1、摘 要本工程为xxxx有限公司员工宿舍楼,位于苏州,建筑面积5387平方米,框架结构,土质为中软土,采用预应力管桩基础。本施工图预算采用定额计价法,工程量计算采用现行工程量计算规则。工程主要项目:土石方及基础工程、钢筋混凝土工程、模版工程、脚手架工程、砌筑工程、门窗工程、楼地面工程、屋面防水及保温隔热工程、装饰工程等.各项工程项目套用湖南省统一基价表相应的定额得出工程直接费,再用工程直接费乘以相应的费率,最后累加得出工程总造价,最后编制工程预算书。关键词:框架结构;定额计价法;工程量ABSTRACTWorks for the group of qunyao Industrial Co., Lt
2、d staff quarters building, located in Suzhou, construction area of 5387 square meters, the framework of the structure of soil for the soft soil, the use of pre-stressed pipe pile foundation. Construction budget for the use of fixed pricing method, in terms of engineering projects in terms of the cur
3、rent rules. The works mainly comprise the project: earthwork and foundation engineering, reinforced concrete works, the template works, scaffolding works, masonry works, doors and windows works, floor, ground works, roofing and insulation projects, decorating projects, Projects to apply the unified base of Hunan Province Table works to draw the fixed direct costs, direct project costs and then multiplied by the corresponding rate, the final cumulative cost of projects come to the final preparation of project budgets.Keywords: frame structure; fixed pricing method;quantity