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1、顾客管理-企业的目的是要创造顾客Peter Drucker says, “because its purpose is to create a customer, the business has two-and only two functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation create value, all the rest are costs.”彼得.杜拉克指出:“企业的目的是要创造顾客,所以它只有两个职能:营销和创新。营销和创新创造价值,而其他所有的都只是成本。”Chapter 1 The principle

2、 of MarketingTeaching objectivesl Define the term marketingl Describe five marketing management philosophiesl Discuss the differences between selling and marketing conceptl Grasp the marketing management processProfessional terms marketing 市场营销 seller 卖者 product 产品 service 服务 selling 推销 human needs

3、人类需要 relationship 关系 individual 个人 organization 组织 target markets 目标市场 production concept 生产观念 selling concept 推销观念 societal marketing concept社会市场营销观念market 市场 buyer 买者 exchange 交换 potential buyer 潜在消费者 advertising 广告 sale 销售 stiff competition 激烈的竞争 profit 利润 groups 团体 credit 信誉,信用 marketing activit

4、ies营销活动 product concept 产品观念 marketing concept 营销观念 Precase 福特的T型车20世纪初,汽车是由技术工人手工打造而成的,成本较高,因而价格难以下降,汽车成了地位的象征,拥有汽车只是少数人的特权。福特的贡献在于他把汽车变成了普通商品。美国福特汽车公司是1903年由亨利福特与詹姆斯卡曾斯、道奇兄弟等创办,由福特任总经理。1903年到1908年之间,亨利.福特和他的工程师们研制了19款不同的汽车,并按字母顺序将它们命名为A型车到S型车,其中有一些只是试验性车型,从未向公众推出。有的有两个或四个气缸,甚至六个气缸;有的使用链式传动装置,有的则是轮





9、要作用。(2)营销理念的类型有哪些?现代企业应树立怎样的营销理念?1.1 The development of marketing1.1.1 Market1.1.1.1 Whats Market?Originally the term market stood for the place where buyers and sellers gathered to exchange their goods. Economists use the term to refer to a collection of buyers and sellers who transact in a particu

10、lar product class. In the marketing terms, a market can be defined as the set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or service. This definition suggests that a market is the total value and/or volume of products that satisfy the same customer need. Knowledgesl 从市场的本义看,市场是商品交换的场所。l 从市场的性质看,

11、市场是一切商品交换活动和交换关系的总和。l 从市场营销学的角度看,市场是一种商品和劳务的所有现实的和潜在的消费者需求的总和。For example, if the customer need is “eat breakfast”, then the relevant market could be defined as the “Breakfast Food Market”. Many products would be relevant to measuring and analyzing such a market:- Breakfast Cereals- Nutrition Bars-

12、Porridge / Oats- Speciality Breads (e.g. croissants)- Fast-food Outlets serving breakfastRelevant LinksChinese consumer goods market to rank second behind U.S. by 2015China will overtake Japan, Germany, Britain and Italy to become the worlds second biggest consumer goods market behind the United Sta

13、tes by 2015, according to the findings of a survey by Credit Suisse, one of the worlds leading investment banks. The Swiss-based bank estimates that Chinese consumption will account for 14.1 percent of the total consumption among major economies in 2015, while the U.S. consumption will account for 3

14、7.7 percent. (Source: The component of marketThe size of a market depends on the number of people who exhibit the need, have resources to engage in exchange, and are willing to exchange these resources for what they want. There are two types of customers that engage in business exchanges. Fi

15、rst there are organizational buyers, who purchases goods and services for business, government agencies, and other institutions, such as hospitals and schools. Organizational buyers purchase goods and services to run their own companies or to sell them to other organizations or consumers. Second, th

16、ere are ultimate consumers, who use the goods and services purchased for a household. Figure 1.1 shows a simple marketing system.InformationCommunicationProducts/servicesMoneyIndustry(a collection of sellers)Market(a collection of buyers)Figure 1.1 A simple marketing system(source:philip Kotler,Prin

17、ciples of Marketing, Fiwancial Times Prentice Hall,2002,P.23)Knowledgesl 市场的大小取决于人口、购买力和购买意向。l 消费者可分为组织消费者和个人消费者两种类型。l 消费者是买方,构成了市场,企业是卖方,构成了行业。 The classification of marketThe company needs to study five types of customer markets closely. Consumer markets consist of individuals and household

18、s that buy goods and services for personal consumption. Business markets buy goods and services for further processing or for use in their production process, whereas reseller markets buy goods and services to resell at a profit. Government markets are made up of government agencies that buy goods a

19、nd services to produce public services or transfer the goods and services to others who need them. Finally, international markets consist of these buyers in other countries, including consumers, producers, resellers, and governments. Each market type has special characteristics that call for careful

