raised in New York City. As a boy, he was often ii江 ouble with school authorities. He and his friends used to stay away from school to play baseball.He dropped out of high school to begii1 playii1g p

42、rofess ional ball. In 1931, as a roo灿e(新手)with the New York Cru1aries, Leo hit 38 home 1ut1(s 本垒打)For the next five years he hit 40 to 45 home1ut1s a year . IIl 1936 he had his best year, hittmg 54 home rn1is with a 365 battii1g average.Leo was a hero to people eve1平1here , bu t it was the children

43、that he felt closest to. He加 quently visited hospitals to talk with sick 啦 ldren. He never got married so he always spent Cluistn1asday with ch诅 ren who didnt have any parents. T11e chi 陆 en liked hiin as much as Santa Claus.In 1937 Leo liad a bad year. After he hit 52 home rnns again in 1938, the C

44、扣1ariesdecided to trade hiin. Talks were beii1g held with the Blue Biids 皿 the Robii1s when Leo said that he was goii1g to retiie. He sa id he would never play for a team other than the Can扛 ies.After leavii1g baseball Leo I即 d several different jobs. First he had aob as PR (public relatio1i)sman fo

45、r a spo1fing goods company He didnt enjoy tl1e work, though, 祖 d he quit after one ye打 Then he tried wo1血 g as a spo1ts writer. Since he was not such a good writer, however, he soon gave that up, too.Firially ir1 1940, he began wor血 g as a radio aru10uncer for baseball grunes . He became very popula

46、r because he niade the grune sound so exciting. During the next fifteen years he added much to tl1e language of baseball. But as TV became more and more popular Leo decided to quit a1mouncin.gHe moved back to New York where he is still active ir1 teach ir1g child 氏 11 to play baseball.36. Which team

47、 did Leo play for?A. The Canaries.B. The Robins.C. The Orioles.37. hen was 压os best year as a player?D. The Blue Birds.6外教社令 大字英语( 全新 版 ) 1 级 字业测 试A.19 38 .B . 193 6 .C . 1931.D. 1937.38. What job 小d Leo have tl1e longest?A. Playing baseball.C. Aru1ounci11g 011 tl1e ra dio .39 . Why 小 d Leo qui t a1mouncing?B. Wor血 g as a PR n皿D. Wor血 g as a spo11s wr iter.A. Because he was going to be traded.C. Because he went back to New York.B. B eca use he


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