1、Part 1:Introduction and strategyWhat is purchasingStrategic purchasingOrganization and structure of supplyPurchasing proceduresPart 2:Strategy,tactics and operations(1):):purchasing factorsStandard and management of qualityrelationshipBuying at the right priceSupply organization and supplier managem
2、ent,supplier relationships(2)Part 3:Strategy,tactics and operations(2):):Contrasting approaches to purchasingContrasting approaches to supply(2)Buying from overseasPart 4:Strategy,tactics and operations(3):):logisticsStoring of supply goods,materials transportationPart 5:Strategy,tactics and operati
3、ons(4):):supply tools,supplier relationships and performancenegotiationSupply toolsPurchasing research,performance and ethicsChapter7BuyingattherightpricenPrice is defined as the value of a commodity/service measured in terms of the standard monetary unit(货币单位货币单位).nIn turn,price could influence the
4、 supply and demand;Demand and supply can influence the price.nThe relationship between price and demand:the rise or fall of price influences the demand.1)If a slight change in the price could cause a dramatic change in demand,the demand is a elastic demand.2)If a dramatic change in the price could c
5、ause a slight change in demand,the demand is inelastic.n1 There are few or no substitutes or competitors.n2 There is a buyer inertiathat is,buyers are slow to change their buying habits and search for alternative source of lower prices.n3 Buyer do not or fail to challenge the higher price.nIfdemandi
6、selastic,whensuppliersreducestheirpieceasalowerprice,ntheirrevenuewillincreaseordecrease?n1.Give 3 examples of household commodities for which demand is elastic and 3 of those for which demand is inelastic.n 2.Give 3 examples of commodities for manufacturing which demand is elastic and 3 of those fo
7、r which demand is inelastic.nIfdemandiselastic,supplierswillconsiderreducingtheirpieceasalowerpricewillresultinenhancedrevenue:DiscussionquestionsWhichofthefollowingstatementsaretrue?municateinformationnb.determinesupplync.measurescarcitynd.provideincentivesn1.The item dealt in must be homogeneous(同
8、同质的质的)so that buyers are indifferent regarding sellers from whom they make their purchasesthere is an absence of trade or proprietary name,for example.n2.The item must be easily transportable.n3.There must be many buyers and sellers so that the former cannot artificially restrict demand or the latte
9、r supply.n4.There should be an absence of referential treatment(优惠政策优惠政策)of or discrimination (歧视性待遇)(歧视性待遇)against any buyers and sellers.n5.Easy communication must exist between buyers and sellers.nMonopoly(垄断)(垄断):No entry nOligopoly(多寡头垄断)(多寡头垄断):Limited entrynMonopolistic competition(垄断下的竞争垄断下的
10、竞争):competition between suppliers.Supplier cannot control price and quantity simultaneously.Intense competition between suppliers.DiscussionquestionsnPage456,12.5(Privatization,民营化,私营化)1979,MargaretThatcherAnimportantaspectofpurchasingisthenegotiationofthepricetobepaidtothesupplier.nSuppliers condit
11、ions in pricing agreements.n2 pricing models.4.1Suppliersconsiderationsinpricingagreements:1.General condition:nTheir position in the market,monopoly?nLong-term value of the purchaser,promptness of payment and so onnDemand is elastic(where there are substitutes)or inelastic(where demand is not affec
12、ted by the price?).n2 pricing models(two categories)n1)cost-based models:cost mark-up(cost-plus)pricing model;marginal pricing model;rate of return pricing model.P439n定价模式:成本加价模式;利润空间定价模式;收益率定价2)Market-driven models:nPrice volume model(break even analysis),nMarket share model,(profitability depends
13、on penetration arrived by the supplier)nMarket skimming,nCurrent revenue pricing model(cover operating cost rather than achieve profits)2)Market-driven models:n Promotional model(short term discounts)nMarket segment pricing model(home and abroad,age-stage milk powder)nCompetition pricing model(dynam
14、ic pricing,section 6.9,reverse auction process)nAnassumptionisthatthemarketisprice inelasticandwillbeattractedtotheuniquecharacteristicsoftheinnovation.nBecauseofthehighpriceemployed,theproducttypicallyispositionedtoinnovatorsandearlyadopters.nSkimmingisaparticularlyattractivestrategywhenmarketersfa
15、cehighinvestmentsinresearchanddevelopment,orproductionandothermarketingrelatedstart-upcostsarehigh.Settingahighpricefortheproducthelpsrecoverthesecostsquickly.nA recent example of market skimming is provided by Sonys Digital Mavica Camera(Exhibit 3).Introduced in 1997.nThe camera was priced high,at
16、around eight hundred dollars per unit.This camera is targeted to innovators and early adopters of photographic and computer equipment.nIt was distributed in camera,computer,and electronics specialty stores.The camera was promoted heavily in print and electronic media targeted specifically to initial
17、 adopters.n Little television and radio advertising was employed.Similarly,little use of sales promotions,such as coupons and rebates were used to support the initial launch.4.2Purchaserconsiderationsinpricingagreements:Purchaserwillconsider:nTheriskattachedtothepurchaseandthemethodofpricing.Page441