20、 study by the seller. Knowledgesl 消费者市场是指购买产品或服务用于个人和家庭消费的社会最终消费者群体。l 生产者市场是指购买或租赁产业用品以进行营利性生产的购买群体。l 转卖市场是指那些采购商品再转卖以获利润的个人或组织,主要包括批发商、零售商、经销商或代理商。l 政府市场是指政府各级机关、各类社会团体及其他各种非盈利性机构所组成的市场。其购买目的是为了保证这些非盈利性机构的正常运转。l 国际市场是指由他国买者所构成的群体。1.1.2 Marketing What does the term marketing really mean?Many

21、 people think of marketing only as advertising and selling. Given the number of commercials on television, in magazines and newspapers and all the signs and offers in and around the shops, this is not surprising. However, advertising and selling are only two of several marketing functions, and not n

22、ecessarily the most important ones. The most basic concept underlying marketing is that of human needs. Marketing has become a key factor in the success of businesses. Todays companies face stiff competition and the companies which can best satisfy customer needs are those which will survive and mak

23、e the largest profits.There are many different definitions of marketing. Consider some of the following alternative definitions:“The all-embracing function that links the business with customer needs and wants in order to get the right product to the right place at the right time”“The achievement of

24、 corporate goals through meeting and exceeding customer needs better than the competition”“The management process that identifies, anticipates and supplies customer requirements efficiently and profitably”“Marketing may be defined as a set of human activities directed at facilitating and consummatin

25、g exchanges”Which definition is right? In short, they all are. Marketing has two facets. First, it is a philosophy, and attitude, a perspective, or a management orientation that stresses customer satisfaction. Second, marketing is a set of activities used to implement this philosophy. Marketing can

26、thus be defined as any human activity which is directed at satisfying needs and wants by creating and exchanging goods and value with others.Knowledgesl 市场营销可定义为通过创造产品与价值并与他人交换,旨在满足人们需要的一切人类活动。l 市场营销的核心概念是交换。l 市场营销的核心是满足顾客需要。 The main concepts of marketingThe most basic concept underlying mar

27、keting is that of human needs. Human needs are states of felt deprivation. They include basic physical needs for food, clothing, warmth, and safety; social needs for belonging and affection; and individual needs for knowledge and self-expression. These needs were not created by marketers; they are a

28、 basic part of the human makeup. Wants are the form human needs take as they are shaped by culture and individual personality, it include specific goods and services to satisfy needs, as well as additional goods and services that go beyond survival. When backed by buying power, wants become demands.

29、 Given their wants and resources, people demand products with benefits that add up to the most value and satisfaction.Customer value is the difference between the values the customer gains from owning and using a product and the costs of obtaining the product. Customers form expectations about the v

30、alue of various marketing offers and buy accordingly. How do buyers form their expectations? Customer expectations are based on past buying experiences, the opinions of friends, and marketer and competitor information and promises. Customer satisfaction is the feeling that a product has met or excee

31、ded the customers expectations. Customer satisfaction is a key influence on future buying behavior. Satisfied customers buy again and tell others about their good experiences. Dissatisfied customers often switch to competitors and disparage the product to others. Customer value and customer satisfac

32、tion are key building blocks for developing and managing customer relationships.Relevant Links什么叫顾客的需要?所谓顾客的需要(市场的需要):首先是我们的产品能不能满足顾客的需要。产品包括服务。世界有10亿穆斯林教徒,日本研制生产了“穆斯林表”,能换算125个国家与麦加圣地的时间变换。这就是满足顾客的需要。第二就是产品的价格能不能被顾客所接受。首先要了解顾客的支付意愿,进而企业要进行成本控制与成本核算,以满足这个定价需要。现在要求的是事前的成本控制,而不是事后的成本核算。只有这样,才能满足顾客的需要。


34、的实现过程是一种动态平衡的过程。在顾客价值实现过程中,企业利益与顾客利益得到完美的统一:顾客的需求得到满足,企业得以生存发展。科特勒在营销管理一书中提出了几个不同的价值概念。他认为,“顾客让渡价值(customer delivered value)是指总顾客价值与总顾客成本之差。总顾客价值(total customer value)就是顾客期望从某一特定产品或服务中获得的一组利益。而总顾客成本(total customer cost)是在评估、获得和使用该产品或服务时引起的顾客的预计费用。”其中,总顾客价值包括了产品价值、服务价值、人员价值和形象价值四个方面;总顾客成本则包括了货币价值、时间成

35、本、精力成本和体力成本等四个方面。产品价值服务价值人员价值形象价值货币价格时间成本精力成本体力成本总顾客成本总顾客价值顾客让渡价值Figure 1.2 顾客让渡价值的决定因素Marketing consists of individual and organizational activities that facilitate and expedite satisfying exchange relationships in a dynamic environment through the creation, distribution, promotion and pricing of g

36、oods, services and ideas. Exchange is the key term in the definition of marketing. It means that people give up something to receive something they would rather have. For an exchange to take place, five conditions must exist: there must be at least two parties. Each party must have something that mi

37、ght be of value to the other party. Each party must be able to communicate with the other party and deliver the goods or services sought by the other trading party. Each party must be free to accept or reject the exchange offer. Each party must want to deal with the other party.Knowledges交换的发生至少要具备五

38、个条件:l 一是至少要有两方以上参与;l 每一方都有对方认为有价值的东西;l 每一方都能进行信息交流和交换物品的传递;l 交换是自愿的;l 每一方都有交换的意愿。 Case1.1英雄辉煌的纪录 2004年英雄创造了有史以来中国电影市场最成功的票房,上市20天就创下了超过2亿元的票房,而本年度风靡全球的哈利波特,在中国创下的票房仅为6300万元。让英雄成功的,不是由于电影的精彩,而是由于营销策划、市场推广的创新。英雄组成了阵容强大的明星剧组,早在2001年初,新画面公司就开始借助团队的明星效应,持续制造新闻。在媒体的支持下,这些“新闻广告”高强度持续进行了两年时间,终于让大量中国人按捺不住,走进

39、影院观看这个中国有史以来营销最成功的电影。 How Do Consumers Benefit?Marketing creates utility, the benefits or customer value received by users of the product. This utility is the result of the marketing exchange process. There are four different utilities: form, place, time, and possession. The production of th

40、e good or service constitutes form utility. Place utility means having the offering available where consumers need it, whereas time utility means having it available when needed. Possession utility is the value of making an item easy to purchase through the provision of credit cards or financial arr

41、angements. Marketing creates its utilities by bridging space(space utility) and hours(time utility)to provide products(form utility) for consumers to own and use (possession utility). Reading aroundMarketing is changing to meet the changing world. Marketing remains the business activity that identif

42、ies an organizations customer needs and wants. Marketing determines which target markets a company can serve best, and marketing helps the design of appropriate products, services and programmes to serve these markets. However, marketing is much more than an isolated business function; it is a philo

43、sophy that guides the entire organization. The goal of marketing is to create customer satisfaction profitably by building valued relationships with customers. Marketers cannot accomplish this goal by themselves. They must work closely with other people in their company and with other organizations

44、in their value chain, to provide superior value to customers. Thus marketing calls upon everyone in the organization to “think customer” and to do all that they can to help create and deliver superior customer value and satisfaction. As professor Stephen Burnett says, In a truly great marketing orga

45、nization, you cant tell whos in the marketing department. Everyone in the organization has to make decisions based on the impact on the consumer.1.2 Marketing ManagementCase1.2他她水:赢在“男女有别”在饮料行业,口味、成分、年龄、功能等纵向产品细分标准早已被众厂家用滥,从成人饮料到儿童饮料,从功能饮料到情绪饮料,想在这些细分市场中出奇已经不可能,但从没有人把饮料的消费人群做一个二元切割,而在这个极度追求个性和差异化的时代

46、,为了适应男女个性、生活习惯、身体健康的需求,就贴上男女标签。“我们能否横切市场一刀,把我们的饮料也分出男女呢?”周子琰说。2004年3月,“他她营养水”正式推向市场,其独特的创意立刻成为焦点,好评如潮,一周内产品订货量超过2亿元,并在3个月内创下了6亿元的订货量新高。名称的威力他她水名称的诞生过程非常艰难。“男士饮料、女士饮料”、“帅哥饮料、美女饮料”站在第三者的立场,什么东西能够简单直接地概括男女,又不显得俗气呢? “他”、“她”是两个名字,在注册产品名时怎么办?两者如何联系?最后从50个名字中确定了“他、她”这两个品牌名称。“他、她”,为目标顾客群-心理年龄在1835岁的消费者留下了充分

47、的联想余地,避免因名称的某种特质而拒绝了另一类人群;产品本身是一种营养素水,和-既体现了产品男加体力女减体重的特质,又暗合产品的性别属性,使男女要喝不同的营养素水的产品诉求得到很好的体现,含有肌醇、牛磺酸,能为男人及时补充活力的他+和含有芦荟和膳食纤维,能帮助女人减肥,保持秀美靓丽的她-共同构成了他她营养素水概念。在对产品名称感到新鲜而产生首次尝试后,又给了消费者重复消费的理由,借功能性饮料奠定的市场教育基础,进一步将消费者保健的愿望落到实处。贩卖浪漫他她水个性化的品牌创意,打动了那些好奇心理很强,愿意做时尚弄潮儿,同时特别具有浪漫气息的消费者。既然分出了男女,就要把这种感觉做到极致。在推广和宣传上,他她水营销团队的手法更是令人眼花缭乱,央视广告、形象代言人、音乐营销、情缘营销,以体验营销为核心,最终都聚焦在浪漫上。他她饮品公司已经投资制作了一系列“她”、 “他”


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